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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  5-3-16  

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Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  5-3-16  

larrykn says to clay01():gm doing good how about yourself :)
clay01 says to larrykn():doing good, just trying to figure out where we are, or should I say, they are, in this thing lol
larrykn says to clay01():I think what is going on has to happen, I'm not that worried about the outcome but more how long will it take
clay01 says to larrykn():I am in the same frame of mind, I think that it was a show this weekend, the intended audieance is my question, but timing is the key for me
larrykn says to clay01():I am hoping to hear something about Parliment today, lets see if they can get a quorum in place or not and if not what will Adibi do then
clay01 says to larrykn():I thought they were out until the 10th, next week
larrykn says to clay01():I hear that then I hear they were meeting today too so we will have to wait and see
clay01 says to larrykn():Ok, we wait then, lol
clay01 says to larrykn():I think they have everything they need on the fiancial side of things, just waiting to get the political side in place
clay01 says to larrykn():Some think that those two things are separate, but I think they go hand in hand
larrykn says to clay01():I agree with firefly they don't need the political side done to do the reforms but they have to have it in motion, but they your right too , why do the reforms when the govenment is not in place , interesting times :)
clay01 says to larrykn():yes, it needs to be going in the right direction, but past a point where the crooks can continue to steal
clay01 says to larrykn():Well I have work to do, so ya'll try to get it down to a dull roar in here lol, cya later
da58 says():Parliament describes the attack on the House of Representatives to "cowardly act" and is prosecuting those involved
May 3, 2016 8:55  Described the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, on Monday, the attack on the House of Representatives to "cowardly act", threatened to sue the perpetrators broke into the parliament building.
According to a statement issued by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and received news agency Buratha / copy of it, "It was the events of the past two days test and touchstone real and produced clearly the need and the importance of abiding by the Constitution and law and discipline, and have resulted in actions is the subject of condemnation and denounced the whole people of Iraq and the wise men and wise men and political leaders keen on Iraq's security, sovereignty and the future."
the statement added that" what happened to the leaders of the parliamentary tall represents a large segment of the Iraqi people and her great effort in supporting the political process and history of the supervisor and the east , and its achievements in the legislative work, is exceeded traveled to the prestige of the state and the House of Representatives ,
which is the highest legislative authority in the country, saying "what happened is not an encroachment on the specific individuals , but beyond that to the legal and sovereign their site , which occupy."
the statement continued , " Taking attest to the presidency retains the legal right to prosecute the perpetrators of this cowardly act , it confirms the great pride in the big guns, led by Vice president of the Council of Syria , Sheikh Mohammed, otherwise Talabani, Ammar Tohme, and Abdul Hussein al - Musawi and a number of other parliamentary figures that have been offended overtaking as well as a number of MPs gentlemen who were besieged in the Council."
she stressed the presidency, Bhkhsp statement as at the time that" renews its condemnation and rejection of this shameful act , they confirm the brothers parliamentary leaders that what had suffered for the sake of Iraq and the political process will remain appreciated and respect for all the sons of the Iraqi people and political leaders, asking God to protect them and raise their representatives."
da58 says():HANG EM!!! (lol)
da58 says():Abadi being a security meeting to prevent any attack on government institutions
05/03/2016 14:25 Number of Views: 44
BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press: he held the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, on Tuesday, a security with the Ministerial Council for National Security meeting, to discuss the security situation and the measures taken to protect and prevent any attack on state institutions.
A statement from the Office of Abadi , that "the Prime Minister presided over the Ministerial Council for Security Meeting National, which discussed the security situation , particularly in Baghdad and the measures taken to protect state institutions and the importance of demonstrators commitment allocated to protest the places.
" the statement added," it was taking a series of decisions that would state institutions to protect and secure the necessary protection and prevention of overtaking them and authorize official bodies concerned with the conservation take measures to prevent a recurrence of any violations or an assault on public and private institutions and property security."
da58 says():Jubouri emphasizes the need for the United Nations to play a role by bringing the points of view to end the crisis
Date: 05/03/2016 14:25 | Views: 113  Saleem al-Jubouri   Information / BAGHDAD / ..
The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, Tuesday, on the need for the UN to play its role in bringing the views to end the crisis in Iraq.
A statement by the Office of the al-Jubouri, the agency received / information / copy of it, "the Speaker of Parliament, received today in his office, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Jan Kubiš, and discussed with him ways out of the current crisis in Iraq."
The al-Jubouri, according to the statement, "the importance of cooperation between all parties to assume their responsibilities and to get out of this crisis through dialogue rely on serious and real," noting "the need for the UN to play its role in bringing the views of ending the crisis."
He added that "encroach upon the supreme state institutions and the people's deputies and staff is totally unacceptable and die to demonstrate peacefully onion, and the sabotage of the legislative institution will contribute to the reform project, which seeks to him everyone delay."
For his part, Kubiš said that "the United Nations is supportive of law and respect for the Constitution, and it is at the same time confirming its refusal to encroach upon the constitutional institution and its staff and elected House of Representatives, because of the harm to the prestige of the state, the Constitution and the law."
