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Monday, May 30, 2016

KTFA Members Monday Afternoon 5-30-16


Jay: WOOOOOOWZERS..... Must watch. GREAT FIND REDD..TY...For bringing this forward...HUGE....HUGE....HUGE...IMO  (see article/video  below)

it sounds like the Kurds have announced their international entry to the global economy... :  Am I wrong...In the families opinion..???  Hey Frank was this the video you were waiting to come out?

ReddStarr: your excitement....yes this is the launch of the economic reforms....and this will start....the financial reforms too....IMO....of course...anyone who has been following Iraq....knows that the Kurds have always gone first....Iraq will follow....look for it....notice the excitement from the UN speaker as well....

Stevep99:  WOWEE WOWZERS!!  I! This is like a knockout blow...a big bell ringer! Hello world here comes the Kurds! Of course whatever KRG does, little bro is sure to follow!!   Fireworks must be ready to light
ReddStarr: UN’s deputy representative in Iraq praises KRG reform plan!

(click on the link to watch the video)

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Speaking at the Kurdistan Regional Government’s unveiling
of its three-year economic reform plan on Monday Lise Grande, the UN’s Deputy Special Representative in Iraq, said that the KRG’s reform plan is a very smart document that rationalizes and reprioritizes public expenditures.

 The road map, she said, looks closely at the water sector by securing a sustainable water supply.

 “The plan hits all of the right buttons, and demonstrates clearly to everyone here in Kurdistan, to everyone in Iraq, and to all of Kurdistan’s international partners that Kurdistan is serious  about reform,” she added.


ReddStarr:  I posted the article about Rafidian bank last week....that article also talked about the "training of staff"'ll see what comes out of it..."international"....."global systems".....all pointing in one direction.....

Iraqi private banks association signed a memorandum of understanding with the banking institution!

Private Economy News: signed Iraqi private banks association on Sunday a memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the Banking Corp. Almscharlbrat in the training of the banking sector in Iraq.

The agreement was signed by Association President and Wadih Handal , while it was signed for Almscharriasha Khalil Foundation Chandler. he Madiralmvud of the Association of Iraqi private banks Ali Tariq said in a statement singled out by the economics News that the agreement provides for the training of staff in the banking sector in Iraq on the technology used in the banking business in accordance with the Almairatah, and administrative structure in place in the global system.

He explained that the Convention and - running three years will open new horizons for the work of the Association through the provision of quality services to the banking sector and the introduction of new services to work in the Iraqi private banks.


ReddStarr:  "Private sector"...."Infrastructure"..."jobs"....more signs....pointing to what the IMF wanted to see out of Iraq....IMO

Baghdad Investment: {77} a residential project in the capital will provide {130} thousand residential units!

Baghdad} Euphrates News announced that the board of investment of Baghdad, on Monday,the presence of {77} Sknaya project will provide {130} thousand residential units and many job opportunities for the people of the capital.

The head of the Authority Shaker Zamili in a statement the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today, that " the Authority is working hard to advance the reality of urban capital through vacationed for many investment projects implemented with funds of the private sector and not from the state budget." He pointed to "the existence of {77} residential project in Baghdad will provide more than {130} thousand residential units and many job opportunities for the people of Baghdad ,

 "noting that " we are working in cooperation and coordination with the relevant authorities to overcome the obstacles that hinder the investment process. "recalls that the two projects {residential flowers complex} which implemented bynew life real Estate investment company Ltd. in Enairah area and Kiarh and {residential Complex hands} in Daoudi region, provide a large number of residential units of up to {6089} units in residential flowers complex there {4800} vertical construction unit and the {118} Building an area divided into 80/100/125/150 {} m 2 as the total number of units in the residential complex to the hands {1332} unit is divided into an area of {195/163} m 2, and these units are implemented for the benefit of citizens and some employees of the institutions Aovernmah


ReddStarr:  Sistani worried about the situation in Iraq and is considering intervention!

Sistani worried about the situation in Iraq and is considering intervention [Extended] The representative of the Secretary - General of the United Nations in Iraq , Jan Kubis said, the supreme religious authority , Grand Ayatollah Ali al - Sistani expressed concern about the situation in Iraq and he is considering intervention if "necessary to do so."

The Kubis arrived in the city of Najaf on Monday morning and met upon his arrival Repertory Sistani.

He said Kubis told a news conference after the meeting in front of the home of the referencecenter of Najaf ,attended by the correspondent of the agency all of Iraq [where] that "Sistani told us that he is watching thesituation in Iraq with interest a concern and that it will intervene if it finds necessary for it " , said Kubis.

the transfer Kubis regret Sistani" because of the outgrowth of the reform project and that he was hoping to unity and rejection of fragmentation , "referring to the reforms launched by Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi since August 2015 to fight corruption and repair the file political, security and economic development .

He said the highest religious authority "to strongly support both armed and support forces in the fightDaash gangs of terror, and that the fight should unite all Iraqis and the need for attention to civilians and should not Atdharora any violations during the war and provide the necessary support to them " according to therepresentative of UNAMI in Iraq.

he said Kubis said as Sistani "called on the Iraqi authorities and the international community to provide necessary support to the displaced people." he added:

"I had the honor greatly today to meet with Sistani It is an honor for us and for the United Nations and outlined during the meeting of the United Nations activities and their role in resolving the political crisis in Iraq and support the reforms and the fight against Daash. " and that is during the meeting , " taken from several important points of reference in the work of UNAMI , "he said , adding" our part Oodzna him our last report we have talked a great bluntly told the security Council on the situation in Iraq , "noting that " we support the Iraqi forces and the Iraqi people in their fight Daash
JDTolle: Red Skeltons Pledge of Allegiance

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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