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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-30-16  Part 1 of 3

Post From  Chat Room
Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-30-16  Part 1 of 3
chattels: According to the arrest warrant issued by the Federal resumption of Nineveh Court, ................... the arrest of the accused: the governor of Nineveh former Ethyl Abdul Aziz Najafi, .................. "
 and bring him before the court, for being accused in the complaint against him in the integrity Commission / Directorate achievement of Nineveh. ", ...................
for " the type of crime the legal and Article [315] of the Penal Code. " ( Article 315 of the Iraqi Penal Code: punished with imprisonment each employee or Maclq public service pilfer or disappearance of money or chattel paper or installed right or otherwise found in his life.)
chattels: " the House of Representatives had voted in its meeting held on 29 of last may, a majority on the request for dismissal of the governor of Nineveh Liberation of Iraq , which accused him of a report of the parliamentary Committee fall of Mosul involvement in the events , but Najafi rejected impeachment and gave him an appeal to the Federal Court , which in turn received the appeal."
chattels: All : I have previously expressed my skepticism regarding the practical or operative significance of the IMF loan(s) upon our liquidity event. We continue to read elsewhere that this IMF loan is a harbinger of certain success in the very near term for an increase in the value of the IQD.
This is not the first IMF bailout. There was one in 2004 which the Iraqis " defaulted " upon. " In 2004, the IMF imposed an economic reform package that required Iraq to privatize some sectors and raise fuel prices in exchange for reducing and rescheduling the country's Paris Club debt, estimated at $50 billion. Iraq failed to meet those conditions.
" See
and .   404 error
Iraq's previous experience with the IMF doesn't encourage optimism, much less a sudden and exponential increase in the value of the IQD.
chattels: Why under the current circumstances would we expect Iraq to now be able or willing to comply with the austere conditions imposed by the IMF attendant to this new bailout ?
chattels: There is a serious legal question about the ability of Iraq to amend it's budget, a condition of the IMF loan(s), without parliamentary approval.
chattels: Other conditions of the IMF loan will not be popular with the Iraqi street. Who can envision in the current political environment the tough decisions being made that will sacrifice what little popularity remains for the current government ?
chattels: Again, vilify me in July and August, but I don't buy the " happy narrative of an imminent beneficial change in the value of the IQD".
waldowould: Maybe we should start talking about Vietnam then.
chattels: ‹@waldowould› I question whether I know anything about Iraq and I read all the time. I certainly don't know anything about Vietnam.
chattels: I am on this dinar thing until the end. I just question the " when " of the end.
waldowould: ‹@chattels› Iraq is an intimidating subject with all the misinformation. We really don't know who or what to believe. Vietnam on the other hand is a viable option. Did you know that 99percent of all tennis shoes are made there.
chattels: ‹@waldowould› I did not. I purchased some VND, so I hope that there is an upside.
chattels: My abiding sense is that increases in the value of currencies is not something publically foretold to anyone or to be anticipated by the " rank and file ".
waldowould: Go to the dollar store or Wal-Mart and check the clothing tags. Most will say Made in Vietnam. IMO they are following Japan's economy recovery after WW2.
chattels: ‹@waldowould› I hope that you are correct and there is some benefit to be realized by all of us. We could use a " break ", eh ?
waldowould: Lordy yes and I am getting older every minute.
waldowould: The word float is way overblown. In reality all currency floats.
chattels: It is the end game for me also. Getting " long in the tooth " here.
waldowould: I will be 85 this August
chattels: ‹@waldowould› Congratulations. I hope to live so long.
waldowould: Still want to travel again. Want to see the U.S. one last time.
chattels: ‹@waldowould› I wish that for you. I want to see all of the National Parks.
waldowould: Me also, plus Civil war battlefields and memorials.
chattels: I have never traveled.
chattels: I am somewhat of a civil war " buff "
waldowould: Me also and every citizen should see and enjoy the splendor of our national parks.
chattels: We may have to hurry to see some of the civil war memorials. They are an endangered species.
waldowould: Yes, which means people don't understand why the war was fought. It wasn't all about slavery, it was economic jealousy.
chattels: Shelby Foote is a favorite of mine
chattels: Middle East Tensions escalate as Saudi Arabia calls Iran’s military presence in Iraq ‘unacceptable’ By Rudaw
RVPlease: Does anyone know if Obama signed the Executive Order 13303 for another year? It was due on May 22nd.... Havent seen a thing about it....
