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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Comments On "Fear Not The Death Of The Dollar" Part 5


Dripfood   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 11:24 AM   Paul, if you self-reflect with all the internal honesty you can muster, haven’t you ever encountered some hints of parasytic behaviour within yourself?

What we see around us is a reflection of our own subconscious behavioeal patterns. So if you see parasytic behaviour around you, it must also be present within.

As soon as have neutralize this internal pattern, you’ve eliminate the external representation of it.

There is NO us and them…. literally.

I guess the nice thing about truth is that it can be found by simply not looking at something else…
Danielbradford  APRIL 26, 2015 AT 1:36 AM “I guess the nice thing about truth is that it can be found by simply not looking at something else…”  So very well stated Drip! I believe I’ll post that on my fridge for a few days:)

Londonsimes   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 1:41 AM  With respect, I think that is taking the idea/concept of the indivisibility of us & them too literally.

For example, just because one is suffering from parasitic others preying on them doesn’t necessarily mean one is parasitic oneself – rather it more likely means one doesn’t yet have sufficient courage or strategy to meet the challenge and deal with it.

Though I believe it can be useful (like the concept of karma) in fostering much better relations through non-conflict type resolution, the idea/concept (& that is what it is) of the indivisibility of ‘us & them’, imo & experience also has a shadow side to it – which is – it can create passivity in a person.

 It is also in conflict with the notion that at some level, there is such a thing as good and evil in the universe – which is not a notion that is easily dismissed.

Dripfood   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 9:57 AM  Londonsimes, in my view and experience everything is an inside job. The right strategy to meet any challege is firstly directed inwards, the courage needed to meet any challenge equals the courage needed to fail.

About good and evil. Where do you think the notion originates? Are you afraid of evil? Why? Are you afraid of pain or other uncomfortable feelings, like people treating you like you would treat a pig or cow when you’re hungry?

Evil is a selfish notion. Usually used by people who demand to be treated with love, kindness or respect, while at the same time doubting themselves because they don’t know who they are.

Yes, that includes me.  I’d suggest we stop being fooled by our own self-denial.

Everything around us is a full and perfect representation of our inner subconscious. That knowing is forever undeniable.

Dottie Derewicz  APRIL 25, 2015 AT 3:22 PM  Brookings on the TPA..TPP… I don’t believe people really understand the importance of the TPA or the TPP. They see it as a loss of jobs, but it could be more devastating without the trade deal.

Roger Parness   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 4:13 PM  Brookings propaganda.  There’s always a great rush to pass corruption without adequate review. Renewing the Patriot Act will have only minor and inconsequential debate as well. If any.

Best government money can buy.  Pesky checks and balances. This whole constitution thingy is so slow and gets in the way of the homeland dictator’s great benevolence.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 7:11 PM Roger I don’t see a lot of propaganda in Brookings article. It points out the fact that there is not unanimous support for TPA.

But it also points out on the global scale if the TPA and TPP doesn’t pass considering trade deal across the globe.. we will be left behind and I agree. I may not like the system, but the facts are the facts. What about the article is propaganda? I would really like to know so that I could verify it.

I do agree with you on the Patriot Act though, it will pass. I don’t think people expected the Patriot Act not to pass. And since when have many in congress considered the constitution.

 The president isn’t the only one that disregards the constitution. I get frustrated when people go on about Obama this and Obama that.. bugs me..he is just the puppet along with how many in congress.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 7:34 PM   I guess TPP could be what one called the good, the bad and the ugly. To be honest..who they heck knows what’s in it. My understanding is that it is 30,000 pages long and no one, even congress has a clue what all is included in the trade deal.

There are supposed constitutional conservatives who are for it and that includes Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and others. Perhaps they see more of the good, than the bad and the ugly, Idk.. And where is the constitution going to go when the North American Union becomes reality?

Roger Parness   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 11:39 PM  With due respect and recognizing you opinion. 

