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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Comments On "Fear Not The Death Of The Dollar" Part 4

JC Collins   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 9:26 AM   There has always been a percentage of the population which can be considered the elite. Today is no different. 

No revolution or replacement of the existing system will change this historical fact. There will always be those who acquire more than others. 

There will always be a new 1% which replaces the previous 1% for the simple reason that human nature has not changed, and this change seldom happens in visible and sudden adjustments, except in revolutions. But no revolution has ever managed to change human nature.

 We know this because humans are still struggling with the same moral challenges today that we were thousands of years ago.

America, or any other country and region, cannot exist separate from the larger macro system. Globalization, which is an emotionally loaded word with all sorts of negative predetermined connotations, represents mans natural instinct to always consolidate resources and systems, from person to person, tribe to tribe, country to country.
JC Collins Continues:  The world needs more unification as the world of tomorrow is built. But the human species needs to address its own inner deficiencies along the way.

Or there will always be those who prey unfairly upon the weaker. But lets be clear, not all people are equal, and any suggestion that everyone should be at the same socioeconomic level is communism and socialism, both of which have shown us that an elite will still be in control.

There will always be a disparity between human ability and desire within social hierarchies. There will always be those at the bottom and those at the top.

The best thing man can do at this time in the history of the world is embrace unification, but reflect on itself for the purpose of addressing its inner deficiencies.

We can rearrange the world all we want, but until we rearrange who we are as a species,nothing will really change and the same problems will repeat.

Patterns are clear on this matter. We avoid self reflection as individuals and as a species. Revolutions are pointless. Isolationism is pointless. Division is pointless.

The us and them approach is pointless because both groups, and everything in between, exhibit the same type of human deficiencies and character flaws.

It’s only more magnified in the smaller group as the external projection of the larger groups inability to self reflect. The smaller groups inability to self reflect leads to thoughtless and selfish top down management.

Lack of self reflection is humanities problem. Any system we devise will be subjected to the same lack of self reflection. History proves this as accurate.

CryzSchilabel (@CryzSchilhabel)   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 10:20 AM  Does a hypocrite want to self reflect the own behaviour for nothing more, but improving the manipulatively, hypocrit parts of systems? Once, delusion helped to crawl out of the evolutionary mud at a micro level to fight the dragon. Now this ability is ruling the world at a makro level and menkind will see it´s darkest shadows in the mirror of enlightenment. .?!.

But as always, every revealed lie comes along with a new lie. An endless cycle, curse and blessing.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 12:38 PM  I am glad you concluded the above statement like you did. I just can’t imagine any length of time when humans will get along. I was a retail manager for years and people can’t even buy a sweater without fighting, so how the heck will all these regions live in harmony.

I don’t see that happening. I understand what you are saying, but take a look at the European Union..are they really doing that well. I guess I am missing how it is going to make a difference.

I watched your video that you had posted earlier on the slave/master concept. I guess I just am not content thinking of myself as the slave. Or am I missing what your point is above?

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 1:01 PM  Wow, I read again your statement above and I think it finally clicked as to what your point is about reflection.

Londonsimes   APRIL 26, 2015 AT 1:21 AM  It’s because in general, individuals ethical consciousness has failed to develop.

Will Durant wrote that a fundamental insight he gleaned from the completion of his immense: History of the World, was that in essence man is still at the ethical level that he was right back at the beginning of history.

In other areas, such as technology, man has advanced more than he ever dreamed of, but the development of the ethical consciousness as a whole is stunted & its development still to come – hopefully!

Dripfood   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 11:24 AM  Paul, if you self-reflect with all the internal honesty you can muster, haven’t you ever encountered some hints of parasytic behaviour within yourself?

What we see around us is a reflection of our own subcpnscious behavioeal patterns. So if you see parasytic behaviour around you, it must also be present within.

As soon as have neutralize this internal pattern, you’ve eliminate the external representation of it.

There is NO us and them…. literally.

I guess the nice thing about truth is tahat it can be found by simply not looking at something else…

irrelevant111   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 9:25 AM  JC n All,  One must be in awe of the diversity of intellect n interpretation as we grow in such times.

Of course, humor must continue as we journey on…:)

irrelevant111  APRIL 25, 2015 AT 9:52 AM  Thought some of my bunkies would get the lyrics w the melody.  Best to All

Father Forgive Us

Father forgive us

As life still abounds…

So much to give thanks to

The heartbeat resounds

The heartbeat resounds

Such a beautiful sound…

Sailing through headwinds

Man treads on the waves…

We soon become stranded

The bed we have made…

Bed we have made

It seems we have strayed…


We live for the precious and pure

A slave to the chains, we endure

Nothing more…

Set man free…

Set us free…

Set us free..