Ononotagain: RVPlease: Executive Order: Ending Immunities Granted to the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Iraqi Property and Interests in Property Pursuant to Executive Order 13303, as Amended This has no effect on our speculation.
Ononotagain: The Rudaw news service reports that provincial authorities in Erbil expect up to 900,000 refugees to flee the war zones of Fallujah and Mosul into Iraqi Kurdistan, but the central government in Baghdad has been slow to coordinate with the Kurds.
Ononotagain: This is a good read with great pics... Kurdish forces backed by US-led air strikes advanced easterly on Sunday in an attack designed to prepare the way for an offensive to drive Isis forces from Mosul. Tanks, armoured vehicles and infantry moved forward warily because of the threat from Isis snipers, IEDs and suicide bombers, capturing by mid-afternoon six villages that were abandoned by their inhabitants when Isis took over two years ago.
Ononotagain: WASHINGTON — A New York Times report confirms that the U.S. government knew that an Iraqi facility now controlled by the Islamic State militant organization likely contained deadly chemical weapons — a finding reported by The Huffington Post on Monday.
Ononotagain: Britain is the most corrupt country in the world, claims mafia expert Roberto Saviano “It’s not the bureaucracy, it’s not the police, it’s not the politics but what is corrupt is the financial capital. 90 per cent of the owners of capital in London have their headquarters offshore.
Doug_W: enjoy the freedoms the Military People have provided you with on this Memorial day
chattels: Iraqi forces have entered ISIS-held Fallujah - AFP citing commanders Published time: 30 May, 2016 05:27
chattels: susannah george ‏@sgreports 2h2 hours ago bombings in Baghdad kill 20+ as Iraqi forces begin push into Fallujah via @AP …
 chattels: Jean-Marc Mojon ‏@mojobaghdad 4h4 hours ago FULL UPDATE: #Iraq forces led by elite #CTS fighters push into #Fallujah city @AFP #ISIS
chattels: Jean-Marc Mojon ‏@mojobaghdad 5h5 hours ago #Iraq's elite CTS and other forces enter #Fallujah, marking new urban phase after clearing operations @AFP
chattels: Tariq Harb: pleading Federal Court made the verdict soon in favor of one of the parties
chattels: legal expert Tareq Harb said that the hearing conducted by the Federal Supreme Court on Sunday on the legality and legitimacy of the disputed sessions of the House of Representatives " was almost close to resolving the case."
chattels: " was almost close to resolving the case."
chattels: " the case file is complete and will wait on 08.06.2016 as the new date of the pleading "
chattels: So, maybe June 8, 2016, we may have the court's decision.
chattels: it was scheduled that the House of Representatives held its meeting on Monday. ( today )
chattels: postponed the House of Representatives to its on Tuesday and that a broader MPs to participate.
chattels: " " because of the positive signals of a significant number of objectors Representatives of their desire to attend the hearing and the healing of the House of Representatives."
chattels: Perhaps they will all join hands tomorrow and sing together " kumbaya ".
Doug_W: LOL
chattels: Sistani worried about the situation in Iraq and is considering intervention
chattels: the supreme religious authority , Grand Ayatollah Ali al - Sistani expressed concern about the situation in Iraq and he is considering intervention if " necessary to do so. " 
chattels: " Sistani told us that he is watching the situation in Iraq with interest a concern and that it will intervene if it finds necessary for it ".
chattels: "the delay in the issuance of the Federal Court decision adversely affects the state and parliament institutions."
lonegunman: ‹@chattels› hello chattels ! it seems that " THE DELAY " adversely affects the state !! no kidding so it's business as usual in Iraq
chattels: One week from today is the beginning of Ramadan.
chattels: My fifth Ramadan awaiting our liquidity event.
lonegunman: ‹@chattels› my eighth..... guess time does not matter in this event !!
chattels: ‹@lonegunman› you are a " long timer "
lonegunman: ‹@chattels› not me !! you know some been in this 12 13 yrs I'm a newbie !!
chattels: not the " longest timer " :)
lonegunman: ‹@chattels› read yesterday you were a civil war researcher ! when i was younger went to many sites ! they are getting smaller though , taken up by construction
lonegunman: ‹@chattels› very interesting period in our history
Doug_W: VERY gun
lonegunman: ‹@Doug_W› hello !! brb have a 4 yr old here the weekend, very busy !!!!!!!!!!!!  lol
Doug_W: I know that is true

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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