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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » April 29th, 2015, 9:31 am

Wednesday News Summaries and Commentaries

Najiba Najib: recent central bank measures to increase outlets sell the dollar will not dominate the local currency deterioration

A member of the Economy and Investment Committee is talking today about the CBI measures that were recently implemented to increase sales outlet for the dollar.....she says that the Economic Commission today met to coordinate their efforts along with what the CBI has done....stating their coordinated efforts will prevent a collapse of the Iraqi currency....

Again here is mention of those illusive denominations the 50k and 100k notes that we nor any Iraqis have seen...but what is she attempting to say....."the committee will go down"...
Is this a disguised note indicating that those levels of currency that have been mentioned recently will in fact become the new 50 and 100 notes.....tomorrow is the last day for Iraqis to do anything with their current 50 notes....or forever hold your peace.....let's see what the short term future holds in this direction.

Najiba Najib: World Bank loan is not enough to fill the budget deficit

The intent of the IMF loan(s) was always meant to simply tide the Iraqi government "over" for a short period of time, giving PM Abadi time to take action.....has he done he in the process of doing that......he's certainly made some bold announcements this week, or his staff of ministers have made bold statements.....

The opening of the remainder of the budget (the "other" 70%).....the "full" payment to the Kurds for the month of April....economic promises to can that be that he expects each of these to happen....

Where will the money come from.....he does not have an IMF tree, or a World Bank tree from which to harvest as he chooses.....he must be looking at what he promised in America would happen....release the RI and shake loose the shackles that bind Iraq today.

Iraq gets two loans from the International Monetary Fund over the next few months

Iraq is to get $800 million from the IMF emergency fund for things like health issues, education issues, and administrative issues....typically those administrative issues might include salaries.....or at least partial payments of this case it may be payments earmarked for the displaced citizens....truly humanitarian efforts..... the next few months....this does not sound like a country on the brink of self-destruction to me.....when do we need this will we get the next few months.....messages seem to be garbled here and I'm not faulting Dr. Saleh.....his demeanor would be suggesting to me that he is fully aware of what I've been saying.....the BEST is yet to come.

We hinted attribute the rise in the dollar exchange rate to the instability in the region

I believe some powerful heads within the National Alliance got together one night and looked at all that has been said and realized we haven't blamed the ME region for the demise in the IQD against the USD....what they see....what they say....bottom line is the cry of supply and demand....and that my friends takes you right back to Article 50 and the leg irons that it clamped on the CBI when this nightmare was birthed back in January.

Economists: Iraq is far from the specter of bankruptcy and recovering from its financial crisis

One Iraqi economist believes that the Iraqi Treasury is far from broke.....he claims they still have in excess of $60 billion in cash reserves and then all their gold on top of that.....he voices the same message that PM Abadi has been touting to the public...."we are not broke...Iraq is not a bankrupt state."

Parliamentary Finance: banks are smuggling hard currency entitled goods

I'm wondering if we could determine just how many of the members of the Finance Committee are in some fashion or form sympathizers with Maliki.....all they can seem to do is point fingers and place blame on others for some type of claiming that banks are the smugglers of hard currency......who woke up and gave the Finance Committee the crown to drive what happens within the CBI.....stop and think about this....seriously think about this....they have been blaming every hen in the house of smuggling and money laundering.....but who has been brought to justice....who has been formally charged with anything.....NO ONE....that is starting to really reek in my book.

World Bank grants for the reconstruction of the liberated areas between optimism parliamentary and fears of corruption

The Finance Committee, I know they seem to be the only group within Parliament that is capable of speaking....or maybe they will not relinquish the podium to they are saying that loans or grants from such entities as the World Bank Group or other donor countries who are providing aid or money earmarked for reconstruction work within newly liberated areas of Iraq do not need those funds or aid to be presented to Parliament for any kind of approval....and just what person would look such a gift horse in the mouth and say no to such humanitarian efforts....

On the other hand the Finance Committee continues to do what they appear to be experts at....pointing fingers at "alleged" wrong-doings with these funds....making claims that some "corrupt mafias" that a double there anything but corrupt mafias.....are getting involved with the funds and of course the money is not going where it rightfully belongs....

Well as I've said and will continue to say.....turn this over to the Integrity Commission and let them ferret out the real crime....if one indeed exists...that is what you are paying them to do....stop your finger pointing.

Scholar: US more supportive of Kurds than was previously believed

So a new book is American author....claiming that US support to the Kurds has been long back to the 1970's at least....the bottom line though is...what support is the US providing the Kurds today.
Why America is trying to deal with the Kurds and Sunnis in Iraq independent Kpldan?

Maybe a better question to ask is why would the US support one part of Iraq over another....especially if we are interested in seeking Iraq succeed as a their success not linked to positive outcomes for the US as well....otherwise why would we be dumping all this cash in their direction in the first the field....the entire field and do not leave one group out for the sake of another.....Sunni's, Shiites, Arabs, Kurds....the make up of Iraq....all for one and one for all.....any attempt at favoritism will only serve to fuel sectarian strife.

Baghdad and Erbil are seeking to unify the work tariff"

Baghdad and Erbil are talking about how to implement customs tariffs in Kurd ports of that we mean in an equitable fashion as the remainder of Iraq....not allowing the Kurds to show any favoritism that is not allowed elsewhere in double sets of books and being allowed to tax on a whim depending on what is coming across the border or who's brother happens to be the driver of the is the Iraqi Blue Book on it...understand it...follow it.

Public Prosecution recover millions of dollars disappeared in the Maliki government

The public prosecutor has been able to recover millions of dollars that disappeared on Maliki's watch between 2006 and 2014.....but they only searched the one suit so far.....the Judicial system is urging all ministries and departments to hire lawyers ...and not just any lawyers but those in business suits to continue the hunt for public funds that never saw the light of day in Iraq.....they walked away stuffed in brief cases, in coat pockets, in personal jets, etc.....laundered and tucked away in places of comfort as they were shuttled out of the after day.....even the funds that were deposited into the DFI have questionable journeys......where did all that money go over the past few years.

PM to Welcome Int’l Business to Baghdad

PM Abadi will speak at an International Business conference to be hosted in Baghdad later this week, welcoming all kinds of foreign business and investors into the country with open arms.

Coffee break....bathroom break.....cookies....quick before Frank gets up....grab them while they are hot and gooey.  Aloha   Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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