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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

KTFA Tuesday Night CC Notes 5-24-16  Part 2

Part 2:

Frank26: Family, they’re working on a national reconciliation. That’s interesting. You see, to change the DNA attitude, this national reconciliation is important. What does that mean?

It’s kind-of like, maybe like the 4th of July in the United States, that would be the closet thing that I can get you. This is a day of pride. That’s why they are working on holidays, I told you. They’re creating more. But all the tribes, IMO, in Iraq all the tribes in the GOI, in the CBI…they need to get together, they need to get together and to continue to make money together to prove their economies.

They need to stop being angry with each other. That’s all there is to it.

We Americans, I’m sorry…we don’t take all day, we don’t take years, we don’t take decades. If anything, this has actually disturbed Wall Street.

Wall Street is every ten (10) years. The last two (2) years, Walls Street has been unbalanced. Many things are tied together without having to explain to anybody. We, the Americans…we, the United States of America….we, our attitude…we have to speed up just to stop! And we made a great study of you, Iraq. We learned a lot. Remove your religion, Iraq. Remove the rituals that retard you. Move forward.

Now, IMO by the way Family, but then again also, I think you might already know this but I better do it this way… we rewrote their Constitution. I think you saw articles where they said, “hey you gotta amend your Constitution…” hey, forget that stuff. We, uh…”Junior! Hey, come here! You see this? Cross that out, put that in there. We are Parliamentary. The British…”I. DON’T. CARE!” “Do this, change that…”

So, IMO we rewrote their Constitution and we rewrote it based on the study in the last twelve (12) years, we realized…how to deal with them. And I believe that they are realizing that we are not the big bullies that they thought we were. We’re your brothers, right now in arms…we’re your brothers, we’re your friends…we’re your financial friends.

So, we are all here to tell the whole international world and the citizens, because the citizens are watching us, aren’t they. Actually, the citizens are talking to us, GI Joe. They trusted us more than they trusted your Sadr, didn’t they…

IMO. So citizen, it’s time now. Follow Abadi citizens…follow the banks citizens…Kurds, shhh chill. “We would like to make sure that we get our equal representation of these loans”, Kurds, would you be quiet? Alright. Did you notice that one of the most powerful tribes, the Kurds, shut up? When you make money, everybody gets united.

So, we were disturbed about the fact that we couldn’t find these two (2) announcements. And another thing, the spreadsheet of the CBI, it was about six or seven months ago…they removed 1166.   I didn’t talk about it because I didn’t want to talk about the spreadsheet. Because it’s vulnerable, because anybody can put figures on it, but what we did study was the figures that were removed…when it was first put up. 1166 was removed about six (6) or seven (7) months ago.

How long ago was it that we went in there and we said, “Junior”…(Frank counting on his fingers, October, November, December, smiles and says) I’ll be darned…I didn’t put that one together. Excuse me, CBI…why did you forget to put 1166 back up? Cause you.. (Frank still laughing)…Your spreadsheet actually does have some valuable numbers, some valuable variables. For example, your inflationary numbers, they’re correct. Your reserve numbers are, well, supposedly correct. But you had no rate for your currency…that’s interesting.

Back then when “somebody” showed up said, (grabbing his ear) “Hey. Come here”. You know why we think that the information that is being blocked by us, by the CBI, is being blocked to Delta, to the Arabic world right now. You see the CBI told the banks that are being liberated in these two (2) cities, as soon as we see the rate, as soon as we’re given the rate…we’ll let you know.

The CBI, you saw the article, the CBI told the banks, the Rafidian, the Rasheed, those two major banks…as soon as we see the rate, as soon as it is given to us…and by the way, the World Bank, the BIS, the IMF gave them a ‘thumbs up’ on that, didn’t they? Ahh haa. So they must have done something with the rate that we don’t know that allowed them to have the loans. Hmmm. And that’s why we can’t see this information, IMO, because this information had to be sent to the banks and…
well, maybe these are the three (3) days that they are doing it. And that’s why they need those three days.

