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Thursday, June 2, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-2-16  Part 3 of 3

 Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-2-16  Part 3 of 3

Stop 300 companies money transfer and banking deal
27/05/2016 04:31 | Direction Press / follow-up   Detecting a news article published on Friday, announced the arrival of the Commission of a competent US combat financial intelligence department staff to Baghdad and set up at the US Embassy for the purpose of expanding coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq.
The author of the article, which was seen by "direction Press" that he "was deprived of 300 money transfer company and banking deal, where they are provided with the central bank every week with information on the companies and the Iraqi banks by suspicions of money smuggling, fraud, money laundering," pointing out that " Bank literally implement the recommendations of this committee, which provide him with weekly information on Iraqi companies and the banks that the suspicions of money smuggling, fraud or money laundering. "
The central bank is committed to "fully committed" the instructions of the US Committee, according to the article, which he said "was amended and revised instructions that allow the entry auction currency writer."
The article says the owner of a meeting held by the governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords last Wednesday, to employers Iraqi banking and financial institutions informed them that the policy of the central bank is past and that the central bank would accept to keep the Ten banks operate only in the Iraqi financial market, also threatened the adoption of "degrees of classification "by the central bank.
According to the author of the article, the Keywords that "wants to protect the country and its assets and announce the time of separation cuddle and Aldla banks", he also knows for sure disaster that might get, "warning of the possibility of the US Committee in the US embassy Posting the names of a number of companies are freezing or off for work with them for the purpose of investigation, or issue a command to stop these companies once and for all the work and to bring to justice to all, not just fined by the Central Bank of Iraq.
And warns the writer of the article from the collapse of the credit situation in Iraq in the event of the Commission in the embassy informed the US Central Bank of Iraq for "five or six Iraqi banks names", where it is freezing its work and forwarded to the judiciary and the courts, to be the central bank obliged to act in accordance with the Commission's recommendations.
 [tlm724]   Very Happy A Banking deal !!
[tlm724] announced the arrival of the Commission of a competent US combat financial intelligence department staff to Baghdad and set up at the US Embassy for the purpose of expanding coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq.
[tlm724] will ya look at that a US commission
[tlm724] was deprived of 300 money transfer company and banking deal, where they are provided with the central bank every week with information on the companies and the Iraqi banks by suspicions of money smuggling, fraud, money laundering,
[tlm724] so we have been giving the CBI the scoop on these companies for what appears awhile, you gotta love that !
[cat] uh huh
The central bank is committed to "fully committed" the instructions of the US Committee, according to the article, which he said "was amended and revised instructions that allow the entry auction currency writer."
The article says the owner of a meeting held by the governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords last Wednesday, to employers Iraqi banking and financial institutions informed them that the policy of the central bank is past and that the central bank would accept to keep the Ten banks operate only in the Iraqi financial market, also threatened the adoption of "degrees of classification "by the central bank
[tlm724] The central bank is committed to "fully committed" the instructions of the US Committee *hallelujah*
[tlm724] "was amended and revised instructions that allow the entry auction currency writer.
[tlm724] BondLady do you know what a currency writer is ???
[tlm724] to employers Iraqi banking and financial institutions informed them that the policy of the central bank is past and that the central bank would accept to keep the Ten banks operate only in the Iraqi financial market
[BondLady] this is from a quick google search : Currency styles - Online Grammar ··· -styles/ Different currencies: When writing about different currencies that use the dollar, you can use: a letter or letters symbolising the country followed the $ sign (A$, US$10) a three-letter country code as specified in ISO 4217:1995 (AUD10) $ sign followed by the country symbol ($A10).
International Currency Formatting Guidelines — Currency Codes
In developing a web application that presents monetary data for a variety of locales, I have inquired about the differences of currency formats. In particular, I'd like to know when it is appropriate to use currency codes, either in addition to or instead of currency symbols.
It's my understanding that all mainstream currencies require that a currency symbol be included, but some show them in different order (as seen on this website). The four currencies that I facilitate in my application are USD, CAD, GBP, and EUR — all of which have the same general currency format.
It makes sense to include the currency codes for USD and CAD, since they have the same currency code, but what about the others? What's the norm in these other countries?
Anyway, I have below what I think to be the correct formats. Please let me know if I have made any errors:
• United States  — $1,234,567.89 USD
• Canada           — $1,234,567.89 CAD
• Great Britain   — £1.234.567,89 GBP
• European        — €1.234.567,89 EUR
Also, should there ever be spaces between the currency symbols and the numbers? That is yet another thing I do know happens sometimes, but am not sure what the rules are.
[tlm724] wow this is saying they are doing away with all traders etc except for 10 banks !!
[BondLady] it's important though, international coding  Wink  , have a happy an safe weekend everyone
[tlm724]  ok ty you too ! let me see what else I can find about that
[tlm724] heres something: Currency Formatting
Currency formatting, i.e., the formatting of monetary values, combines a number with a suitable display symbol or name for a currency. By default, the currency is set from the locale data from when the currency format instance is created, based on the country code in the locale ID. However, for all but trivial uses, this is fragile because countries change currencies over time, and the locale data for a particular country may not be available.
For proper currency formatting, both the number and the currency must be specified. Aside from achieving reliably correct results, this also allows to format monetary values in any currency with the format of any locale, like in exchange rate lists. If the locale data does not contain display symbols or names for a currency, then the 3-letter ISO code itself is displayed.
[tlm724] that the central bank would accept to keep the Ten banks operate only in the Iraqi financial market, that is huge !!!!!!!!!!! Another sign that Iraq IS moving forward, so happy to see this, it's part of the plan we have been waiting to see, no doubt ! I'd like to see verification on all this
tlm724     diff source

