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Sunday, May 29, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-29-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-29-16  Part 1 of 2

Parliamentary Finance: Japan's assistance will not be at the disposal of the Iraqi government

History of edits:: 29/05/2016 9:26  {Baghdad} Euphrates News said the parliamentary finance committee member Rahim al-Darraji, said on Sunday that Japan's assistance to be provided to combat terrorism in the Middle East, including Iraq, will not be at the disposal of the Iraqi government.
Said Darraji told {Euphrates Enoz} Today, that "Iraq poses a significant portion of the presence of terrorism at home and in the whole country and therefore it is natural to have a stake in the Japanese aid amounting to $ 6 billion," he said .
 "This money will not given the cash to the states, but will be addressed by the States participating in the judiciary , especially in Syria and Iraq , terrorism, and part of this money will go to the reconstruction of the cities destroyed by terrorism. "
 He added , " also , this money will not be at the disposal of the Iraqi government, the understanding of the behave according to a timetable through subsidiaries have companies responsible for these projects and in their own way and conviction. "
 He attributed the reasons for this" rampant corruption unnatural way to state - level institutions in Iraq , which make these governments and nations of the world stand for his help directly in physical terms. " Japan had announced last Friday granted aid worth six billion dollars over the next three years to support the peace efforts in the Middle East.
a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the Japanese government will provide size financial aid of about six billion dollars for the Middle East between 2016 and 2018 to help prevent the spread of extremism and Japan showed that this aid will be allocated to Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan and Aaran.anthy 1
tlm724    this money will not be at the disposal of the Iraqi government, the understanding of the behave according to a timetable through subsidiaries have companies responsible for these projects and in their own way and conviction. " He attributed the reasons for this" rampant corruption unnatural way to state - level institutions in Iraq , which make these governments and nations of the world stand for his help directly in physical terms. "
smart ! Don't let them have the money directly !
Jubouri Representatives calls for efforts to support the parliament and approve legislation "expanded"
Political   Since 29.05.2016 at 14:00 (Baghdad time)  Baghdad balances News
Called on Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, on Sunday, all the members of the Council to make efforts to support the legislative authority and approval of the legislation.
Jubouri said during his opening speech of the meeting of solidarity to support the troops away and received / balances News / copy of it, "the sons of the army and police forces and the fight against terrorism and volunteers from the sons of tribal and folk crowd, facing a criminal enemy."
He added, "As we applaud their effort and their struggle and sacrifice, we find that to be commissioned by the national legislative institution and the leaders of the country to carry out their role in supporting the historical and support our fighters in the liberation of Fallujah, which enters its second week operations."
He continued, it is "making significant progress in liberalizing the areas surrounding the city of Fallujah to get to Osouraha, under a big challenge Pettmters Daash unarmed civilians and hide behind them after two years of starvation and oppression."
He pointed out that "the Iraqi people has been waiting for the council to convene and understanding on a clear formula for crossing the large and dangerous in relation to the International Monetary Fund and the mechanism of lending, and the need to seize the opportunity of international support to overcome the problem of acute shortage of liquidity to secure the entitlements of citizens of salaries and other economic crisis."
Addressing the House of Representatives, saying that "Gelcetkm for today, including in respect of the much sense to assume national responsibility, at the same time, it aims to raise the floor and the unification council and solidarity narrated to achieve the will of the people and their aspirations."
Among al-Jubouri, the "Council today called upon to rectify what he has done and activating its role can the state in the performance of their tasks, considering that the responsibility entrusted to us by the people from the first moment to have been selected representatives it is the embodiment of his demands and achieve them and work to be completed."
He stressed the "keenness on the unity of the Council and its cohesion and strength and performance of the role, so it has been and is still seen to be the expression of different views within this framework and invest democratic mechanisms guaranteed by the law and rules of procedure to him to express these views."
He explained that, "There is no doubt that what happened during the last period stems from the keenness of everyone on the national interest, even if different views and methods of expression, which may exceed some of the limits of the law, while just some of that freedom of speech means chaos and damage to public property and the prestige of the state and public Aloillat."
And he went on, "With everything that happened, it would not change the firm and final position on the issue of freedom of expression and peaceful protest, which is the inherent right guaranteed by the Constitution and the law, and it remains to work cacophony be declined by everyone."
He continued, "The issue of reform in the deep and vital, effective and real concept is to achieve what he wishes and look forward to him is not a citizen formalities related to changing positions of responsibility as far as he did result in a significant impact awaited by the people."
And between, that "the humanitarian situation in the logic of conflict in particular and the whole of Iraq in general suffers from significant problems in the service and security aspects, and the Iraqi people deserve most of the state has been a long time on waiting for him to achieve these simple requirements did not materialize It is time that everyone assumes their responsibility towards the National Order of Merit. "
He called al-Jubouri, the House of Representatives to "make every effort to support their organization by working on the adoption of the necessary legislation and control and accountability of the executive organs to ensure a better performance."
He called the House of Representatives, specifically representatives of Anbar province, "the" presence on the battlefield and coexistence with them and support them to achieve victory ".anthy 29 / P         LINK
tlm724      He pointed out that "the Iraqi people has been waiting for the council to convene and understanding on a clear formula for crossing the large and dangerous in relation to the International Monetary Fund and the mechanism of lending, and the need to seize the opportunity of international support to overcome the problem of acute shortage of liquidity to secure the entitlements of citizens of salaries and other economic crisis."
al-Jubouri, the "Council today called upon to rectify what he has done and activating its role can the state in the performance of their tasks, considering that the responsibility entrusted to us by the people from the first moment to have been selected representatives it is the embodiment of his demands and achieve them and work to be completed."
chop chop !
Interior complaining about the "major disaster" and calls for "rescued" from Saddam laws
Baghdad / long-Presse    It confirmed the Iraqi Interior Ministry, on Saturday, that a lot of the laws that govern its work joints, constitute " an obstacle to the performance of its functions in the face of security challenges," and described it as "major disaster."
And as pointed out that most of the legislation is since the era of Saddam Hussein 's regime, she went on her age more than 22 years, called on decision - makers in the Iraqi government to create a legislative environment that runs from "assigning positions in the ministry 's correction mechanism."
 The agent said the financial and administrative Interior Ministry Aqil al - Khazali, in an interview to the (long - Presse), on the sidelines of the conference , which was held at the ministry 's headquarters under the slogan (assigning positions need for strategic institutional leadership of the system),
" The law governing the ministry back legislation to the year 1994, as well as for some other instructions older than 13 years , "noting that" those laws shackle work of the ministry and inhibit its ability to meet the challenges and threats of the immediate. "
said Khazali , " it was working to repair a lot of systems in the ministry and we are still continuing with the Council of State to correct a lot of ideas , "pointing out that" the essence of the foundation in the process of change and the legislation should proceed from correct attribution of positions system mechanism being detailed importantly the general framework that without change can not count any other step task.
He described the al - Khazali those laws as" major disaster suffered by the ministry , "calling for " decision - makers in the Iraqi state to provide a legislative formula and legislative environment that gives the security apparatus of the space in a professional and professional work. "   LINK 
tlm724     He described the al - Khazali those laws as" major disaster suffered by the ministry , "calling for " decision - makers in the Iraqi state to provide a legislative formula and legislative environment that gives the security apparatus of the space in a professional and professional work.
This guy is right , there are laws on the books that date back to the 1950's, I have seen them in Parliaments law database. The security laws need to be updated and quick !