There’s no 1166. There’s no 1166?! Family, Central Banks of the world? They don’t make those mistakes. Let me show you. Go to all the Central Banks that there are, I think there is fourteen (14) or fifteen (15) of them, go to all of them….and you will see that the rate of their currency is on every one of them. Only the CBI doesn’t have a rate for its currency. I’m sorry. Central Banks don’t make these types of mistakes.

This is a movement, a preparation…or whatever they are doing that they don’t want to tell you what they are doing until they are completely done. They took these numbers down and added the new math about seven (7) months ago Family and I just about…

So, inside of the country, 1:1. IMO, based on what they have said. Outside the country? Shoot. The moment those three (3) days are up? And we see it? I’ll bet you about 15 minutes later, it’ll be way passed 1:1. (laughter) And that’s why I am not moving, IMO.

The moment that somebody calls me and says, “Hey Frank, the new rates up there and it’s 1:1”, alright, I’ll call you tomorrow because it’s not going to be 1:1, IMO, tomorrow…and in a week, and in a month…*whistle. In a few months? What were we looking at…three (3), four (4) dollars? Yeah…IMO. This is only about Iraq. 1:1. It’s not about you…that two (2) three (3) four (4) dollars, that’s different, and you gotta understand it, and we already talked about it on this conference call so I am not going to repeat it again.

Let me tell ya somethin’, IMO? If they get this done? Ya know, let’s say, June…by the end of this year…IMO they will be at a number that they’ve never even been before. You know why? IMO, because the world is dying to trust the Iraqi currency. They want to believe(!) that the IQD is going to be their friend for a basket, for reserves, for whatever.

So like I told you yesterday, I’m not going to go in to it any deeper, but I told you that inside, it will stay 1:1 but outside…look out. You need to understand how to look out. I’ve tried my best to teach you…so many different ways, so many different metaphors, so many different examples…but not everybody comes to class all at once.

Look, how many people do we have, 461. We had like about 3,000 yesterday. I told you I’d give you Part II today but, no. I mean, they’ll listen to it later and I hope they do…but you’ve got to understand, inside it stays 1:1. Just like our American dollar. Last year, what did it go down to? .74 cents. The Canadian loonie was more powerful than our dollar. Come on, did somebody change and put .74 cents on the dollar? No. A dollar is a dollar.

The value is what changed. And that’s why they are going to add value. A dinar is a dinar. Before they add value, after they add value…but they are about to add value where there is no value to the dinar that is a dinar in their country. And we believe that it will be around 1:1.

*whistles. Good for them…purchasing power? Yeah. Rich? Not really…but purchasing power. What do you mean, not rich? Don’t you know about the Cost of Living? Do you know that gasoline, one gallon of gasoline out there is like what, $15.00 a gallon or something? And here, we are complaining about $3.00 a gallon. But that’s where the oil is at…yeah, isn’t that ironic?

Yes, it is the international investor, the one that’s dying to trust the Dinar, the one that dying to come into Iraq and invest…it’s us, the investors we are the ones that will make a profit and ISIS will be long forgotten.

Maliki is being dealt with and I don’t think it is smart to go into “how” they are dealing with him but very simply, an Ambassador came over from the United States of America and said, “Hey…deal or no deal”. And then the next day, Maliki comes out and he says, “No deal…in fact, Abadi? You’re bad. The things that Abadi is doing? No good. The GOI? It’s un-constitutional. uhhh…this and that, this and that”…WHO YOU TALKING’ TO? (In a deep voice…) “I’m talkin’ to the citizens”.

You think the citizens are listening to you? You’re not even on TV anymore. You don’t own any of the media…WHO YOU TALKIN’ TO?!? “I’m talking to the DAWA Party”. (Frank laughs) No you’re not, because they don’t exist anymore. WHO YOU TALKIN’ TO”? “I’m talkin’ to my family”. The ones that scattered? WHO YOU TALKIN’ TO”? “Well, I’m talkin’ to you, America!” THEN LISTEN TO US! Take. The. Deal.

