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Thursday, June 2, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-1-16  Part 2 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner
BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-1-16  Part 2 of 3
Bouteflika sack the central bank governor

01/06/2016 05:43 | Direction Press   Reuters quoted a government that exporters Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika sacked on Tuesday, the central bank governor who has come under pressure from opponents of the ruling party on its management of the repercussions of falling world oil prices.
And it shall Mohammad Laksaci the position of Governor of the Central Bank for more than 10 years.
She said local media that Bouteflika held a meeting with the Council of Ministers in the early hours Tuesday.
The agenda included a number of laws and important files, projects, meeting with political, social and economic in nature, and several membership regarding the electoral system laws.
He will replace Laksaci as central bank governor Mohammad Glocal director general of the Bank of Algeria.
Isolate the Governor of the Central Bank comes at a time when Algeria is facing a decline in world oil prices, which led to a decline in energy revenues and the devaluation of the dinar. jh
tlm724:      just shows how quickly things can change

Jones: Iraqi development reform program will address the delayed 4000 project and reduces corruption and waste
Author: AB, HH, MK  Editor: AB, HH 2/6/2016 11:26     Long-Presse / Baghdad
Confirmed US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones, said Thursday that the Iraqi development reform program will enable the government of its budget to better manage and treat delayed four thousands of a project, and promised "a major breakthrough" contribute to the improvement of living conditions in Iraq, while pointed out that it would allow the government contracted with reputable companies and mitigation of "corruption and waste."
Said Stuart Jones, in a speech during the launch of "development reform" program in Iraq relying on Iraqi development management program which was held at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad conference, attended by (long-Presse), he said that "the happiness to attend this event to celebrate the launch of two important, namely, electronic system to oversee the state budget and the second standard documents developed a program which requires specific documents regular presentations in the field. "
He said Jones, "These initiatives are implemented at the local and international Almistoan necessary to improve services for the Iraqi people, and ensure that the principle of transparency and fairness in any rational system," and expressed his happiness "to achieve this feat through a partnership of the United States of America with the Iraqi government and the Ministry of Planning."
He stressed Jones, that "the system standard documents of the presentations will improve the system of procurement, the Iraqi government was able to contract with reputable companies, and reduce delays, corruption and waste, which leads to the result of Iraq's integration with the international economy," noting that "this partnership enabled the Office of the Governor of Babylon implement a project worth $ 30 million, is going to feel its consequences by 2018 to improve electricity and water services and improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. "
The ambassador noted, that "there is also a partnership with the Department of Transportation $ 350 million for the purchase of five boats," pointing out that "the launch of this system will enable the government to better manage its budget and address the problems that led to the delay of four thousands of a project."
He continued Jones, that "transparent and effective management of the investment management of Iraq provides new jobs and investment projects implemented quickly and fair", she returned it, "a major breakthrough for the implementation of projects effectively to improve the situation in Iraq and their standard of living."
The Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari announced that, in the (19 May 2016), to reach an agreement with the World Bank Fund for a loan worth $ 5.4 billion, while the loan will allow securing additional financial assistance to reach about $ 15 billion over three years next, Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, on the Keywords confirmed that the annual interest of the loan up to 1.5 percent.
Iraq and live a severe economic crisis due to lack of liquidity and government assurances ongoing need for austerity and reduced government spending, while the country faces a constant war with al (Daash) financial drain energies significantly.   LINK  
 [tlm724] US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones
[tlm724] that the Iraqi development reform program will enable the government of its budget to better manage and treat delayed four thousands of a project, and promised "a major breakthrough" contribute to the improvement of living conditions in Iraq
[tlm724] like some breakthroughs Very Happy  
[tlm724] Said Stuart Jones, in a speech during the launch of "development reform" program in Iraq relying on Iraqi development management program which was held at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad conference, attended by (long-Presse), he said that "the happiness to attend this event to celebrate the launch of two important, namely, electronic system to oversee the state budget and the second standard documents developed a program which requires specific documents regular presentations in the field. "
[tlm724] he said that "the happiness to attend this event to celebrate the launch of two important, namely, electronic system to oversee the state budget and the second standard documents developed a program which requires specific documents regular presentations in the field. "   
[tlm724] oversight and electronic monitoring, I been screaming that for years now  
[tlm724] He said Jones, "These initiatives are implemented at the local and international Almistoan necessary to improve services for the Iraqi people, and ensure that the principle of transparency and fairness in any rational system,"
[tlm724] and what was on the list of conditions from the IMF ???
[tlm724] transparency !!!!!!!!!!!!
[cstacy] LIKE THAT
[tlm724] you bet !
[shunshine] me too
Iraq called "development reform" program in cooperation with the agency and an American
Author: AB, HH, MK Editor: AB, HH 2/6/2016 11:12 Long-Presse / Baghdad
The Iraqi government launched on Thursday, "development reform" program based on ethnic development management program in cooperation with the US Agency for International Development, and promised him the "advanced" and shift "quality" to draw the development and improvement of its contracts plans systems, while confirming its quest to move towards reform, she noted that the liberation of the city of Fallujah from the control of the organization (Daash) will greatly affect the economy.
He said Planning Minister Salman Jumaili in a speech on behalf of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, during the launch of the "development reform" program in Iraq relying on Iraqi development management program which was held at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad conference, attended by (long-Presse), "The Liberation the city of Fallujah would have a significant economic impact on Iraq ", offering the greeting" Iraqi fighters who have contributed in the liberation of Fallujah. "
He Jumaili, that "the exact circumstances of sensitive faced by the country require the government developmental reality treatment, which requires a strong political will to correct the wrong tracks, to improve performance and provide better services level, which requires sophisticated systems such as those in the developed countries of the world," noting "The Ministry of planning and development Department was able to accomplish in Iraq, a program for follow-up projects and monitoring indicators to them."

