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Monday, April 25, 2016

Sunday WingIt Special Edition CC Notes 4-24-16 Emailed to Recaps

(This content is for general information purposes only.  All information given is the opinion of the provider. Each situation may be different…and the procedures listed today may be subject to change.)

WINGIT - Sunday Call Notes - Special Edition - 4.24.16


Intro Notes

Private exchanges are on-going at this hour. 

Private group exchange rates will be very high through the end of April then start diminishing at the beginning of May.

Appointment processing times are now ranging over 1 hour to upwards of 2 hours depending on volume and need.
There's wonderful protection both at the redemption centers and outward in a 7 mile permitter. 

You and your currency are very safe, gold backed and blessed beyond understanding.
Exchange Process

1. ​800#s will be made available on the internet and to key providers.

2. Call and set up your appointment, provide your name, currencies and zip code (ZIM holders will go first).

3. At your appointment, you'll need to produce at least two forms of IDENTIFICATION (one pictured, one non pictured). 

Driver's License


Work / School ID

Social Security Card

Birth Certificate

Credit Cards

Health Insurance Card

Existing Banking Information

Voter Registration

Utility Bill

4. Be prepared next to discuss your humanitarian or job creation plans moving forward. If you have pre-existing materials bring them, if not be prepared to discuss your philanthropic agenda with this money moving forward. Remember, the bank wants to know you're going to do right by the money and help others with your abundant blessing.

5. Present all your currencies for De La Rue machine counting and be prepared to start negotiating for a very high rate. Rates are higher than you're probably even thinking, so you won't have to force your way up. Remember, they want you to both have this money and spread it around to friends, family and community to ask for exactly what you need and want to achieve any long-term philanthropic and generation wealth goal.

6. Bring with you any of the following items if you want to have a follow up advanced banking discussion:

Wiring information to send money into other accounts
Cashier's check list to cut checks into other accounts, it's ok to include checks for billet that are past due and must have paid off ASAP to save a home or pay for a dire medical procedure.

Existing account information to transfer funds into other accounts.

List of new accounts you want opened, including trust accounts for your immediate family.
Number of credit cards you want opened for yourself and family.

7. The following item regarding structured payouts will need to be discussed at some point during your appointment, and you will need to fully grasp before going into your appointment that they for your benefit for the following reasons:

They will help you adjust to your new sudden and abundant wealth.

They will provide immediate short and long-term principal protection.

They will generate quarterly interest off principal in exchange for a mutually agreed upon term​.

They allow your principal to sit safely in a non-taxable holding trust (skeleton trust) until you can coordinate a proven financial team to handle your new sudden wealth blessing.

They also allow you to have immediate access to a portion of your new principal without exposing all of your principal to financial predators​.​
Final Thoughts

If you're trying to logically figure this out, stop. Th​e RV is complex and well beyond ​everyday ​logic. Instead, just enjoy the buffet of riches the Lord hath 

Think spiritual transition versus banking transaction and you'll be able to enjoy your exchange appointment much more better.

If you get lost or feel light headed, just ask your angels to bring you back into your body so you can complete your exchange successfully.

Prayer works, so by all means pray for divine guidance and knowledge whenever things start to feel the money is "beyond your grasp."

God bring us to every challenge in our life with a divine ability to go through it gracefully. 
Trust that you are getting to experience this blessing for a divine reason, and let this fact be enough in the moment. 

Consider this financial miracle Heavenly back pay for all the good Earthly acts, kind words and silent prayers done to service of others. 

Look, God knows what's deepest in our hearts and he's obviously rewarding us for being righteous and loyal all these years of suffering. 

Amen is a just variation of the greek word "Amein" which translated means "because it is so". So in closing lets say a big Amein… because the RV is so and our money problems are now vanquished in Christ's name.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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