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Saturday, May 28, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-28-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-28-16  Part 2 of 2
(Here and there) corruption embassies in the period Alzibarah 

​c 2 (144,000 dollars wine bank of the Embassy of one per year   (Here and there) corruption embassies in the period Alzibarah c 2 (144,000 dollars wine bank of the Embassy of one per year

Ali Mohsen al-Tamimi
(Think not that Allah is unaware of what works the wrong-doers, but it puts them back to the day when diagnosed vision Mhtaan Mguenaa their heads not turn back to them their part and hearts air) Ibrahim, said R (first asks slave in the grave for old Wim he spent it, his wealth from where he acquired it and on what he spent, he said Imam of the pious p to his son Hassan (p, son in Halalha account in Hramha punishment in suspicions reproach)
1 - Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari traveled at the head of a delegation to Jordan, whom adviser Abadi, and on the Keywords, and others to get a loan from the International Monetary Fund worth $ 16 billion, O Allah, curse each stole a penny from the hundreds of billions the money of widows and orphans, and the needy, have cable corruption Mukhtar hypocrisy and tricks runaway reference Government of Iraq and the new debt fund would put conditions on Iraq + interest Snsdha How? Nor agriculture nor industry nor the reconstruction?
2 - We wrote to Hoshyar Zebari said that the existing work being sent to Canada at the opening of the embassy Baathist worked Foreign Ministry twenty years as I mentioned is that her father Ahmed Muhammadu Homsi was trade minister during the reign of the Baath when lions coming to Iraq in 1963 and mentioned it had appointed Baathists Embassy someone repairman cars Subscribe to steal cars bomb and credit card fraud worth $ 9.5 million reported his name and the names of the gang Journal royalty weigh,

and published his picture and his friend in the newspaper Iraqi opposition who was appointed by Samara and appointed his wife is Iraq, where they were in the house of Ambassadors Haitham al-Najjar and Mohammed al-Saffar in holiday birthday of Saddam drink wine beside them and stayed employees to 2014 apparently smelt the smell of forgery Aftrdoh, Oh God, I know how much is the budget of the embassy since it opened?
3 - We wrote the 2005 article in the Voice of Iraq site mentioned corruption and uprooted the names of the staff but nobody listened
4 - reminded us that the first ambassador appointed (Hawar Ziad) smelting Dr. Mahmoud Othman, but there is a vast difference between him and Dr. Othman struggling reliever who Baath opposed, Hawar Ziad housing Stolorih Hotel at a price of $ 500 for one night and a (180) thousand dollars a year except for eating and drinking and the Bank of guests and stayed in hotel two years and then moved to the house rent and was ambassador gives the Kurds of Iraq, Turkey and Iran (5000 dollars) for the concert festival Nowruz wish I give them from his own pocket and not from the funds of Iraqis
5 - second Ambassador Abdul-Rahman al-Husseini housing (from a group Tariq Umayyad) House on Rido rent River (12 000 dollars a month) remained almost five years rent house 720,000 dollars cost the equivalent of the price of a large house a luxury, by the way one of the brothers sent a letter to the founder of the Islamic republic's proposal him to buy a house for rent Embassy instead he sent the mercy of God and one of his representatives Achtrawa building in 1988 or 1989 is now priced at least five times and provided rent allowances
6 - The brother fighter Abdul Samad Feeli filmed the great court Bataaoh highest area near the house of Prime Minister of Canada, we published pictures of Bosnaha Hoshyar still empty hires ambassadorial role
7 - objected to Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, the Federal Court objecting to the reduction of the salaries of presidencies under the pretext that he does not want the salaries and allowances of the embassies that was nestles where Almojtthon and forgers and thieves went the Iraqi consul in Iran to Syria after the end of his work is no longer for Iraq as well as the Consul Baathist Canada Khaled Salman and was buying gold reduced always his friend and asked him why?
He said if the Iraqi Foreign Ministry called me and asked to verify my credit banks will not find anything after the end of his term he went to Jordan and Syria with comrades There was a Baathist Embassy Consul also named secretary-Faleh
8 - We told Mukhtar Baath Expel uprooted and counterfeiters and thieves from embassies and appointed sons of the martyrs of loyal and Alenzahien as he did in front of the pious p O Allah, curse of the age of a year re uprooted, said Imam Ali (p loyalty to the people of treachery betrayed God and treachery Bahl treachery and fulfillment of God) said G (despicable means do not reach one day to a very noble)
9 - ask the Parliamentary Integrity Committee revealed millions that were stolen during the summit conference in Baghdad runaway reference time and Zebari and ask them to check the names of Almzorien Foreign Ministry and embassies
10 - Provisions envoy out of $ 600 per day + hotel fare and eating, drinking and traveling Why are not canceled allotment
11 - Is it permissible to have Zibarda the Minister of Finance to rebuild Iraq's economy? Iraqis who squandered money on embassies and liquor Almojtthein? Um, because he is free brother Massoud Barzani
Central Bank attacking banking and financial companies parliamentary stresses: mostly owned by politicians
Author: ASJ, HH Editor: BK, HH 5.28.2016 11:36          Long-Presse / Baghdad   CBI attacked on Saturday, banking companies and financial conversion, and accused her of using "forged documents and not to supplement the local market in hard currency," and with the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives confirmed that a lot of politicians have the majority of banking companies ", criticized the owners of companies and offices banking" method The central bank deal with it. "
He said the Board of the Central Bank board member Ahmed Rehn, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The role of the private sector and banking offices are still quite negative in the foreign exchange market," noting that "the private sector has been unable to supplement the local market an additional offer of foreign currency, whether through exports or attract foreign investment or otherwise, for the preoccupation with obtaining that currency for purposes not inconsistent with the interests of Iraq's economic stability. "

