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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

KTFA Tuesday Night CC Notes from 5-24-16  Part 1


Notes by Doodlebug:

** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

DoodleBug:  Please excuse any typo's, thank you.

CC Notes for Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Franks26:  Welcome back. We are now going to walk into our 2nd part of our Conference call which is our investment.

Let’s pick up from where I left off…it might over lap. Here we go.

Give me Mosul! That was the battle cry that we had. But yesterday, they started to tell you more about Fallujah, and the reason why is because now they can tell you their activities, their advancements in these cities. They are going to slowly, slowly give it to you.
Now, the thing that these cities are going is, it’s building confidence. Great confidence, not only obviously in Abadi who is making all these proper calls, but it is also building confidence within the country. The citizens are watching very carefully. They’re very proud.

The international world is watching. The citizens and the international world are finding confidence in what Abadi, its Gov’t and its Central Bank…is doing. They are very astute that the IMF and the CBI are together. They’re very astute that the IMF, CBI and the GOI are getting together in meetings...this is all very, very good.

Now, granted…the capture of Fallujah and Mosul, it’s not the Monetary Reform, it’s not directly but indirectly…you can not have the Reform without these cities. And you know why…because what’s inside of those cities. But the confidence…we told you that the pipeline, dealing with ISIS/DAASH, Fallujah, Mosul…many different things. Yes, the Western World, the European investors…they’re gaining confidence to come in to Iraq.

And the citizens, in the last few days…Sadr said, stop it. Alright. So, why? Eh, it’s time to stop it. Why? Look citizens, just get back into the cities, into those towns. And in the last few weeks, in my opinion (IMO), all this conference call is IMO, the citizens have been pouring back in to Iraq. They’ve been pouring back in….I said, Iraq…into uh, many cities and it’s being televised. You can see them crying. They’re crying because they are happy. They’re coming back to their homes.

They know that there is money for the Reforms in the city where their homes are at. The confidence is growing…no doubt, no doubt, and like I told you, this confidence is something new. It has to change the attitude of the Middle East. And like I said yesterday from the days of Caesar to the days of the Crusaders, their attitude was wrong.

Now, we arrive and we change their attitude. It is what it is now, isn’t it? Why? Because of us….but we can’t take one single piece of credit. Mosul, Fallujah, Abadi. His troops, Peshmerga Army…anybody else…all we did was to, we watched. No, we did all the work.

We liberated all these places, but it must look like an Arab victory so it’s theirs.

Now in the process, we have expanded. We, stretched out our tentacles, we…are not leaving. We are making more bases, we are establishing more Embassy’s…they will tell you about it. It can be all the Arab victory that you want it to be…but we’re showing them how to do their Reforms. And the Monetary Reform leads all the Reforms.

They didn’t tell you about the battles, did they? They don’t talk about it….I told you yesterday, the only thing that they told you about in the last month and a half, was about the F-33’s and the Blackhawks. And some Drone attacks. That the Pentagon just released telling you about Baghdadi being knocked out…this is all good. Victory after victory after victory after victory, city after city after city…they’re all watching this.

Now, here is another reason why we are not going leave…because if we leave, you know what they will do? They’ll turn into idiots again. I supposed that is a derogatory word but, it’s a good word to use. How idiotic that when Obama and Maliki kicked us out for those two years, wasted, what did the Army’s do? You’re students…and if you don’t remember, they ran outside. Filled the streets…”Look, the American’s are gone!” “It’s us, our Army’s” (pointing an imaginary rifle at the ceiling and shooting in the air)…firing off their rifles in the air (another shot in the air)…what, are you stupid?!?

So, we don’t want no more stupidity. We don’t want no more idiotic actions by ANYBODY over there. And we have removed most of the cancer that did this. An army does not go out there and shoot its guns off…the bullet’ got to come down, stupid. And you don’t go and run around like a bunch of renegade’s or malisha idiots.

You have a uniform(!) be PROUD OF IT! You have a unit you belong to, back it up. So if we leave, or even if we back off…I told you, how many? Man, it’s about 40-50 thousand troops. Just last week they told you, “Well, there’s about 20,000 troops…”, when did they get there?

“Oh, oh, uh…*clearing throat) …I mean we got more troops now than we did before they kicked us out…IMO…because we don’t want these idiots to start shooting each other again! We don’t them to start creating “tribal issues” in the Gov’t ever again. We don’t want them to ever steal…man we monitor everything. Everything. If a mosquito farts, we want to know the volume of that gas.

