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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 5-2-16  Part 2

Part 2:

Frank26:  ISIS… I don’t want to talk about ISIS…..ISIS is dead.
Also by opening the doors and letting in the citizens it makes the bad ministers to be dead…..Family…..these are two big powerful issues to return back Dr. Shabibi….and because his position is being held by a proxy position…..Abadi comes out and says I’m removing these positions…..not only in the GOI but everywhere in Iraq.
Once all hell breaks loose we told you we would see Dr. Shabibi come back and do a speech….please don’t be surprised when he does….IMO.
Now in three days so much was accomplished… much fear was put into these bad people….and they were removed and gone and scattered….that Sadr….who you know is behind all of this with the US came out in these three days and he said…..”Sadr puts two options for the future of Iraq”……one of them is to overthrow the government….
Why would you say that Holy Man…..because I am working with the US hand in hand and together we decided to scare the ministers really badly and it worked….so I’m telling the citizens we only have two options….one is to overthrow the government….w

Why didn’t you tell them the other option….because you already did….we will bomb the hell out of Baghdad….yeah….we would rather you not do that America….infidels….we would rather work with you….and we’ve overthrown the government….how do you say it…..TA-DA…..three days….for the love of weeks, months, and years….and in those three days look at all the little things that happened.
Meanwhile the US drops the hammer on currency manipulations….so what is the US going to do now….how are we going to manipulate our currency….no…no…no we don’t want to do that anymore…that is why we are setting things up with gold.
Meanwhile, as these three days went by Abadi grows a lot of pairs….good for him.
Meanwhile, DAWA Party wants to replace Abadi….good for them.
Meanwhile, as this is going on the demontrators become a weapon of fear…..look at me ministers….no…..look at me ministers.
Meanwhile, while these demonstrations were going on did you see my video about the Banyon tree…that was for Sistani and all the bad ministers they will all be hung…IMO.
Meanwhile, Kurdistan announces this week the distribution of pensions….for real….pensions…way to go proud son Kurdistan…that only means that the lesser son Baghdad is next to do so.
Meanwhile, as these three days were going on…..Iraq’s banking reform system has a strategy for the next 5 years….no kidding….reforms are set for the next 5 years….that is exactly what Dr. Shabibi said he wanted to establish…..he called it a 5 year plan in fact….is this why you guys are bringing this up again….is he coming back….btw it is from 2016 to 2020….not 2017….yeah.
Meanwhile as these three days are passing….we need to correct the path of the Iraqi media….you think… should read this one….article post 220 from WalkingStick…..this is why I roll my eyes every time someone comes on our forum and cries oh no look at the chaos….oh no look at the mess….oh no look at this….oh no here we go again… I just decided I would shut up and just give you videos…..

In fact we have a member on our forum by the name of FaithBlossoms….Hi FaithBlossoms….I noticed you said…..hey check it out….you know where they stormed over the concrete walls into the Green Zone…..look at these people…..look at their faces….why are they all smiling….why are they all celebrating inside of Parliament while they attack the deputies….because it was a fun food fight…and yes it got a little out of hand and had to be stopped….hey don’t be breaking things….stop being stupid.
Meanwhile, as all of this was going on, post 225 from WalkingStick shows the reason why I am trying to share with you OneCoin….it is about the digital currency with China and with Western Union and many other places that are now using digital coins…..please don’t be left behind….please consider OneCoin with us.
Meanwhile, as all of this is going on, the CBI is promoting currency swaps with Iran….come on….who wants to swap with a program rate….why swap a currency that has a value with a currency that is at a program rate….once again Iran will you shut up.
Abadi other than announcing his cabinet to you….he has gotten everything he wants….and I think he even has his cabinet by proxy positions…and the postion of the most famous proxy position in Iraq…the governor of the CBI…that is being held by Allak…the proxy governor of the CBI…and Abadi says….I’m in the process of removing ALL proxy positions…TA-DA.
They are not hiding anything….they are just not explaining it to you.
I’m laughing right now…..I see your Thursday, Friday, Saturday postings…and I feel bad….but I’m not going to get involved…..I’m like the US watching the GOI right now….I’m not going to get involved….you already know very well what we are teaching… know what we are sharing….I don’t need to take you to no blue couch and I certainly don’t need to “somebody” stop it because you obviously are not up to date….I very simply am just walking away from these issues….our staff is dealing with them bless their hearts.
So what did Abadi get….well he got the GOI formations…and he got it cleaned up….IMO….and he’s also got now the ability to remove and replace all these ministers by law and by proxy and by proxy of the CBI he is about to change the governor of the CBI….IMO.
Honestly Family….look me straight in the eye….name me a proxy position…the governor of the CBI… me another one…..that is it….that is the single most famous proxy position in all of Iraq…..and Abadi says he’s about the change them all…..and this is almost programmed exactly to the way we told you they would happen…..but first you needed to see this government announce their ministers and they scared the bad ones out with the citizens…and IMO….those ministers are being put in or are already in…..