So ISIS, you got about 36 hours, well…less than that because that 36 was yesterday. To do what, to get the h**l out of Mosul, to get the h**l out of everywhere. Meanwhile, Hakeem tells Sadr to tell the citizens, ”Chill. Shhhh. No. Shhhh, Chill”. Why? We’re on the doorsteps.
Meanwhile, Fallujah has eight (8) areas that they have brought back, but in all honesty, that’s because they told you it’s eight (8) areas, it’s a whole lot more.

Listen to this, Quote: “All Paliamentary Blocks and Political Leaders will Re-Parliament to normal and will enact laws and they know (how many times do I say that) and they know to solve the country’s problems through the loan. Wow. Wow. And this is in those cities that they gathering back, that they’re trying to tell you about.

Iraq is going to become the mecca of the world, just like the Bible told us. And that’s why I am here at KTFA. My faith taught me this. I invested in the Iraqi Dinar. By the way, I’d like to tell BenBlessed…I saw your post about the Bible and the words being changed and I smiled, because I was going to talk about that tonight. Also, I’d like to comment,

BenBlessed, you made a comment, Post #270…that was one, beautiful, analytical report that you did. What do you do for a living? That was superior…and I wanted to highlight it and bring it out and make sure that our Family knew about it.  LINK

So Family, check this out…Quote un Quote: “Credit Ratings”. Wow. We were talking about that and now you know why, you do know now why they got the credit rating upgrade right? Because the loan is what gave them the credit rating update. Anyways, “Credit Rating. Iraq’s financial liquidity will improve after the IMF loan. Oh come on. I mean, TaDah isn’t even good enough for this.

This is actually a summary of the last six (6) months of our study. What does it say? One more time. The Credit Rating? What about it? Well, that’s Iraq’s financial liquidity. You mean, what we’ve been talking about that no money and you’re about to give them money? Yeah. What about it? Well…it will improve the financial liquidity of Iraq? When? After they get the IMF loan…because they got chump change $15 Billion?

Or because…they qualify for Article 8 and raised the value of their currency and the financial liquidity of that country is no longer an issue. Yes.

Translation on top of that, understanding and proper studies make it difficult for you to understand these articles Family. I hoped this has helped you. One more time…Parliamentary Finance. What about it? Quote: “Parliamentary Finance needs to befriend countries”. You mean, international countries? Yes. For what? “For the reconstruction of the liberated areas.”

Well, Family, like we told you…the demolition team came in and they flattened these places and now they are asking countries…we need to be friends with you because we want you to come in and invest in our country for the reconstruction of the liberated areas. Almost word for word for word of all your Monday calls.

As I come to an end to your conference call, and I know it’s getting late and I don’t want to over do it…and I can talk to you forever…look (holding up stack of papers about 1” thick)…I can talk to you about “that” much. (Holding up a separate stack about the same thickness) This is how much I have talked to you about…this (stack) is still in there. I’ll tell you that the energy issues is are hot, the electricity issues are hot…You know what? Did you ever play Monopoly?

If you were to be an investor going into Iraq, okay? What would you want? Well, first of all…let’s see, I need a building to put my business in. Okay. Well, if we were playing Monopoly, I know some buildings that you could buy. In fact, I know some Realtors that you can talk to. Alright. What’s the next thing? Well, I want to bring my employees over, my equipment over and if there is no building, then I’d like to build my own building to our specifications. Can we talk to your contractor’s? Okay.

If you were playing Monopoly, I’d make sure I’d get that. Oh wait a minute…the contractor’s need cement and brick and mortar and wood and nails and hammers and all that…why don’t we talk to the suppliers first? If you were playing Monopoly I’d think you’d want to buy that too, don’t’cha. You got everything you want? Sure do.

