Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 5-30-16  Part 2 of 2

Part 2:

Frank26:  So Kurds tell me something….you know just privately…why are you guys helping….why are you guys taking almost a million refugees from Fallujah and Mosul….over 900,000 why are you taking care of these people….Kurds can you say something…..nope…….you guys are being good aren’t you….yep…..don’t you have any complaints….nope…..when you all get done claiming Fallujah….can you hurry up and get into Mosul…yep….

you see this Kurdistan army Family is eyeing Mosul now….they got their eyes….their binoculars, the Hubbell telescope….and they are looking straight at Mosul right now….from Kurdistan….I don’t know….from Fallujah….I don’t know….from inside of Mosul….I don’t know…but look I’m trying to tell you something....

There is great advancement on ISIS territory….yes…and they get the credit….yes….but the focus right now….give me Mosul for the love of God….concentrate on Mosul….push forwards Mosul….go in and get ISIS’s stronghold in Mosul….all forces get past Ragga…..hey by the way…we did that already….oh excuse me….once again…when you have the time Kurds get in here and deal with Mosul.
So in the last two days the Peshmerga army, the Kurdistan forces have killed over 140 militants…and they recaptured nine villages….and the UN praises the Kurdistan government and their army for accomplishing these things….fascinating…..the Kurds are the big brother….remember I always told you that…and they have always been 3-5 years advanced of Baghdad…and the Kurds want Mosul badly….is that why Frank keeps saying….give me Mosul.
The enemy is no longer ISIS and DAASH….IMO…the enemy is the reforms…and when you look at the Siamese twin of Iraq…and that being Iran….we see a lot of similarities…..a lot of mirror images in their reforms…not just the MR…but all of their reforms….and just recently I told you the AML was so important….along with the MCP that they needed to change…and look they changed it….and they are about to dramatically end the auctions….very soon….that definitely stops the MCP….which allows Article 8 to qualify and come on out….good reason to raise the value.
And the AML…the Anti-Money Laundering Law….well Iraq is implementing with many laws and I think that Iran better hurry up….because now it seems like they are falling behind….

What did I tell you two weeks ago….Family no country is waiting for any other country to revalue their currency….each country is on its own in a rate race….who is going to be first….I don’t know….the AML was important for Iraq….and as it is now for Iran….because the enemy is no longer a human being….ISIS….it is more of the economy…and the economy won’t grow without first raising the value of their currency.
This law…the AML….Abadi said you get this law out and it will curb corruption…no kidding….it is doing it in the GOI and the CBI already all these months….they need to implement in Iran…because I think Iraq has already implemented and is already in position…for what….for foreign banks to come into Iraq….that is the only reason for the AML….

If you are a foreign bank and you see they have no AML… are going in there with your money….no…..Iraq has theirs…they are setting it up and are showing it to the foreign banks…and the reason is the international world wants to trust the Iraqi dinar….the international world is going to do business with Iraq through the AML…..and Iran if you want to be a part of the international world….you got to do the same thing…and that is why there is so much talk about this.
We don’t see a lot of talk about the AML in Iraq….only in Iran….why….because what you see in Iraq is a lot of private sector growth, you see a lot of talk about jobs, a lot of talk about infrastructure, you see a lot of talk about going international and bringing them in here and rebuilding their country…that is what they are talking about….

Iran you are falling behind….each country is on its own with the IMF…but funny enough the IMF is grooming the IQD….the IMF is going above and beyond the call for the Iraqi dinar….the IMF has made special dispensations for the Iraqi dinar that it has not made for any other country on this planet….that is huge….corruption is melting like an iceberg sitting in the middle of the Sahara Desert…..

Why….you know darn well why….because we are back….not only did we get the cities and give them credit….but hey Maliki did you meet with our ambassador….yeah I did….did you take the deal…no not yet….well check this out….”The Completion of Thousands of Files of Corruption Involving Ministers in the Current Government Without Seeing them Behind Bars Has No Benefit”……Maliki may I suggest….like Saddam…your days in court are going to go very quick.
There are a lot of things….a lot of shadows…that the BIS….the World Bank…the IMF…the US…the Twelve….have been longing to see Family….they have been longing to see what we are seeing right now…the compression….the quickened pace of the Monetary Reform….hand in hand with the IMF….and the GOI….

