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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dinar Updates Wednesday AM Chat  5-25-16   Part 2 of 2

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Dinar Updates Wednesday AM Chat  5-25-16   Part 2 of 2
wmawhite says to david334():IMO,...this is another challenge by some blocs to weaken the Prime Minister,....and another challenge that Abadi wins. IMO, this strengthens another day in order to fight another day.
_firefly_ says():The more chaos the newshounds are reading the more excited I get
david334 says to wmawhite():Thanks wmawhite
david334 says to _firefly_():Okay I get that but when the value is restored to the currency there will have to be a lot of trading capital avaiable to keep it stable. I am not sure there will be more buyers tha sellers
david334 says to _firefly_():at first
wmawhite says to david334():firefly is correct.........IMO, these reforms are for the future and will strengthen Iraq as they the same time the Prime Minister, GOI, CBI as well as the IMF and WB are driving ahead with monetary reforms.
These monetary reforms have brought Iraq into the globe's economy markets. Now we wait to see the true value of the IQD introduced to the world.
david334 says to _firefly_():So whose job is it to make the market in dinars?
_firefly_ says to david334():Of course, you can't turn an economy around overnight. Lots of infrastructure to do. It will take 2 yrs or 3 to get Iraq up to par again
larrykn says to _firefly_():and I would think companies would love to come in an help with the restoring of the country which would make wealth for those companies and make money for Iraq too
wmawhite says to david334():I don't understand your question........."So whose job is it to make the market in dinars?"
david334 says to _firefly_():that makes sense but if they set a rate then its gonna tradein huge volume and I was thinking about the mechanics.
_firefly_ says to david334():Well ... the CBI and Abadi will take credit for it
david334 says to _firefly_():Yes thats the question.
_firefly_ says to david334()::)
pizzaman says to david334():Hello...if I understand your question, you are wondering who will provide all the dollars in exchange for the dinar at exchange?
david334 says to pizzaman():Yes thats right pizzaman. It's not a big deal but I imagine its G7 central banks. A i understand it we can't exchange for the new Iraqi currency the
pizzaman says to david334():I think we are on the same page with the central banks well as anyone that wants to have dinar in place of other curriencies.
david334 says to pizzaman():That Bond deal is going to be in huge demand. Can't wau=it for te new credit rating
pizzaman says to david334():I cant wait to exchange !
RickeyT says to clay():are we sure that this will not be a repeat of the Saddam notes?
clay says to david334():ditto
clay says to RickeyT():no way
pizzaman says to david334():worry causes more problems than it solves! Stop it!
Mudder says():If your worried about that, you might as well cash out
RickeyT says to clay():I am investing where it is safe, going to L'auberge today to play Hold 'e
pizzaman says to Hutch():Welcome...Pretty well established how worry, stress, fear, etc. creates actual health issues long term!...and no one needs negative health issues!
RickeyT says to pizzaman():my doctor told me that worry caused my diabetes
Hutch says to pizzaman():Agreed, and as you said... negative thinking brings that on (handshake)
JETSET says to RickeyT():i'm confident this is not a repeat of the sadaam notes
RickeyT says to JETSET():Thank you for your confindese
JETSET says():(lol)
JETSET says():i'm sure that made everything better :D
pizzaman says to Hutch():Im not a doctor....but it could create factors in the body that help bring on diabetes, at least that is something I have read before.
clay says to JETSET():it did me (lol)
Hutch says to pizzaman():yep,
pizzaman says():that was for RickyT....sorry
larrykn says():the thing is no one need stress or being Negitive with all the great news that is coming out of Iraq.
RickeyT says to pizzaman():I can't rest when there are unresolved issues, one of my neighbors sued me for putting in a pond, it drug out for 4 years and nobvody won, I will say that I lost...
JETSET says():ouch
RickeyT says to pizzaman():I spent 40k proving I was right
RickeyT says to pizzaman():if he ever needs help he is in trouble
pizzaman says to RickeyT():I try not to worry about what I cant control......been in one of those kind of situations with a homeowners situation and a neighbor who did not want to comply with the community rules and handbook....judge basically did not rule on either parties argument and facts presented...we basically lost because we had no power or right to do what needed to be done....frustrating
RickeyT says to pizzaman():I understand, it is hard to open a door when there isn't one
pizzaman says to RickeyT():now the guy has no friends in the neighborhood....but I don't think he cares about that either
pizzaman says to RickeyT():we didnt spend 40K though....ouch!
clay says to where'sthebeef():hey yes Sunday
RickeyT says to pizzaman():it push back a lot of my plans, he ... I better leave it alone, just opening an old wound
clay says to where'sthebeef():and yes saw same article on J
david334 says to RickeyT():Law suits even when logic tells you you have been victimized never work out because the state and federal case law is contradictory and you rapidly lose all your money. In my mind it was your property you can build anything you want. Beside I love ponds, creeks water features etc make me feel calm
pizzaman says to RickeyT():Ya, let it go  

JETSET says to david334():i think many of us could share stories of our dinar journey that would be very similar... lots of rhetoric out there for sure! it is good to have a source of solid info!
david334 says to pizzaman():Great idea pizzaman the report card.
pizzaman says():Iraq is frustrating enough on its own....don't need guru stories and falsehoods to make it worse.
david334 says to pizzaman():I would like to tell these people to pound sand.The downside to the internet is every idiot can voice his or her opinion with a set a standards
david334 says to pizzaman():I aggree and that was a brilliant suggestion . I owe you thanks so much.
david334 says to pizzaman():The people for the most part on the blog are wonderful human beings.
david334 says to pizzaman():You of course are a fine example. which leads me to my nest question which is that if the dinar were to appreciate to fair value that would helpmax out the credit rating which would lower the coupon. I am guessing.
david334 says to pizzaman():I don't think it has to happen but logical idf the cost of capital could get cheaper with a FV dinar.
david334 says to pizzaman():I am feeling good and confident (H)..... for now just kidding
pizzaman says to david334():credit rating, bond rating, situation in Iraq, CBI decisions....they are all factors to investor decisionmaking and pricing....who knows?
JETSET says():right now, it sure seems that all signs are positive! they are heading in the right direction. we just don't know how far it is to the destination!
pizzaman says to david334():just looking for a date and rate !8-|
pizzaman says(:CMON RV !!!!!!!!:)

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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