NO. MORE. WASTING. TIME! This is the IMF, this is the Twelve, this is the United States of America…and we are guiding you, aren’t we? Now when do you want your loan? June or July? Obviously they want it as quickly as possible. Fine. Now you’re qualified for it, you’re gonna get it…but do the rest of the financial reform please. Which is basically Article 8. Which I really thought that I could say that it was lifted, but we don’t have the evidence of it. We have a “shadow” of it…I mean the shadow of it is so big, it casts out about two (2) miles long. Make it three (3) miles.

I think Article 8 is next. I think Mosul is next. In fact, I think you know what? I think that Mosul and Article 8 are the same thing. The same way that I said that “Internationalism” and “Revalue-ization” of their currency is the same thing…let me give you something to put in your notes…I believe, IMO, that we will see Article 8 and Mosul next and I believe, that these two are important. I believe that these two (2) are of equal importance. Not only for financial reforms, but for all of the reforms.

Mosul, it has a significance. Something that I want to talk to you about but I can’t but you can kind of figure it out for yourself. I told you yesterday, that there is some soft of significance, I wish I could tell you. I could hint that it has a lot to do about financial centers, with their banks, maybe strategic positions for Syria/Turkey/Iran, the Kurds, maybe for political positioning…well, whatever it is, Mosul is very important. Mosul to me, is Article 8…and to me, Mosul and Article 8 are coming.

That’s the next thing that I want to see, IMO.

It’s all about timing…and, IMO, this is the time for it. Also, IMO, they are way ahead of the schedule that they were given to finish up Article 8. Whatever they did to finish the loans to get it, they’re not really telling us what they did although we see the shadow of it, but now…oh my goodness, this last part, to get that loan…those steps, I believe they’re ahead of it. So I don’t see anything in July.

Somebody asked me, “Where does your files go?” Only until June. And that was over two months ago when that question was asked of me. IMO, the three (3) days that we talked to you about yesterday, are very important. IMO, the Arabic side of the CBI is being protected right now. By who? Whatever…but they’re protecting it.

And we believe, deep in our hearts, that when they lift the value of their currency it’s going to be on the Arabic side for three (3) days, in Arabic, Arabic numerals…it’ll be hidden. And then, three (3) days later…legally…the CBI has to release that information to the international world. Their main concern is their citizens. If it comes out at 1:1? (Frank whistles) And the coin? The one (1) dollar coin? Well you just told us you knuckleheads!

So…that’s where you are starting. Is there anything lower than the one (1) dollar? (In Frank’s deep voice, looking up to the ceiling) Uhhhh…don’t think so. (giggling) Okay. You’re 1:1 then….you knuckleheads. But those three (3) days are important to Dr. Shabibi to get that information out to the rest of the banks in Iraq. They told them that they would be sending that information to them very soon, remember that? To get the information to the citizens because the citizens are watching the staff of the banks “do” what the citizens are about to do. That’s pretty good.

Now these three (3) days, there’s something else I gotta to tell you. We, Delta and I are looking on the CBI website everyday, everyday, every hour, and we want to tell you now, that for a while…I’d rather not tell you how long…but there are two (2) pages on the CBI Arabic website, right now, that for a while now…we can’t open.

Now, prior to that…you could open them. No problem. You could open them all, you can see ‘em all, you can read ‘em in Arabic…okay. But this is the first time that we’ve noticed this. First it was one, now it’s two. In our opinion (IOO), me and Delta and the rest of us we feel that, whatever it is that they are doing right now to finish up Article 8 is in those two (2) pages that we can’t open up on the Arabic side. Not only, can we not open it up outside of Iraq but maybe inside of Iraq, it
can be opened to the citizens. So we decided to tell you this. We’ve been carrying it for a while.

So is there a need for a three (3) day holiday? No, of course not. But those three (3) days might fall over a weekend. In fact, they were talking about coming up with more holidays. I don’t know if you saw that, we thought that was “curious”…hmmm…creating holidays when you need them. Wow, wow, okay. No, we don’t need those three (3) days, or I should say, you don’t need to know about them…because you won’t see them, because they will be on the Arabic side and they will lock it up even for the international world, because they don’t care about the international world at that time.