Kind of like the laws you were looking for…..well I need to see them….they should be in the Gazette….well ok….but if I’m telling you….IMO…. and they are out there, can’t you trust me….no…..ok, then don’t trust me….and if I tell you….IMO……right now the ministers are in their positions ready to be announced….can’t you trust me…….ok then don’t trust me….

But I will say this….name me one proxy position that is more important than the CBI….this is the only proxy position that Abadi and Allak care about right now….because….IMO…the cabinet members and the ministers are done…..well where are they Frank…..just wait….you can’t swallow the whole sandwich….it has to be bite after bite…step by step…wait this is what is next.
Check this out….”Parliament Finance says the raising of the oil prices will be dealt with and it will deal with the economic problems in our country of Iraq”… think….exactly to the week when we told you it would go up…..this is orchestrated… did we know this.....$45-50 we told you the barrel would be around this time….TA-DA….why…..for the budget….but Frank they are never going to do anything……they are going to get it done….IMO.
So in these three days Abadi even congratulates on an International Day of International Workers in Iraq on a global day, May 1st…..really Abadi you have a lot of international workers in your country….you think they love your program rate…….going to do something about it…..yeah…..Abadi is there anything else you can say besides….no….yeah….well yes of course….yeah….”with oil it is the wheel of life for our country”…..I agree with you Abadi….and that is why the price of oil has gone up and that is why you are ready to do the things you are about to do with your government…..and that is why the CBI has been sitting there waiting and looking across the bow at you….not bad….but you had to be pushed…’s hard to change old habits isn’t it Abadi.
Now the three presidents….whoa…what about three presidents…..the three presidents….Abadi, Masum, and Jubouri….are there to push the GOI….through the Holy Men….and through the US… it planned chaos…at least that is what I called it…we told you all hell will break loose… did we know that…..because knowledge gives you confidence….and it gives us confidence in Abadi.
So May 1st, International Day isn’t that nice….and tomorrow….Tuesday and Wednesday we have an unannounced official holiday….isn’t that nice.
Meanwhile….as all of this is going on the Green Zone for these three days….check out what happens the following day….Sunday….”Financial Markets Fluctuations in Iraq after the storming of the Green Zone”…..good….you needed to put a little vinegar in your blood didn’t you….

Financial markets of Iraq…..scared you bad didn’t it…..something you have right in your hands….you are taking advantage of…’s like a good marriage….when one spouse does not respect the other spouse….you are taking advantage of that relationship of that marriage aren’t you… it turns out that scaring you guys badly woke up the financial markets in Iraq….I like that….is it fracturing the country….no…but it could have if it had continued to get out of hand… the media fracturing the country….no but the articles are saying that something has to be done about the media…and I think the GOI is doing good.
Hey CBI….what…..why don’t you start giving away a toaster with each new account a citizens opens….oh you are doing it….I didn’t know that….you are giving away toys…..that is brilliant… can’t get the citizens in so you lure the kids in….you know we kind of do that here in the US….bravo….offer the children toys if Mom and Dad open an account.
Protesters all hell would break loose….but we also told you it would not be violent…..why did we know that….because it is orchestrated.
The IMF said very clearly that in the first half of 2016 they will remove the exchange rate restrictions….come on Family….stay strong….why would the IMF make such a bold statement… the first half of 2016 they will remove the exchange rate restrictions….you mean the program rate….you IMF who controls the program rate….you would say this to us…and not do it…but the evidence says you are doing it….and the way it is being done….I’m actually having fun….will remove the exchange rate restrictions…..that is a program rate….with 5 ministers and Article 61…once you get everything set….holy cow.
I want to commend islandg1211, she did a beautiful summary post 234, page 13, two days ago….I just thought that was a beautiful summary of what is going on.
Yes Family IMO….Abadi has everything that he needs….the presidents….the US….the Holy Men….they are not bothering….they are encouraging the situation in the GOI…..he’s got all the votes….IMO….and I compare this to the fear that the citizens are bringing in….the fear that the ministers are feeling…..

