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Friday, May 27, 2016

"What Do You Expect The Exchange Rate For Us To Be?"  

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-27-16  
Shredd / Tlm724 Chat
[tlm724] after BondLady's chat was posted yesterday a new member asked Bondlady a question, lemme show you all
[tlm724] fanof1964 asked "When the RV happens, what do you expect the exchange rate for us to be?"
[tlm724] heres Bondladys response:
sir I above any other guru now or back in the day...have never never called a date nor rate...why? because absolutely no one in this dinar investment will know or have that sort of intel..that just wont happen, so to answer u I don't know,
in my heart I feel like it will try to come in close with the u.s. dollar or even 1 to 1 with it, reasons is that they have become so dependant and in love with the dollar they don't want to even use there own currency at all...
that being said, biggies will have to find a way for them to fall out of love with the dollar and fall back in love (be dependant) with there own currency the Iraqi dinar.
the best way I can think of using plain old common sense is make the dinar as attractive or at least better looking ... better purchacing power... better rate  closer to the dollar exchange rate, other wise ... why would they even use it.... if they didn't want to carry huge amounts of paper?
I know I didn't out right answer u but I gave u my reasoning and opinons .... no 1 at all will know that answer. but if u study daily and I mean daily    which I have and do, and I see what kind of financial shape there in as well and what they would need to accomplish before moving on to bigger and better rates....

