Don't WAIT!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 5-26-16


Beamer:  Both fisher and yosef have some good intel.. maybe not totally correct IMO.. but much of what they said last night (in the notes) is what I was being told

Lostnq8:    beams what you posted was matching several others - has to be some truth in there


Goldman Sachs, Pimco many other historic firms, sold, major Cabal.

WF sent memo with instructions on 800 numbers. UN said CIPS vs SWIFT, SWIFT is dead. Staff arriving at 6 am, and 9 pm told to leave, go for evening start at 2 am, Paying out a 6 am.
All short term Sovereign flipped back to screen, Currency Redeemers must ask for Sovereign Rate, and demonstrate how you intend to use them.

Many firms sold, now bond and currency can now be redeemed... silent collapse also caused widespread selloffs... all currency are gold backed.
New Republic political and financial massive changes.
Dunford lifted all at 6:00 PM.
All private group paymasters flushed with cash.
Evil Rothschild syndicate defeated, written surrender received.
Paul Ryan tweeted US Congress voted to return to Constitution
This Act returns Gold Standard of Constitution.
Gold currency released.
WF memo US returned to gold standard at 11:45 AM, instructions for 800 numbers.
Casualties on White Hat side against the Cabal, pray for their souls and families.
Account after Monday banking holiday, Memorial Day, 100 percent available Tuesday. Sov rates high.
She questioned mention of Labor Day, probably meant Memorial Day, just got a text, M Day.
They are working hard, WF process still moving, no numbers yet, everything is OK, on high alert, getting a forced start at midnight by Grandfather, close of bank time in Hawaii today. Yosef said tell everyone I said hello


Beams:  China’s SAFE again eases rules for retail foreign exchange transacti​ons

Beams:  quick take on the currency wars >>

Shellbell:  From reading the notes from Yoseff seems like Tues will be when we can start exchanges!

Cloudwalker:  Shellbell, the way I read Yosef, the *funds* would be available on Tuesday ... but methinks the implication was that we'd be in the exchange centers earlier. Just my take. I could be mistaken.

TNman:  I read the stuff. I listen to the calls. I think, " there is no way thethis many people can be involved in a SCAM. There are too many bright people nvolved to be tricked. I know we are getting close and I know that there is some shred of truth in most of the intel. I keep telling my chilluns, we just gotta wait it out.



Dinar Updates: 

wmawhite   ...IMO, these reforms are for the future and will strengthen Iraq as they progress...

At the same time the Prime Minister, GOI, CBI as well as the IMF and WB are driving ahead with monetary reforms.

These monetary reforms have brought Iraq into the globe's economy markets.

Now we wait to see the true value of the IQD introduced to the world.



Artneto:   Unverified Bank Story: A woman on another call said…She went to credit union to make a deposit. Asked the teller "do we have new money?" Teller smiled and said yes. Woman asked to make a withdrawal and receive the new money. The teller responded, "No." She is not authorized to release it to the public. The woman asked when would she be authorized. The teller said that she did not know and asked another teller who said the same. End of Bank Story. I repeat, you decide.

Samson:  ZIMBABWE - We need total package in addressing Economic Challenges

26th May


Walkingstick:  CBI News and announcements

To / all licensed banks ( withdrawal of a class (500) euros from circulation )   25/05/2016

Upstart:  Iraqi prime minister calls on demonstrators to postpone the demonstrations on Friday

 BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq's prime minister has appealed to Iraqis to postpone weekly Friday protests so that security forces can focus on a key military operation aimed at retaking the city of Fallujah from the Islamic State group.

During a visit Thursday to Fallujah Operation Command, Haider al-Abadi called on Iraqis to be "vigilant and cautious" as security forces seek to protect the capital from the threat of militant attack while also battling IS.

For months, anti-government protesters, mainly followers of influential Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, have been holding protests every Friday outside Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone to demand reform.

Earlier this month, demonstrators knocked down the concrete blast walls surrounding the Green Zone and broke into Iraq's parliament and government offices, plunging the country into a prolonged political crisis.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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