Last Monday we told you that the money making machine that the ministers have in the GOI is being removed…..and I compared it to the same thing when Jesus came into Jerusalem for the Passover….when there were many who were making money in the Temple…in fact the week before Jesus got mad and turned over all the tables in the Temple and said….you don’t do this in my house…you don’t make money in my house….when Jesus walked into their neighborhood and threatened their money making machine….the thought was we need to kill this guy…and they did…..same thing with the ministers when they say that the citizens were rushing in….oh my gosh…these people are going to kill us…in fact they beat the daylights out of a few of them.
Our military is there did you know that…in Baghdad…in the Green Zone….and you don’t think we are orchestrating every move since we arrived….IMO….we let them in….and we told them to leave….when it was right….IMO.
Did you know that Iraq’s power system….their electrical grid….they received $375 million from the IFC….how is that possible.
Did you know that the World Bank is literally an investment arm and they said in these three past days….look the loans we are making with Iraq….the very first time ever….we are making Islamic syndicated loans….you don’t mess with a syndicated loan with a program rate….come on.
Yes many gates at the horse races are being filled very nicely and soon the gates will open….and soon the gates will open and all these reforms will be released and they will go down the straight away…..thundering….yes this is JIMO….and we watch them and we let them do what they are going to do….that is all there is to it.
You ever watch Star Trek….beam me up Scottie… long and prosper….one of the things that Star Trek teaches very nicely IMO….is that one society should not necessarily overtake another society….the shock of it all….would be very devastating for both cultures…..both civilizations would eventually implode and kill themselves…..kind of like a minority versus the majority….

So what Captain Kirk tries to teach is that if they go to another world….they have something called the Prime Directive….now the Prime Directive says we shouldn’t land on this planet and show them we have rockets and that we can travel intergalically…..these people are Stone Age….they might think we are gods or something….and I see the USA since we were invited by Abadi and the Holy Men….you know last September….since we’ve arrived….we’ve been telling them to do things and they have been doing them…..we’ve been pushing buttons and things have been happening…..

But for us to get directly involved….no not good….ok, our armies…your armies….Abadi….no….no….ok what should we do…..CBI…..NO….NO….Shabibi tell them what to do….so I see the Prime Directive as being implicated….assigned to many different reforms in Iraq….because we can’t get involved….and yet 100% of my opinion says we are 100% involved….through a Prime Directive of some sort or another.
We watch them now with little need to talk any more.
Let us start to wind this up….I will be with you on Wednesday after the Liquid BioCell CC.
Let me suggest something from our brother DELTA’s TEAM….DELTA is telling us that Parliament is on tv hourly….it is live and these past three days they showed everything live….like CNN….live…and the citizens are watching everything…..they saw themselves being crazy on tv….they are innocent people but they just don’t know what they are doing…and the Prime Directive does not allow us to get too involved…..they still are in the Stone Age….so we build their cities for them…..we build their reforms for them because we are not about to have the flush us down the toilet with them… the citizens are watching a mess… is a political mess but it has been…IMO….a successful one.
Now Abadi is being made to look kind of stupid….kind of bad…not much of a good leader….you know who will take advantage of that….Iran, the Kurds, other people….but you won’t hear us say that about him… we would like to inject a thought here…..from DELTA’s TEAM..from DELTA’s TEAM….that maybe the USA and Abadi brought in the technocrats just a little too early…..I mean we want security….we want this….that….we want Maliki arrested….we want the ministered arrested….this and that….

IOO in a constructive way….we believe the technocrats we believe if they had been held up….you wouldn’t have had the issues you dealt with over this weekend…..but regardless the technocrats are in place….and they are doing their thing…and the citizens did obey and they did retreat quickly….when told to do so… just our opinion but maybe we should have done all the arresting before the technocrats were appointed….by Abadi and you…..because Abadi was too slow in removing the bad ministers….and it had to go to this exaggerated level to flush them out.
Maliki’s constitution required an exlax.
Now Family….there is a process going on and it is called the Monetary Reform along with other reforms….and the process you don’t know it…..and don’t pretend that you know it…..what I it….is East to West….but I don’t want to talk about it….because you will have more questions than I have the patience to deal with…..

Call it Switzerland to the BIS to the World Bank to the East to the West….call it whatever….but that is the process right now for the first week of May…..let it happen in the midst of the ugly political stuff…..the politicians that are damaging Parliament….let it happen…..

