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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tlar & Member Discussion  Part 1 of 2

 Post From Currency Chatter 5-2-16

Tlar & Member Discussion  Part 1 of 2

tlar         Abadi is in a hard place.  He is trying to maintain order, avoid a civil war and reshape the government by removing the corruption from the system.  This weekend we hope to see the fruits of  Abadi's patience as they attempt to complete the change- over of government.  
JD Blue     Barzani visited Iran last week....
A senior Iranian delegation visits Kurdistan region
May 1, 2016 Walter
PM: 03: 16: 01/05/2016 Khandan   Khandan – due to high-ranking delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to visit next Tuesday, the cities of Sulaymaniyah and Arbil.
An informed source from the Iranian embassy in Baghdad for “Khandan”, said an Iranian delegation headed by senior Iranian ambassador in Baghdad, Hassan Danaii fled, will visit the city of Sulaymaniyah and meet with senior officials of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the MDC.
According to the source, the Iranian ambassador will meet during his visit to Sulaimaniya with President Mam Jalal General Coordinator of the Movement for Change Nushirwan Mustafa.

The source noted that the delegation will also visit the city of Arbil and will meet with Massoud Barzani and Nechirvan Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
JD Blue    Kurds are willing to move forward... but NOT with the troublemakers in Parliament - the SoL Bloc
Kurdish blocs:  We will not accept the imposition of agendas  and we will look to participate in the political process
May 1, 2016 Walter
History of edits:: 5/1/2016 14:30 • 77 visits readable

Kurdish blocs: We will not accept the imposition of agendas and we will look to participate in the political process

{Baghdad: Euphrates News} She Kurdish blocs, for refusing to impose “any agenda by any political party.”
According to a statement of the blocks agency {Euphrates News received} a copy ofit “strongly deplore and condemn the storming of the Iraqi Council ofRepresentatives , which represents power of the people and the attack on theSecond Deputy Chairman of the Board Aram Sheikh Mohammed and a number of Kurdish MPs and MPs from the rest of the parliamentary blocs , ”
noting that “this attack on the headquarters of the elected people ‘s authority confirms the existence of the agendas of partisan and personal encapsulated slogans glamorous and other names, these agendas are trying to impose a particular point of the will. ”
she added , ” We are in the Kurdish blocs can not accept the imposition of any agenda by any political party , “pointing out that” what happened yesterday a security uncontrollable served as a painful blow to the political process and theprestige of the Iraqi state and the breach of security seriously, it is unfortunate that there was no role for government in preventing what happened. ”
She blocs that” if this indicates anything , it indicates the fragility of the government and weaknesses, the security forces did not play any role in the protection of theparliament building and maintaining the integrity of the House of Representatives. ”
She explained , ” We express our strong condemnation of what happened yesterday from attacks and violations of security and chaos, we refused to speak a certain point in the name of the people and make themselves spokesperson of the masses, and we reject that is used for simple people a means to achieve certain political goals. ”
She blocs” and assure everyone that we are in the Kurdish blocs will be ours other situations than what happened yesterday, it is imperative that we today re – consider how our participation as Kurds in the political process as a whole. ”
the demonstrators stormed yesterday , the green Zone and the building of the House of Representatives, while the Baghdad operations command announced a state ofemergency in the capital. the media picked, videos showed demonstrators attacked , “beating” the second Deputy Speaker of Parliament from the Kurdistan Alliance Aram Sheikh Mamed.anthy
JD Blue     Things were moving along. Then we saw Sol ( Maliki's Mafia) create the holdup in Parliament. Then, we saw them over rule the troublemakers and get some of the cabinet names approved with the 180 Quorum. Some. NOT all. The remaining names sem to be the most controversial.
The Kurds are PART of the 180 Quorum. The Kurds, however, are NOT gonna sit back and let the Baghdad Dawa party  sneak in the wrong people into those last names. The Kurds stuck to their guns.
They have a valid complaint. WHY did the security forcces stand by and let the parliament building be over run? I don't pretend to know all of the ins and out. I do not know WHO the Baghdad Shiites are pushing for the final cabinet positions that are so distateful to the Kurds. I am just trying to figure it out.
JD Blue     Sadrists saying THE SAME THING THE KURDS are saying.
Not gonna allow this process to be taken over by the politcal blocs.
Urgent Sadrist: Liberal bloc continues to suspend its parliamentary
May 1, 2016 Walter
History of edits:: 5/1/2016 16:23 • 86 visits readable