Lawmakers: parliamentary committees continued to work non-stop
5/29/2016 0:00    BAGHDAD - Muhannad Abdul Wahab  said the number of MPs that the House back into session in a comprehensive hearing will re - work the oversight committees and the legislative , which is extremely important, while noting that there are important laws delayed voting on them to stop the work of the legislature, drew out that the Parliamentary Committees continued to work to prepare laws over the past period of non - stop.
the MP for the working committee and parliamentary services Amal al - Bayati: that the work of parliamentary committees did not stop in the Council.
it said al - Bayati, said in an interview for "morning", that in spite of what happened from the disorder in the House The committees work did not stop because the work is linked to the legislation of laws which we are required to do by the people, pointing out that the work of the ongoing committees despite the suspension of attendance to the meetings.
She said al - Bayati that " the reform front" to which they belong has suspended its entry into the Council of Representatives, but did not cross work of the committees, indicating that the most important laws that the Commission will be discussed if the healing of the House of Representatives a comprehensive hearing projects is the infrastructure Law and the telecommunications Law , which regulates the work of the Ministry of communications and the telecommunications Act sort of residential land in Baghdad and the provinces.
for his part, the chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, water and marshes Furat al - Tamimi that during the last term of the Committee continued to follow the work of the ministries, especially with regard to the marketing of wheat product of the Ministry of Commerce.
Tamimi said, in an interview for the "morning" to disrupt the work of the committees in the House does not serve the political process, noting that the political problems cast a shadow over the work of the legislature the delayed review and approve a number of important draft laws.
He stressed Tamimi , the need for the political blocs seek to find solutions that will contribute to the Council of Representatives to support the heroes of the security forces and the sons of the tribes and the crowd People who are fighting terrorism, calling on everyone to make concessions and to unite efforts and stand behind the security forces and to promote harmony and peace community .
He said Tamimi to be the most prominent laws that the Commission will be discussed if the healing of the House of Representatives rent farmland law , which was discussed and read a second reading and is waiting for some amendments to be put to a vote, he hoped to meet the House of Representatives to be able to pass this law , in addition to the National Council Act of water.
He called Tamimi government sends water law to the Council for its importance in regulating water management at home and abroad on the grounds there are some problems in the public administration of water in Iraq and the urgent need to enact the law which regulates the relationship between local governments and the federal government and the relationship between the neighboring countries and Iraq.
while, mortgage head of the clan Abboud al - Issawi , the success of the political process , the ability of political parties and blocs to overcome their differences and hold a parliamentary session comprehensive.
He said al - Issawi, in an interview for the "morning", said the parliamentary committees continue to work in spite of the crisis experienced by the Council despite the boycott by some of the blocks of the meetings, He pointed to the importance of that healed the House of Representatives again in the comprehensive meeting to identify the most important obstacles that hinder his work.
He said al - Issawi that stage that Iraq is going through difficult phases and require parking everyone against humanity enemy, pointing out that the parliament in the fastest time means the continuation of the regulatory work legislative and state institutions , which is extremely important.
tlm724      indicating that the most important laws that the Commission will be discussed if the healing of the House of Representatives a comprehensive hearing projects is the infrastructure Law and the telecommunications Law ,

