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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday PM Chat  5-30-16   Part 2 of 2

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Dinar Updates Monday PM Chat  5-30-16   Part 2 of 2
da58 says():UN’s deputy representative in Iraq praises KRG reform plan
By Rudaw 6 hours ago
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Speaking at the Kurdistan Regional Government’s unveiling of its three-year economic reform plan on Monday Lise Grande, the UN’s Deputy Special Representative in Iraq, said that the KRG’s reform plan is a very smart document that rationalizes and reprioritizes public expenditures.
The road map, she said, looks closely at the water sector by securing a sustainable water supply.
“The plan hits all of the right buttons, and demonstrates clearly to everyone here in Kurdistan, to everyone in Iraq, and to all of Kurdistan’s international partners that Kurdistan is serious about reform,” she added.
Pablo says():Toot toot!
Militia Man says to Pablo():yes 100% meaning safe enought for going global with investors, etc.. The kurds are now a MARKET ECONOMY! Thus IRAQ is too, imo!
subgirl says to Militia Man():thank you and that is AWESOME!
Militia Man says to subgirl():That video spells it out in a very concise manner! She hits everything to a tee!
subgirl says to Militia Man():WOW! I am going to hear it now... :) lol
Militia Man says to subgirl():Add that video and know that Barzani has the KURDS back in Parliment. The kurds want there money.. HCL!!!
Militia Man says to subgirl():So does everyonelse .. lol
subgirl says to Militia Man():WOW I like that!!!! yes, Abadi is going to be paying the kurds for the last 3 years!!! WOW
Militia Man says to subgirl():The IMF expectations are being completed in a very orderly fashion. Within the first half of 2016.. Keep in mind KEywords was also in parliment along with Abadi yesterday if I am not mistaken! Not normal. As pumped as that UN woman is, it fits that we are seeing history unfold like no other time that I have seen in 8 years.
subgirl says to Militia Man):brb going to listen to that video...
Militia Man says to subgirl():okay enjoy.. Have a seat belt on.. lol
subgirl says to Militia Man():that made my day lol
subgirl says to Militia Man():lol
subgirl says to Militia Man():ok
Canucklady says():Great speaker, I love her hands. She speaks with passion
Canucklady says():Very good, everyone should watch !!
subgirl says to Militia Man():she is very good!!!!

subgirl says to slh5282():sorry not sure??
Militia Man says to subgirl():Yes, she wasn't winging it.. Very well done.
subgirl says to Militia Man():yes it was very well done! WOW!
Canucklady says to Militia Man():Yes, very to the point ! The interpretor would have had a job to keep up
Militia Man says to subgirl):The kurds are part of Iraq, they just so happened to be first as they faought the good fight. The rest of Iraq is going to shine as well.. We are not going to stop now! Imo we made it..

Canucklady says to Militia Man():(y)
Militia Man says to Canucklady():Her urgency mixed with excitement. Think about it.. I'll bet she knows her stack of 25k notes are going to pay off! lol
da58 says():Parliment extended to finish the biz they set out to complete.. ministers, laws, reforms

subgirl says to Militia Man():(y)
subgirl says to da58():thank you!!! :)

da58 says to Militia Man():(lol)
Canucklady says to Militia Man():Yes !!
da58 says to Militia Man():yup - she can't hardly contain herself - the only missing is a set of pom pom's!
da58 says to Militia Man():(lol)
Militia Man says to da58():“The plan hits all of the right buttons, and demonstrates clearly to everyone here in Kurdistan, to everyone in Iraq, and to all of Kurdistan’s international partners that Kurdistan is serious about reform,” she added.
Canucklady says to Militia Man():The plan hits all the right buttons"!!! Not just talk, it is reality!!

clay01 says():Just got in, whats the hub bub about
Militia Man says to da58():This won't be the first time the Kurds took the lead.. I'll bet Abadi wished it was his time to go first.. I think he deserves it.. Maybe the second is the actual best as it will bring in the new rate for the world.. We shall see.
Militia Man says to clay01(): This is what it is all about. Better get ready!
Militia Man says to da58():I know right! lol
da58 says to Militia Man():Right - they DO take the lead! to me, this sounds like to me Kurds announcing their entrance to the intl community.. Amazing !!
FOXX says():WOW!! Thank you for that link!!
Militia Man says to da58():They are! I'll bet Baghdad is next this week! I have heard "" that the CBI site in Arabic may publish data for the citizens eyes only, then three days later by law the world gets to know! That three day window may have already started.
Militia Man says to da58():As early as Saturday.
wmawhite says to Militia Man():You are a little late.........Iraq (including Kurdistan) has already walked through the door and into the global economy markets. The IMF told you this a few days ago. Plus, the IMF also told you that Iraq is compliant with the requirement and that they are mandatory.
wmawhite says to Militia Man():requirements*.........i,e,..........Article 8 (IMO).
Militia Man says to wmawhite():I did see that, as well. The video put more meaning to it.. imo..
Militia Man says to wmawhite():Yes, it looks like they met all conditions and she sealed for the Kurds at least.. Do you expect that A will have his day in the light? I do.
wmawhite says to Militia Man():the video is good in that with the announcement that the CBI will open a branch in erbil/Arbil,...........that the monetary reforms continue and continue to be recognized by the world financial center.
wmawhite says to Militia Man():centers*
Militia Man says to wmawhite():Yes in deed. The are to be a key player for the north as a central hub in finance, port authrority for commerce, water, etc,.. All good things.
wmawhite says to Militia Man():Abadi has never left the lime light........the world recognizes the mountain he has to climb and he stood before the world economic powers in Davos, SW and told the world that Iraq will join them on their stage.
Militia Man says to wmawhite():Yes, I agree the man has been awesome imo to watch. I liked him at Davos.. He said things to push people.. It worked too!
wmawhite says to Militia Man():IMO,..........he would be laughed at, NO,...he would never be able to get upon that stage with a currency that represent Iraq if it is valued at $0.00086.
wmawhite says():It is coming....
Militia Man says to wmawhite():I know right! Not going to happen with a sub penny currency. Remember when the UN meeting when Chapter 7 was lifted? Barzani in so many words said we are going to come out where we were before. He was talking about the economy.. $$$
Canucklady says to wmawhite():I was worried, thought you were off baking a cake :)
wmawhite says to Canucklady():Nope,............maybe cookies later.................NOT!!!
subgirl says to _firefly_():how are you?
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Firefly good to see you youv been playing hookie !!
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():I've shut down :)
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Sure do miss your posts !!({)

_firefly_ says to puffdragon():Nobody pays attention lol
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():All they want is newstime lol  
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Attention span is short with many, but some of us doooo !!(y)
_firefly_ says to puffdragon()::)
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Pay attention !!
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():Then remember what I told you guys to pay attention to nearly 2 years ago :)
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Im getting to old to remember that far beck FF, not I dont want to just CANT ({)
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():What I told you back then is what they are reporting now !
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():so u didn't miss anything so to speak :)
puffdragon says to _firefly_():My age going to miss some ??
puffdragon says to _firefly_():8-|
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():Nope, almost everything is now daily news reports
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Most are just interested in the reval, not the process like some of us, Its history in the making as it wer !!(v)
_firefly_ says():One thing before I go AFK ...... DON'T RUSH. HAVE A PLAN READY NOW NOT LATER
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Once we get there it will mean more being a part of the history ! IMO
puffdragon says to _firefly_():100% agree Super bug !!(y)
_firefly_ says():READ MY WORDS CAREFULLY

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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