[Wayne – Baghdad] the political body of the Sadrist movement, said that the Liberal bloc continues to suspend its work until the parliamentary achieve reforms by the will of the people, not parties.
JD Blue    It begs tthe question.   WHO is it that Abadi and Joubari are nominating that the Kurds and the Sadrists are so adamantly against?
JD Blue      And then Maliki sees it as "revenge against his bloc.. he complains that , for example, Zebari, the foreign minister who is a Kurd is not to be replaced. All Maliki ( and his mafia) sees is A Kurd allowed to stay . He does not see that Zebari is efective in his position, and is likely not corrupt, or is willing to stop being part of the corruption. No. Maliki and his kind still see the BLOC and the BLOC alone.
They can only view the changes as revenge... and can not see past Boc affiliation. Maliki likely expects to simply substitute another corrupt Sol Member for any that are dismissed. He calls it "offsets".
He has no clue about the concept tof the technocrats. He then clouds the issue further, by calling this end of the quota system... a new quota system. It is simply amazing, this deposed leader has not been removed from the process, and is allowed to remain in a position of power as head of SoL, and continue to occupy the palace and the PM's office.    Just me trying to figure this out.
Law: the way the dismissal of some ministers and selection of alternates revenge and far from the equity and the return of quotas
05/01/2016 10:42   Long-Presse / Baghdad    Counting State of Law coalition led by Nuri al-Maliki, on Sunday, that the manner of the dismissal of a number of ministers and choose their replacements come about "revenge," and stressed that the only one who has been replaced by his ministers "without taking his mind", and as pointed out that the replacement should have been that includes the entire government, counting the dismissal of another and keep the other "unfair and the return of quotas."
The leader of the coalition, Salah Abdul-Razzaq, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The stormy session in which the House of Representatives agreed to the dismissal of the ministers of health, Adila Hammoud, and Labour and Social Affairs, Mohammed Shia 'Al Sudani, higher education and scientific research, Hussain al-Shahristani, who belong to a coalition of state law, last Tuesday (the 26th of this April 2916), held in the absence of the coalition deputies, "returned to" replace those ministers was about revenge, not on the basis of technocrats, as they say. "
He said Abdul Razak, that "the replacement of the ministerial cabin who got the whole was not in accordance with the standard of competence or integrity, not to evaluate any minister," noting that "the change did not include all the blocks, and not on the basis of goods gouge advocated by some people, so that the dismissal of the Minister of Electricity, Qassim al-Fahdawi, because he has had no mass, and replaced him Ala Disher, who is the first minister Sabia. "
He said the leadership of the coalition headed by Nouri al-Maliki, that "the other blocs, such as the Kurdish and the Sadr movement, announced that their ministries will not be touched unless consent," stressing that "the Islamic Supreme Council is the one who agreed to replace his ministers after viewing bench him."
He stressed Abdul Razak, the "coalition of the rule of law is the only one who has been replaced by his ministers without taking his opinion," pointing out that "it should be changed ministerial cabin, either be offsets other and keep the other it is far from fair and harm the sacked ministers, as It would represent a return to quotas. "    LINK

JD Blue    I just dont see how they get past all of this... except one way.
Maliki must be removed from the process somehow.  JMHO
mike      It's just my opinion, but political weakness is why Maliki is still allowed to influence the politics. Earlier this week the protesters (mainly from the SoL) were pushed to the side and progress was made on five new ministers. Abadi, Jabouri and Massoum all found a way to cobble together a coalition of 180 or so MP's to establish a quorum and vote for these new ministers.
Somewhere along the line Abadi allowed these same SoL morons to influence who he submitted for the remaining positions and it all went to shiite again. If Maliki and the SoL are adamant on disrupting the process, remove them from the process.
Over and over Abadi stops weilding the political club that's been given to him to run this country, he keeps falling back into the old sectarian negotiations that brought Iraq to this point in the first place. Establish a quorum, nominate a candidate for a minister position and let them vote.
 If they don't like him, nominate another candidate and keep voting until a majority of the quorum agree. Committee's and back room deals to get approval for specific candidates before a vote doesn't work, over and over we watch that process fail. Hopefully Abadi will grasp and use the democratic process and get Iraq past this point. If he don't, things could get gravely worse in a short period of time.
" We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid "  Benjamin Franklin
JD Blue     Looks like they have another 6 days to get something specific and concrete done. I doubt Sadr can control the citizens without some specific development to be able to SHOW the people that their movement is getting results. Otherwise...
I reckon the next Friday gonna be just as bad if not worse than the last. These demonstrators, have years of being timid and downtrodden.. a lifetime... first Sadaam, then Maliki. They are for the first time taking baby steps towrd civil disobedience... beyond simply sitting in the square after prayers... and they are learning the power they have.
They are vowing not just a demonstration... but a RETURN TO THE GREEN ZONE.. and EARLY ELECTIONS...
STRONG leadership is called for ACTION is needed.... other wise... the demonstrations gonna turn ugly. Really ugly. I think Friday was just a hint of how ugly it could get. Sadr talking peace and sit-ins aint gonna cut it much longer. 
Parliament would do themselves a big favor if they would get this technocrat vcabinet finished like PRONTO. If they wanted to do something else that would be a HUGE statement to the people  that "We hear you".. they should arrest and perp walk some "big heads of corruption"   JMHO 
Protesters withdraw from the green  and declare to return next Friday expanded 
May 1, 2016 Walter
History of edits:: 5/1/2016 18:43 • 24 visits readable
{Baghdad: Euphrates News}  The demonstrators announced withdrawal from the Green Zone, and confirm to return next Friday..
According to a statement from the organizing committee to protest the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it on Sunday, said that ” the vote on a government of technocrats in a single session, and in case of failure to achieve this requirement , we will move to the second phase, which is the dismissal of the three presidencies ,
” noting that “in if you do not achieve this requirement, the third stage is is to call early elections. ”
The statement pointed out that” when you do not achieve their demands, the people will take all legitimate means, which are the least of entry for the three presidencies, and civil disobedience, or general strike, in order to allow for the political decision makers , so Nmhlhm to come back to their senses. ”
and the statement that” the masses now and competence and power site announces exit from the green Zone , respected and venerated to visit Imam Musa bin Jaafar {p}, and after the end of the visit , a ceremony will be back stronger, and woe for thieves and corrupt. ”
The statement concluded . ” Dear fans return to us after the end of the visit, and us great pause next Friday. ” Ended h

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