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Thursday, June 2, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-1-16  Part 1 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner
 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-1-16  Part 1 of 3
Hadithi confirms the government's efforts to enable the private sector and explains the mechanism of government loans
01/06/2016 07:10 | Direction Press / follow-up   He said media spokesman of the Office of the Prime Minister Saad al-Hadithi, the government seeks to enable the private sector to take its role in the advancement of the economic reality of the country as to explain the mechanism of government loans approved by the Council of Ministers meeting on Tuesday.
A newborn in a press briefing on Wednesday that the "commitment of the government to implement a comprehensive reform program, which announced a few months ago axes Cabinet has agreed in its meeting yesterday to launch a Government loan to the sectors of housing, industry and agriculture form the amount of $ {6.5 trillion dinars} as part of the focus of economic reform,
which seeks through the government to restructure the Iraqi economy and guidance that will ensure his stay on the basis of sound and diversify its economy, and transportation of a yield to the productive economy and the transformation of the economic system of the State of the consumer system to multi-resource production system. "

He added, "The approval comes on the immediate launch of loans to constitute a quantum leap in the restructuring of the system of the Iraqi economy and the stage milestone in the path of the development of a new vision to address the situation of imbalance that currently afflicting that have emerged in traveled far the collapse in oil prices in world markets, which makes it imperative for the government to start the course processors radical and decisive as part payment towards the recovery of the economic situation of the country. "
And between, he said, "In this context we would like to point out a number of important points regarding the Government's vision and objectives and mechanisms of lending: It is with respect to the vision: the government is seeking to enable the private sector to take its role in the advancement of the economic reality of the country by overcoming the difficulties it faces,
and to provide the necessary liquidity through soft loans and benefits suitable for rehabilitation and the establishment of modern factories and laboratories, and helping to move the market economy, and reduce the recession, which happened due to lower oil prices.
He said, he was "in relation to the objectives they are providing new business opportunities for the private sector is estimated at {250} thousand jobs include: {the youth category, class graduates, women breadwinners, people with special needs, the rural population} in the housing sectors, construction, industry, and Agriculture and assistance in dealing with the housing crisis,
establish or purchase of more than 36,000 housing units and to encourage the private sector to rehabilitate and operate laboratories productivity stalled, and the introduction of modern technologies, including more than 330 plants and factories and processing of raw materials and supplies industry and industries for agricultural and industrial manufacturing and encourage projects that take place within the industrial cities ".
He went on saying that "the goals also include reducing the import of goods and products through alternatives of goods national industry Iraqi agricultural products production, including more than 50 product or an Iraqi product and promote national exports competitive products and goods of other countries, producing ten of goods for export and legalization of foreign currency supply and reduce the demand by 10%. "
As for lending mechanisms between the newborn by saying that "the mechanism include divide the proportion allocated to borrow on different sectors amounts as: housing sector: through the Housing Fund and the bank's real estate 1700 billion dinars., The industrial sector: through the Industrial Bank 1650 billion dinars, the agricultural sector: through the agricultural Bank in 1650 billion dinars, micro-enterprises: by private banks in 1500 billion dinars. "
He pointed out that "these loans are distributed to the provinces according to the credit of a plan submitted by the concerned bank and 80% as a benchmark for rates of population and 20% as the standard for the degree of poverty in the province and to be a student loan Iraqi company, association, or individual Iraqis aged 22 and above and the entire civil and be of interest on loans of 2% for the loan of the housing sector and 4% for the rest of the loans also be allocated for each loan amounts as:
Housing loan of 50 million dinars, industrial and agricultural sectors loans as follows: - small business loans up to a maximum of 500 million dinars {SME loans a maximum of three billion dinars} {loans of major projects in excess of three billion dinars provided it does not exceed its upper limit of 20 billion dinars} {loans strategic projects that more than 20 billion dinars} the term of repayment of the loan as follows: {ten years for loan Housing}
And {to five years for loans other except for a period of grace for a period of one year from the date of the first batch of student loan disbursement}. "
He continued by saying that "the concerned bank will launch the website hotline phone service for the purpose of monitoring the borrower stages of completion of treatment and support on-site detection of the project to be financed and the guarantee of real estate {if any} and Electronic systems and possible in order to control projects and follow-up of good implementation,
and link these systems administration public Bank, and provide monthly reports of the Supreme Committee supervising the lending programs and posted on the bank's website Supreme Committee with the General administration of Bank committees constitute a follow-up to verify the proper implementation of the project and the continuation of his work and scrutiny of grants made by the procedures. "
He concluded by saying that "either bank branches or offices whatsoever, the bank concerned update information of the borrower on a regular basis and based grants for projects quality borrowers within this program certification procedures.
 [tlm724] the government seeks to enable the private sector to take its role in the advancement of the economic reality of the country
[tlm724] to explain the mechanism of government loans approved by the Council of Ministers meeting on Tuesday
[tlm724] Cabinet has agreed in its meeting yesterday to launch a Government loan to the sectors of housing, industry and agriculture form the amount of $ {6.5 trillion dinars} as part of the focus of economic reform
[tlm724] The approval comes on the immediate launch of loans to constitute a quantum leap in the restructuring of the system of the Iraqi economy and the stage milestone in the path of the development of a new vision to address the situation of imbalance that currently afflicting that have emerged in traveled far the collapse in oil prices in world markets, which makes it imperative for the government to start the course processors radical and decisive as part payment towards the recovery of the economic situation of the country.
[tlm724] think the IMF is pushing some buttons behind the scenes  Wink
