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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 5-2-16  Part 1


Aggiedad77:  Family......last night's CC notes took a very long they are finally....enjoy
Aloha  Randy
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CC Notes for Monday Night 05-02-2016
Frank26:  It is now time to talk to you about the Iraqi dinar and as you know our pattern here, normally what we do is a review, a talk of the week before….and as a review I think I want to do this…..I’ve told you I like Tuesdays and Thursdays remember that….

That was the last thing we were left with literally a week ago today…..and I told you that on Sunday, yesterday, there would be a Holy Day in Iraq….but….there would be an extension to it….Tuesday tomorrow and Wednesday….we aren’t sure what it involves but we believe it to be some martyred Holy Man….it’s not an official holiday….so those are the things we talked about last week….right….ok.
Let’s pick up with that…..because something happened…..fortunately or unfortunately…..however you want to take it….something happened….and it happened over the weekend.
Now what we are going to do is study together aren’t we….yes tomorrow is Tuesday, yesterday was a Holy Day, but they are doing something on Tuesday and Wednesday….but it is not a national holiday and it blinds me and my TEAMS and you and our newshounds….it blinds us…..

Now what we told you is that the two Holy Men in Iraq are basically running the shots….IMO….hand in hand in cahoots with the USA….now we are not going to get into the whole evolution of how this occurred….how is it that this symbiotic relationship developed between the US and the Holy Men of Iraq…..we’ve already gone over that…..we don’t need to repaint the whole picture all over again…..

So you know what the two Holy Men are doing with the USA when they were asked to come in….and they bonded together….and it wasn’t to remove Abadi or anybody that was bad….but it was to remove the bad people who were bad….and Abadi is not one of the bad people…..what Abadi is….is cautious….he is very careful with every step he takes….he’s very stubborn….very determined….very focused….but he is a very GOOD Prime Minister of Iraq….compared to Maliki.
The thing that we told you….and we told you many things….and we are going to cover a lot of subjects tonight….hopefully you feel comfortable enough to kick back and relax so we can spend some time together….ok….I promise I won’t make it more than about an hour and 15 minutes….how does that sound….there is way too much and what we are going to try and do is break it down.
I like Tuesdays and Thursdays….and this past Thursday….IMO….something happened….IMO….which I will share with you tonight….but before I do…..on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week….the two Holy Men wanted to maybe make sure that Abadi and the government is being formed properly and let’s pick up the speed….let’s move it….it should be done by now.  April was an amazing window….why aren’t you guys done.
And we also left you with this information a week ago today….Abadi’s in the process now with the power of the laws…..and many people are wondering….when are they going to pass the laws…..but….stop it we already told you they got the laws….and Abadi started to arrest a lot of people….he started to arrest Maliki’s groups when they entered the session in Parliament….the USA simply watched it….they watched as the ministers entered….and they watched Abadi and his laws and saw what was being done to them….

