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Monday, May 2, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday PM Chat  5-2-16  Part 2 of 2

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Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights
Dinar Updates Monday PM Chat  5-2-16  Part 2 of 2

tman23 says():Lets not forget that Al Jazeer was shut down in Iraq by the GOI a few days ago....... And they were reporting accurate information........
clay says to tman23():Why IYO
tman23 says to clay():No idea why....... But these countries do not like "free press".......
_firefly_ says():
clay says to tman23():thats what I figured
bigrudy says():Do you guys think that all the chaos in Iraq will slowdown the reform?
larrykn says to _firefly_():(y)
diagyAAAE says to popeye7():God bless my friend
BGG says to bigrudy():the chaos IS THE REFORM.
BGG says to bigrudy():without it - there is NO REFORM
_firefly_ says to BGG():Exactly brother !
_firefly_ says to BGG():Thank god somebody understands !
BGG says to _firefly_():$4!t - we're sitting here watching it happen.
_firefly_ says to BGG():We have been my friend
BGG says to _firefly_():I am stunned by the MSM's ignorance... once again - they are busy trying to find the narrative... and they wiff again.
_firefly_ says to BGG():Agreed !
BGG says to _firefly_():their first reaction is to go back to the previous instances - thinking this is about tribe, party, sect... or political alignment... this time around it's ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.
pizzaman says to BGG():MSM ?
clay01 says():main stream media
BGG says to _firefly_():IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ECONOMICS...
pizzaman says():thanks Clay
clay01 says():yvw
_firefly_ says to BGG():Correct. It is also all about International monetary compliance
BGG says to _firefly_():Iraq is trying to rid themselves of theives who have been drainging the country of their wealth and resource... literally DRAINING IT DRY...
clay says to pizzaman():hey buddy
clay says to clay01():hey bro
clay01 says to clay():whats going on
clay says to BGG():agree
pizzaman says to clay():Hola
clay says to clay01():do you believe I still have to come to work (lol)
clay01 says to clay():naw, take the week off, lol
pizzaman says to BGG():Did you catch Ollie North comments on Fox News either Saturday or Sunday....He was on the old narative as well, saying Abadi was weak...Ollie had no clue what was really going on
clay says to clay01():wish I could
larrykn says():I'm understanding now the meaning of out of chaos comes reforms :)
clay01 says to clay():soon, lol, I hope
bigrudy says to BGG():What do you think will happen in the next few weeks?
diagyAAAE says():so if iraq stated they will enter the intl ,arket before the 2nd half of 2016, i sure as heck am going to have faith an believe them
diagyAAAE says():been A long ride
diagyAAAE says():im ready to get off
BGG says to bigrudy():not sure - I have voiced several scenarios - mostly, I am spectator - like everyone else.
clay says to diagyAAAE():no kidding good to see ya bud
clay says to bigrudy():GA
bigrudy says to BGG():is it possible to see a change in the IQD at this moment in your opinion?
bigrudy says to clay():GA my friend
bigrudy says to BGG():I think that maybe a change in IQD will help the economic situation in Iraq
bigrudy says to BGG():and also help the citizens
_firefly_ says():Accession of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations immunities of States and their property from the jurisdiction Convention on the Law No. (23) for the year 2015 Arabic Original Document 1 May 2016
_firefly_ says():Accession of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations immunities of States and their property from the jurisdiction Convention on the Law No. (23) for the year 2015 Arabic Original Document 1 May 2016
clay01 says():BigRudy this could happen at any time, just sit back and watch the show unfold :)
_firefly_ says():Law accession of the Republic of Iraq to the promotion and protection agreement and guarantee investments between member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Arabic Original Document 1 May 2016
clay says to bigrudy():I totally agree with you
_firefly_ says():Law accession of the Republic of Iraq to the promotion and protection agreement and guarantee investments between member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Arabic Original Document 1 May 2016
_firefly_ says():Law of the Republic of Iraq to join the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic No. (45) for the year 2015 Arabic Original Document 1 May 2016
diagyAAAE says to clay):how's it going bro?
_firefly_ says():Like I said,we only know maybe 10% of the truth
_firefly_ says():90% IMO we will never know