And it’s not just the IMF and CBI it is the IMF and the CBIGOI….so that is why Mosul is next….when you see Mosul Family…the MR pace will become a full run…into its implementation and announcement….in order to give life to all of the other shadows….all of the other reforms…..all of the other citizen reforms…and all for an international entry into the global economies of this planet.
You remember one of my videos I showed you the cruise ship…it was a giant cruise ship…and that is what I envision in Iraq….thousands of people at their borders….with leis of flowers to welcome in China, Japan, US, Vietnam…anybody that wants to do business with Iraq on an international level….but they couldn’t do that until they had taken care of their citizens and that is what they are doing and the propaganda is working beautifully….

It is a masterpiece within the citizens and they are keeping it away from your eyes and I love it….the CBI will send the rate to the Rafadain and Rasheed Banks and to the Trade banks…and is right now training all of these staff members….for international global systems.
Guys all of you, do you know what you are doing with these steps is so rude….so rude to a program rate of 1166.
Meanwhile, how you are doing CBI… are you doing Dr. Keywords….how are you doing Allak, I’m impressed with you….meanwhile…”Parliament Finance and Abadi for an End to the Corruption in the Auction Windows that Sells the Currency in the CBI”….what do you think of that….I think that is what we just talked about Dr. Keywords….you are going to end the auctions aren’t you….but you can’t end them just now….it’s impossible…

But the fact that you are hinting of it….oh my goodness…and the fact of what you did with those 300 money exchangers….people can now only come into the banks that are connected with the international banks….this is a masterpiece.
DELTA….DELTA….how are you doing…..Frankie….Frankie I am doing good…by the way we don’t need no stinking Fallujah or Mosul….why do you say that DELTA…..because we got them…..I know….but the credit has to be handed over and you know it takes time….to the Iraqi armies….and while they do that….behind the scenes they are doing the reforms aren’t they….yes sir they are….we are still guiding them….the US and the IMF….really…what makes you say that DELTA…’s like this….it’s like this Family…..DELTA and I would like to tell you along with I-TEAM….our beloved I-TEAM….

The US sent a special delegation from special departments within the US….they sent them over to Iraq a few weeks ago…whether you know this or not just take notes….they sent them over to help with the reforms….step by step….and the corruption….and how to deal with the implementation of all the reforms….starting obviously with the financial reform….and if you remember we told you in Arabic….in Arabic it said….Abadi told them….that this delegation is here citizens….Arabic word for financial reform…..

Now what he told the citizens is not what was translated…what Abadi told the citizens…this delegation is here to help us with the financial reforms of our country citizens….he did not say economic reforms…and the citizens went ballistic….and that is why we have DELTA to help us…and that is why we taught you all of this…and that is why this US delegation is doing what it is doing and it is doing it in a masterful way…that they cannot get in their way….come here Junior….ouch that hurts my ear….I don’t care…and they don’t care either….they have never been through such progress….they have never been through such speed….this is all foreign to them….it was uncomfortable….they were resistant….it is being embraced.
Family I keep telling you we get Fallujah….then we get Mosul….and once we get Mosul….give me Mosul….can I talk to you a little bit about Mosul….and why I believe…..because I told you I needed to warm up to it.
Fallujah is about 25 miles from Baghdad Family…that is it…there were some bombings today in Baghdad…from the stupid little minuscule’s that are coming out of Fallujah….we need to get Fallujah and Mosul back….right….why….because right now with our help….come here Junior as you are pulling them by the ear….it is a fast walk on the financial reform of the dinar for Iraq…

But until Fallujah is taken….which is what they are telling you now….they won’t tell you nothing about Mosul….because once they tell you about Mosul….they are going to tell you they are hand in hand at a full run at the MR in the first half of 2016 with the IMF….I know it took time to get Fallujah back….but IMO….we’ve had it back for many weeks….it’s taken the logistics to give them credit…and in the meantime while that was going on…so much told to the citizens without you knowing about it….because you can’t read Arabic.
Just 24 hours ago on Iraqia TV….DELTA was telling me….they are showing everything from the center of Fallujah…and they just told the citizens today that within 24-48 hours they will have Fallujah completely under Iraq’s control….under Iraq’s army control….and they told them on TV we are still fighting in Mosul….actually what they should have told them….now that the American troops have cleared out Mosul….we are now entering Mosul…..Mosul is part of the Nineveh province…and in there they have some powerful banks….and some powerful places that are needed for the MR….and I’m not about to talk about it or tell you any details….because….you need to protect those just like you protected our soldiers….and it is all coming to what it is coming to right now.
So this US committee…that has been there all these months….guiding them by the ear….come here Junior….they are also about to be a part of telling the world that Iraq is international now…..but once we have both….you see getting Fallujah got us so excited….we were screaming….we were jumping…snoopy dancing…we were going crazy….because we knew that once they admitted and confessed about Fallujah….and they get the credit….but then they have no choice they have to tell you about Mosul….