Do you think the ministers took this easily… you think they said….oh sure go ahead and kick me out….at the same time Brent oil went up to $46-47…..we told you…..WTI up to $44-45….we told you….that it would happen right at the end of April….how do we know these things.
Abadi had intel….IMO… he knew who to arrest and how to arrest them….when to arrest them….there was no shoot-out… wasn’t as calm as it should have been.
I told you the OK Corral is over with…..I had phone calls that told me Frank you are wrong….the OK Corral is not over with….you are wrong you are a liar… don’t know what you are talking about….your sources are false….what… said the OK Corral would be over in the GOI….it is….NO look at what the citizens are doing….I said….do you come to every conference call…..well whenever I can….well your ignorance is showing again…..I said the OK Corral with the ministers is over with….did you see the ministers protest anything….oh no….the citizens did….your next question please…..and they hung up… shoot-out….don’t even need any B-B guns.
So today the USA tells a specific aircraft carrier…..they were ordered to Stand Down in the Persian Gulf….excuse me…..we are going home tomorrow… your are not….you stay there 30 more days….until June….here in the Persian Gulf….yes….right next to Iraq….yes….where our coalition forces are at….yes….you know that our families back home are going to be very sad about this….yes….but unfortunately the United States Navy extended its Gulf deployment in the Persian Gulf to fight ISIS.
Family if this conference call had a theme….it would be the continuation of the removal of corruption…..this is what is going on….and when our Navy is told you are not coming home….you are sitting right there… me…there is a very good reason for it.
Yes the GOI is getting itself together….unfortunately….through emotions….as you know….5 ministers have been appointed by PM Abadi….you know how much you can get done with 5 ministers….but before they use these 5 ministers they decided to arrest as many as they could….and took the opportunity to do so… the ministers you think they are going to be easily arrested… we go….handcuff me and take me to the gallows they are making outside….all the citizens….sure yeah…this is what I want….go ahead take me to the citizens and have them hang me…..of course not.
But in the meantime….three banks, along with the CBI…which is one of them….sits and  watches what is going on with the GOI….how are they doing….oh they are still beating each other up….are they progressing….well yeah….Arabic style….but I think the US and the two Holy Men did something this weekend….what did they do….we will talk about it.
So you three banks, can you hold on…sure…in the meantime while these three banks are watching what is going on over the weekend in the GOI with Abadi and the USA and the Holy Men and the citizens….we even told you last Monday….Family….the citizens are helping….look at your notes we told you exactly where…in the Green Zone….and then everybody acts surprised at what is going on….really….you only listen to what you want to listen to….and then you forget what we tell you because you don’t want to listen to that….emotions they get in the way….and create drama.
While this was going on….the BIS….the Bank of International Settlements and the World Bank….IMO…..on Thursday looked at the Iraqi government and their banking structure….I mean granted it was mainly the three banks that are sitting there waiting…..but the BIS and the World Bank….

IMO….this past Thursday….they looked at these three and they said….back in 2015 in January we gave you the green light to lift the value of your currency….we are giving you the ok to do it again.
And then the next thing you know….within a matter of hours after that was done….who is coming…..B (Biden) …..why….well you know why….to pick up those documents of what we just got….no…we will mail them to him…..sorry…he’s already landed….he did…..he’s being escorted right now….are you kidding… you want to meet him or not Abadi….I got no choice….fine where is he… that room….hey B….how you doing….you came for these papers…..ok….take them back to O and tell him we said alright…..I have to go….coffee, tea… I’m on a diet….losing some weight here….I’ll see you later B….after while crocodile….is he gone….I don’t ever want to see that guy again…..

So Biden shows up while this is going on….it could be that…..hey I want to talk about DAASH and ISIS….yeah whatever….it could be that…..I want to talk about Maliki….whatever…..his own President doesn’t know what is going on….he just declared war on ISIS last week…..does he want CLIFF Notes or what….what a knucklehead….but we know why he’s doing this….the same reason why your Clinton boy did it…..22 years ago… will always be infidels….especially those who act like it… is Biden here representing the problems that need to be paid attention to….yeah right…..well maybe Biden is here because maybe Abadi is resigning from the DAWA Party….yeah right…that was months ago….ok….alright…..I mean….why is Biden here….almost immediately after Biden did his thing he left….the next day….well actually that night they kicked him out… he’s out of there. 

Back in July of last year Abadi made it very clear that he was disassociating himself from the DAWA Party….so no you can’t be using that as an excuse Biden for why you came.
Anyway while all of this was happening….and this was all over Thursday, Friday, Saturday….a three day period…..Abadi changed all the parties….WHAT…..well yeah….as they started to come into Parliament he points to the ones….you…you…you are fired….arrest this one before he can leave… was not pretty but you have to remove the smell of the government of Iraq….remove the smell of many parties from the government of Iraq…and that is what he did……and the confusion with the Holy Day and the holiday…..we thought it had something to do with the reform….

