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Monday, May 30, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-30-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-30-16  Part 2 of 2

Abadi adviser: Iraq suffers from an estimated $ 50 billion financing gap
29/05/2016 06:08 | Direction Press / follow-up The prime minister of financial affairs adviser to the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, on Sunday that Iraq is suffering from an estimated $ 50 billion financing gap, and at the time, who pointed out that the arrangements made Iraq with the International Monetary Fund about lending represents an introduction to the support of the international community for Iraq,
said the Fund introduces for the first time the issue of corporate governance, auditing and transparency at a high level in this regard.
Saleh said in an interview that "Iraq is suffering from a significant financial gap during the next three years is estimated at 50 billion dollars," adding that "this gap presented projects and Iraq's stability at risk."
Saleh added that "the international financial community is responsible for the stability of Iraq, as Iraq is part of the International Monetary Fund and the institution responsible for financial stability in the world," he said, adding "there is an international synergy to assign Iraq financially-led industrial seven adults, as there is a military award internationally to fight Daash" .
Salih stressed that "the arrangements made by Iraq with the International Monetary Fund represents a prelude to Moisrh the international community for Iraq and take it out of financial distress that occurred because of lower oil prices and financial attrition war against Daash which will end eventually caused."
Saleh explained that "credit arrangements program agreed to by Iraq with the fund, which we may need or do not need is present and the present," pointing out that "the Fund enters for the first time the issue of corporate governance, auditing and transparency at a high level in this regard."
He agreed IMF and the World Bank and international partners fund, in the current May 19 to grant Iraq a loan of $ 15 billion at an interest rate of 1.5%.
Bondlady   *******I love this...  finally ...Iraq has some brains at the helm Wink  .....Saleh added that *******"the international financial community is responsible for the stability of Iraq,*************
as (((Iraq is part of the International Monetary Fund)))********* and the institution responsible for financial stability ***in the world,***" he said, adding ***"
there is an international synergy to assign Iraq ***financially-led industrial seven adults,**** as there is a military award internationally to fight Daash" .
Salih stressed that*** "the arrangements made by Iraq with the International Monetary Fund ***represents a ***prelude*** to Moisrh the international community for Iraq ***and take it out of financial distress ***that occurred because of lower oil prices and financial attrition war against Daash which will end eventually caused."
Saleh explained that *******"credit arrangements program******** agreed to by Iraq******** with the fund, *******which we may need or do not need is present and the present,"***
pointing out that *****"the Fund enters for the first time****** *******the issue of corporate governance, auditing and  and transparency at a high level in this regard
Tlm724:    yes BondLady you are correct ma'am ! This just solidifies all the evidence we have seen indicating that the IMF has taken control and will lead Iraq to the promised land of a free market economy and international status including and not limited to full membership in the WTO and a recognized dinar that will trade freely.
All these things are an established economic plan used by many emerging economies ! Our ship is coming in Lady and the IMF is indeed at the helm !!!