The entire opinion is propaganda. I do not believe TPP does “reflect the highest standards of any trade agreement” nor do I think there is any place for a “fast track” on any trade agreement especially as I understand there is much secrecy in TPP.    Propaganda example:

“Russia’s seizure of Crimea and aggression against Ukraine has dramatically changed the landscape, turning Ukraine into a deadly chess game with few rules.” 

I trust neither the executive puppet nor the puppet congress nor this article’s author.  :)

Mark Stringfellow   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 5:10 PM  JC,  I have read this blog from the beginning, without comment. Being an observer, by nature, and rarely a follower of any one notion or idea produced by another, I have finally decided to add my observation of your point of view to the mix.

Running through your very informative narrative runs a perception on your part of systems continuing to function as they always have and are therefore, natural evolutionary forces.

 For the most part, I would have to agree with your assessment.

However, I am also at a loss to grasp a certain intuitive impression I often receive as to whether you are in favor of the coming systematic changes or just merely reporting your observations and opinions dispassionately.

It is neither here nor there, because the information in well thought out and always a calmer port in the choppy waters and froth of clamoring internet commentary.

Which brings me to an observation I’d like your input on. Because, even though I grasp much of what you point out, it still seems heavily reliant upon a natural evolutionary flow, however guided by those behind the scenes.

I can’t help but point out that in every equation, there has to be an accounting for the random element.

In this case, the apparent psychopathy of the those in control of the dying financial structure that has held the apex of power for such a relatively short time.

The behavior of the banking sector of the west and the governments they control is reminiscent the madness that infected the Reich during it’s final collapse.

The American leadership seems to only lash out militarily at those who would resist western hegemony. Fomenting revolutions of whatever color, stripping those countries of assets, crushing them with IMF debt(like Ukraine), and systematically robbing them of their natural resources.

Quite simply, it is as if we are watching another installment of the Godfather on a global scale using The Art of War as a script and business model. It’s insane!

The Americans have become the random element in the equation. Wall Street has become mad with AI algorithms to the point where no prudent investor would set foot there. I know this is but the dying throes of what was, but, they have the potential to do great harm as they fight the good fight, so to speak.

I have no problem with your model and the flow of events. Although, having the IMF and the other alphabet organizations still in place, leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Perhaps this is also but a transition into something better, because, it is still lipstick on a pig. I just wonder about the random element that can’t be accounted for. Perhaps you can see my ventures into Chaos Theory, but, I do believe it is a valid observation. Any thoughts?

Usernameisfake   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 5:43 AM  Hi JC,   thanks for your reply to my post. Correct me if I’ve misunderstood you, but what you are basically saying is that the reason nothing changes and we keep endlessly repeating ourselves as a species, is because we’re always trying to change the external system ie;”what’s out there”, rather than dealing with our own internal flaws and character deficiencies, which is the real problem for humanity. If so, then I would have to agree 100% with you.

Ok so the reason why nothing changes and we just keep repeating history and endlessly replace one set of tyrants with another, is because of human nature, (which you say never changes). So why is that?

What is it about human nature that inhibits our ability to evolve into a more enlightened, less selfish and destructive species?

You say its our lack of self-reflection. So what is it that we are refusing to see about ourselves? Is it because we see each other as separate, individual beings in constant competition with each other for everything?

If we have been lead to believe that we have to fight each other for “scarce resources” that would perhaps help explain the constant “me vs you” and “us vs them” battle for survival?

So is it actually FEAR that really motivates and imprisons us? Greed is just fear, when its comes down to it. But fear of what exactly?

All the great philosophers have said in effect that “we are all one”. All from the one life force or cosmic energy source and that our perception of separateness, is just an illusion in our minds.

Some even say there is no death (other than body death) and that our minds and souls are immortal and we constantly re-incarnate on this planet and have many lives here before we learn all life’s lessons and finally evolve beyond this dimension.

So why do we continue to cling to this illusion of separateness? Is it fear of death and that we will not have enough to survive? That we will cease to exist all together?