Calls for converting foreign investment from the consumer to the development
5/29/2016 0:00    BAGHDAD - The joy of pumice in  line with government moves to achieve real economic reform in the country frees from revenue unilateral, calls continue to turn compass investments, especially foreign ones towards the strategic development investment rather than consumption.
These calls coincide with the large turnout by international companies to Iraq possessed of the ingredients for being also a promising market. investment partnership , and in this regard urged economist Tawfiq Ali Hassoun , the importance of making use of the companies Act No. 22 of Article 15 ,
which allows companies to partnership and participation (public and private sectors), especially with the orientations of support for industrial projects. the government has set eye on the advancement of the sector industrial and allocated funds for the advancement of its part of the central bank 's initiative,
despite the fact that these amounts counted a few specialists, but it may be the beginning of a great development process, especially since the country began moving towards the necessary security and stability for any step for the progress of the economy, has also sought ( the government) to make amendments to the the investment law to attract capital, especially foreign somewhat has succeeded in doing so. 
However , the expert believes that foreign investment is currently experiencing a problematic kind, since there are growing daily and Iqbal significantly to these investment companies in several areas, but is clear that most of these investments are headed towards consumer investment appealed quick profit, while the advanced modern world when agreeing to any investment project requires that this be part of the strategic development plan  of the country

tlm724     These calls coincide with the large turnout by international companies to Iraq possessed of the ingredients for being also a promising market. investment partnership , and in this regard urged economist Tawfiq Ali Hassoun , the importance of making use of the companies Act No. 22 of Article 15 , which allows companies to partnership and participation (public and private sectors), especially with the orientations of support for industrial projects.
the government has set eye on the advancement of the sector industrial and allocated funds for the advancement of its part of the central bank 's initiative, despite the fact that these amounts counted a few specialists, but it may be the beginning of a great development process, especially since the country began moving towards the necessary security and stability for any step for the progress of the economy,

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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