Father forgive us

Not know what we do…

Still there in the meadow

We find something new

Find something new

Find something new…


We live for the precious and pure

A slave to the chains, we endure

Nothing more…

Set us free…

Set us free…

Set us free…

There in the darkness

The Phoenix will rise…

Out over the mountains

Enjoy the sunrise…

Enjoy the sunrise…

Just open your eyes…

Open your eyes…

Open your eyes…


dripfood  APRIL 25, 2015 AT 10:54 AM  Very nice Axx! I enjoyed that.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 3:22 PM  Brookings on the TPA..TPP… I don’t believe people really understand the importance of the TPA or the TPP. They see it as a loss of jobs, but it could be more devastating without the trade deal.

Roger Parness   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 4:13 PM   Brookings propaganda.   There’s always a great rush to pass corruption without adequate review.

Renewing the Patriot Act will have only minor and inconsequential debate as well. If any.

Best government money can buy.

Pesky checks and balances. This whole constitution thingy is so slow and gets in the way of the homeland dictator’s great benevolence.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 7:11 PM  Roger I don’t see a lot of propaganda in Brookings article. It points out the fact that there is not unanimous support for TPA.

But it also points out on the global scale if the TPA and TPP doesn’t pass considering trade deal across the globe.. we will be left behind and I agree. I may not like the system, but the facts are the facts.What about the article is propaganda? I would really like to know so that I could verify it.

I do agree with you on the Patriot Act though, it will pass. I don’t think people expected the Patriot Act not to pass.And since when have many in congress considered the constitution.

The president isn’t the only one that disregards the constitution. I get frustrated when people go on about Obama this and Obama that.. bugs me..he is just the puppet along with how many in congress.

Dottie Derewicz   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 7:34 PM   I guess TPP could be what one called the good, the bad and the ugly. To be honest..who they heck knows what’s in it.

My understanding is that it is 30,000 pages long and no one, even congress has a clue what all is included in the trade deal. There are supposed constitutional conservatives who are for it and that includes Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and others.

 Perhaps they see more of the good, than the bad and the ugly, Idk.. And where is the constitution going to go when the North American Union becomes reality?

Roger Parness   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 11:39 PM  With due respect and recognizing you opinion.

The entire opinion is propaganda. I do not believe TPP does “reflect the highest standards of any trade agreement” nor do I think there is any place for a “fast track” on any trade agreement especially as I understand there is much secrecy in TPP.

Propaganda example:

“Russia’s seizure of Crimea and aggression against Ukraine has dramatically changed the landscape, turning Ukraine into a deadly chess game with few rules.”
I trust neither the executive puppet nor the puppet congress nor this article’s author.  :)
Mark Stringfellow   APRIL 25, 2015 AT 5:10 PM  JC,  I have read this blog from the beginning, without comment. Being an observer, by nature, and rarely a follower of any one notion or idea produced by another, I have finally decided to add my observation of your point of view to the mix.

Running through your very informative narrative runs a perception on your part of systems continuing to function as they always have and are therefore, natural evolutionary forces.

 For the most part, I would have to agree with your assessment. However, I am also at a loss to grasp a certain intuitive impression I often receive as to whether you are in favor of the coming systematic changes or just merely reporting your observations and opinions dispassionately.

It is neither here nor there, because the information in well thought out and always a calmer port in the choppy waters and froth of clamoring internet commentary.

Which brings me to an observation I’d like your input on. Because, even though I grasp much of what you point out, it still seems heavily reliant upon a natural evolutionary flow, however guided by those behind the scenes. 

I can’t help but point out that in every equation, there has to be an accounting for the random element. In this case, the apparent psychopathy of the those in control of the dying financial structure that has held the apex of power for such a relatively short time. 

The behavior of the banking sector of the west and the governments they control is reminiscent the madness that infected the Reich during it’s final collapse. 

The American leadership seems to only lash out militarily at those who would resist western hegemony. Fomenting revolutions of whatever color, stripping those countries of assets, crushing them with IMF debt(like Ukraine), and systematically robbing them of their natural resources. 

Quite simply, it is as if we are watching another installment of the Godfather on a global scale using The Art of War as a script and business model. It’s insane! 

The Americans have become the random element in the equation. Wall Street has become mad with AI algorithms to the point where no prudent investor would set foot there. 

I know this is but the dying throes of what was, but, they have the potential to do great harm as they fight the good fight, so to speak.

I have no problem with your model and the flow of events. Although, having the IMF and the other alphabet organizations still in place, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

Perhaps this is also but a transition into something better, because, it is still lipstick on a pig. I just wonder about the random element that can’t be accounted for. Perhaps you can see my ventures into Chaos Theory, but, I do believe it is a valid observation. Any thoughts?

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