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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday  AM Chat  5-31-16   Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Tuesday  AM Chat  5-31-16   Part 1 of 2
Baxter says():so what did parliament do about the technocrats being voted in? I dont see a thing about it...
where'sthebeef says to Baxter():I believe it got pushed off again.
Baxter says():looks like it...and now they are off for a month?
Baxter says():or two months?
Elane says to magnetlady():Read that article that Da58 brought in and you will see the positivity of the early news.. imho.
da58 says():a month - but, jubouri makes it clear - ready for extraordinary session for specific biz..
Baxter says(): Da58.... so what happened to voting on the Technocrats? nothing?
da58 says to Baxter():and they want that ruling from the fed ct on the 8th of june.. the article spells everything out clearly
da58 says to Baxter():not yet. I doubt you'll see that till after the 8th bax
Baxter says():Oh...ok..... we wait another week I guess...
where'sthebeef says to da58():Do you think we actually see them make their decision on it by the 8th. they have set a few dates already and postpones them. I saw the artilce stated, "the fed court would "likely", make the decision by the 8th. what are your thoughts?
da58 says to Baxter():who knows - this thing is in process... folks all have their theories of 'what is needed' - yet, all the big players seem to be full speed ahead!
da58 says to where'sthebeef():yes - the fed ct stated they would rule on the 8th
Baxter says():Da58... I doubt if you see much happen until the Fed crt rules on Maliki....
magnetlady says():I just did Elane. Awesome. Have it in copied chat now too so all can read.
_firefly_ says():One more time ..... Maliki is out of the equation !
Baxter says():One thing for sure... May is History....
da58 says to where'sthebeef():however, seems everyone 'assumes' things are riding on this.. keep in mind - we have no evidence at all of the imf, wb, cbi, or un - halting and tapping their foot - hand on hip, do we? nope.. have they met the requirements that were put before them in writing?
da58 says to where'sthebeef():I haven't seen any slowing at all, imo
where'sthebeef says to da58():So is this decision what is causing the hold up on the seating of the remaining ministers, in your opinion? thanks
da58 says to where'sthebeef():I suspect first we need the constitutionality of the prior sessions before they proceed with more ministers.. jmo..
Baxter says():and thats on the 8th... correct?
da58 says to Baxter():sure is! and - btw - may is history, yes - but, it's some of the best history in iraq we've ever seen!
da58 says to Baxter():(lol)
Baxter says():and that all has to do with Maliki... opposing the constitutionality of the prior sessions...
da58 says to Baxter():that's TRUE too!
da58 says to Baxter():he's behind it all ..
da58 says to Baxter():imo
Baxter says):thats correct... so we wait......
da58 says to Baxter():and watch.. I've always felt they would need controls of the banks in mosul, but that's me.. I'm guessing that will be quicker that our media makes it out to be - but, it's only an opinion.. thinking all this is gonna come together at the same time... this whole going intl thing - HAS BEGUN - there is way too much evidence out there of that..
da58 says to Baxter():gotta run.. take care!
Baxter says():thx for the info
watson1 says(): so does this mean we are on hold for a month ?
Elane says to magnetlady():jubouri makes it clear - ready for extraordinary session for specific biz..
Elane says to magnetlady():There is an article da58 just brought in answering that..
_firefly_ says():Kanani: IMF loan makes Iraq subject to international economic standards
firefly_ says():Special scales News
Counting of the economic and investment commission member of the Parliamentary Ahmed Kanani, on Sunday, Iraq's new funds from the International Monetary Fund, a step in the right direction to make Iraq is under international economic standards.
Said Kanani, L / balance News /, said that "Iraq borrow from the International Monetary Fund makes Iraq abide by international standards and conditions, namely that Iraq abide by mandatory."
He added that "those conditions will join the administrative affairs of the Iraqi economic system, in terms of customs duties and foreign companies dealing with investment, as well as how the funds and the benefits of operational, investment and Almoisntin management."
And Abizaid, "with evidence that IMF lending condition when Iraq to stop the grades, being the budget carrying large sums of money."
He stressed Kanani, that "the IMF loan is a positive step in the situation in Iraq under the international system, which applies economic criteria Altikhaddm Iraqi economic reality, as well as its importance to the country under the current circumstances."