I don’t know….but IMO…..last Thursday….the BIS and the World Bank did something with the three banks sitting there waiting….the Rasheed, Rafadain, and the CBI….and to me that is relevant…..not so much about these holidays and the confusion they were trying to create….in fact during this process….as they were coming in…the State of Law and DAWA Party….they got mad….because they Abadi….who are these guys you are bringing in to replace us….we haven’t seen these names…..these people in years….it’s been like 2,3 4 years since we saw these people….Maliki is a scumbag…..we know that….but we don’t know these 76 ministers you just arrested and are trying to replace…..this is fine Abadi….and your buddies who stand next to you….the USA….this is fine but we are not happy….we want more information…
So last Thursday…..some of the protestors…..I mean what did we tell you a week ago….that the protestors are in the Green Zone….right….surrounding the GOI….surrounding Maliki’s huge home….they are in the Green  Zone as we told you….are they being nasty….they are being ok….but Thursday….it is almost as if they let in the wrong people…..these are not supposed to be Maliki’s people are they… they are not….they are our people….

Well what are you doing….put that typewriter down….put that computer down…put that stuff down man… come we have a bunch of kids….well the adults weren’t around when we got permission….when they opened the door….well this isn’t right….we’ve had nothing but adults….we had nothing but males, clean cut guys…..these are the people who are going to get jobs….you don’t soil your own bed…..but doggone it we let the wrong people in on Thursday….this was a bunch of kids….and what do kids do….they tear up everything….even if they win a championship…..let’s tear the building apart….let’s tear up the cop cars….why….it’s fun.
So even though we spent so much time….spent so much money setting up these technocrat’s equipment and stuff and getting them in there safely….then these guys decide to tear the place apart….because that is what they do… that’s enough….so Dad and Mom say…..STOP IT…and they quickly exited Saturday night….we don’t want no GI Joe telling us what to do… yes they left…..I mean they opened the door….it was an orchestrated event but it got out of hand…..did you see the lady with the drum….she kept beating it as though it were the mantra for destroying things in there…..STOP IT….seriously you guys are from the Stone Age aren’t you…..well yeah we are.
I wasn’t thrilled by what we saw…..but I was thrilled by what you did not see KTFA Family… fact during this little three day….food fight….the IMF comes out and says….you know what…..what IMF….that tells all countries what to do with their currency…..we are going finish our work….you mean the new math…..ahhh we are going to finish our work with Iraq in May….we really wanted you to finish it in April….I mean traditionally you have done all of these kinds of things in April….yeah but we are here to tell you that two days before the end of April we are not done… we are here to tell you we are going to finish this in May….the IMF doesn’t lie.
So the World Bank and the BIS…..IMO…..gave an ok on Thursday and then a couple of days later the IMF says to the world……we are going to finish with Iraq in May….

What do you think they are going to finish with Family….a tiddlywinks championship….no I think they are going to finish with the Monetary Reform of their currency….because they told them what to do with it in the first half of 2016….and then when Biden showed up….IMO….he just basically wanted the reports…..and maybe a photo op too….there was one photo taken….but that was it….basically….

IMO….Biden came to pick up some files….and the files cover many subjects……reforms….to corruption….to arrests….the replacement ministers….a lot of things….and on Iraqia TV they still are talking about lifting the 000’s….and adding value to their currency…..interesting….because I assure you….the US and its coalition forces will not pay one penny for this war…..NO…..nothing is cheap….nothing is cheap….no…no….and even though we killed the devil five years ago…..we still dance with him…..nothing is cheap….but we are not about to pay for this war.
A Monetary Reform…..just like in Kuwait….will pay for this war….IMO.

