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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-30-16  Part 3 of 3

Post From  Chat Room
Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-30-16  Part 3 of 3
rocknrollbus: ‹@chattels› Do you think they wil "really" stop the auctions?
chattels: Jabbar al-Abadi: the continuation of the parliamentary sessions hold such a quorum would not allow us to pass important laws
chattels: " we can not this quorum the adoption of several important laws that need larger comfortable and a majority of the number and there are efforts to hold a comprehensive hearing by asking the question of impeachment again to vote. "
rocknrollbus: ‹@chattels› Did u see that article w/Abadi stating the auctions must stop?
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› No sir. You have a link ?
rocknrollbus: Do you read the IQD Team page?
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› No sir.
rocknrollbus: On my phone........I'll see if I can do this......
chattels: I can get to the site, but where is it on their site ?
rocknrollbus: worked.......
chattels: Got it.
chattels: called Tamimi, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, to "intervene to stop the auction of the currency," pointing out that "Abadi previously was chairman of the Finance Committee in Parliament and he knows already know the guts and cons auction currency and sweet effective to address the subject in order to serve the national economy."
chattels: Tamimi calling upon Abadi to stop the auction of currency as I read it.
rocknrollbus: That's what I got out of it.......
rocknrollbus: Also, Shaways said today that Abadi agreed to pay '14, '15, '16 back oil monies......
rocknrollbus: By July
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› To the Kurds ?
rocknrollbus: Yezzir
rocknrollbus: Sooooo.......17% x 2yrs plus 6mo this year is........
rocknrollbus: A lot of pink notes!!!
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› Where are they going to get that kind of $$$ ?
rocknrollbus: Hmmmm........I wonder.......
rocknrollbus: ‹@chattels› Stop the auctions, backpay for the Kurds........maybe they do talk behind closed doors?
chattels: Oh, they talk behind closed doors and the Kurds have been promised many things over time, but .....................
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› I am afraid that we are going to be here for awhile. Pace yourself. :)
rocknrollbus: ‹@chattels› Yes, but Abadi is not Maliki. At 50Billion budget, that woud be $21.25Billion?
rocknrollbus: We'll see come June 8.....
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› What happens on June 8th other than possibly a decision by the high court on the appeal ?
chattels: The only resolution offered by the appeal is whether Jubourri survives as President of Parliament - hardly a magic bullet.
rocknrollbus: ‹@chattels› I think after 2 defaults with the IMF, and Paris club........everyone is fed up with with these sand box idiots. Excuse my French, but I've grown weary, too!
chattels: Even if Abadi accomplished his cabinet changes it is likely window dressing and not " real " reform.
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› I am tired and tired of it, but I am in it until the end.
rocknrollbus: Thought I'd read today somewhere he's named 5?
rocknrollbus: 9 years, here.....
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› Five (5) have been ratified by the Parliament, but not the difficult ones.
chattels: Abadi recently promised to complete the cabinet and proxy nominees in the " coming days ".
rocknrollbus: Yes, schools, sports, blah, blah, blah
rocknrollbus: I do believe in miracles!!
chattels: The next election may give Abadi some support to accomplish changes.
rocknrollbus: ‹@chattels› The important one's........oil, finance, defense, interior,......?
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› I not only believe in miracles, but I am depending upon such. :)
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› Yes, but defense and interior are " off the table " for the time being due to the ongoing conflict with DAESH.
chattels: The Kurds trust Mahdi ( Oil ) as much as anyone and of course Zebari, a Kurd is the finance minister at present.
chattels: I doubt that either one of them are going to be replaced.
rocknrollbus: Agreed
rocknrollbus: Like the Beatles sang........Gotta feelin'
chattels: Two of the conditions imposed by the IMF will not be popular. Abadi already tried to reduce salaries and who likes an income tax ?
rocknrollbus: I thought Abadi was going to fire MP's if they or proxy didn't show?
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› Good feelings and positive illusions can sustain us, but usually not a good basis for investment. I am already heavily invested or I might not be given what I think that I know now.
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› Abadi does not have the power to dismiss any MP.
chattels: Abadi works for Parliament ( MP's ) in a parliamentary system.
rocknrollbus: ‹@chattels› Or was it Jubouri?
chattels: He can attempt to change a proxy, but ultimately the parliament must approve a " permanent " position.
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› Jubourri threatened such.
rocknrollbus: Ahhhh.......knew I'd read it somewhere....
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› Which may be one of the reasons for the movement against him. :)
rocknrollbus: Agreed, again
chattels: Most serious commentators say that the movement against Jubourri is an indirect attack upon Abadi.
rocknrollbus: With Fallujah almost cleaned up and them starting on Mosel, I think that improves our chances also.
chattels: There is no transparency in Iraq and nothing is certain.
chattels: Fallujah will likely take weeks and there is still Hawija.
chattels: Mosul, as you know, is five times the size of Fallujah. 
rocknrollbus: The news I've been reading aludes to the eand of fighting. Now just cleaning up burried ordinance.
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› I remain hopeful, but I am not optimistic in the near term.
rocknrollbus: C'mon C!! Enough with the negative vibes!! (Kelly's Hero's.......Oddball)
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› The " news " has declared victory twice already, but ISF just entered Fallujah " proper " this morning.
rocknrollbus: With, no resistance.
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› I can be quiet, for awhile, but you asked and my opinion is my opinion.
chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› There is and will be resistance in Fallujah.
rocknrollbus: I'm not chastising you C, I do enjoy your commentary!
chattels: ISF are still trying to allow civilians to get out of Fallujah.
chattels: Fallujah has been " sealed off ", but the real fighting will be house to house.
chattels: That is my belief.
rocknrollbus: My last night home..........gonna finish watching my ballgame and call it a night. Have a good evening my friend.
 chattels: ‹@rocknrollbus› Happy trails friend.

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