ive heard rates in the last 14 yrs from gurus who were supposed to have intel an be in "the know" go from 10 cents to 19.95 crazry rates.....
I still believe in my investment altho like most of us who got in this, thought we would be long gone by now    ....and imo if certain events hadn't happened, like our troops hadn't been pulled out, we would prolly be long gone by now. all IMO...BL
[tlm724] end, thanks BL !
[tlm724] so she points out "biggies will have to find a way for them to fall out of love with the dollar and fall back in love (be dependent) with there own currency the Iraqi dinar."
[tlm724] she posted a blast from the past article that touches on that very subject, let me bring it in for us
[tlm724] please note it is from January 23, 2012, 4 years ago
Scientific symposium discussed the implications of removing the zeros and reflection on the Iraqi economy
Muthanna / Baghdadi News / .. hold Department of Banking and Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics Symposium discussed "removing zeros from the Iraqi currency and its impacts on the Iraqi economy."
Dr. Mohammed al-Tai Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs for / Baghdadi News / "This symposium came out of the total goals in the discussion of issues of concern to the Iraqi economy, especially monetary policies and their effective role in achieving economic stability, which is one of the priorities of the work of the central bank."
He went on to say that "the symposium highlighted the repercussions of this project and its impacts (positive and negative) on the Iraqi economy."
Tai pointed out that "the most important themes addressed by the symposium is to remove zeros from its impact on the Iraqi economy, the currency and the vision of the Iraqi Central Bank on the removal of the zeros."
[tlm724] this symposium was specifically to discuss the removal of the 3 zero's
[tlm724] This symposium came out of the total goals in the discussion of issues of concern to the Iraqi economy, especially monetary policies and their effective role in achieving economic stability, which is one of the priorities of the work of the central bank
[tlm724] "the symposium highlighted the repercussions of this project and its impacts (positive and negative) on the Iraqi economy.
[tlm724] they were weighing all the good and bad of it
He said al-Tai said, "The seminar came out a set of recommendations and suggestions that supports the process of deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, taking into account the necessary economic conditions as a measure restores the confidence of citizens and local Bammelth as well as benefit from the experiences of countries that have preceded us in the process of changing the currency they will help ensure the success of the operation in addition to the limit errors that you may encounter the process in order to overcome the negative impacts and enhance positive ones that may accompany the process of change. "
[tlm724] The seminar came out a set of recommendations and suggestions that supports the process of deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency
[tlm724] taking into account the necessary economic conditions as a measure restores the confidence of citizens and local Bammelth
[tlm724] remember what Bondlady said this morning " biggies will have to find a way for them to fall out of love with the dollar and fall back in love (be dependent) with there own currency the Iraqi dinar."
[tlm724] as well as benefit from the experiences of countries that have preceded us in the process of changing the currency
[tlm724] the meeting says hey lets get help to make sure we do it the way others have
[tlm724] they will help ensure the success of the operation in addition to the limit errors that you may encounter the process
[tlm724] if you recall during the Bremer interview the Ambassador speaks specifically about the tremendous task of replacing the Saddam notes, that there were no wire transfer capabilities, no ATM machines etc...
[tlm724] the beauty of this current place in time is that those exist now in Iraq which will make the transition easier   
[tlm724] it will be a Herculean task regardless as it was for him but there is infrastructure in place now as to opposed to 2003/04 and if they have the currency printing machines in country as Bondlady showed in that article then all the better for the project to go forward
[tlm724] ok lets look at the rest of this 2012 article
Tai also stressed the "importance of creating public opinion through this procedure earlier media campaign intensified, including contract extended seminars that explain to the citizens what action and its impact positive to the dimensions of the specter of fear and apprehension of the process of replacing the currency,"
 stressing "the need to print new currency according to high international standards and Bmtaba famous manner that minimizes fraud that marred the number of existing denominations. Provided that the change gradually in accordance with the specialized committees of workers and the regulators of the banking sector in order to prevent the introduction of any process Mzoh to replace them with new currencies ".
[tlm724] stressed the "importance of creating public opinion through this procedure earlier media campaign intensified,
[tlm724] throughout the years Iraq has put in place a communications systems via Big screens, satellites etc.. which will help them in educating the citizens about all important changes in the country including this project
[tlm724] its impact positive to the dimensions of the specter of fear
[tlm724] so tell the people this is a good thing, your own currency to be proud of, don't fear this change as it will better your life, restore your pride in country and in your OWN currency
[tlm724] stressing "the need to print new currency according to high international standards and Bmtaba famous manner that minimizes fraud that marred the number of existing denominations.
[tlm724] we know they have printed the 50k notes to the highest standard of security and so will be the lower denoms, it is almost like the 50k note was sorta a practice run in a way, yes it was needed to help with large transaction but it may have been a trial run as well  Wink    imo
[tlm724] Provided that the change gradually in accordance with the specialized committees of workers and the regulators of the banking sector in order to prevent the introduction of any process Mzoh to replace them with new currencies
[tlm724] 4 years ago they are saying this project can go forward but must be a series of events and the an important factor is training the very people who will handling the money, the bank staff from the top to the bottom 
[tlm724] we do know that many training sessions have taken place since this was written and it continues to today. BondLady has always taught to learn from the past, to study hard and most importantly to see the whole picture ! Not to have on blinders for one thing but to actually try to see everything at once , put the pieces together again, it might not be a bad idea to listen to the interview again
[tlm724] Shredd any thoughts you wanna share ?
[Shredd] sure... the fact of the matter is the rate fluctuations Bondlady has noticed is worth watching. The central bank must maintain stability which is what we are seeing, without question when the dinar is on a globally-recognized, market-driven floating rate regime, we will see it adjust and at that time, supply & demand, interest rates, inflation, and GDP will affect it
[Shredd] I would expect the rate to grow in strength rapidly if for supply alone, also, in my speculation (IMS?)   
[tlm724] I like that lol IMS
[Shredd] I expect the CBI to have quite the challenge (in a good way) to balance stability in the rate while the purchasing power is added to the dinar and the notes, between the USD and dinar keeps usable denoms on the streets, the middle and small denoms will need to carefully be released and the supply of the dollar will need to bridge the gap all the while the banks and local markets will need to rejig regularly
[Shredd] the opportunities for corruption will need to be mitigated so I too believe what we are seeing is prep for an upcoming change, maintaining stability, hopefully that makes sense
[tlm724] it does and thank you Shredd !
[Shredd] sure thing
[tlm724] preparation is on going for the change is a beautiful thing, each action has a reaction and one day will will watch our investment grow and grow over time ! These are very exciting times !
RCS1947] tlm724 timmy thank you.....well done! thanks for the input Shredd!
[RCS1947] Bondlady...thanks again for leading us this far. Your dedication to this effort is amazing! As I said news site anywhere for my money!!

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