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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-31-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-31-16  Part 1 of 2
Iraq looks to export five million barrels of oil in June to pay dues global companies 
Author: HAA, HH Editor: BK, HH 05/30/2016 18:09         Long-Presse / Baghdad
It revealed on exports of Iraqi oil sources, on Monday, for the determination of Iraq to export five million barrels to its customers during the month of June, while attributed the reason to the "pressures faced by the international oil companies operating in the fields to pay their dues before obtaining the IMF loan."
Iraq is the second largest oil producer in OPEC, and is working with other members of the organization, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE and Iran, to increase their oil exports during the third quarter of the current 2016, as Iraq is trying to overcome the standard rate of current exports amounting to up to three million and 370 thousand barrels per day, through next June,
so Havea footsteps of other oil producers in the Middle East to increase their shares in the market ahead of the meeting of the Organization of petroleum exporting countries members (OPEC) early this month.
According to three sources familiar with oil, followed up (range Press), the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO), has allocated five million barrels of additional Basra Light crude, to be downloaded during the month of June, for the benefit of partners from the oil producers working in Iraq, such as Petro Jayna and Italy's ENI and Russian Lukoil.
It is noteworthy that Iraq reimburse dues international oil companies which signed a service contract with them, with crude oil rather than cash, as a result of falling oil prices, and caused its budget deficit.
The news agency Reuters, from a petroleum sources, as I followed (the long-Presse), as saying that "a matter of the anticipated increase in June exports related causes pressure by the oil companies, which calls for entitlement according to its contracts with SOMO," adding that "Iraq has a commitment to pay the dues of oil companies as a condition of granting a loan of the international Monetary Fund. "
It is noteworthy that Iraq is seeking international loans of $ 15 billion soft interest, to overcome the financial crisis caused by the deterioration of world oil prices and the repercussions of the war against the (Daash).   LINK

 [tlm724] Iraq looks to export five million barrels of oil in June *wolfwhistle* dayum
Union of Kurdistan : Kurds lost their pressure on the government to return their deputies to Baghdad
BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press : The President of the Kurdistan Islamic Union 's parliamentary bloc, Muthana Amin, on Monday, that the Kurds lost their paper pressure on the Iraqi government to return their deputies to Baghdad . Amin said at a news conference in Sulaimaniyah, he followed " Tomorrow Press " , "
the return of the House of Representatives Kurds without Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi undertake anything of the blocks Kurdistan we have lost our paper the pressure on Baghdad . "
he added , " we demanded to hold a serious meeting with al - Abadi to implement our conditions, but that did not happen, and it should be on the rest of the Kurdish blocs to go back to Baghdad now . "
 the Secretary, said that " there are a lot of outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil , and we did not intend to strike from attending parliament sessions , " adding ,
" but we are committed not to weaken the Kurdish row in Iraq ." He said " Baghdad has not announced its intention to grant the province of Kurdistan share of the money provided to Iraq international bodies " , stressing " it should be on the Kurdish blocs not to miss this historic opportunity . " LINK

 [tlm724] we demanded to hold a serious meeting with al - Abadi to implement our conditions, but that did not happen, and it should be on the rest of the Kurdish blocs to go back to Baghdad now .
[tlm724] the Secretary, said that " there are a lot of outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil , and we did not intend to strike from attending parliament sessions , " adding , " but we are committed not to weaken the Kurdish row in Iraq ."
 He said " Baghdad has not announced its intention to grant the province of Kurdistan share of the money provided to Iraq international bodies " , stressing " it should be on the Kurdish blocs not to miss this historic opportunity .
Iraq launches next Thursday, the first development of its kind in the region Management System
History of edits:: 31.5.2016 12:11  Baghdad} Euphrates News launches the Ministry of Planning, on Thursday, development management system, which is the first of its kind in Iraq and the region.
According to a ministry statement, received by the agency {Euphrates News}, a copy of it, it "will be held next Thursday expanded conference, to launch a development management system which is the first of its kind in Iraq and the region, as well as the launch of work system work standard documents for the management of government contracts in Iraq . " .
He pointed out that the conference "will be held at ten o'clock in the morning in a conference good hotel, under the auspices of Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi" .anthy
 [tlm724] launches the Ministry of Planning, on Thursday, development management system, which is the first of its kind in Iraq and the region.
[tlm724] as well as the launch of work system work standard documents for the management of government contracts in Iraq .
[tlm724] lemme check the MOP site real quick justa sec
[tlm724] ok got it
Planning Minister ... announces the completion of the draft national development administration (IDMS) with support from the US Agency for Development
Websites 18 May, 2016 
Mr. Minister of Planning Dr. Salman al-Jumaili announced that the ministry has completed the draft national development administration (IDMS) with support from the US Agency for Development,
which is the first of its kind in Iraq and help the government on the management of financial resources by about sound and improve the level of performance in providing better services to citizens and to achieve transparency and the fight against corruption and provide the exact mechanisms in the follow-up projects
and determine the percentage of completion and the deviation in the implementation process, noting that the Ministry of planning and worked on this project for several years, as it has been the training of 932 trainees from various ministries and provinces to work on the application of this system,
which represents one of the important staff in the application of e-government as well as being It is one of the basic tools in the process of administrative reform and financial in Iraq.
He called Jumaili ministries and provinces to the formation of specialized units application development management system in Iraq in order to provide the appropriate conditions for the work of micro-mechanisms provided by this system, adding that the ministry will hold an expanded conference at the end of this month to launch the development management program in Iraq
[tlm724] with support from the US Agency for Development
[tlm724] which is the first of its kind in Iraq and help the government on the management of financial resources 
[tlm724] to achieve transparency and the fight against corruption and provide the exact mechanisms
[tlm724] theres the transparency on a national level the IMF requires    Wink 
[tlm724] well done Iraq !

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