[tlm724] the vision: the government is seeking to enable the private sector to take its role in the advancement of the economic reality of the country by overcoming the difficulties it faces, and to provide the necessary liquidity through soft loans and benefits suitable for rehabilitation and the establishment of modern factories and laboratories, and helping to move the market economy,
[tlm724] helping to move the market economy
[tlm724] theres the push Wink
[tlm724] including more than 330 plants and factories *mission*
[tlm724] He went on saying that "the goals also include reducing the import of goods and products through alternatives of goods national industry Iraqi agricultural products production, including more than 50 product or an Iraqi product and promote national exports competitive products and goods of other countries, producing ten of goods for export and legalization of foreign currency supply and reduce the demand by 10%.
[tlm724] Electronic systems and possible in order to control projects and follow-up of good implementation, and link these systems administration public Bank, and provide monthly reports of the Supreme Committee supervising the lending programs and posted on the bank's website
[tlm724] this whole article is worthy of reading, it lays out the plan
20 Ambassador of a foreign country were holding a conference on Friday to support the marshes Nasiriyah
02/06/2016 09:38 |Direction Press / Baghdad   Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari with a delegation from the province of Dhi Qar, the inclusion of the marshes and monuments in the World Heritage list, and the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in support of this file and put pressure on countries to vote in favor of accession to the marshes and the effects of World Heritage file.
The head of the provincial council, Hamid Gazan in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it today, "The delegation stressed the importance of activating the role of the Foreign Ministry in the diplomatic communication with UNESCO Member States to ensure her vote in favor of the Iraq dossier submitted by the annexation marshes and the effects of the south to the list of heritage Global".
Gazan and noted that "the foreign minister pledged to harness the potential of the ministry and invest its good relations with most of the Member States of UNESCO in order to secure their support and vote in favor of accession to the marshes and the effects of the World Heritage List."
The head of the Dhi Qar Hamid Gazan was revealed Tuesday, on the visit of a government delegation headed by al - Jaafari and representatives of the presidency, and a number of officials from the ministries concerned, and the ambassadors of more than 20 countries on Friday to Dhi Qar province to hold a conference to support the accession of the marshes and the effects to the list of heritage global and highlight these areas.
 [tlm724] the ambassadors of more than 20 countries on Friday to Dhi Qar province to hold a conference to support the accession of the marshes and the effects to the list of heritage global and highlight these areas.
Reference Fayad: Victories people on terrorism must be a catalyst of political forces[/size]
02/06/2016 10:39 | Direction Press / Najaf    Counting the religious authority, Sheikh Ishaq al-Fayad, victories of the Iraqi people against terrorism, he has embarrassed the political forces to Tlkoha his service. "
He congratulated the reference Fayad during a speech delivered on his behalf by Sheikh Ali al-Rubaie in the 30th National Congress of the whistleblowers and informants held this morning in the city of Najaf followed up "direction Press" that "the sons of the popular envy Pantsarathm successful on the mightiest forces of terrorism and commend Pthmlhm by the Iraqi army and security forces out victories liberation were not reaping the fruit of their intention nor the patience. "
He stressed that "this solidarity highlighted by the people in front of the brutality of terrorism should be a catalyst and awkward at the same time political forces lagging in the country and that despite the claims and demonstrations bad indeed for the performance of state institutions, but was not successful until now reforming pick up the pieces in their facilities and to represent the aspirations of the people and to reap his the fruits of his success in overcoming adversity. "
He said "we join and affirm our call to the other appeals claim the need Maamh political parties and actors in and outside parliament towards perform effectively and convincingly to segments of the population Observer of their performance and concern for its impact on the effectiveness of the government's performance and the work of the parliament and implementation of decisions that are in the interests of the people and including associated precious life."
And the reference measurement that "young people are the power of the nation and drive its renaissance, the Magistrate secretly repaired Alanathm and abounded in this time ills for many reasons not hidden some of the sons of Islam was not suited their situation, but proofed in the ground are valid from the guidance and good word, and the project aims Flakm their term and understand their problems and help them solve bleaching Page their souls. "
"The club officials in the state to care for young people who do not find work Atsagon done to maintain and invest their energies not seen themselves so comprehensive and clear answer that there is nothing wrong Mnabarakm be wise manner, noting the need for this thing before it's too late."
"The believers in this holy month Ieironkm hear of and Istqwon including cast them to fight the self is inclined towards evil and Satan Faihtajon to those it gives reason for hope in them and strengthen them to obey their Lord, noting that" hopefully you that you will be serious about monitoring the negative phenomena that affect the believers meeting and differentiate among them are not in line with Shara religion does not stop you for the guidance of the people they are accustomed manner inconsistent with the provisions controls and the Sunnah. "
Fayad stressed " the need to urge the faithful to lose each other, especially the families and the families of theMujahideen who Arksoa Izaz souls for the sake of the country and they generally terrorists and murderers , it is a penalty these Mujahideen benefactors succession face optimized as they left." The sa
Bondlady:       "this solidarity highlighted by the people in front of the brutality of terrorism should be a catalyst and awkward at the same time political forces lagging in the country and that despite the claims and demonstrations bad indeed for the performance of state institutions, but was not successful until now reforming pick up the pieces in their facilities and to represent the aspirations of the people and to reap his the fruits of his success in overcoming adversity. "
He said "we join and affirm our call to the other appeals claim the need Maamh political parties and actors in and outside parliament towards perform effectively and convincingly to segments of the population Observer of their performance and concern for its impact on the effectiveness of the government's performance and the work of the parliament and implementation of decisions that are in the interests of the people and including associated precious life."
tlm724:      but was not successful until now reforming pick up the pieces in their facilities and to represent the aspirations of the people and to reap his the fruits of his success in overcoming adversity