We can’t tell you why they had to tell you…just take my word for it….we knew they were going to tell you about Mosul…and if they told you about Mosul…..oh my dear God…this is what the committees are doing…..preparing Iraq because with Mosul it will allow all their banks to be connected internationally…and then they have no choice but to run….run….not quickly walk….run….warp speed Scotty….to the MR because…well…you will see why in a minute…..

And IMO….the Kurds also got something else…that I can’t tell you about right now….but that is why they are being so friendly and helping….without the Kurds we would not be where we are right now….IMO….anyway the IMF meetings about the loans is also on the Iraqia TV….so the citizens know it very well forward and backward….they told them about the press conference that occurred in Jordan and how the meetings went and what they are doing with their MR….

This is very important….these meetings with the IMF and Iraq and the citizens know about it….and IMO…there are seven countries that are waiting for Iraq to tell you about Mosul….because these countries are going to pour help into Iraq… know who they are….China, Japan, England….all those countries….so think about all of this….connect all of this together….it is an amazing map.
I told you….I can’t explain it….but I don’t see numbers the way you see numbers….I close my eyes and think of the number 7….I can tell you that is a man….I can describe him to you, can tell you his thoughts….everything…..and if it was  74….I can tell you that is a young man…and I can tell you about the combination of 7 and 4 and what they are doing….and the multiplicity and the logarithmic factors of it….I don’t know why but….I don’t know why but when I see numbers and close my eyes they turn into personalities and colors….and the math with the MR….now I’m not seeing anything that is top secret or anything….just what they are telling us….it is painting this 111 to me….constantly….anyway  I didn’t mean to get off track.
Abadi says look all of these countries they want to see a serious economic reform before they help us….that is why the IMF said….be serious before we give you the loan….and that is why they gave us the loan….we are serious.
The international world wants to see financial reforms and they want to see Article 8…..and I think they want to see that we are using the loan in June or July….whenever we lift Article 8….but no doubt about it….the international world wants to see Iraq finish all of these reforms….this is what Abadi says… see Abadi’s financial advisor…..he comes out and says….

Hey guys….the IMF loan….we got a credit rating….we know….we heard Frank26 conference call last week….no they didn’t… what about this loan….it gave us a AAA credit rating….say what…..yes a AAA credit rating but it will be posted as an A+ rating….there is a credit rating system that is recognize by the international world….yeah I know…..the international world has just embraced Iraq….how….by allowing the IMF to give them a loan….they qualified…by some shadows we are not seeing….

I think it is Article 8…but they gave them this loan….by doing this….the international credit rating community has increased Iraq to an A+….really….yeah….now not only that but the international credit rating community has something called KE’s….what…..look I’m not here to teach you economics….but very simply….Kangaroo Elephant….why do we call it that….KE’s….what is that….I’m not here to teach economics 101….

I just told you that the international credit rating community changed them to an A+…and you will see it soon… this community that is embracing….not the program rate….but something they are not telling us about this currency of Iraq….they are embracing it…..because they gave them a KE rating change….you see the KE rating for Iraq….well let’s start out with the US….the US KE rating is 99 right now….wow…what was the KE rating of Iraq….36….wow….and you said they changed it just like they changed the credit rating status….yes….well what is the KE rating for Iraq now…..78….shut the front door…and the back if you want….

Look the multi-currency policy in Iraq has changed….there is a desire for better investments in Iraq from the international world.....because of the anti-money laundering law…and many laws they now have they are surrounding themselves by.
You know why these MCP’s have changed and better investing is coming into Iraq….you know why….because the international world has realized in the last few days that Iraq is not going to go bankrupt….and the $5 billion was not just for liquidity…..not for the RV….they know what it is for and why everything else has been triggered….and that is why you see a 78 KE and an A+ on their credit rating….well thank you Financial Advisor to Abadi.
Family everything is being guided….and that is why every Monday we find so many golden nuggets to bring to you… present to you….to take to our Heavenly Father in prayer.
Don’t be confused Doodlebug… KE and credit ratings…you will learn….but there is no money….there is no loan….there is no extra charity money coming in from other countries….no….US nothing…..until the IMF smells completion of Article 8…..or until we see it….until it is out there….internationally….and that is why we need Fallujah and Mosul to fall….and I want you to know another thing….the substitute governor of the CBI who is doing a very good job lately…..IMO….under the guidance of the IMF and Dr. Shabibi…..Allak visited Parliament a few days ago….