The Jumaili, that "the project which was completed in collaboration with the project (thread), the US Agency for Development, will enable the Ministry of Planning of integrated policy-making, where the system will be integrated with statistical indicators to enable us to formulate development plans, as well as integration plans in planning programs, and integrates with engagements system done by the Ministry, and the Ministry of Finance for the construction of public budgets of the state by improving government contracting, "returned to" the completion of advanced systems indicates a willingness by the government and the Ministry of planning to move towards reform. "
He Jumaili, "These advanced systems will have a clear impact in the development and face difficult challenges process," Thanks in advance "of the US Agency for Development."
He Jumaili, that "the project did not see the light of the insistence of the Angels nor the Ministry of Planning at all levels to interact with these two projects," returned it "a qualitative leap in the management of the Iraqi state."
For his part, program manager (thread), the US Agency for Development Nael Shabaro, that "Iraq is ranked 112 out of 180 countries for 2015 in the development projects despite the government's allocation of $ 300 billion for those projects," noting that "it summoned the decisive intervention by the Ministry of planning and directed by the Minister of planning and depending on the development program in cooperation with the program (thread) to develop the system with major international companies to speed up the implementation of these projects. "
He explained Shabaro, that "The ministry has established a specialized center to support the ministries and provinces to train for the program, where he participated 950 employees from various ministries, has been providing technical support for 20 ministries and 15 provinces to re-structure the contract management and archiving files and execution of contracts," stressing that "the implementation of the contracts will be mandatory starting of the month of July, and contracts will be translated in English, "pointing to" the rehabilitation of ten experts to follow up on those contracts. "
The Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari announced that, in the (19 May 2016), to reach an agreement with the World Bank Fund for a loan worth $ 5.4 billion, while the loan will allow securing additional financial assistance to reach about $ 15 billion over three years next, Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, on the Keywords confirmed that the annual interest of the loan up to 1.5 percent.
Iraq and live a severe economic crisis due to lack of liquidity and government assurances ongoing need for austerity and reduced government spending, while the country faces an ongoing war with the organization (Daash) financial drain energies significantly.     LINK  