Reference Najafi emphasizes control officials and alert them to any shortening

02/06/2016 11:03 |  Direction Press / Najaf  He stressed the religious authority, Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi, monitor officials and alert them to any failure to perform his duty.

He said the reference Najafi in his speech he delivered on his behalf by his son Sheikh Bashir al - Najafi in the 30th National Congress of the whistleblowers and informants , which was held this morning under the slogan ( the month of Ramadan , a guidance and reform)  followed up "direction Press" :

"We must be responsible monitoring and follow - up actions closely and alert minors and negligent providing advise them to serve thepeople of the oppressed and to teach incumbents that they are trustees for the people and wealth , and infringement upon the injustice can not be tolerated. "

"It has to be attention councils Husseinia and invite people to it to get closer to God and the Great Prophet and the home, and lose social councils and I mean forums, clans and Mzaiv Senate to link leaders and clan elders, religious Hawza understand the supporters of the estate and its agents."

He called al-Najafi, the reference to "lose the martyrs' families financially and morally urged people to this duty of moral, religious and national attention orphans of martyrs and honor of them feel that they are the fruits of Islam and its extension and the campaign of the national banner of Iraq and notice people's success to serve them."
He stressed , "We must control officials and follow their actions closely and alert minors and negligent and advise them to serve the people of the oppressed and to teach incumbents are the trustees of the people and wealth , and infringement upon the injustice can not be tolerated." The sa

Bondlady :     his speech he delivered on his behalf by his son Sheikh Bashir al - Najafi in the 30th National Congress of the whistleblowers and informants ,

which was held this morning under the slogan ( the month of Ramadan , a guidance and reform)  followed up "direction Press" : "We must be responsible monitoring and follow - up actions closely and alert minors and negligent providing advise them to serve thepeople of the oppressed and to teach incumbents that they are trustees for the people and wealth , and infringement upon the injustice can not be tolerated. "..........................

He stressed , "We must control officials and follow their actions closely and alert minors and negligent and advise them to serve the people of the oppressed and to teach incumbents are the trustees of the people and wealth , and infringement upon the injustice can not be tolerated."

tlm724 thanks BL this is a good reminder how powerful the religious authority is and how they can influence the mood and the state of the country
Breaking news from the satellite channel direction to Asiacell and Zain subscribers and Cork

02/06/2016 09:10 |  Direction Press   Breaking news from  the satellite channel direction  to subscribers  Asiacell  and Zain  and Korek
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[tlm724] Bondlady says " more ways to inform the countrys people of important announcements & info

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