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Saturday, April 30, 2016

News, and Opinions From KTFA Members Saturday AM 4-30-16


Upstart:  Anti-corruption protesters storm Baghdad’s Green Zone, enter parliament – reports
Hundreds of supporters of influential Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who have been protesting corruption, have stormed Baghdad’s Green Zone. Some have entered the parliament buildings, according to Reuters.Link:

Walkingstick:  Urgent Sadrist movement demanding his followers and protesters to vacate Parliament immediately

Demanded that the leaders of the Sadrist movement followed the demonstrators who stormed into the House ofRepresentatives, the parliament building to evacuate Fora..itba
SupremeDalek:  I have to admit that this was not what I was expecting to hear today.


Walkingstick:  Urgent .. close the entrances to Baghdad in full

Saturday 30-04-2016

Twilight News / announced the leadership of Baghdad operations for the full closure of the entrances to the capital, Baghdad, in the wake of the entry of protesters to the Iraqi parliament.

 A spokesman for the Baghdad Operations Saad Maan stated in an interview for Twilight News, the entrances to the capital completely shut down, and only allowed out of it.
Hundreds of protesters entered the followers of the Sadrist movement Mahnsh Green Zone, and then to the parliament hall.

He announced the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Saturday rejected the ministerial change conducted by the parliament and the government, as announced boycott the political process in the event of the continuation of the quota system, waved to drop the current government headed by Haider Abadi, because if they remained corrupt, as he put it started

Islandg1211:  Let's not let a good emergency go to waste. Closure. Troops.


SupremeDalek:  This is getting ridiculous.

This only proves what Frank has said all along and that is that "All Hell Will Break Loose" ...... perhaps that's what's needed here now.

I was wondering why al-Sadr had gone quiet.  I only hope that these corrupt ministers get caught by these folks storming the gates. I want to see blood ........ Enough is enough.


Walkingstick:  Use discretion....  Many, conflicting / dramatic and pure (bull) articles being released... e.g: US embassy under siege, US forces evacuated Albadi and cabinet members, CBI under siege... to name, a few..
PowerofPrayer:  Good morning Family,

After all the fantastical news coming out of Iraq, it made me think of the following: 


PROBLEM (Purposefully created

REACTION (A given, obvious logical need for change)

SOLUTION (A solution that has already been in the works before the "PROBLEM" even started)

In my opinion,

PROBLEM - Need to implement change that the Iraqis feel as needed. Corruption, all parties guilty, need to be removed .

REACTION - The people of Iraq have had enough, they protest, storm the Green Zone, demand change or else.

SOLUTION - Abadi removes, re-shuffles, implements Technocratic government.  People will accept the solution because its  better that what they currently have and the people believe that they affected the and made possible the change.

Why is it important for you to understand the subject of the Hegelian Dialectic? Because it is the process by which all change is being accomplished in society today. More importantly, it is the tool that the globalists are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where ordinarily they would refuse it.

The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed.

When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one.

When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change.

Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners have in mind.

It's also important to understand that as this process is being driven, arguments are created both for and against certain measures of change.

All arguments are controlled. The presented solutions — each with varying levels of unadornment — are "debated" publicly by the manipulators or their minions. This is done until a perceived compromise has been reached on the best measure to take in route to solving the crisis. Then, the outcome of the "debate" — which purportedly weighs the concerns of the public with the mandate to do something — is enacted as public policy.

Such is a summary of the Hegelian Dialectic. Though few in American society have ever heard of it, still fewer have not been profoundly impacted by its use in the effective neutralization of opposition in the formation of public policy.  Powerofprayer 


Islandg1211:  Excellent Post and exactly on point today.

This OK Corral situation prompted the shutdowns and troops, and may be setting up Abadi to declare a state of emergency which would give him the Constitional right to act as he sees fit. He could appoint the rest of his cabinet. With the troops in Baghdad, making more arrests, namely Maliki's safer. Let's be patient this weekend and see how things unfold.


SupremeDalek:  Sometimes people say that "In order for things to get better, they have to get worse".

I believe that this is what we're witnessing today.  I have to admit that this even caught me by surprise as this was not what I was expecting.

I believe that this is what Frank was trying to tell us.  Changes will be made but we had to hit bottom first and, in my opinion, I believe that we may have just hit bottom this weekend.
This is insane.  Never a dull moment.


Txmmsgirl:  With all the GREAT and positive news that we've been getting from Frank, WS, and all of the teams...I see the closing of Baghdad as a good thing.  I think the rats/cockroaches are trying to run from their finality.  Now, given my Texas country ways...I've always found it easier to catch a varmint with the gates closed and the pen secured.  Happy hunting...


Supreme dalek:  By the looks of things so far, this seems to have been a peaceful uprising.  I just hope that Abadi does what he needs to do because these bad apples have to go and, if they stay, we'll only continue to get more of the same.

Abadi needs to make an example of Maliki once and for all.  I say "Get them now" - while they're on the run !


ReddStarr:  Family, I usually don't start posting until after 12 because of my schedule. But due to the amount of news coming out this morning,

I just wanted to drop in & say a couple of things. One, don't allow negative news articles to distract you from the bigger picture.

We know from the past that most articles released are to cause confusion. In time the truth will find its way through. Two, there is a plan, always has been, nothing is going to stop that. Remember the GOI/CBI are two different entities.

Think about that. Last thing, take it to prayer. Talk to y'all soon.

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