300 companies stop the money transfer and banking deal

27/05/2016 15:08    Revealed a newspaper article published Friday, the arrival of the US panel competent to combat financial intelligence department staff to Baghdad and set up at the US Embassy for the purpose of expansion for the purpose of coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq.
The author of the article, "it was depriving the 300 company financial and banking deal converter, where it is provided with the central bank 's weekly information about the companies and the Iraqi banks by suspicions of money smuggling, fraud, money laundering , "pointing out that" the bank literally implement the recommendations of this committee , which provide him with weekly information on the companies and the Iraqi banks by suspicions of money smuggling, fraud, laundering funds. "
committed to the central bank" fully committed " the instructions of the US Committee, according to the author of the article , which he said" was amended and revised instructions that allow the entry auction currency. "
The article says the owner of a meeting held by the governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords last Wednesday, to employers banking and financial institutions Iraqi told them that the policy of the central bank is past and that the central bank would accept to keep the ten banks operate only in the Iraqi financial market, also threatened the adoption of "degrees of classification" by the central bank
, according to the author of the article, the Keywords that "wants to protect the country and its funds and announcing an end time cuddle and Aldla banks " , he also knows for sure disaster that might get , " warning of the possibility of the US Committee in the US embassy Posting the names of a number of companies are freezing or off from work for the purpose of the investigation with them, or issue a command to stop these companies once and for all the work and to bring to justice to all, not just fined by the Central Bank of Iraq.
It warns writer from the collapse of the credit situation in Iraq in the event of the Commission in the embassy informed the US Central Bank of Iraq for "five or six Iraqi banks names", where it is freezing its work and forwarded to the judiciary and the courts, to be the central bank obliged to act in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission.
and can the Americans, according to the author of the article, Shell any ability of financial banking feeding it with the correspondent bank outside Iraq, pointing out that the application of the central bank to these instructions mean that Iraqis depositors ' money at risk, and that thousands of employees they will be dismissed in the judgment and are added to the army of the unemployed to work in Iraq in addition to the offending effects of such decisions.
 Association of Banks discussing with the US Treasury to develop ways to combat money laundering
History of edits:: 06/01/2016 14:48  {Baghdad: Euphrates News} examined the Iraqi private banks association, with a team from the US Treasury Department the latest developments pertaining to the banking sector in Iraq.
A statement of the Association of Banks and agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today, " The representatives of the Association gave a comprehensive report on the obstacles and constraints faced by the private banks , the banking sector put an offer", touching to " the efforts of the Association to develop the efficiency of the banking sector in particular in the field of anti - laundering laundering and terrorist financing, through the training of workers in this sector in cooperation with the ACAMS global institution.
He said representatives of the US Treasury during the meeting to" the Iraqi Central Bank 's decision on stopping 300 banking company in order to be subject to scrutiny by the standards followed by the central bank. "
for their part , said representatives US Treasury "support for the plans of the Central Bank of Iraq to Ttoiralqtaa banking and subjected to Maiaratah in the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism."
the statement continued , "also touched on the need for the banking Ttoiralqtaa and overcome obstacles in order to take a real role" .anthy
[tlm724] US TREASURY !
Association of Banks discussing with the US Treasury to develop ways to combat money laundering
History of edits:: 06/01/2016 14:48  {Baghdad: Euphrates News} examined the Iraqi private banks association, with a team from the US Treasury Department the latest developments pertaining to the banking sector in Iraq.
A statement of the Association of Banks and agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today, " The representatives of the Association gave a comprehensive report on the obstacles and constraints faced by the private banks , the banking sector put an offer", touching to " the efforts of the Association to develop the efficiency of the banking sector in particular in the field of anti - laundering laundering and terrorist financing, through the training of workers in this sector in cooperation with the ACAMS global institution.
He said representatives of the US Treasury during the meeting to" the Iraqi Central Bank 's decision on stopping 300 banking company in order to be subject to scrutiny by the standards followed by the central bank. "
for their part , said representatives US Treasury "support for the plans of the Central Bank of Iraq to Ttoiralqtaa banking and subjected to Maiaratah in the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism."
the statement continued , "also touched on the need for the banking Ttoiralqtaa and overcome obstacles in order to take a real role" .anthy
 [tlm724] 8 Association of Banks discussing with the US Treasury to develop ways to combat money laundering
[tlm724] The representatives of the Association gave a comprehensive report on the obstacles and constraints faced by the private banks , the banking sector put an offer
[tlm724] He said representatives of the US Treasury during the meeting to" the Iraqi Central Bank 's decision on stopping 300 banking company in order to be subject to scrutiny by the standards followed by the central bank.
[tlm724] thats what I have been waiting to see, more news about those 300 companies 
[tlm724] lemme see if I can find the other one from last week, justa sec
[tlm724] ok got it
[tlm724] Stop 300 companies money transfer and banking deal , see the important notes about this here :
Association of Banks discussing with the US Treasury to combat money laundering
Baghdad / term It examined the Iraqi private banks association with a team from the US Treasury Department the latest developments pertaining to the banking sector in Iraq.
The statement said the Association received the "long", a copy of it, that " the representatives of the Association gave a comprehensive report on the obstacles and constraints faced by the private banks , the banking sector put an offer," noting that " the efforts of the Association to develop the efficiency of the banking sector in particular in the field of combating money laundering and terrorism financing, through the training of workers in this sector in cooperation with the ACAMS International Foundation."
the representatives of the US Treasury during the meeting to " the Iraqi Central Bank 's decision on stop 300 banking firm for the purpose of subjecting them to scrutiny by the standards followed by the central bank. "
the representatives of the US Treasury , " their support for the plans of the Central Bank of Iraq to Ttoiralqtaa banking and subjected to Maiaratah in the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism. "
the statement continued , " it was touched on the need for the banking Ttoiralqtaa and overcome obstacles in order to take its role real. "     LINK 
[tlm724] the representatives of the US Treasury during the meeting to " the Iraqi Central Bank 's decision on stop 300 banking firm for the purpose of subjecting them to scrutiny by the standards followed by the central bank. "
[tlm724] I love love love this !!!
Foreign exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar on Thursday, June 2, 2016
Economy   Since 02.06.2016 at 09:28 (Baghdad time) BAGHDAD - balances News
U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,167.0000 Iraqi dinars
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0009 affraid bounce affraid bounce cheers
1 euro = Iraqi dinars 1,308.1478
IQD 1 = 0.0008 euros
 Sterling pound
IQD 1 = 0.0006 pounds
 Canadian Dollar
1 CAD = 892.5430 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Canadian dollars
 Australian Dollar
1 AUD = 844.1901 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0012 Australian dollars
 Japanese Yen
1 Japanese Yen = 10.7074 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0934 Japanese yen


