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Monday, April 20, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments

Morning News Comments 04/20/2015

 [tlm724] below are the highlights from today's session of Parliament

House of Representatives completes a second reading of the four bills

04/20/2015   The report pointed out that the Commission contributed to the activation of the role of civil society institutions in line with the aspirations of the Iraqi people to democracy and freedom, pluralism, 

pointing to the role of the Commission in the exercise of the supervisory role of the organizations for the sustainability of its work with the coordination with the Department of non-governmental organizations 

and their role in the registration of organizations and the follow-up work of the organizations, trade unions and institutions non-governmental hinting to make 3 bills on the agenda and 3 proposals laws are currently being studied and held five sessions hosted in addition to attending several meetings and seminars with other parliamentary committees.
In response to the interventions of the Committee on the follow-up confirmed the international conventions and to clarify the Convention for the House of Representatives,

noting that the amendment to the Convention of the government task understanding with other countries, pointing out that the vote on the agreement will reflect positively in favor of Iraq.

The Board completed the second reading of the draft law amending the certification of signatures on the documents, and the documents and Iraqi Foreign Law No. (52) for the year 1970 and submitted by the Legal Committee

In the interventions MP said Furat al-Tamimi said the law includes a collection fee for currency trading are not taken by amending the financial value of the fee.

The Council also began the second reading of the draft second amendment to the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 and sponsored by the committees of the economy, investment and finance that are discussed at a future meeting.

Then I decided Presidency adjourn the meeting to next Tuesday 04/28/2015.


Parliamentary Economy: Investment Law will pass without political differences

[tlm724] the inclusion of amending the draft investment law in the realization of the parliamentary session scheduled to be held on schedule, indicating there is no political disagreements about the law

[tlm724] "the investment law will be passed before the legislative term of the Parliament of the end."


Finance is preparing to issue secured orders

[tlm724] Iraq plans to cover the budget deficit for the current year amounting to more than 25 000 billion dinars

[tlm724] through internal and external borrowing and amounts retained cash in the Ministry of Finance account

[tlm724] as well as the Special Drawing Rights and the issuance of foreign bonds and bonds of public debt and treasury remittance

[tlm724] SDR's are from the IMF by the way

[tlm724] the amount of the issuance of public debt bonds by the legal reserve banks 6 billion dinars.

[tlm724] remittances treasury of TBI TBI 3 billion dinars and the amount of issuing money orders treasury governmental billion dinars banks -hsp reported budget law.

[tlm724] Trade of Iraq is issueing T-bills

[tlm724] Based on the public debt law, which authorized the Ministry of Finance remittances treasury guaranteed issuance by the government,

[tlm724] bond plan is expected to announce that the Ministry of Finance's annual plan for the issuance of Hawwaladtha current year soon as watching economic circles launch these bonds as play a role in easing the proportion of the budget for this year's deficit.

[tlm724] the government plans and the Ministry of Finance, as part of their actions precautionary, to resort to the issuance of government bonds in the market for funds worth five billion dollars

[tlm724] the big question is this: wll they issue the public debt bonds in dinars ?

[tlm724] "Iraq is seeking to issue international bonds worth $ 5 billion, and we are negotiating on it with Citibank, Deutsche Bank,"

[tlm724] noting that "we have a green light from the government that we need it."

[tlm724] green lights on all fronts now !!!! so will they hit the gas or pop the clutch ?  what say you ?   

[cat] step on it

[tlm724] vroommmmmmmmmm says cat lol

[cat] yeppers

[RCS1947] 0.86 we hope!


Specialist: that Iraq is free of sovereign funds depth of the crisis

[tlm724] that the current situation requires a face and find ways to be capable of financing the activities of various kinds of building institutions and development activities and service.

[tlm724] they are doing that !  remember all the credit arts over the last few weeks, infrastructure on credit !

[tlm724] hinting the possibility to benefit from the Central Bank Law No. 56 and government bonds owned by the central bank rather than external borrowing, which is a burden as we have a duty payment which adds a large burden on the state budget

[tlm724] as we read looks like they will do a lil of everything, they are exploring every avenue for correction of the deficit


Zebari discuss with the finance ministers and central bank governors last fiscal and economic reform steps

[tlm724] Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, with finance ministers and central bank governors last steps of financial and economic reform.

[tlm724] last steps    Very Happy

[tlm724] , as well as discuss the latest financial and economic reform required steps to alleviate the financial crisis and to address its budget deficit and adopt a method to impose a fair tax


Parliamentary Finance: Smart Card staff will unveil the "aliens" in government departments

[tlm724] decision to issue a smart card to state employees a very important step, this step will reveal where all staff "aliens" in the departments and institutions of the state

[tlm724] yep expose the corrupt !

[tlm724] that the issuance of a smart card will make it easier for employees receiving their salaries from the banks as it would boost confidence with these banks.

[tlm724] boost confidence with these banks Wink


Economic Adviser describes Abadi visit to Washington as "successful": Snguetred of international organizations 

[tlm724] He described the economic advisor to the Iraqi government the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview for the "long", visit of the government delegation to Washington as "successful," adding "to agree on a lot of economic projects between the two countries." 

that "a lot of US investment companies expressed their willingness to work in Iraq several areas, including the oil side. 

"Iraq is in need of assistance International at the present time ", adding that" a lot of international organizations to which they belong major countries, and Iraq is a part of them, shown to assist them in granting loans to Iraq, knowing that the member of such international organizations have the right to borrow, and these organizations, the World Bank and the IMF International and this is a positive thing. " 

He explained that " memoranda of understanding and agreements signed between Iraq and other countries should be studied fully detailed, and then agree on the implementation of these projects, "he said, adding that" the agreement with the US side about the presence of investment companies in Iraq will be implemented after the study projects. "

[tlm724] IMF, World Bank , USA and several investing countries are coming to Iraq's rescue


Technical talks between Iraq and the World Bank 

[tlm724] It is scheduled to visit Iraq soon, a high-level delegation and the direction of the President of the World Bank Group to look closely for the emergency needs of displaced and evaluation Bank's contribution to the reconstruction of the liberated areas Fund of terrorism Daash and propose the allocation of immediate financial assistance. 


Economic Adviser to the servants, high dollar prices because of Article 50 of the Budget

[tlm724] thank you Rocky !

[tlm724] "It should be on the government to put processors for this article, which restricted the work of the Bank and led to higher dollar prices during the last term."

Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister and the likely "Undo the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar," stressing that "the government will take measures to address the situation in coordination with the Central Bank."

[tlm724] I like the sound of this ! "Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister and the likely "Undo the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar," 


Private banks

[tlm724] the Central Bank of Iraq to submit a draft deposit guarantee the necessary speed, Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq and the Trade Bank and the release of the amounts of credits, according to the contexts globally applicable,

[tlm724] this is exactly what we want to see from the Cabinet, they are dead serious about the economic reform !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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