_firefly_ says():to make Iraq is under international economic standards
_firefly_ says():namely that Iraq abide by mandatory
_firefly_ says():its importance to the country under the current circumstances."
_firefly_ says():namely that Iraq abide by mandatory
_firefly_ says():namely that Iraq abide by mandatory
Scotzgirl says to _firefly_():sitting on ready, waiting on go :)
Soonergirlie says to _firefly_():that sounds like article 8 talk to me...
_firefly_ says():It is essential that something happens VERY VERY soon
Holly1 says to _firefly_():was that from today ?
_firefly_ says to Holly1():Since 2016-05-29 12:55 (Baghdad time)
Pablo says():Has there been any news on whether they got their cabinet sorted out?
_firefly_ says():World Bank expert says fiscal crisis increased poverty rate in Iraqi Kurdistan
Posted on May 31, 2016 by Editorial Staff in Economy, Refugees
Sibel Kulaksiz, Senior Economist at the World Bank at the 2016 Sulaimani forum, March 17, 2016. Photo: Burhan Mardani/NRT
LONDON,— The high expense of providing public services to the influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and Syrian refugees as well as a deteriorated fiscal crisis has resulted in a severe impact on the economy in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, a senior economist with the World Bank said on Sunday.
Sibel Kulaksiz, a senior economist with the World Bank, said poverty in Iraqi Kurdistan Region is increasing due to regional conflict and long-term structural issues, speaking at a conference to discuss the three-year reform roadmap launched by the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Ministry of Planning.
According to Kulaksiz there are 1.8 million IDPs and Syrian refugees of whom more than 75 percent are women and children in dire condition.
Expenditures for providing security and public services to the areas hosting high number of IDPs is a further burden to long-standing issues, which cost the KRG $1.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2015, she said.
“While spending is increasing the revenue is falling short as a result of fiscal crisis,” Kulaksiz said “Long-standing structural challenges were there even before the crises.”
Kulaksiz urged the KRG to increase private sector employment pointing out the large percentage of people employed by the government.
She also urged the KRG to implement further reforms in the next three years such as reforms in civil service, subsidies, social benefits, pensions’ reforms and revenue generation measures to help cope with the financial crisis.
Tax revenue currently represents five percent of the KRG’s revenue, the majority of which is generated from the oil sector.
Kulaksiz said, “In the second half of 2014 the poverty rate doubled in the KRG, and most of this increase was driven by poverty among the host community in Duhok, which experienced the largest influx of refugees and IDPs.” 
_firefly_ says():Iraqi private banks association signed a memorandum of understanding with the consultant firm and professional coach
2016/05/31 | 11:20  Signed Iraqi private banks association on Sunday a memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the consultant company and professional trainer in the training of the banking sector in Iraq.
The agreement was signed by Association President dam Wadih Handal in and signed by its president, Dr. Khalil Chancellor Chandler company.
The executive director of the Association of Iraqi private banks, Mr. Tariq Ali in a statement singled out by the economics News that the agreement provides for the training of staff in the banking sector in Iraq on the technology used in the banking business in accordance with international Calibrator, and the administrative structure in place in the global systems.
He explained that the Convention and-running three years will open new horizons for the work of the Association through the provision of quality services to the banking sector and the introduction of new services to work in the Iraqi private banks.
_firefly_ says():The executive director of the Association of Iraqi private banks, Mr. Tariq Ali in a statement singled out by the economics News that the agreement provides for the training of staff in the banking sector in Iraq on the technology used in the banking business in accordance with international Calibrator, and the administrative structure in place in the global systems.
_firefly_ says():the technology used in the banking business in accordance with international Calibrator, and the administrative structure in place in the global systems.
_firefly_ says():the technology used in the banking business in accordance with international Calibrator, and the administrative structure in place in the global systems.
sheila3 says to _firefly_():(y):) thank you
_firefly_ says():Can't find anything else of relevance or complete truth
_firefly_ says():And where are these money printing machines located???????
_firefly_ says():the new ones Iraq just got
Pablo says():No idea.
_firefly_ says():Let's see if the newshounds can give you guys the answer :)
_firefly_ says():Ok, I'm backing off :)

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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