tlm724     MOF June 2, 2016
tlm724    June 2 , 2106     Rates of foreign currencies compared to the Iraqi dinar
BAGHDAD - The Journal News    Progress (Journal News) Currency Iraqi dinar compared to prices as we have received, on Thursday, from the sale of currency markets in Iraq.
U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,167.0000 Iraqi dinars
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0009
1 euro = Iraqi dinars 1,308.1478
IQD 1 = 0.0008 euros
Sterling pound
£ 1 = 1,683.2637 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0006 pounds
Canadian Dollar
1 CAD = 892.5430 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Canadian dollars
Australian Dollar
1 AUD = 844.1901 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0012 Australian dollars
Japanese Yen
1 Japanese Yen = 10.7074 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0934 Japanese yen. It ended 5

The start of the reform development in Iraq under the auspices of the program Abadi
02/06/2016 11:28 |  Direction Press / Baghdad     It kicked off this morning in Iraq's development reform program events sponsored by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi,.
He attended on behalf of the Ibadi at the opening of the program, which is held under the slogan's (blessed Butroatna) Planning Minister Salman Jumaili.
 Opening the Director of the Office of the Prime Minister on the Keywords and a number of ministers, MPs and US Ambassador Styawat Jones also attended.
The project is being held in cooperation with the US Agency for International Development , depending on thedeveloper Development Management Program ( IDMS ) and the updated system contracts.
The Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation announced on Thursday to determine a date for a broad conference to launch the Development Department under the auspices of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
The development management system is the first of its kind in Iraq and the region. The sa
lightingcslt wrote:  can u say the beginning of monetary reform? looks like it to me
tlm724:    The project is being held in cooperation with the US Agency for International Development
we have lift off (launch) here are some details :
tlm724      Check out the picture, I had to blow it up to read it.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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