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Friday, May 27, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-27-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From  Chat Room
Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-27-16  Part 2 of 2

chattels: It certainly appears that the GOI is using " censorship " and media control to attempt " manage " the popular sentiment.
chattels: There have been articles regarding the limitation of media access to any Parliamentary proceedings.
chattels: The religious leaders are emphasizing the battle for Fallujah in sermons today in Iraq.
chattels: " said the religious authority admire and applaud homage victories of the security forces in the battles for liberation."
chattels: All eyes on Fallujah is likely a healthy distraction from the political crisis in the government.
chattels: All of which gives Abadi and Co. needed breathing room and a " boost " in their public persona at least in the eyes of the populace.
Doug_W: U would need a tank to penetrate that barricaide
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› Impressive, eh ?
Doug_W: very!!
chattels: The Machievellian Maliki is pumping HIS EFFORTS to solve the political crisis on twitter. Ironic, I think.
chattels: " The head of a coalition of state law , Nuri al - Maliki, continuing HIS EFFORTS to bring the parties to the difference in the House."
chattels: " ........... said HIS EFFORTS to bring the two both sides of the controversy in the House was continuing important strides in this area, but some are trying to block the deal."
chattels: " He said failure to reach a compromise solution would put both sides in front of the option of what he will say the judiciary , which would be binding for all ."
chattels: I think it unlikely that there is a quorum in Parliament until the Federal Court rules on the appeal.
chattels: I posted a couple of days ago the following.
chattels: " certainly the opposition bloc which reform has given one of its conditions pending the Federal Court has not been compliance so far with other political blocs and thus failing to attend will affect the quorum for the session , ..........."
chattels: The " Reform Front " has numbered somewhere between 96 - 110 MP's. There are a total of 328 MP's in Parliament with attendance being " high " at 275 at any given session. A quorum requires 165 MP's.
chattels: It may be a very " close call " to attain a forum even with the Kurds in attendance, IMO.
chattels: The attendance of the Kurdish MP's is not a foregone conclusion.
chattels: And again, Next Wednesday is June 1 which could be a significant date, i.e., the end of the " current chapter " for the Iraqi Parliament before the Ramadan break / holiday, if I understand correctly the " limited " extension of Parliament under Article 58 of the Iraqi Constitution and the effective beginning and ending date(s) of the extension.
chattels: We shall see. We know only for certain that " Nothing is certain in Iraq."
Doug_W: amen to that
Ononotagain: This is a new webpage for the CBI website... interesting...
Ononotagain: another...
Tootsie: I ran this thru Bing, for {my} clarity ~ such as it is ~~~300 wire transfer company suspends relations and banking deal Friday 27th may 2016 14:55 Sumerian news/Baghdad Detect press article published Friday, the arrival of an American Committee competent financial intelligence Department personnel to Baghdad and set them up at the American Embassy for the expansion for the purpose of coordinating with the Central Bank.
He said the author of the article, which is seen by Sumeria "news, depriving 300 wire transfer company and banking deal, where the Central Bank is supplied weekly with information on Iraqi firms and banks on suspicion of smuggling money or fraud or money laundering," pointing out that "the Bank performs its recommendations provided by literally every week with information on Iraqi firms and banks on suspicion of smuggling money or fraud or money laundering."
"The Central Bank is committed to full compliance" with the Commission's instructions, by the author of the article which he modified and revised instructions that allow entry of a currency auction.
According to the article that the Iraqi Central Bank Governor meeting on Wednesday, relations with Iraqi banking and financial institutions informed them that the policy of the Central Bank is the Central Bank and the former would keep ten only banks operating in Iraqi financial market, and threatened to adopt "ratings" by the Central Bank.
Tootsie: According to the author of the article, the relationship that "wants to protect his country and declare a time auctioneer basketball for banks, he also knows for sure the disaster that may occur," warning of the possibility of the American Commission on u.s.
Embassy instructions names of companies be frozen or suspended from work for the purpose of investigation or warrant these companies shut down permanently and forwarding all to eliminate, not only fined by the Central Bank of Iraq. His article warns of collapse of credit status in Iraq if the us Embassy Commission informed the Central Bank of Iraq "five or six names of Iraqi banks, where its is frozen and transferred to courts and tribunals, to be the Central Bank obliged to act in accordance with the Committee's recommendations.
And can the Americans, according to the author of the article, any shell bank financial capability by depriving correspondent outside Iraq, pointing out that the application of the Central Bank for this instruction means that a depositor Iraqis in danger, and that thousands of employees will be dismissed and the rule is added to the army of the unemployed in Iraq in addition to the side effects of such decisions.
Tootsie: the "other" translation is also in the above link
lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› hey lady !
Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› hi !! sent you a couple last night ~~
lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› I saw thanks
Tootsie: ‹@Ononotagain› That material is on the main cbi page , just an fyi, one just clicks on the picture and there is it - poof ;-} main cbi;                                                               
Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› so, clarification of the supposed 13303 hahaha. really Coalition Provisional Authority Order # 39 -
Tootsie: for those interested - the item that allows foreign investors (us and others) to deal with dinar
Ononotagain: I learn somthing every day... haha
Tootsie: ‹@Ononotagain› ME TOOO
Tootsie: hahaha
Tootsie: It is wise/smart/vunderbar that we are open to learning something new daily IMO - keeps us from being sheeple ~ good to investigate on our own ~
Tootsie: Hopefully the American committee will stop some of the bleeding of currency?? who the heck knows
Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› heck of a storm went through here last evening and early a.m. - Luckily most north of me just a bit - (couple miles) but received bunch of rain , and then 3 a.m. ouch! - Geezzzz ~~ some areas just above me had foot of rain ~ - all of that water has to run down to the Gulf, so flooding will be hitting again ~ rough
lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› hope your ok !!
Tootsie: K, have to run ~ (figure of speech) take care all - “Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t appreciate kindness and compassion.” ~ Dalai Lama -

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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