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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Stevel: Email Reply to Member From CBI

Post From Peoples Dinar 5-26-16

​CBI Response to a PD Member

 Posted by SteveI:    Greetings,  Once of our members back in January "Bucks" emailed the CBI with a question regarding the Iraqi Dinar. Here is his question and their reply.
His question to the CBI:
Question: Will the dinar ever increase in value or have more buying power or be worth the USD someday ? Thank you
The CBI finally replied to his email question. Here is the reply. (I changed his email to protect his privacy.) Their reply is in Red.   No red – italic instead
They finally answered this morning with this:

From: <>
Date: May 25, 2016 at 6:11:54 AM CDT

Subject: RE: Question

We hope so   Thanks
Stevel:   I am very encouraged with their reply. I refuse to say we are close or far away, but rather still on track for it to happen when Iraq is ready. Please do not go and email the CBI as they probably very busy as it is. I am sure they get a lot of emails regarding these types of things.
If you have any questions let me know, otherwise have a safe holiday weekend.
Warm Regards,   Steve
ISIS 'Disappeared' From Fallujah Ahead of Offensive: Resident

 Posted by SteveI : I have a friend that emailed me and he is stationed in Erbil by the airport.
He is a pilot providing ISR support for the taskforce. His comment was "Here at the airport, there is no indication of any enemy. The plot is only 30 miles away and things change there. The missions are real and you do see rounds sent down rang once and awhile"
He did say things are getting much better.   Have a safe weekend.  Steve

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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