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Thursday, April 30, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments

Morning News & Comments 

04/30/215 House of Representatives Extends Legislative Term

House of Representatives vote on the extension of the legislative term ends and read the three bills

April 30, 2015   [tlm724] At the outset of the meeting the Council voted unanimously to extend the current legislative term for a period of 30 days after the President of the Council stressed that the current legislative term extension which expires at the end of this month is really for the presidency of the Council, 

noting that the extension of the legislative term came the interest of the House of Representatives to speed up the enactment of important laws and follow-up work of the executive authority under the current circumstances.
[tlm724] And then the Presidency has decided to adjourn the meeting to next Saturday 05/02/2015.

The information department     Iraqi Council of Representatives    04/30/2015


National Coalition: Washington will lose Iraq as an ally if it insisted on its decision to supply in Congress

[tlm724] National Coalition: Washington will lose Iraq as an ally if it insisted on its decision to supply in Congress

[tlm724] now yesterday I kinda rolled over this but we better try to understand whats happening  

[tlm724] the US administration of the loss of Iraq as an ally essential in the region in case proceeded in the way of its ill-fated and supply in the US Congressmen,

[tlm724] , that "politicians in Iraq is possible to disagree on many things, but when it comes to Iraq's sovereignty respect everyone will be a fanatic and militants of Iraq as a country and a land and people,

[tlm724] joe lips need to shut the hail up

[tlm724] calling on the government to" make a formal protest to the United Nations on the US blatant interference Iraq's sovereignty as a State member thereof and with full sovereignty.

[tlm724] if I remember correctly and correct me if I am wrong, the US wants to support region's, such as the Kurds, Sunni's etc.. with arms and such separetly like states which is not good considering we and the international community have been calling for unity throughout Iraq

[tlm724] prime minister Haider al-Abadi, had confirmed in a statement that the proposed draft law of the Foreign Relations Committee in the US Congress is unacceptable and lead to further divisions in the region and call not to proceed

[tlm724] now we know a lil bit more Wink The US Ambassador did make a statement to the fact that this is still in the early stages and is still being negotiated


Citizen: the wrong policies of the previous governments pushed the country to rely on oil as a major supplier

[tlm724] that the wrong policies of the previous governments pushed the country to rely on oil as the main source of imports Iraq

[tlm724] yeppers sure did

[tlm724] government had to take tough decisions for the purpose of the multiplicity of revenue and to cover the deficit, including imposition of customs tariff, noting that he has to be that these measures correspond to provide what is best for the citizen

[tlm724] that the reactivation of the customs tariff law will be applied "in spite of the objections,"

[tlm724] asserting that the Iraqi economy will not rise, but the existence of the tax system,

[tlm724] *hallelujah* told ya   Wink

[tlm724] taxes = revenue !


Zebari and Vice President of World Bank lending to discuss Iraq two billion dollars for budget support

[tlm724] discussed the possibility that the World Bank provides the amount of two billion dollars allocated half to support the budget and the other half in the field of stabilization in the liberated areas that will be freed from Daash terrorist entity.

[tlm724] "it is scheduled to pay a team from the World Bank to visit the country next month to start implementing the projects

[tlm724] so May it is

Federation of Chambers of Commerce: on the Government to amend and monitor the implementation of the customs tariff

[tlm724] Student Iraqi Chambers of Commerce Union, on Wednesday, the central government should be amended law of customs tariff to be applied currently at border crossing points and monitored so as not to reflect negatively on the citizens.

[tlm724] the principle of the application of the tariff customs in itself is a positive because it reflects on the country's economy as well as it keeps the product of Iraq and the consumer, but that precisely is Mama dish in a timely manner and in accordance with the mechanisms and controls that serve the current economic stage.

[tlm724] "Iraq in general and the Ministry of Commerce especially seek and seriously to entry to the World Trade Organization wto, and under the conditions duty provided is the application of the customs tariff, which is part of the negotiation on the entry requirements. " 

[tlm724] thats coming straight from the Iraqi Chambers of Commerce Union

[tlm724] the conditions of the citizen Iraq does not qualify for the application of the customs tariff in the current solved not Nha will lead to increased prices and will be adding new costs to the consumer,

[tlm724] "and urged" the need to monitor the border crossing points.

[tlm724] they do not have a choice the tariffs will be implemented and they will have to tweak the plan as it goes forward, Iraq cannot afford NOT to do this


Kurdistan Region issued 650 thousand barrels of oil a day

[tlm724] The rate of export of oil from the Kurdistan region increased significantly, especially after the agreement between Baghdad and Erbil oil agreement *hallelujah* 

[tlm724] love that ! Now Baghdad needs to pay them !

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