He called Rehn, to "make the banking partner of the Iraqi Central Bank in the foreign exchange market to become as a wholesale foreign currency similar to wholesalers for goods, to provide the needy with estimated taking into account the national interests of traders," revealing "non-possession, central bank data or information on how the currency move window sell the currency, or from other sources, the fact that the private sector offers him inaccurate information and false documents. "
The member of the board of the central bank, that "the central bank should not meet all requests for foreign currency because that is draining international reserves quickly," noting that there are "shops sell foreign currency and buy what requires the central bank scrutiny exchange companies between now and then."

Rehn stressed that "the number of exchange companies is very significant about can not be with him to the Directorate General for the banking and credit control in the CBI, the monitor," pointing out that "Iraq lacks a solid firms can monitor banking companies and to ensure its commitment to banking controls."
For her part, member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives Majida al-Tamimi, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The work of the exchange companies is limited to the transfer of funds abroad without taking into account the balance in the amount of foreign currency emerging and entering the country," attributed the reasons to "the fact that the local environment It is not encouraging for the survival of these funds inside Iraq, especially that most who have received funds legal or illegal manner, transformed them to invest abroad. "
He confirmed al-Tamimi, the "exchange companies did not contribute to the support of monetary policy or development operations inside Iraq, and the central bank not controlled by the only words without deeds, as is the case with the announcement of the provision of the dollar for those who wish to travel abroad for medical treatment or study."
Promised a member of the parliamentary finance committee, said: "Misfortune auction currency is still going on despite the drawbacks and the existence of alternatives through practical mechanisms for the dollar," revealing "certain to prove possession of many politicians and influential corporate banking information."
She called Tamimi, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, to "intervene to stop the auction of the currency," pointing out that "Abadi previously was chairman of the Finance Committee in Parliament and he knows already know the guts and cons auction currency and sweet effective to address the subject in order to serve the national economy."
She Tamimi, he "already suggested a sophisticated financial system, in which international experts, and submitted to the secretary of the prime minister, Abu Nofal barns, in November 2015 the past," Msttrdh "I have not received any response on the proposal so far."
Turn his banking company called (m. T) in an interview said to (long-Presse), "The banking companies to suffer so much from the central bank's trading and obstacles put through procedures routine complex," noting that "the central bank looks at the exchange companies about negative although many of them offer good services faster and better than any government bank or my family and high technology and ensure sure. "
Meanwhile, the owner of banking office called (u. P), in an interview said to (long-Presse), that "a lot of companies or exchange offices operate without leave and some are fake, although they are affecting the dinar exchange rate against the dollar, through smuggling currency, "adding that" the central bank action to reduce those negative phenomenon is very slow. "
He said his banking office, that "the central bank's procedures for granting practice for companies and banking offices mission and leave required to eliminate the phantom ones and reduce the smuggling of currency abroad to protect the national economy."
The Iraqi Central Bank announced recently taken several measures to regulate the work of the offices and corporate banking in Iraq and reduce the phenomenon of illegal activities that harm the national economy and raise the price of the dollar, which opened the door presentation to the owners of banking companies to obtain official licenses to practice the profession, as well as the adoption of mechanisms new auction selling foreign currency to companies, raising the amount from 250 to 400 thousand dollars a condition to increase the company's shares.