 [tlm724] "development reform" program based on ethnic development management program in cooperation with the US Agency for International Development
[tlm724] US Agency for International Development
[tlm724] thats ^^^ what I was looking at, their site, no news from them yet
[tlm724] The ministry has established a specialized center to support the ministries and provinces to train for the program, where he participated 950 employees from various ministries, has been providing technical support for 20 ministries and 15 provinces to re-structure the contract management and archiving files and execution of contracts,"
 stressing that "the implementation of the contracts will be mandatory starting of the month of July, and contracts will be translated in English, "pointing to" the rehabilitation of ten experts to follow up on those contracts. "
The Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari announced that, in the (19 May 2016), to reach an agreement with the World Bank Fund for a loan worth $ 5.4 billion, while the loan will allow securing additional financial assistance to reach about $ 15 billion over three years next, Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, on the Keywords confirmed that the annual interest of the loan up to 1.5 percent.
Abadi Office shows new lending mechanisms to restructure the Iraqi economy
06/01/2016 20:58     Tomorrow Press / Baghdad :
Counting the Information Office of the Prime Minister, Haider al - Abadi, said on Wednesday that the launch of residential, industrial and agricultural loans, amounting to 6 trillions of and 500 billion dinars, constitutes a " quantum leap " for the restructuring of the Iraqi economy and address the " imbalance " ,
which is currently suffering from it, indicating that it aims to enable the the private sector to take the role for the advancement of economic reality and overcome the difficulties they are facing, and to provide cash needed for the rehabilitation or the establishment of new factories and plants, and reduce the recession - induced decline in oil prices .
A spokesman for al - Abadi , Saad al - Hadithi Office said in a press statement received " Tomorrow Press " , that " the Council of Ministers approved in its meeting yesterday to launch a Government loan to the sectors of housing, industry and agriculture form the amount of $ [ 6.5 trillion dinars ] as part of the focus of economic reform , which seeks through government to restructure the Iraqi economy and guidance that will ensure his stay on the basis of sound and diversify its economy , and transportation of a yield to the productive economy and the transformation of the economic system of the State of the consumer system to multi - resource production system . "
He added that " to approve the immediate release of loans come to constitute a quantum leap in the process of restructuring of the system of the Iraqi economy and the stage milestone in the path of the development of a new vision to address the situation of imbalance that currently afflicting that have emerged in traveled far the collapse in oil prices in world markets , which makes it imperative for the government to begin processors radical and decisive as part payment towards the recovery of the economic situation of the country .
According to Sabri said " the government 's vision on this matter comes to the quest to enable the private sector to take its role in the advancement of the economic reality of the country by overcoming the difficulties it faces, and to provide cash needed through soft loans and benefits suitable for rehabilitation and the establishment of factories and modern laboratories, and helping to move the market economy and reduce the recession , which happened due to lower oil prices . "
He noted that the " objectives are to provide new business opportunities for the private sector is estimated at 250 thousand jobs include [ the youth category, class graduates, women breadwinners, people with special needs, the rural population ] in the housing sectors, and construction, industry, agriculture, and help address the housing crisis, establish or purchase of more than 36,000 housing units, and to encourage the private sector to rehabilitate and operate laboratories productivity stalled, and the introduction of modern technologies , including more than 330 plants and factories . "
He said he " Among the objectives are also manufacturing raw materials and supplies industry, agro - industrial and manufacturing, and to encourage projects that take place within the industrial cities, and reduce the import of goods and products through alternatives of goods national industry Iraqi agricultural products production, including more than 50 product or an Iraqi product ."
And the newborn that " The project also aims to promote national exports competitive products and goods of other countries, producing ten of goods for export and rationing of foreign currency supply and reduce the demand for them increased by 10%."
He pointed out that " lending mechanisms, represented to split the proportion of lending to different sectors as housing sectors through the Housing Fund and the bank 's real estate funds in 1700 billion dinars, the industrial sector through the Industrial Bank 1650 billion dinars, and the agricultural sector through the Agricultural Bank in 1650 billion dinars, and micro - enterprises through private banks in 1500 billion dinars . "
A newborn that " these loans are distributed to the provinces according to the credit of a plan submitted by the concerned bank and by 80% as a standard population ratios and 20% as the standard for the degree of poverty in the province, such that the student loan Iraqi company, association , or individual Iraqis age 22 and older and a full - fledged , the interest on loans of 2% for the loan of the housing sector and 4% for the rest of the loans . "
He explained that " the amounts allocated for each loan to be on the housing loan of 50 million dinars, loans industrial and agricultural sectors on small businesses loans a maximum of 500 million dinars, loans and medium enterprises a maximum of 3 billion dinars, loans of major projects in excess of 3 billion dinars provided it does not exceed the upper limit of its 20 billion dinars, loans strategic projects that more than 20 billion dinars . "
And on the duration of repayment of the loan he stressed that it " will be ten years for the housing loan and five years for other loans except for a period of grace for a period of one year from the date of the first batch of student loan disbursement ."
He went on saying that " the competent bank firing Website hotline phone service for the purpose of monitoring the borrower stages of completing his treatment, and adoption of on- site detection of the project to be financed and the guarantee of real estate [ if any ] and Electronic systems and possible in order to control projects and follow - up of good implementation, and link these systems the General administration of the bank, and provide monthly reports of the Supreme Committee supervising the lending programs and posted on the bank 's site and the High Commission . "
He said that " the General Administration of the Bank constitute a follow - up committees to verify the proper implementation of the project and the continuation of his work and scrutiny grants the Bhavroa bank or offices and the Bank shall on updated information on the borrower on a regular basis, and the adoption of granting certificate of quality projects borrowed measures within this program measures ."    

 [tlm724] Abadi Office shows new lending mechanisms to restructure the Iraqi economy
[tlm724] the Council of Ministers approved in its meeting yesterday to launch a Government loan to the sectors of housing, industry and agriculture form the amount of $ [ 6.5 trillion dinars ] as part of the focus of economic reform , which seeks through government to restructure the Iraqi economy and guidance that will ensure his stay on the basis of sound and diversify its economy
[tlm724] to approve the immediate release of loans come to constitute a quantum leap in the process of restructuring of the system of the Iraqi economy and the stage milestone in the path of the development of a new vision to address the situation of imbalance that currently afflicting that have emerged in traveled far the collapse in oil prices in world markets , which makes it imperative for the government to begin processors radical and decisive as part payment towards the recovery of the economic situation of the country . " *wolfwhistle*
[tlm724] we're on our way

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