da58 says():Abadi instructs finance for immediate disbursement earmarked for the maintenance of power plants amounts
Monday 2 May 2016 | 19:48 | Number of Views: 240
BAGHDAD / .. instructed Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Monday, the Ministry of Finance, regardless allocated for the maintenance of power plants immediately to reduce the suffering of the citizens of the amounts of electricity in the summer.
A statement by his press office "Eye Iraq News" received a copy of it, that "the Prime Minister Dr. Haidar al-Abbadi heads a meeting for those involved in the electricity file from the ministries of electricity, oil and finance, in addition to the security chiefs responsible for securing electric power stations and transmission lines."
He stressed Abadi, according to the statement "the importance of exerting all efforts and take actions that would contribute to reducing the suffering of the citizens of the electricity in the summer," while instructed the Ministry of Finance as the "immediate disbursement earmarked for maintenance amounts, were also instruct solving the fuel problem for electric stations"
da58 says():how hot is it in iraq - HOT... I can't imagine being there without air cond....
larrykn says to da58():I didn't know that had the electric infrature in place yet
da58 says to larrykn():I'm sure there's some.. certainly need to develop tho - obviously... did you see the other day, the loan, and that it was for just that? the big buck going to the kurds, for the development of power.. was great to see..
da58 says():seems Abadi got the message about the elect finally.. better make those people happy.. they'llll be back! (lol)
tman23 says():U.s. Congressional delegation warned during his visit to Baghdad and met with House speaker Selim Jabouri "any political Jolt Iraq exposed and their reflection on the situation in the region."
Jabouri's Office said in a statement today that "Congressional delegation met Parliament Speaker confirmed that Iraq still needs the support of the international community."
The statement said that "the us Congressional delegation led by Senator Mark Rubio, in the presence of u.s. Ambassador Stuart Jones, stressed the importance of maintaining the stability of Iraq and not to give him any jolt may darken the situation in the region as a whole, especially if we are not done to eradicate gangs of ISIS".
larrykn says to da58():I think Adibi better get a lot of things moving real soon or he might be having more problems then he really wants, he need to get tough
da58 says to tman23():rubio in iraq, hmmm - haven't ever seen his name pop up on anything mideast!
da58 says to larrykn():agreed... it's a crisis, and his job to fix it.
larrykn says to da58():I'm not sure why they want a 10 day break
RickeyT says():Rubio campaigning there? LOL Vote for me!!!!
larrykn says to RickeyT():gm :)
da58 says to larrykn():well none of us are, but - I'd bet they aren't sitting around and going on vaca!! (lol)
da58 says to larrykn():'none of us do'..
larrykn says to da58():true lol
Baxter says():Right now...its 104 in Baghdad... 107 tomorrow.. gonna cool down to 99 on Thursday....
da58 says to larrykn():WOW BAX
RickeyT says():My name Jose.... Jose Hemanis....
larrykn says to Baxter():thats normal temp here in the summer lol
Baxter says():yep
larrykn says to RickeyT():are you flying to the moon too :D
RickeyT says():everyone else is, why not?
da58 says():I wouldn't be too peaceful if I didn't have ac in those temps.. no wonder none of em can get along    da58 says():I'd hate everyone too! (lol)
RickeyT says to da58():I am in Texas, same temp here in the summer
larrykn says to da58():shoot I was an hvac tech for years ,, working on roofs when its 110 degrees,, chump temps :D
RickeyT says to da58():if it's under 100, we build a campfire
bgg says to rcookie():Did you guys just see Turkey's Parliament (on Fox)... beating each others @$$ - in Parliament... over being stripped of their IMMUNITY. This stuff is going on all over the Middle East. Obviously - the bad actors are REALLY - REALLY - REALLY up tight about this trend!!
RickeyT says to MrsBGG():I am glad it was Turkey
larrykn says to bgg():yes just saw that , seem changes is hard to do in the ME
bgg says to larrykn():but it is coming...
larrykn says to bgg():(y)
dinarmassa says to bgg():That was on Good Morning America this morning, throwing water bottles, fists, etc.
bgg says to larrykn():why would they be SO UPSET ABOUT LOSING THEIR "IMMUNITY".... hmmmm.
larrykn says to bgg():seems like the cash cow is about to dry up :D
bgg says():I bring it up because Turkey's situation is different - but is somewhat relative to Iraq. Very curious. 
tman23 says():He denied the MP for the coalition of state law, Abbas al-Bayati, on Tuesday, the transfer of the House of representatives session to Kurdistan, as pointed out that Baghdad is safe and the parliamentary session will be held in the capital next week.
Abbas al-Bayati said in an interview with (long-Presse), he said that "no truth to the news of the transfer of the parliamentary sessions outside Baghdad because Baghdad is still a safe Great Hall was not touched by the damage," asserting that "could be a parliament session in other places inside the Green Zone if it can not be held in the parliament building. "
He said al-Bayati, that "the parliament session a clear message that the legislative institution will continue its activities without being affected by what happened," stressing the need to "re-consideration of the parliament through a comprehensive session for each blocs and adherence to legislative power because it is the basis of all the authorities."
He called on the state law, all MPs to "attend the next session of parliament," pointing out that "peaceful sit-in is not a stand against the violation of the sanctity of parliament and destroying furniture condemned by everyone........


da58 says():Fighting erupts in Turkish parliament over contentious bill
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkish lawmakers on Thursday fought and threw punches at each other as they debated a contentious ruling-party proposal to strip themselves of immunity from prosecution
Pablo says():So, when they are saying next Tues, are they referring to today or next week?
larrykn says to Pablo():if they are talking about next tues today they are refering to next week
Pablo says():So, if Sadir is pushing for reforms now, why wait till next week to bring parliament back?

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