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Friday, May 27, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-27-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From  Chat Room
Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-27-16  Part 1 of 2

chattels: Erbil expects 200 to 900 thousand IDPs to flee Fallujah and Mosul, seek shelter in KRG By Rudaw
chattels: "The Iraqi government has not begun serious cooperation with the KRG, and even a budget of $32 million Baghdad itself allocated to help refugee camps in Erbil in 2014, only a sum of $15 million was spent to build a camp, and the rest has not been spent yet,"
chattels: The Kurdistan Regional Government claims that internally displaced persons (IDPs) now make up 35 percent of the current population of the Kurdistan Region.
chattels: The judiciary decides to postpone the resolution of a lawsuit parliamentary crisis to the next Sunday
chattels: " Federal Supreme Court has decided to postpone consideration of the lawsuit challenged Bgelsta parliament until the ninth hour of the day May 29 the current for the purpose of inviting experts to tell them their mission and handed over what is under the hands of the court in addition to CDs.
The court also decided to nominate three professors academics from the Faculty of Information to consider the validity of the recordings , Neshat and tapes relating Bgelsta parliament held in April.
the court directed before, to question the parties to the dispute about the mechanics of counting and vote to make sure a quorum meetings of parliament and asked the members of the Federal Court for clarification on both sides of the parliamentary dispute over the mechanism of electronic voting and manual and how the media coverage of the meetings. It began Wednesday morning , the first session of the Federal Supreme Court for the appeal proceedings .............."
chattels: Federal Supreme Court has decided to postpone consideration of the lawsuit challenged Bgelsta parliament until the ninth hour of the day May 29 ( Sunday ).
chattels: susannah george ‏@sgreports Abadi asks protesters to stand down tomorrow so security forces can focus on Fallujah #Iraq
chattels: Interior declares alert after warning of a dangerous escalation Abadi Office in Baghdad
chattels: ........................ the Office of the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi has issued this evening issued a statement saying he was " through intelligence reports that certain groups intend next Friday to do serious escalation and the country is in a state of war. " and issued Abadi , according to the statement , " orders the Interior Ministry to protect the center of the capital Baghdad and the protection of citizens ' and public and private property ....................
whoswho: 5-26-2016 Newshound Guru Bondlady ((IMO)) somethings going on and for me I's with the dinar... when you watch an read this stuff every day as I (we) do, you notice things out of the norm...
you start seeing patterns in things...back in the day before the programmed rate began the dinar floated...I know what it looked like when it was floating, I followed it daily with the CBI...
the CBI doesn't show the dinar floating because I feel if they did it would be internationally accepted then... so this one site...basically has the dinar floating IMO...
I think its floating in the Middle East, in arab currencies, no where else imo at this the middle east, so supply and demand is now driving the rates imo... out of I think the last 8 -10 days the dinar...went up and down.
...just want to point out that Minister of Finance site shows the exchange rate daily as well and it is changing too... I think when the CBI announces the float it will hopefully mean they will be trading internationally which at this time imo they are NOT.
I think their gearing up for the switch and making sure the exchange rates sites are operating right like a trial basis seeing how it works in the M.E. then onto international.
There's way too many coincidences for me not to believe something is happening, the site shut its exchange rates down for 3 days prior to coming back up with what I believe to be Middle East float of the dinar. ...I do believe we are on to something with the dinar...early stages but a definite change appearing...
chattels: Frankincense confirms the existence of assurances from all the political blocs to attend Sunday session
chattels: " ................., including members of the Front reform,................ " and " ................ without regard to the decision of the Federal Court."
Ononotagain: Whoswho; If you look hard enough, you can see your imagination... like looking at the clouds. The Dinar is not floating the way you see it... please read.
Ononotagain: Some countries impose the existence of more than one exchange rate, depending on the type and the subjects of the transaction. Multiple exchange rates then exist, usually referring to commercial vs. public transactions or consumption and investment imports.
This situation requires always some degree of capital controls. In many countries, beside the official exchange rate, the black market offers foreign currency at another, usually much higher, rate.
Exchange rate regimes When the exchange rate can freely move, assuming any value that private demand and supply jointly establish, "freely floating exchange rate" will be the name of currency institutional regime. Equivalently, it is called "flexible" exchange rate as well. If the central bank timely and significantly intervenes on the currency market, a "managed floating exchange rate regime" takes place.