What about insurance for all you got? Oh yeah that’s right…let me get some insurance. By the way, your employees…do you want them to stay somewhere? Well, yeah. Well, we’ve got some nice apartments here where they can stay. Hmmm. Do you have any cars that we can buy from you guys? Insurance for the cars? Good. Hey by the way, my employees…they’re going to be hungry. What grocery stores do you have here?   Hmmm, okay. My employees might want a flat screen tv or computer stuff. Do you see what’s going on? Just one investor bringing in his company explodes the infrastructure of Iraq…just like when you play Monopoly.

The IMF loan is not going to do this, only the Revalue-ization and the Internationalization coming in to invest, that’s why those two words are equal. The IMF is hot with its loan but it’s more of a cover-up story to improve the credit rating that allows the international world to come in. The loan, it’s allocated and it covers displaced citizens, economic reforms, social welfare, ration cards, electricity, services…you know, things of that sort.

Have you noticed that every single area is being covered money? Cars are hot. I was going to talk with Jay Leno. I’d like to talk with him to see if I can get a connection with him because you see…Iraq needs cars. Oh they need cars like you have no idea.

There’s two (2) Mayor’s in the Green Zone of Baghdad, and one (1) of those Mayor’s sent a message to us through another party, saying that they wanted cars. Could I get them 20,000-50,000 cars. Used cars because they really don’t want the new ones. You see, the used cars are important for the parts for the cars that they have there. Nope…I turned it down. KTFA was actually offered to be a part in purchasing one of the 2nd largest shopping mall in the world…but I turned them down. Timing isn’t right for us family and we’re not in this to, ya be “rich”. We’re going to be okay, financially. We will take care of our credit and get rid of that “debt shame”…and then we’re going to live in comfort, be in good health and eat well and we are going to take care of God’s Kindom.

Somewhere, somehow…they did something. And the line of credit, that didn’t even come with any equity…come on, that should have told you something. They did something. I saw another member of our Forum by the name of Cletius. I like what you said. That the line of credit didn’t even have any co-signers. Very good.

No equity, no co-signers…what the heck, how are you covering your debt?!? How are you getting this loan when you can’t even prove with your credit rating? Oh they gave it to you….geesh. I guess they don’t need no stinkin’co-signers, because their co-signer was the IMF that’s working with them and they know that they are going to increase their credit rating to give them the loan because they are going to increase the value of their currency. When? How? We’re learning, it’s coming about.

Amusement Parks. Amusement Parks, for the Love of God, are you kidding me?...are hot! They’re building them all over Iraq. Why? Because tourism is exploding. Wait a minute…but I thought the whole place was exploding with bombs?

Iraq is credit worthy. And I’m not saying this…the GOI listen Quote: “Iraq-We Are Credit Worthy for the Loans based on our merits”. Well good for you. Now show me the proof because you guys did something.
Here in Hawaii, they are building a railway system. You ought to look it up. Google Hawaii Railway System. It’s a disaster. And it covers and it covers a long section of the west side of Oahu, but…you know why? It’s complicated. It is long…it is from one end of the all the way to the other, it is huge…it is supposed to help the transit system, tourism system, whatever. But you know what? Iran and Iraq are right now negotiating on building a railway system…in Iraq. That’s about as international as you can get.

Did you like your conference call? I hope so. Because I know when it is that I am starting to bore you and I think that it is best that I stop now. I ask that you consider coming to our prayer conference call on the first Sunday of next month (June 5th), I’ll be there,

I told you why. I need your input. I would appreciate you giving it to us. We will open the lines so that you can call in and give me your suggestion.

We will mute the line so that I can say something and write it down and go to the next one. I want to gather as many of your ideas as possible. I pray that yesterday and today was fulfilling for you Family…and what I’ve said is enough, but…we are looking at the possibility, there are some places right now that maybe are selling the Iraqi Dinar that have never sold it before.

And if we can prove that and bring it to you then it would show everybody the Iraqi Dinar is not a scam…but I’m protecting that right now.

Let us be dismissed with a prayer.--end.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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