There is obviously some mind program running through our heads that blinds us to other potential realities and instead has us believe that this version of reality that we currently call “western civilisation” is the only feasible reality.

If so, where does this come from? Is it all social conditioning?

Is it in fact our belief systems that are installed from birth onwards and reinforced on a daily basis by our religious and education systems and the mainstream media, etc?

You can probably see where I’m going with this by now?

If the self reflection problem humanity faces is actually a mind control program, then who or what, installed this program and causes us to think in this mentally rigid way?

If you’re interested, Wes Penre at  has some pretty interesting ideas on the subject.    Regards  Paul

Daneackerman   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 5:49 PM  Lol. You make me laugh with this one:) Perhaps to be able to take accountability for being a part of the problem instead of looking outward for something to blame.

Sure there is engineered conditioning but we even condition ourselves through closing our minds and viewing things from only limited perspectives. In this way we mislead ourselves thus cheating our selves of the totality of each experience.

Try to also see the good in things not just the bad. Eventually the good will overtake your thoughts and your life will transform.

Afestivus   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 9:10 AM   JC, et al.  Here’s a bouncy blues tune from the “70s” about movin on.  James 

 Jefferson Airplane - Third Week In The Chelsea

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 1:02 PM  Roger i respect all opinions that are fact based. i am not saying I agree with everything the article says or the opinion based part of it.

I pull out what I believe to be truth if possible. It is true that many are not for TPP, but just as JC has said it will pass. There are trade agreements across the globe that probably just as ambiguous as this one and probably contain lots of not so good language.

 But having said that..that is true of just about everything passed through congress.With TPP I doubt that anyone has any idea exactly what is in it except those who put it together.

 The architecture of the TPP was probably devised that way so many won’t know. This is about the corporate world; I just know that it is a global economy now whether anyone likes it or not.

We can’t go backward at this point and as I have said isn’t..we the people when it comes to these decisions anyway. It is secret like you said, so we the people aren’t suppose to know what is in it. We I suppose by their minds are too stupid to understand it. lol

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 1:34 PM   Roger this is from New American.. an older video, Rand Paul giving a thumbs up for TPP and of course as I said Ted Cruz in on board as well along with other conservatives..not that it matters who is for it or against it at this point. It will pass anyway.

Cramley    APRIL 26, 2015 AT 4:19 PM  Take heart, fellow metalbugs. The following interview in its entirety is great, but I’ve got queued at the meaty part. And this is coming from not exactly the typical knuckle-dragging, drooling goldbug, but a well-respected fund manager.


cramley   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 7:06 PM

It had not occurred to me that that the ruckus in Brazil might be a color revolution.

“Instead all Washington has to offer is the silly Trans-Pacific Partnership for US-friendly free trade deals that would allow Monsanto and other US corporations to override Asian national laws in pursuit of profit”

China’s going to be knocking heads together behind closed doors.
Norman Ball  APRIL 26, 2015 AT 7:12 PM  Fast track is fascism with a veneer of efficiency thrown in as a sweetener. Mussolini made the trains run on time. If you could get by capital punishment for political opponents and the suspension of local elections, things worked swimmingly.

We already know democracy is slow, messy and riddled with compromise. TPP promises to save us from all that. The PTB have decided that, more than being simply messy, democracy is downright unworkable and counterproductive to their desired trajectory.

Like many, I struggle with a variety of continua and ‘where to draw the line': intentionality, degrees of control, conspiracy versus randomness, a Master Plan versus dumb luck and opportunism.

I’ve reached a truce of sorts in my own mind. There is the anatomy of conspiracy, let’s call it an ‘effective conspiracy’ necessitated by the power of numbers and the rule of 72. 

It hardly matters what surnames are strapped to the cone of the rocket. Accident of birth opens all the doors that ‘count’.

 Call it a conspiracy powered by randomness and the neat discovering by some tiny few that, before cutting a tooth, they’re already planted atop unassailable mountains of wealth. 