That timing, this timing is for the citizens. I told you, they are going through a “propaganda campaign” with their citizens…it has nothing to do with you. A Dinar is a Dinar. It will stay 1:1 in the country. Now once, those three (3) days later, once we get it? Oh Dear God…for us, outside, no it’s going to climb. Why? Because then we can exchange it for the currency that we represent.

If I’m a Canadian, I change it for Loonies. If I’m a Mexican, I change it for Peso’s. If I’m an American, I change it for USD’s. And depending on what that currency of that country is at, I might make a capital gain. The only place that I know that I’m gonna lose is Zimbabwe. If I lived in Zimbabwe…well, that don’t even have a banking system.

Is this making sense? Are you happy? Because we were very happy. Oh my goodness, I told you yesterday, we “lost it”. When we saw that they were telling you about Fallujah? We screamed! You know me, I was in tears. Because IOO, the next thing they’re going to tell you about is Mosul, and if they tell you about Mosul, we believe that…they’re gonna tell you about the Monetary Reform which is Article 8.

Let me speed this up here…don’t forget by the time you read something, it has already happened.

And I told you that, when Mosul is edited, it is at that time you’re going to see a really fast full run for the reforms. Right now they are walking fast, but very soon, they are about to really hit the gas…on, the Financial Reform, that will then trigger the Economic Reforms that have been
slightly fueled with a loan that they are about to get. The IMF is watching this very, very closely.

I talked to you about Fallujah didn’t I? I told you about the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank…all three (3) of them gave them permission to raise the value of their currency. Holy Cow, that’s big.

The propaganda campaign is within the city and when they’re ready, they’ll bring it outside and then they’ll tell the international world…come on in and check out our new and improved world…in Iraq. Like for example, Halliburton. Halliburton was there but Halliburton backed off when Obama and Maliki decided to screw around…and, Halliburton has high contracts with the oil companies out there but they pulled back. Why?

Because they know darn well that they were wasting time. Watch Halliburton position itself now again, IMO.

Iraq keeps moving the deadline, as you know, by there…I don’t want to say “laziness” but by the tradition in their DNA. We thrive, we live, on a “New York minute”, everything is on a New York nanosecond…in Iraq, you want to talk about something, you want to build a building? Alright, let’s sit down. Let’s have a Hookah. Let’s get a little “dizzy”. Let’s get some of that strong coffee and get real dizzy. Let’s laugh Yeah, let’s have a good time…and I’m certainly not gonna work…what do we work? Three (3) hours a day? Yeah.

You know the Americans work eight (8), nine (9) hours a day? Some of them work twelve (12) hours a day for four (4) days or five (5) days out of the week. Did you know that? Americans are strange.

I told you Family, their attitude is different. When they negotiate, it takes forever. They’re fearful of us and they are fearful to negotiate with us. You know what they think of who we are? We are gorillas. They call us, “Gorillas”. They see these huge men, jumping out of airplanes, landing and walking on their sand with all this equipment on them. And another thing, they don’t understand our dogs.

We jump out of airplanes with dogs and parachutes? And the dogs are, walking by your side?!? We in the Middle East don’t understand this relationship with you Americans and dogs. Dogs are scavengers in our country. Dogs are, not at all…we don’t want dogs…we kill them. Dogs are vicious. Dogs are animals. Dogs..Americans, you come with your dogs? And you invade our country? You scared us.

So this attitude has really changed in the last twelve (12) years because I believe that the United States of America, militarily-wise, has made a study on how to deal with the Middle Eastern culture. You see, twenty (20) years prior to that, when we left Vietnam…we developed the knowledge and the technology for our equipment to go to desert environments. You should see those studies. I mean, our guns, our filters, our rays….I mean, all kinds of stuff that we did in order to deal with, sand…and our weapons.

I’m sorry, I got off on a little tangent and I shouldn’t have done that…so let me just get back and let me finish up. Iraq kept moving their deadline and the United States of America is in there, and we are not letting them move this deadline. You know why?

Because the United States of America is…”deadline sensitive”. If we tell that this is a project and we are going to complete it at this time, we expect that…and when you guys didn’t do it, it shocked us and then your Maliki and our Obama worked together to get us out of there militarily, all of our military commanders said, “Mr. President…what the hell’s the matter with you?” But hey, nobody cares.

But, United States of America? We are, deadline sensitive. And that’s why we decided, “Junior?!? That’s enough of that!” We grabbed you by the ear and we have been showing you every step, by step, by step.

Now all you got to do is just do this last part and get the loan and you’re all set.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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