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Monday, May 30, 2016

 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-30-16  Part 1 of 2

​Post From BondLadys Corner
 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-30-16  Part 1 of 2
Tlm724:    Re: BondLady Chat 05/26/2016 Exchange Rates
Tlm724:   I need to point out something for everyone and it's important ! On May 26th BondLady did a chat about the possibility of the dinar exchange rate floating in country and/or the Middle East, as I am sure you all have read it by now. She backed up her opinion with links to reliable news sources as they showed what she was talking about. 

I, too, had verification from the Minister of Finance site of the fluctuation of the exchange rates listed. Now here comes the interesting part Wink Since that time the exchange rate is showing 1182.00 which is the exchange rate used be the CBI and reflects the cash sales price of 1182 dinars per dollar.

 On May 26th, the same day as her chat, is was published as US $ 1 =1,169.4000 Iraqi dinars. On May 25th the MOF rate was published as 1169.85
On the news sites May 27th it was listed as 1182.00 and today as well. My point is this, we must consider the fact that BondLady may have been right and that it is/was floating and now it is being published in multiple places at a set 1182.00, at least for the last 3 days anyway. Time will tell and it won't take long. We'll see what they show this coming week.
Did someone in Iraq say hey you can't be publishing those rates ?? Is someone in Iraq or internationally hiding the fact it is or was floating ?? There is something highly suspicious about all this  Suspect and if BondLady threw herself to the wolves then so go I . She is on to something and of all the people I have met and dealt with in the dinar community I hold her opinion above all others. I believe she is right !
tlm724    MAY 30th rates :
Foreign exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar on Monday, May 30, 2016
Economy   Since 05.30.2016 at 10:42 (Baghdad time)  BAGHDAD - balances News

U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,182.0000 Iraqi dinars
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0008


Minster of Finance May 30, 2016 
Foreign exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar on Monday, May 30, 2016
Economy  Since 05.30.2016 at 10:42 (Baghdad time)   BAGHDAD - balances News
U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,182.0000 Iraqi dinars
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0008
1 euro = Iraqi dinars 1,312.5516
IQD 1 = 0.0008 euros
 Sterling pound
IQD 1 = 0.0006 pounds
 Canadian Dollar
1 CAD = 903.4625 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Canadian dollars
 Australian Dollar
1 AUD = 846.3108 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0012 Australian dollars
 Japanese Yen
1 Japanese Yen = 10.6659 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0938 Japanese yen


 Minster of Finance May 30, 2016
 Document issued an arrest warrant against Ethel Najafi
30/05/2016 09:22 | Direction Press / Nineveh
The Presidency issued a resumption of Nineveh, the Federal Court of an arrest warrant against the former governor of Nineveh Ethel Nujaifi.
 She noted that the arrest warrant Nujaifi accused in the complaint against him in the form of the integrity ofNineveh.
 [tlm724] bu bye Ethel, his brother stopped this before but not this time
[tlm724] here this from a diff source
[tlm724] Sources indicate that the corruption cases of the accused by the relevant exploiting maintain funds for evil E mechanics and processing equipment for Camp National crowd Bakiem double for Price truth goods, machinery and equipment to those, and is expected to open this trial , the door to the issues many files had already been accused by Ethel Nujaifi , however , that his brother Osama Najafi and ex officio previously prevented the move .
[tlm724] had already been accused by Ethel Nujaifi , however , that his brother Osama Najafi and ex officio previously prevented the move .
Legal expert: pleading Federal Court ruling made soon for the benefit of one of the parties
30/05/2016 09:44 | Direction Press / Baghdad  He said the legal expert Tareq Harb hearing conducted by the Federal Supreme Court on Sunday on the legality and legitimacy of the disputed sessions of the House of Representatives "was almost close to resolving the case."
He said the war in a press release received "direction Press" a copy of it today, that "those pleading semi close in favor of one of the parties to the proceedings at the appeal hearings of Parliament for the month of April 2016 and it happened when agents parliament speaker presented photographs and CDs, documents and films for attendees and non-attendees at those meetings the subject of disagreement and replace the suit,
which supports the point of view of the party and in exchange for that, the agents of any other party and the reformist front sitters hasten to refute what ended up with agents so that the other party said Mlhozathm on these documents.
He said the war that "some MPs from the bloc's reform attendees participated in it where reinitiated Representatives from the court to talk to and after the Court authorized them spoke MP architecture Ihsanoglu one Governing Council of Representatives on the list that includes the signatures of Representatives,
which exceeds the quorum Here responded agents other party that signed something and the audience something else because there are deputies in charge of signing the menu without having to attend the meeting, or they leave the meeting. "
He said the legal expert said, "which we have observed that he did not attend any deputy of the mass of the Speaker of Parliament or of the Kurdish bloc took the court sworn experts oath to perform their duties honestly and truth and honesty, impartiality and so the experts' report,
which will be written in the light of scrutiny every paper and every document and every tablet and all conduct in this case is crucial in the outcome of the lawsuit so we find that the court experts handed over the case file is complete and will wait on 06.08.2016 as the new date of the pleading. "
The Federal Supreme Court has postponed on Sunday to consider the grounds of appeal submitted to the House of Representatives Bgelsta eighth of next month. The sa
 [tlm724] the disputed sessions of the House of Representatives "was almost close to resolving the case.
[tlm724] on the list that includes the signatures of Representatives, which exceeds the quorum Here responded agents other party that signed something and the audience something else because there are deputies in charge of signing the menu without having to attend the meeting, or they leave the meeting. "
[tlm724] ok then What a Face spoken like true goobers
[tlm724] The Federal Supreme Court has postponed on Sunday to consider the grounds of appeal submitted to the House of Representatives Bgelsta eighth of next month
[tlm724] you want egg rolls with that lol
[cat]  LMAO 
[tlm724] sorry in a weird mood
Deputy for the law: the battle of Fallujah united Iraqis and edit became just around the corner[/size]
30/05/2016 10:18 | Direction Press / Baghdad  MP from the coalition of law Haider Star Mawla, Monday, that the victories achieved by the security forces and the popular crowd and the sons of the tribes united Iraqis and represented a serious blow to terrorism, while stressing that the liberation of Fallujah became just around the corner.
He said the Lord in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it, that "the military operations launched to liberate Fallujah, a city of honking terrorist Daash begun to bear fruit, especially after the liberation of the vine and several districts located on the outskirts of Fallujah," stressing that "our armed forces from the army and federal police and the popular crowd and the sons of the tribes assured us the unity of Iraq with all its components. "
He added that "what really some media paid and promoted him some terrorists wanted to eliminate the fugitives outside Iraq and intimidation from entering the popular crowd, evidence suggests that it is unfounded, where not recorded the existence of any breach Auszaoz on human rights in military operations, but Al Yaeks showed that editors have humanely exceeded the military situation,
"noting that" the purpose of these allegations is tarnish edit Fallujah operations and influence, especially after the epic championship achieved by our security forces and the popular crowd in recent Almarkh and refraction Daash. "
He called Mawla homelands politicians and real media , " to stand with Iraq Champions of the army and police , the popular and the crowd and the sons of the tribes to liberate Fallujah every inch of the land of Iraq , the Holy of factions Daash terrorist, and that Aguetdo mass sit - shown by the Iraqi people behind our troops and theHoly mobilized, which showed the awareness and cohesion of his sons with all its components ".
 [tlm724] *hallelujah* then on to Mosul, well done !!!
[cstacy] *hallelujah*
[tlm724] that the liberation of Fallujah became just around the corner

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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