BUCK says():do we have any word on wether or not parliment is meeting tuesday ??? i have seen both yes and no in articles..
_firefly_ says():Instructions No. (1) for the year 2015 operating weights own stations pivotal ballasted Arabic Original Document 1 May 2016
_firefly_ says():May 1st
_firefly_ says():May 1st
_firefly_ says():May 1st
_firefly_ says():Did somebody mention Abadi was smiling?
jtank says():like good job boys
popeye7 says():It is OK not to know everything... Because in time it will be revealed...
thenextbigidea says():Firefly: I do not understand what you are bring in. Can you explain it? Thanks
Pablo says():Very quiet.
Dwightj says():I FIGURED THAT
Pablo says():We're not sure what Abadi has in mind at this point.
_firefly_ says():Activating the electronic surveillance system [GPS] to provide services for visitors to the Imam Kadhim
_firefly_ says():Baghdad Municipality announced the activation of the electronic tracking and surveillance system [GPS] for all service mechanisms to monitor the work and provide better services for visitors to the Imam Kadhim [p].
According to a statement of the Secretariat of the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "it was the mobilization of all the angels and the mechanisms of service to provide services for all the cutouts and streets that are used by visitors to the Imam Moussa al-Kadhim [p] indicating" it was coordinating with volunteer youth and involve teams in the process of providing services to visitors in the six themes of the holy city of Kadhimiya. "
He added, "it was activating the tracking and electronic surveillance system [GPS] to all the mechanisms of service operating in the holy city of Kadhimiya to monitor their work, movement and tracks and follow them through the central operations room in order to provide better services to visitors,"
pointing to "divide the holy city of Kadhimiya to 6 axes oversees each and every one of them, Director General of the municipality is working Bmeith mechanics and equipment constituency Department to facilitate the provision of services for visitors. "
The statement stressed that "there is a high level coordination with the Baghdad Operations Command to facilitate service mechanisms for the transfer of waste and residues to the movement of landfill sites outside the holy city of Kadhimiya."
Pablo says():Do we have any word on when the auctions are supposed to stop?
_firefly_ says to Pablo():When the timeline is reached
jd says to Pablo():Iraq SOON
where'sthebeef says to _firefly_():When is the timeline. when did it start and when does it end?
_firefly_ says ():I don't give dates or rates. What I do give is important events to study :)
_firefly_ says to where'sthebeef():Events that directly effect our investment
Holly1 says to _firefly_():so why is iran printing new 25k notes of iraq something i do not understand from dollar and iraq dinar ... something about a new machine and shows pictures of the new 25k note with green lines in it ... would you happen to hear if this ?
where'sthebeef says to _firefly_():I'm not asking for date or a rate. You said when the timeline is reached, so I'm asking what the "timeline" is. Since you used that word, I assumed you knew of some kind of starting and ending timeline. But, i get what you are saying, "i think".
_firefly_ says to Holly1():Just adding more security fautures. Nothing to worry about. Much like our new $100.00 note :)  
_firefly_ says():U.S. says Iraq's PM in 'strong position' amid political unrest
BGG says to _firefly_():Yes he is... yes he is - indeed!!
_firefly_ says():STUTTGART, Germany (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi is in a strong position despite political unrest in Iraq, thanks in part to his battlefield successes and his commitment to a multi-sectarian state, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Monday.
"He seems to be in a very strong position. Obviously we support him strongly because of what he stands for," Carter told reporters traveling with him shortly before landing in Germany.
(Writing by Phillip Stewart, editing by Larry King)
Dr Dave says():Iwas watching this previous to that and figured Maliki was on his way out good tme to get in....
_firefly_ says to BGG():Was there ever any doubt? lol
BGG says to _firefly_():not in my mind..
Dr Dave says():BBG ...interim Gov...proxy proxy before early elections?
_firefly_ says():
bouch69 says():Has there been any indication that the BIS made any determination on Iraq's Dinar RI?
_firefly_ says():The mistake IMO is whenthe US ambasador to Iraq, Paul Bremer chose Maliki over Allawi as PM back in 2006. He IMO was too green for the job and made a bad choice

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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