I know you saw the article….but here is what I want you to know…..the proxy governor of the CBI went to the GOI to give them an update on the MR….because they got the loan….IMO….and all of these advisors that were there with Allak at the GOI giving the report….had been in the US Embassy for a very long time…..many departments like I said are there to help them on the MR….and to guide them on their currency and financial reforms…..and that is why the machines were sent a couple of weeks ago….they are getting ready for their MR….and if they need extra LD’s….well they can print them….

They are not DeLaRue machines that count money….these print currency…they got the plates for their currency….IMO….because you do not hand over the plates even if they belong to the nation unless they are a program rate….you got the machines to print your currency….where are your plates….well the IMF…well we have them….

it is all falling into place…and that is why we went ballistic….we can talk to you now….all these things….IMO…but I’m talking to you….they are not talking about problems….they are talking about implementation of their reforms and the MR has to be the first….

The month of June is HOT….and not just in temperature….Fallujah and Mosul are HOT…and they are under Iraq’s control….give them credit for all I care…..because once they tell you they are under their control….especially Mosul….then warp speed on the financial reforms and all the reforms.
The GOI asked the CBI….hey guys….let’s stop the auctions….but you know they can’t Family… would be suicidal…and that is why the USD is a little bit higher and choking the citizens now that they don’t have the market or the currency traders to get currency from they are suffocating and dying….they are offering them 1188 through the banks but now the brokers on the streets who are doing it illegal are doing it at 1290….

Yeah stop the auctions….and this is just a little hiccup….a little histamine effect….a little edema or swelling….that is going on between 1166 all the way up to 1290….because of what they are doing with the CBI auctions…..look I told you that Fallujah is like 25 miles outside of Baghdad…but Mosul is much farther away from Baghdad….the IMF deadline is countered with this Mosul goal….does that make sense….I hope it did….ok, here is what I want to say….they showed you a flag in Fallujah….

Ok ago….now let them show you a flag in Mosul….and while this is going on Abadi is building an amazing reputation not only with his people….but outside internationally the trust is growing…..just growing…it’s amazing how quickly things can grow…and how quickly things can die.
Yes the Peshmerga army….IMO they are not in Fallujah Family….they are headed towards Mosul….because Mosul is very close to the Kurds….and I believe maybe the Kurds are going to get a little something from this region.
Let’s start to wind up and I’ll save the rest for the Wednesday CC after the Business Promo  CC…..but here is what I want to tell you… you know that one of the regulations of this international committee from the US….I said international…..I meant one of the demands from the US committee that is over there guiding them with the IMF….come here Junior….I got your ear….is that their reserves cannot fall below roughly $54 billion….

Do you know where their reserves are right about now….about $52 billion….now Family they are spending about $130 million a day in the auctions….look in the auctions….go to the CBI website….about $130 million per day…and they are taking about 2 billion dinars per month….what did I just say about their reserves….they are supposed to be at $54 billion but they are at $52 billion…their reserves are being used up at about $2 billion every month….

Dear God….at any moment….at any time…their reserves will run out….and the international world will not do business with you if this happens….you cannot stop the auctions right now….because you do need movement of some type of funds….not until the IQD is recognizable….international…then shut down these auctions because they are draining your reserves….

I know….I know it is impossible to stop these auctions until you raise the value of your currency…and that is why you are moving at warp speed to get to that……because $130 per day…..$2 billion per month is too much pressure on the CBI….hurry up….all of you….CBIGOI….citizens….everybody….stop the crimes….stop the stealing….stop the corruption….STOP LOSING MONEY THROUGH THE CBI AUCTIONS…..this is a demand by the IMF….and many others.
Now look I want to talk to you about a 30 day extension….yeah….I want to talk to you about that….by the way….what is Iran’s KE…’s 25…even lower than Iraq….I have more notes….I’m going to ask you how you liked your conference call….I pray it was uplifting and educational….I am excited…I am happy….and they are going towards the MR.
Let us be dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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