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Monday, May 30, 2016

BGG News Time & Sunday PM Chat  5-29-16   Part 1 of 2

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BGG New Time & Sunday PM Chat  5-29-16   Part 1 of 2

puffdragon says():Mr White, Rcookie, would you please explain, If Iraq is international and article 8 compliant as was stated earlier, and has not revalued yet, it doesnt make sence for any country or buisness to do loans or invest in Iraq at this time with the existing rate ?
I thought like many others that when Iraq becomes International and article 8 compliant there would be the revalue, and those kind of things would follow, so with the Imf LOI it was stated that Iraq will enter the international market, not that the dinar will revalue by end of first half of 2016, is that correct ?
So please help me to understand what does that mean for the revaluation. Sorry for if this all making sence to you folks it is not for me due to my ignorence of the investment and the process. Im not being critical of anyone just wanting to understand the situation as best as I can. Thanks
Nash says to puffdragon():It you look back at chat today, Mr. White explained thing pretty welll.... I think you might get the answers your looking for there...
pinklady says to puffdragon():I think it is happening before our eyes... not the way we had invisioned it... but it is coming IMO (lol)
localcats says():Hi all md today?
puffdragon says to Nash():Thats is what my question stems from when I read his post, Maybe im not understanding what exactly he is saying wouldnt be the first time !! ({) Thanks , maybe Il go back and read again !
puffdragon says to pinklady():It is happening, but to me it sounded like putting the cart before the horse kinda thing ? Do rv then get loans and investments but I obviosly not understanding it !
jimplants says():they need to end the MCP practice and use the IQD to pay their bills
Pablo says():Did parliament pass the laws and get the cabinet voted on today?
BGG says():There really has been a lot of EXTRAORDINARY news lately.
BGG says():if you stop and think...
BGG says():lemme' show you some of it...
BGG says():1st piece.
BGG says():Kurdish blocs announced their support for his reformist Ebadi
BGG says():BAGHDAD / IBN - Announced Kurdish blocs in the House support for the reforms and solving the problems of legal and constitutional means.
And Zkralmketb media to Deputy Speaker of Parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed, in a statement on Sunday, received a network of Iraqi transmitter (IBN) copy of it, "Sheikh Mohammed, chaired a meeting of the heads of Kurdish blocs in the House of Representatives, during which they discussed the latest developments of the situation and political developments on the Iraqi arena." .
The meeting underlined "the importance of maintaining the political process and to represent all the components of the people in decision-making, and the need to intensify efforts by both parties to improve the atmosphere and calm the situation in general."...
BGG says():So the Kurds are announcing (telegraphing) relatively broad-based support for Abadi's reform project...
BGG says():This is interesting in light of the fairly severe splitting of the National Alliance and crumbling of Maliki's support base...
BGG says():and the mostly ineffective political attacks his crooked bunch carried out in Parliament lately.

BGG says():they are doing everything they can to slow walk things.
BGG says():surprise surprise...
BGG says():Sadr is backing Abadi... (that's about 4 Million protestors over the last several weeks)... it's like having 2nd Amendment protection - but made up of human bodies.
BGG says():The Kurds are backing Abadi - (as per today's PR releases)...
BGG says():Hakim is STRANGELY quiet... (probably better for him - since he's DOCUMENTED on the "naughty list")
BGG says():This is all very good news.
maine says ():was abadi in parliment today and if so what was the outcome
maine says():now with the kurds support, can he now go forward with reforms
larrykn says to maine():good questions :)
BGG says to maine():I am not sure if he was - I read some vague report that seemed to point out that he was...  BGG says to maine():I will have to study on it some more...
BGG says to maine():the Kurds support will mean a lot in the near future to Abadi's programs.
BGG says to maine():and - think about it ...
BGG says to maine():when was the last time the Kurds (both sides) agreed on anything??
maine says():true
BGG says to maine():their minority factions are almost always trying to leverage the Shias in Baghdad against their regional adversaries.. BGG says to maine():even Talabani did it...
maine says():yes    maine says():he better strike while the iron is hot~
BGG says to maine():doesn't sound like the case this time.
BGG says to maine():as in - doesn't sound like they are "infighting" - GOOD NEWS. 
BGG says to maine():Next piece...
BGG says():Thousands of Peshmerga move on ISIS in major offensive
BGG says):KHAZIR FRONT, Southeast of Mosul – Some 5,000 Peshmerga and Zeravani Special Forces launched a major pre-dawn offensive Sunday, aiming to liberate 10 villages from the Islamic State (ISIS) group and moving a step closer to an anticipated joint offensive on Mosul...
BGG says():I won't post that whole article here... you can read in on THE BLOG as soon as we're done tonite.
BGG says():(I'll post it there - VERY GOOD NEWS!!!)
larrykn says():thank you BGG
BGG says():for all those tied up in the idea of Mosul being the key - this is it.
BGG says():AND
BGG says():it appears the Kurds are the ones (along with the US Sec Ops community - obviously) going to do the liberating. Also VERY GOOD NEWS.
Elane says():Do you feel it IS the key?
Elane says():Or at least 1 of them?
BGG says to Elane():IMHO - it's more likely one of the keys.
BGG says to Elane():not THE key...
BGG says to Elane():and maybe not even...
BGG says to Elane():but in any case... soon - it won't even be an issue. It would appear.
Elane says():Icredible news...
Elane says():thankyou
BGG says to Elane():I also find the timing of the IMF/WB oversight with these recent offenses against ISIS very curious.
BGG says to Elane():Money talks.
Pablo says():When are they planning on going into Mosul?
BGG says to Pablo():According to Rudaw (one ofthe most trusted and awarded news sources in the Middle East)...    BGG says to Pablo():They started on Mosul this AM..

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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