BIS told you something….let it happen…it’s none of our business….and IMO…the US is making some midcourse corrections or call it orchestrations that are being done with Abadi over the weekend right now….that’s it…..and it’s not good to behave like animals…but we think when the old ministers saw the technocrats they got very stubborn in leaving….saying….no you are not going to replace me with him….I haven’t seen that guy in 2 years where has he been….we’ve been here….yeah stealing.
By the way you may have to listen to this conference call two or three times to have everything fall into place… let it go….let it work itself out….look Family there are many groups over there….and for them to get this far….the Shiites, the Kurds, the Christians, the Sunni’s, the Iranians there are so many groups….it is not like we are narrowing it down to the Democrats versus the Republicans……so that is why this weekend is taking whatever time it takes to get these groups together…..they are removing the bad ones first.
Now Parliament is going to come back on the 10th….but business is still going on now until the 10th with no problem….auctions….know what I’m saying…..the banks are open….ISX business as usual.
So I think we are going to see the rest of the ministers next….because the ministers who ran over the weekend…..they know who is going to replace them… let’s see if they replace them between now and the 10th…I hope I hope I hope.
Abadi take care of the corruption.
USA….continue to deal with the decision making.
I never was a fan of Electric Light Orchestra….but any orchestration we can do is solid….it is very good.
I actually thought this effort was a declaration to declare a State of Emergency within Iraq….but doggone it wasn’t…..they went a different route…they all calmed down….that is what the ME does…and I think we knew it….but we didn’t know it was all these young kids that went in there.
The Middle East is emotional….to the ME emotion is like a drug….they become emotional and they are addicts to emotion…and if they don’t show their emotion in whatever way….they don’t progress
This was very tactful….because the citizens needed to vent….frustrations had to be shown….there are things happening….there are thing that we just can’t tell you….you can see the self-evidence….we were able to help you….from last Monday to this Monday….a lot….and today we explained it even further.
It is well orchestrated no doubt….but emotions lead to the conditions and actions like with a drug addict….and after they get their fix and after the stupor is over with….they calm down and they look around and realize we have just advanced.
Emotions can also bring change that we want and that is what we are seeing….the Holy Men told over two million demonstrators….Jump….and they asked how high….the Holy Men have the high power….the Holy Men pointed into the Green Zone….we told you last Monday the demonstrators are helping….but I will admit it is time….this relationship should come to an end now….because one should never mix religion with state….no matter what country or nation….IMO… brings out the emotion in people.
Citizens frustrated….you frustrated….it was developing into a bad reputation for Iraq…they cannot be this way internationally….sometimes you have to put out a fire with not a glass of water….but with a swimming pool…..that is what this weekend was….IMO….because they are going to get $5 billion in a loan from the IMF in June…or not….but I think they will.
This three day weekend whatever you want to call it….now that they have sobered up….they realize they are now farther ahead…they have moved….and they have to move much faster to stop the mess that the citizens would love to continue to do.
This is my conference call for you Family…..I would like to leave you with some breaking information that happened about three hours ago….it was in the province of Ninawa….we need badly for the citizens frustrations to be vented and it was over the weekend…..we needed the ministers to leave…..they left…..and those that did not leave are being dealt with….I call it a Banyon tree.
So we want to announce to you that the reason that the Monetary Reform of the Iraqi dinar currency was halted back in 2012 was because Maliki was stealing with all these bad ministers….and our President Obama did not force the issue to re-sign the SOFA….so that we could go back in there and finish because that month when Dr. Shabibi left….

The last words that came from his mouth….the last article that came from him and the CBI was that they were in the process of lifting the 000s’ from their exchange rate to add value to their currency….that was halted until Dr. Shabibi comes back….and the only reason he will come back is that he told BlueStar….I will come back when conditions are right.
Maliki….they are going after him now….the bad minister are now controlled….gone….fleeing.
Coalition force…secured.
And roughly about 41 minutes before our conference call today was started….in the Ninawa province around 12 noon….there was a raid…it was by air…by one drone….and the drone IOO….killed the leader of ISIS Baghdadi….do you have any idea what that means.
“When conditions are right John/BlueStar I will come back…..IMO….over the weekend conditions improved dramatically….

Oh it is a mess….but it is a mess with progress…..and IMO….PM Abadi has made the statement he is going to remove all proxy positions….and the only position of any real value IMO is that of the governor of the CBI…..and if this information is true about Baghdadi being killed by one of our drones by an airstrike….then thank God as we told you this past weekend in the GOI….all hell broke loose.
Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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