So we’re miles away from a meritocracy. No problem. Money can buy merit. A brilliant man, Carroll Quigley was purchased, seduced momentarily, then discarded. 

Within our mass numbers, there are the brilliant expendables to be harvested. The rest, I hate to say, may be thoroughly useless eaters–certainly when you’re UP THERE gazing DOWN HERE.

And yet, for reasons not entirely clear, we seem to think more highly of ourselves. Perhaps we suffer from inflated self-esteem not warranted by a true and proper accounting. 

What was the Grand Plan for most of us getting here in the first place? It was cold one night and…talk about ignoble beginnings and inadequate blankets. I’m not impressed.

Nonetheless as the myriad unwashed like to preach, all souls have intrinsic value. But that’s just the masses ‘talking their book’. What the ** else are we going to say? 

We count too because mindless procreation put us here. Judeo-Christianity would hasten to correct me by insisting God put us all here for a reason. So I’m not blind to the theological implications. In fact I’m sympathetic to them.

The fact that the landlords for half the world’s wealth can be comfortably seated in a medium-sized conference room is mischief in the making for the billions of us who think rather highly of ourselves. 

At a minimum we have powerfully convergent (if not overtly conspiratorial) interests shared by a group concentrated enough to handily subvert the interests of, oh, 6.99999 billion fellow earthlings.

Frankly, who’s fault is it that yours (and my) great-great grandfather never put it together that $10 at 8% gets him (and his family) $20 in 9 years? 

Pure magic…not to mention brilliant forbearance, self-discipline and insight to forgo one’s own consumption and instead finance the consumption of the other guy. It’s Darwinian. For lack of that precious insight early on, we are on the dodo bird branch of the human race.

So there’s a lot of class envy out there. In fact that’s what the conspiracy sites pulse with…broken dreams and unquenchable envy, certainly NOT moral superiority.

 As for the Evil Few who managed through guile, deception, cruelty and selfishness to claw their family’s to the top of the heap, all that will be forgotten when the ends prove themselves justifiable by the means and the victors sanitize the history books.

In the year 2200, when the little green men land and do the ‘take me to your leader’ shtick, there will be 500 million people living in blissful abundance and comity. The little green men won’t think to ask about the ‘means of ascent’. Nor will the Rothschilds and Rockefellers think to offer up their surnames. 

After all, those were the handles of the conspiristas –everyman rallying cries of a bygone era. What will greet the visitors will find be the ‘The Human Race’.

 For those extraterrestrial visitors curious enough to ask, it will be explained that the resources of the world were perilously taxed in the early years of the 21st century, so much so that drastic culling steps had to be undertaken or else humanity risked outright extinction. 

The aliens will chime in that that’s an all-too common cross-over point in the universe. Congratulations are due. Humanity made it into the elite fraternity known around the universe as Civilization v.2.


The Tamud/Bible/Quran are prophetic accounts and the meek do in fact stand to inherit the earth. The Luciferians will be brushed aside for their insistence on man being the master of his own destiny (not a wholly unreasonable thesis). 

You can waferize the sects, but those are the two main camps on the planet: we’re either fallen creatures who require God’s intercession to realize our full spiritual potential OR we are gods-within-ourselves with the potential to conquer the universe.   Who’s a betting man?

Norman Ball   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 7:26 PM   Let me add to my long-windedness by saying there are effectively two moral codes operating on the planet:

1. anything is moral by default if it succeeds in getting your progeny to the top of the heap in order that they are the one greeting the Little Green Men in 2200 as the human race.

2. The means by which one conducts oneself are everything. The ends are a seductive lure that ensnare humanity in unspeakable evil. of course typically poking out the back end of this moral code is a promised reward in some subsequent place and damnation and torment for group 1 just to sweeten the pie.

I lean towards a third option even if it consigns me and mine to the veils of forgotten-hood. Behave decently and morally for its own slim reward. Group 1 snickers at the likes of me and thanks its lucky stars there are so many both like me and group 2.

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