You just saw what the US did to Saudi Arabia over these three days didn’t you Family….and those are our buddies.
Iraq if you don’t  do this… we are laying it out in the first half of this year….we will simply bomb the living daylights out of your nation….because we can do it.
Saudi Arabia….are you mad at us….well of course not….you have Dow Chemical Company.
But if Maliki thinks he can continue to cheat and steal from the US, not so much Iraq….but the US……NO…..his days are over with….in fact ladies and gentlemen….it is my opinion….and my honor and pleasure to tell you….an interruption with the phones took Frank away…..he will give this to you later.
Let us continue…..Family stop and think about this….if the IMF said just a few days ago they are going to complete everything…..they said “conclude” everything with Iraq in the month of May….you know one of the things we believe this will include is the Monetary Reform….but let me just ask you bluntly….let me be frank….in all honesty what do you think the IMF will be concluding with Iraq in May….yes I exaggerated with you the tiddlywinks tournament…….they are going to finish the lifting of the 000’s of their currency….their exchange rate….to add value to their currency….to remove the program rate….

I keep telling you they are not hiding anything….they just are not explaining it to you….but when they came out just 2 or 3 days ago…..telling you what I am telling you now….that was impressive……ok….ok….we know you guys were looking for this to be done in April…but ok we will get it done in May….I mean that qualifies them for getting it done in the first half of 2016….no wonder our ships are not moving out of the Persian Gulf….because we normally have them staged in the Mediterrean Sea
It’s almost like a play has been called into the huddle… said we need to do “Dive 111 on 3….ready set break…boom….alright we all know exactly what we are going to do….1 to 1….outside of it maybe 111….cool…let’s do this….and I think they are executing the play.  Because they said in the last three days….”We will complete the cabinet reshuffle on Saturday with professional content”…..

Now that was two days ago….did they finish it….we don’t know….why….because of the little squabbles they had….you mean the ministers…….no the citizens….the went in and they just got too excited….acting like children…..a lot of people thought they were protesting and burning things….no they were screaming and shouting…Yes….YES……did you see them….those guys that came to my house for votes….no I didn’t see them…man they ran fast didn’t they….give me some of that spray paint……don’t be putting no graffiti in the GOI…..hey this is my GOI….the citizens….us….let us tear this place apart….but….GI Joe said enough is enough….and they were nicely escorted out and that put an end to that mischief that got a little bit out of hand.
So Saturday did they do the reshuffle….I don’t know….but the moment they would do that….that did I tell you would happen….all HELL will break loose… did….now let me ask you something….how do we know that.
So in these three days another article comes out and it says…..”The second of the cabinet reshuffle will include the termination of all proxy positions, managed by proxy positions of the general managers”….what… you remember that we told you Family right after our Monday call we put out some information that I posted and I gave you a video and I said Family….Abadi is going to replace his government by proxy and then he’s going to have his own…..remember….all that I said to you….

THERE IT IS…..the second phase….of course we explained the first phase and the second phase is exactly what we told you….holy cow….by proxy…..and he will have his standby government….he will be ready to go….but all hell would break loose when this would happen….how did we know.
Replacing the fired ministers before Sunday May 1st…..mission accomplished….and while that was going on during these three days….you know what was going on….it looks like to me….it reminded me of Trump and Cruz…..BlueStar gave us a report on Trump and Cruz….when you stop and look at what they are doing to each other….calling each other all these nasty names…..I mean it is ugly…..I told BlueStar….back in the days when I was young….Hubert Humphrey….this guy was proud as punch….remember that old timers….remember at the Chicago convention where he said….I am proud as punch to be your representative….well now days these words are not so polite are they….and when you look at what is going on with Trump and Cruz right now in Indiana it is ugly noise….it is ugly political….and IMO that is what happened these last few days.
You see the Holy Men, Sadr and Sistani, are using laws….IMO…and so is Abadi….IMO….to do a lot of things with these ministers who are making them mad….in fact….IMO the CBI is looking over the process…..looking over their bow and saying….how are they doing…..I don’t know….hey look….Abadi just picked up the proxy hammer….and IMO the CBI is screaming this….why…..because check this out…..”Abadi seeks to liquidate Maliki and Allawi and Najafi based on the protesting”…..

