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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Awake-in-3D: "Maybe These "Sovereign Rate" issues Should be Put to Bed Once and for All


Awake-in-3D:  Awake-in-3d: Maybe these "Sovereign Rate" issues should be put to bed once and for all...

Maybe these "Sovereign Rate" issues should be put to bed once and for all. 

1.Sovereign Rates are real and have been for YEAR

2: They have NOT been in Dinar Land awareness because these rates have always been connected to very private Groups known as "Sovereign Groups".

3: Sovereign Groups have "pooled" very large amounts of currency - VERY large amounts. These groups have also pre-packaged and validated the currencies (serving an efficient, logistical function that is valuable to Sovereign buyers) and vetted group members via background checks (another valuable aspect to Sovereign buyers)
4: Sovereign Buyers have specific, minimum amounts of currencies (block/bulk amounts) that they deal in. There were minimum amounts (blocks of currencies) that were required to arrange the transaction contract. These blocks are very large, relatively speaking, and only a few Groups could aggregate enough currency to meet these minimum amounts of currencies.

5: Sovereign Groups and Sovereign Rates are named/termed this because they are dealing direct with Sovereigns (National Treasuries of countries/nations) regarding currency contracts.

6: Some Sovereign Groups further enhanced the efficiency (value) by submitting the currency (into escrow, if you will) in return for an SKR (Bank deposit receipt)

7:  The Sovereign Rate issue has come into Dinar Land vernacular because a specific individual came out publicly and discussed these rates and further claimed that "everyone will get them" when the "800 numbers" are issued. 

8: This individual went on to claim that these Sovereign Rates are incredibly high - emphasis on INCREDIBLE.

Now here is the conundrum:
  • Sovereign rates are connected to Humanitarian Project stipulations and oversight. FACT

  • These stipulations were efficiently managed and administrated via the Sovereign Groups because the currencies and members were a KNOWN factor.

  • The greater Dinar Land masses of currency holders are an UNKNOWN factor in terms of currency amounts and individual vetting (background checks).

  • The greater Dinar Land masses also represent the least efficient "group" (this is a loose term, for lack of a better descriptor) in terms of the collection of currencies and identification of criminal elements amongst all of the individuals involved. A massive effort in manpower, logistics and security must be deployed to manage this exchange process (the exchange centers!). Consequently, the banking infrastructure, via office locations spread far and wide, are the logistical and administrative vehicles of choice for the undertaking.

  • Furthermore, the Humanitarian stipulations are far more complex to explain, execute, administer and oversee within the large landscape of Dinar Land individuals given the vast variables in individual knowledge, experience, financial common sense, big picture grasp, fear, mistrust, and so on.

  • Appropriate security measures - across the entire, massive exchange center infrastructure - are also far more complex to ENSURE adequate security for exchangers and exchange center personnel (it only takes ONE, unbalanced individual to create a major security problem and endanger others around them).

Here is the current, Dinar Land controversy:
  • It is NOT about whether Sovereign Rates are real or not because they are real - it is about who will have access to them given the conundrum points above.

  • Given these rates do exist, what are they? They are assuredly (multiples) higher than the base rates, but they are NOT as high as some are continuing to report. I won't say any more on this since these fantasy high rates are incomprehensible on any level of rational or even openly optimistic viewpoints. In fact, the rates are being misinterpreted on the screens (move the decimal left people! The rates are displayed in Scientific Notation!!!). In fact, it is useless to even think about just what these rates are - just know that they are higher than the base rates which have been around Dinar Land for years now. It just doesn't matter in the endgame. We will know when we know - debating and speculating and arguing one way or another is just mental masterbation and fruitless. Why add more stress to an already unknown situation? Just let it happen and take things one step at a time. Please!  :)

  • Will these higher rates (I don't even want to use the term Sovereign Rates in context of the greater, Dinar Land exchange landscape because it doesn't fit the actual definition of what "Sovereign" Rates are as explained in point number 5 above)
  • .
  • Does one have to be in a private, Sovereign Group to have access to the Sovereign rates? This is the big question! There is no direct way to answer this because there is no way to validate any claim, by anyone, one way or another. FACT

  • One thing I will say, not EVERYONE who has currency in their hand is guaranteed to get these higher rates for a number of reasons, which I cannot disclose (I wish I could, but I cannot). This is a completely unrealistic expectation IMO. I will stand by this position. I have credible information that supports this, backed up with solid reasons, realistic scenarios, and direct source explanations of the challenges involved (much of which I have outlined above). 

  • Additional controversy is also being created by the reports that "Sovereign Rates" will contain structured payments and also a 25% spendable and a 75% fixed principle that is non-spendable (but will generate an annuity rate of return from investments and interest). This is connected to the Humanitarian stipulations mentioned above and the fact that the Sovereign Rates are "PURPORTEDLY" SO HIGH. 
The reason I took the time to break this down is NOT to persuade you into my views on this issue. I am not trying to tell you what to believe or what to think. I am only offering a structured way of putting this all into perspective. You can conclude anything you deem appropriate for your own disposition. I encourage that! 

What I do want to persuade and convince you of is this:
  • Do not get caught up in the controversy - it really serves no purpose since none of us are in control of this event. 

  • Nothing you think or say or believe will change what the actual exchange scenarios are and will be. So just let it be what it will be.

  • If you are concerned you will have too much money, or get a structured payout, or have a percentage set aside as an annuity vehicle - all as a stipulation of getting a higher rate - either be happy that this is pretty good "concern" to be blessed with, or just take the base rate and move on with your life. 

  • And remember my take on the whole thing; If they're paying these higher rates, I'll spend it!   LOL   :)

In closing, I feel this Serenity Prayer is very fitting for where we all are right now:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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