The central bank intervention can have an explicit target, for example in term of a band of currency acceptable values. In "freely" and "managed" floating regimes, a loss in currency value is conventionally called a "depreciation", whereas an increase of currency's international value will be called "appreciation".
If the dollar rise from 10 000 yen to 12 000 yen, then it has shown an appreciation of 20%. Symmetrically, the yen has undergone an 8.3% depreciation. But central banks can also declare a fixed exchange rate, offering to supply or buy any quantity of domestic or foreign currencies at that rate.
 In this case, one talks of a "fixed exchange rate". Under this regime, a loss of value, usually forced by market or a purposeful policy action, is called a "devaluation", whereas an increase of international value is a "revaluation".
[Ononotagain: it always moves a little... but not yet for us.
Ononotagain: This is a new link on the CBI website:
chattels: Interior hails postponement of demonstrations to coincide with the battle of Fallujah
chattels: the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi has called for the postponement of the demonstrations "until the liberation of Fallujah because our busy operations liberation and that this fight requires great effort and demonstrations, put pressure on our troops to provide the necessary protection," he said .
chattels: MP for the coalition of state law blossoms Turaihi, an attorney, says that next Sunday will not see the light of the unwillingness of blocs and political parties to attend before the declaration of the Federal Court decision.
 chattels: " the meeting called by Saleem al - Jubouri on Sunday , will not end the political dispute will not be resolved parliamentary crisis "likely failure to convene the session on Sunday, citing the reason that the quorum which will never be completed."
She explained that " to come to the parliament building will be limited to committee meetings concerning the security side , to discuss the security developments in the country in recent times. "
chattels: " the blocs and political parties did not confirm the presence of the session called by Saleem al - Jubouri, both the Kurdistan Alliance and the coalition forces and the components of the National Alliance.
chattels: " Liberal bloc refused to attend any meeting in the absence of Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, also said the protesters Front will not attend any meeting before announcing the decision of the Federal Court, as well as other blocks from within the National Alliance. "
chattels: " the Federal Court 's decision will be the boundary between the front of the protesters of Representatives and the presidency of the parliament, and will end the current political crisis, as binding on all parties. "
chattels: the Federal Court has postponed consideration of the appeal proceedings Bgelsta parliament held in the month of April to next Sunday, the same date when the presidency of the parliament called for a House of Representatives hearing.
 chattels: capital Baghdad witnessed on Friday , certainly for bridges and the closure of most of the main streets , blocks of concrete. The Ministry of the Interior, security alert in the capital , Baghdad , after a warning issued by the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Office.
The Office of the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi has issued yesterday evening issued a statement saying he was "through intelligence reports that certain groups intend next Friday to do serious escalation and the country in case war. " Abadi and issued according to the statement , " orders the Interior Ministry to protect the center of the capital Baghdad and the protection of citizens and public and private property ‘
chattels: A security source told all of Iraq [where] that " the most important bridges cut in the capital Baghdad , is [Sinak Bridge, Republic, bridge floors, the martyrs, and the bridge - Shaab Stadium, and Mohammed Qasim toward the eastern gate, the channel toward the Interior Ministry, as well as the intersection of Shaab Stadium, Square Kahramana, and Firdous Square. " " it has been cut through the Aviation Square, Square Khilani, and Street Abu Nawas, and yard dash, and Palestine Street near the network arena. "
chattels: The photo shows one " helluvah " barricade - no chance for a face to face confrontation with anyone.
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—The Iraqi prime minister has asked protesters to postpone their weekly Friday demonstration so that security forces can focus on the ongoing battle to retake Fallujah from the Islamic State (ISIS).

“All our security forces are preoccupied with liberating Fallujah and nearby areas, and imposing pressure on them in Baghdad and other provinces to protect the demonstrations will affect this issue,” Haider al-Abadi said when visiting Fallujah Operation Command on Thursday.

chattels: Joel Wing Retweeted Hayder Al-Shakeri ‏@HayderSH 4h4 hours ago Iraq Apparently blocking the streets isn't enough. Iraqi gov. decided to block @Facebook as well fearing of protests. #Iraq
chattels: Sajad Jiyad ‏@SajadJiyad 23h23 hours ago PM @HaiderAlAbadi also thanked social media users for support of ISF

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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