A member of the Finance Committee: Cumulative debt threaten the future of Iraq
History of edits:: 30.05.2016 13:27   {Baghdad} Euphrates News saw the parliamentary finance committee member Rahim al-Darraji, said on Monday that mismanagement in Iraq may make the issue of cumulative debt threaten the future of the country.
Said Darraji told {Euphrates News} Today, that "it is seen to IMF loans considers help for Iraq and dismantling of the financial crisis," adding that "mismanagement in Iraq may make debt cumulative issue threatening the future of Iraq."
He said "loans are a clear signal that governments that act in Iraq 's budget is corrupt evidence that the loan granted to Iraq by the international Monetary Fund for a substantial portion of it put in a fiduciary capacity within the Fund , one of the controls of this loan in the implementation of projects."
He added , "Therefore, these loans if Iraq did not divide the financial administration and monetary policy will be a clear threat to the future of Iraq will be the IMF 's tutelage clear and conditions on Iraq 's financial management. "
 He added that" conditions part of the commandments on Iraq so the Iraqi government denies the nature of these terms and hide a lot of officials and journalists , and the Iraqi government did not provide a full explanation so far about the nature of the loans knowing that the loans that have been Astqradha about {5} billion {400} million dollars. "
and that" Iraq could to recover his money from the communications companies that demanding more than {4} billion dollars, but do not ask him and delay the vote , "attributing the reasons that" there was corruption on this issue as the debt recorded by the profits of the officials, "asking , "
 Is not it the first debts to contact the companies recover instead of going to the borrowing from the international Monetary Fund? ". he said to "the existence of Iraq 's frozen funds , " and wondered "Why do not claim them?
In addition to the presence of officials have a great corruption and haves of Iraq 's money , but stole the equivalent of an IMF loan 3 times why are not these accounting whales? ".
The condition of the International Monetary Fund in the agreement concluded by Iraq during the past two days, to impose strict controls on the doors disbursement of the loan, and full salary and allowances subordinate to the senior state employees, and job grading supreme, and private, to income tax.
while not include conditions permit stamped on the ration cards, nor salaries of social protection network, and not the government provided for the displaced subsidies. According to the agreement ,
which stipulates give Iraq a loan preliminary exceed $ 5 billion, according to a source familiar with the Ministry of Finance, which included general details of this deal is not the first, was preceded by two agreements: one in 2005, and the settlement of Iraq 's obligations with creditors in the Paris Club, and the other in 2008,
to address the repercussions of the sharp decline in oil prices at the time. the value of the loan is 5.4 billion {} billion dollars. n the interest on this loan does not exceed 1.5% Snuya.anthy 1
[tlm724] that the loan granted to Iraq by the international Monetary Fund for a substantial portion of it put in a fiduciary capacity within the Fund , one of the controls of this loan in the implementation of projects."
[tlm724] the important part is this, fiduciary means the IMF controls where and when the loan funds are distributed
[tlm724] a fiduciary is a person who holds a legal rights to the money honey  tongue again the IMF in control
Hafiz: Required sound management to overcome the financial crisis
5/30/2016 0:00  BAGHDAD Shokran Fatlawi discussed economic seminar organized by the progress of policy development institute on the IMF loan to Iraq, and to clarify misunderstandings among different circles about it details, it came during a seminar organized by the progress of the Development Policy Institute in the presence of a financial advisor to the prime minister and a group of finance and economy experts. And initiated the seminar titled «
The role of foreign loans in resolving the financial crisis» and attended the »morning» word to the director of the institute , Dr. Mehdi al - Hafez said through which the country faces a financial are conditions described Balassabp, pointing to the need for sound management of real and review the political, financial management, pointing out that the country in its current state it needs to make the right decisions based on sound management, according to the standards of corporate governance.
International loan details
For his part , Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister Dr. occur. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh international loan details , saying that the relationship began with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in 2004 , and that Iraq is a founding member of the bank 's international fund since 1944 ,
adding that that relationship foundered in 1977 after the former regime had decided not to provide the Fund 's statements on the economy Iraqi.
He noted that the relations returned with the two organizations to normal after the fall of the regime in 2003, pointing out that these relations organized by the UN Security Council , which committed Iraq positively engages with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in order to reach the settlement of foreign debt through the agreement «Paris Club» , which is an order binding decision and is not an option for Iraq that the recent stability is part of the regional and international economic stability.
the «Paris Club» an informal group consisting of Mmoliyn finance officials from 20 countries of the largest economies in the world, offering financial services instead of declaring bankruptcy or debt relief cut interest it, and cancel the debt of highly indebted countries.
Saleh added «World Bank» request from Iraq to prepare detailed breakdown of the economic its potential and infinite money and funds available to the state institutions, as well as knowledge of dues Contractors details accompanying the performance of the Ministry of Finance and re bank restructuring Rafidain and Rasheed governance and the establishment of the company to guarantee deposits and ensuring social welfare and the ration card and displaced communities.
Net exchange real
He hinted that the IMF and World Bank deal size distress at more than $ 50 billion for the period from 2016 to 2019, after an evaluation process by the Fund and the World Bank , which completed the Iraq mission steps , including, explaining that access to international loan easily not taken but after taking a series of measures, including access by the Fund on the net real exchange for Iraq during the year 2015.
He noted that the fund after the follow - up to the exchange discovered Salaries exaggeration as well as inflation and other passages, prompting the Fund and the World Bank to demand from Iraq , including the oil price of $ 35 instead of 45 and the export of 3.6 million barrels per day, bringing the deficit to $ 11 billion , pointing out that he later deleted several paragraphs remaining $ 6 billion a year fund and the bank Internationals take care paid off.
he concluded in favor of clarifications on the loan, that the agreement Iraq is required to issue the law of financial management, as well as the introduction of the integrity Commission as an active player in the independent follow - up process and adopt a document of the United Nations anti - corruption,
accompanied by an amendment of the Central Bank Act restricts the Ministry of Finance of new foundations and subdue external and internal debt in the country to scrutiny as the domestic public debt amounted to 37 trillion dinars.
It should be noted that the IMF agreement with the federal government in the absence of any clause referring to allocate a portion of the Kurdistan region , where the provincial government took the initiative to subdue its oil exports to a foreign auditor for submission of the federal government , according to an economic advisor to the Prime Minister.
tlm724:     the establishment of the company to guarantee deposits
he concluded in favor of clarifications on the loan, that the agreement Iraq is required to issue the law of financial management, as well as the introduction of the integrity Commission as an active player in the independent follow - up process and adopt a document of the United Nations anti - corruption, accompanied by an amendment of the Central Bank Act restricts the Ministry of Finance of new foundations and subdue external and internal debt in the country to scrutiny as the domestic public debt amounted to 37 trillion dinars.

Kanani: IMF loan makes Iraq subject to international economic standards
Economy   Since 29.05.2016 at 12:55 (Baghdad time)   Special scales News
Counting of the economic and investment commission member of the Parliamentary Ahmed Kanani, on Sunday, Iraq's new funds from the International Monetary Fund, a step in the right direction to make Iraq is under international economic standards.
Said Kanani, L / balance News /, said that "Iraq borrow from the International Monetary Fund makes Iraq abide by international standards and conditions, namely that Iraq abide by mandatory."
He added that "those conditions will join the administrative affairs of the Iraqi economic system, in terms of customs duties and foreign companies dealing with investment, as well as how the funds and the benefits of operational, investment and Almoisntin management."
And Abizaid, "with evidence that IMF lending condition when Iraq to stop the grades, being the budget carrying large sums of money."
He stressed Kanani, that "the IMF loan is a positive step in the situation in Iraq under the international system, which applies economic criteria Altikhaddm Iraqi economic reality, as well as its importance to the country under the current circumstances."
It is said that the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and international partners have agreed, in the May 19, 2016, to give Iraq a loan of $ 15 billion at an interest rate of 1.5% .anthy    LINK  
tlm724:     makes Iraq abide by international standards and conditions, namely that Iraq abide by mandatory Very Happy
Emmaduke:     oooo.... I like that!

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