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Monday, April 20, 2015

"Food For Thought" From TNT Members Monday Morning


Rkstx:    From Recaps Comment Section:

Chris-: I have received two notifications in the last two days that specify what is really going on. Neither report has anything to do with security.

Statements have been made constantly that despite the security situation Iraq would move forward. Our biggest hump to get over has nothing to do with Iraq. It has to do with getting the US to make concessions regarding the IMF .

G_20 released a statement calling for an alternate system to bypass the US in their Veto power with the IMF. It has been called plan B and everyone who has been paying attention to the China AIIB and the Brics and the Chinese know about this.

As soon as this is rectified, Iraq and the rest of the world is free and money will flow.
It could have been handled this past week but the article was dated yesterday and the title below.
So this has nothing to do with security. It has to do with the US power to Veto the world with their 15% voting power. There also needs to be a different system besides the swift system to keep our funds safe. The second message is also below.


G20 discusses plans to sidestep US on IMF reforms18
APR 2015 - 10:49AM

G20 discusses plans to sidestep US on IMF reforms
The emergence of the BRICS Development Bank and Reserve Fund, along with both the AIIB and Eurasian Development Bank, including a large membership of American allies, has created a political situation for both Democrats and Republicans which can no longer be ignored or postponed.

All of these institutions and their representatives have officially stated that they do not wish to create a new monetary system outside of the existing IMF and World Bank model, but wish to enhance and expand what they feel has been a USD dominated framework to more fairly represent the economic realities of a multilateral world.

Whether or not America agrees with the multilateral transition and reforms to the IMF no longer matters. The leverage and Plan B framework has been established and is fully capable of bypassing any resistance and gaming by the United States.

Further inability by the US on enacting the required legislation to support the transition will only hurt their political and economic interests internationally.

The level of volatility and instability which Americans will experience moving forward from this point will largely depend on the responses and collaboration of their government.

But the average citizen will have opportunities available to help themselves transition through this period.

When the international institutions and central banks have been building a method leveraging the SDR as a means to provide monetary stability, we have been working on a method by which private citizens can also leverage this non-private asset towards the goal of wealth retention and financial stability.


PursuitofTruth:  I believe this is the most accurate word we have received thus far. Sums it up in a nutshell. The US forced the world to go to plan B and now they are scampering around trying to figure out how they can game the new system and still stay in control. They can't. I think it is denial.


Catwoman1:  Personally speaking, I think this is the entire key to it all. This event is and has always been about more than Iraq. The world is fighting for their independance from the USD/Feds Fiat $$ system that has always had way too much control.

They have continually blocked the flow of $$ because remember, they don't want us to have this kind of money because it diminishes their control. The world had no choice but to go around the US and put Plan B into effect.

This is what we have been watching unfold right in front is. When this other Banking system/Alternate to Swift system is in place, I think it will all finally http://go......GCR/RV/Historical Bond payouts.

This is just my opinion based on all the factual events that have occurred. Iraq is not holding up the entire world but the US has been holding this up via the US controlled IMF/ World Bank, etc.


And thats why the so called elites and their family and friends have been able to exchange for the past year and we have not, it seems to me they are getting theirs while they can, JMO


Fuze:  I don't think this old IMF voting issue is the holding this back at all. The emphasis is on old. If we take a Macro approach to the Intel, it looks different.

Many of us now have solid confirmation that the participating banks and personnel are on high alert and ready to go! I personally spent 1:15 (hour and fifteen minutes) Friday with such an individual in a participating bank! Here is the question, if this very old issue was THE issue, why not solve it first then go?

Why put everyone on high alert, then deal with a very old issue? I think the process is moving forward nicely and we're right on top of it.

Besides, I have the utmost confidence also in the depth and range of contacts our TNT team has. If this old issue was a real issue, I have no reason to doubt TNT would have told us. I mean everybody knows other nations wants the US to relinquish a fair share of the power at the IMF. No big secret...JMHO  Welcome RI/RV    FUZE   


Good points all. There are changes coming and I want to use an old saying or a paraphrase of if related to our observations of this process.

Is the tail wagging the dog, or is the dog wagging the tail?

Iraq appears to be in full control but even though many see that the U.S. not cooperating on compromising their IMF position I feel it means quite a lot about why Iraq hasn't released this yet.

The position of being the big dog means that the tail, Iraq, will not wag the dog. This time of change is hard on all, including the U.S....they do not want to give up positions of being in power.

I feel that they know change is inevitable however they are trying to get the highest possible power position they can. I feel this understanding of their changed position will show up to us.....maybe before we see the RV but definitely after.

I don't know what it is exactly, but the chess game continues and the U.S. Is Bobby Knight playing to be the best in the world....meanwhile they tell the tail when it will wag.....believe it.
Kiyaj wrote:  catwoman1 and dansmor,

i hear what you are saying and it makes sense, more so than what we have been hearing...

But my question to you is what do you think will happen with to those who have invested and own the connected currencies? Not a good look

 That is what concerns me, I dont think they can keep us from exchanging once it is international, but who really knows what they can do or what their true plan is.


  I agree Dansmor, they can't keep us once it's's just getting it to that point that has proven to be challenging.  Remember we are on PLAN B (The work around).  

We have to remember this is a BIG EVENT, with details we are not allowed to discuss here and that my friends is where Tony told us a long time ago to do our homework and get the BIG PICTURE!!

 It is so much more than what we can get here at TNT and Tony's hands are tied as to what he can say.  

Pay attention to Global Events and the PLAN B in motion!**


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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