Granting leave procedures include that the applicant must be experienced and the holder of a college degree for this work full-time and not convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, and not least the company's capital for 500 million Iraqi dinars, as well as other conditions.     LINK     
tlm724     The member of the board of the central bank, that "the central bank should not meet all requests for foreign currency because that is draining international reserves quickly," noting that there are "shops sell foreign currency and buy what requires the central bank scrutiny exchange companies between now and then."
Rehn stressed that "the number of exchange companies is very significant about can not be with him to the Directorate General for the banking and credit control in the CBI, the monitor," pointing out that "Iraq lacks a solid firms can monitor banking companies and to ensure its commitment to banking controls.
She called Tamimi, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, to "intervene to stop the auction of the currency," pointing out that "Abadi previously was chairman of the Finance Committee in Parliament and he knows already know the guts and cons auction currency and sweet effective to address the subject in order to serve the national economy."
tlm724     diff source
It attacks the central banking companies

28/05/2016 11:49   CBI attacked on Saturday, banking companies and financial conversion, and accused her of using "forged documents and not to supplement the local market in hard currency , " and with the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives confirmed that a lot of politicians have the majority of banking companies ", criticized the owners of companies and offices banking" method Central Bank him deal. "
he said the board of the Central Bank board member Ahmed Rehn, in a newspaper interview that" the role of the private sector and banking offices are still quite negative in the foreign exchange market , "noting that" the private sector has been unable to supplement the local market an additional offer of foreign currency either through exports or attract foreign investment or otherwise, for the preoccupation with obtaining that currency for purposes not inconsistent with the interests of Iraq , its economic stability. "
He called Rehn, to" make the banking partner of the Iraqi Central Bank in the foreign exchange market to become as a wholesale foreign currency similar to wholesalers traders commodities, to provide the needy with estimated taking into account national interests , "revealing" non - possession , central bank data or information on how currencies move from selling the currency window or from other sources, the fact that the private sector offers him inaccurate information and false documents. "
The member of the board of Directors the central bank, that " the central bank should not meet all requests for foreign currency because that is draining international reserves quickly , " noting that there are "shops that buys and sells foreign currency requires the central bank scrutiny exchange companies between now and then."
Rehn stressed that " number of exchange companies is very significant about can not be with him to the Directorate General for the banking and credit control in the CBI, the monitor , "pointing out that" Iraq lacks a solid firms can monitor banking companies and to ensure its commitment to banking controls. "
for her part, member of the Finance Committee House Majida al - Tamimi, in a newspaper interview that " the work of the exchange companies is limited to the transfer of funds abroad without taking into account the balance in the amount of foreign currency emerging and entering the country," attributed the reasons to " the fact that the local environment is not encouraging for the survival of these funds inside Iraq, especially that most who received funds legal or illegal manner, transformed them to invest abroad. "
confirmed al - Tamimi, the" exchange companies did not contribute to the support of monetary policy or development operations inside Iraq, and the central bank not controlled by the only words without deeds, as is the case with announcing provide a dollar for those who wish to travel abroad for medical treatment or study. "
I promised a member of the parliamentary finance committee, said : " misfortune auction currency is still going on despite the drawbacks and the existence of alternatives through practical mechanisms for the dollar, "revealing" certain to prove possession of many political information The influential banking companies. "
She called Tamimi, Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, to" intervene to stop the currency auction , "pointing out that" Abadi previously was chairman of the Finance Committee in Parliament and he knows already know the guts and cons auction currency and sweet effective to address the subject in order to serve the national economy. " 
She Tamimi, they "already proposed a financial system developed attended by international experts, and submitted to the secretary of the prime minister, Nofal Abu barns, in November 2015 the past," Msttrdh "I have not received any response on the proposal so far."

in turn , said his banking company called (M . T) in an interview that " the banking companies to suffer so much from the central bank 's trading and obstacles put through procedures routine complex , " noting that " the central bank looks at the exchange companies about negative despite the fact that many of them offer good services faster and better than any government or bank my family and technology and high assurance for sure. 
Meanwhile, his banking office called (u. p), in an interview , he said that" a lot of companies or exchange offices operate without leave and some are fake , although they are affecting the dinar exchange rate against the dollar, through the smuggling of currency , "adding that" the central bank action to reduce those negative phenomenon is very slow. "
He said his banking office, that" the central bank 's procedures for granting practice for companies and banking offices mission and the required clearance to eliminate phantom ones and the reduction of currency outside the smuggling to protect the national economy. "
the Central Bank of Iraq announced recently taken several measures to regulate the work of the offices and corporate banking in Iraq and reduce the phenomenon of illegal activities that harm the national economy and raise the price of the dollar, which opened the door presentation to the owners of banking companies to obtain official licenses to practice the profession, as well as the adoption of new mechanisms in the auction of foreign companies , currencies, raising the amount from 250 to 400 thousand dollars a condition to increase the company 's shares.
and includes the granting of leave procedures that the applicant must be experienced and the holder of a college degree full - time to this work and not convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, and not less the company 's capital for 500 million Iraqi dinars , as well as other conditions.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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