in other words when the citizens came in and they were looking for all the bad people and they didn’t see them….it made them happy….it’s making Abadi happy…..he wishes to liquidate Maliki and Allawi and Najafi…..but you know how he is going to do it… replacing them by proxy….exactly how we told you before they ever told you this.
Now here is the cool thing about it….WalkingStick has a post 285….you should read it…..because we needed a reason….maybe this is what we are calling it….a reason…..for what…..we needed a reason for the citizens to come into the GOI and tear the place apart….why… scare the heck out of the ministers….you see the laws and the Holy Men are doing a good job….and the USA can only do so much….we watch….we are like that big silverback gorilla who is just sitting there will all the other female gorillas and baby gorillas running around….and the wanna-be king gorillas who are in the background…

Yes the USA sits upon top of that high mountain and we watch everything they are doing….trust me….we orchestrate it….if the piccolos aren’t being loud enough we tell them….if the violins need more torqueing we will tell them….if the drumbeats need to be a little harder….we will orchestrate it….and it was orchestrated pretty good over the weekend, but it kind of got a little out of hand….in fact Maliki comes out and says…..hey we should follow the Constitution….you are you sucker…that is your problem…..tell you what….we are giving your Constitution exlax….that is what we are doing.
So….”We will complete the cabinet reshuffle on Saturday within professional contents”…..”The second phase of the cabinet reshuffle will include the termination of the proxy positions managed by general managers…..hey wait a minute….proxy positions…..hey CBI is that why you guys are also celebrating….ahhhh we don’t know anything…..

Well then let me tell you….your governor is a proxy position….and our Prime Minister has just made an announcement that he is removing all proxy positions….Allak….bye….because what is happening at the GOI is about to happen with you…..we are replacing fired ministers….they wanted to get this done by the first of May….IMO….I think they did.
The ministers are scared Family….they stay in the Green Zone….what did I call the Green Zone….sanctuary……this is the only place these ministers can survive….it was a good idea to open the door and have all these citizens approach these ministers….scared them bad… think the ministers want to confront the citizens….you think the ministers want the citizens to find them in the Green Zone…you think they want to have any kind of conversation with the citizens….no….

The Green Zone is nothing more than sanctuary for these ministers that have to go….and when the opened the door they flooded the gates and the dam broke and all hell broke loose and…..IMO…..the bad ministers are gone……and IMO….when one of the three banks saw this….Thursday, Friday, Saturday….one of the three banks decided to make a move….even though we told you last Monday that one of the banks was going to go from 11% to 4% because of what they were doing….the Rasheed Bank did that….and they started to charge fees for transactions….and they mentioned coins….fils…you know….fils….of the LD’s… see the progression….it went from the 50k to the 100k and then they started to talk to you about the 50 to be removed….and then they started to talk to you about LD’s….and now they talk to you about coins.
Yes I like it…and ISIS is going away.
I won’t talk to you about the military….I won’t talk to you about Fallujah…..I won’t talk to you about the cities…..but I will tell you that as ISIS is going down the price of oil is going up…..just as we told you….just at about the precise week we told you about.
But there is something that has caught us off guard…..normally oil is supposed to go down….but it is going up right with oil….we find that interesting and if you study with the three muskateers….then you will understand that a lot better.
Like an amoeba it can get large and it can cover massive territories quickly.
The citizens, the government, the CBI and the banks….they are becoming one in Iraq as a union….and it is all because of the anti-corruption and the citizens as we told you last week are involved….you can call them protestors….we call them demonstrators….and yes of course they  stormed Baghdad in the Green Zone….and yes of course they entered Parliament….granted these are old articles….but yes they did do this…..but with a purpose….and IMO….it looks like it worked. 

We told you when they would do this all hell would break loose… did….because no good emergency goes to waste does it.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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