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Monday, April 25, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-25-16  Part 1 of 3

​Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-25-16  Part 1 of 3
Money chunky weaken bank deposits
4/25/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Hussein Tgb
Student Alkhbayralamsrvi Mohammad Ali Jaber work on the deployment of banking culture that have an impact on the dollar's exchange rate against the dinar, stressing the importance of adopting means working to expand the deployment of banking culture base, which urges the public beneficiaries to deal with the banks and not to follow the culture of hoarding money in houses owned by citizens houses.
He said in an interview for «morning»: The citizen who is prescribed to deposit his money in private by the banks to be sure that it is investing in the right direction and that there is protection for his money , which can move calculated continuously without problems, pointing to the need to speed up the enactment of appropriate laws to this trend. 
Jaber urged the importance of accelerating the pace of work to establish a deposit insurance company being established under the umbrella of a law guaranteeing the right of depositors, and that the board of Directors consists of private banks to participate and operate in accordance with the safeguards mechanisms submitted to the deposits that mean private banks.

 He stressed that the move enhance the confidence of depositors in banks as contribute to the development of the reality of the banking business, noting the importance of working to create a banking culture among public opinion here has to be concerted banking sector efforts with the media in this mission , which aims to strengthen the country 's economy. 
the Jaber explained in an interview earlier the importance of working on the development of human resources to operate in and brought into the banking sector in the development courses under the supervision of international experts, noting that workers in the financial sector must be Atsvo high professionalism to enable advanced banking products offered by international banks to their customers of the companies and the citizens.
He called to the importance of enabling the banking sector and make it able to handle large numbers huge financial blocs required by the economic process in the future.
Jaber stressed Dharor activate public relations and take an active role in communicating with citizens and lure money supply chunky in homes to banks and employ local economy service through its investment in productivity and service various projects, pointing out that it billions of dollars.]
[tlm724] working to expand the deployment of banking culture base, which urges the public beneficiaries to deal with the banks and not to follow the culture of hoarding money in houses owned by citizens houses.
[tlm724] get it outta the mattress and into the bank
[tlm724] The citizen who is prescribed to deposit his money in private by the banks to be sure that it is investing in the right direction and that there is protection for his money
[tlm724] the people are smarter than that, the banks aren't exactly trustworthy and they know it !
[tlm724] pointing to the need to speed up the enactment of appropriate laws to this trend.
[tlm724] ya think
[tlm724] work to establish a deposit insurance company being established under the umbrella of a law guaranteeing the right of depositors
[tlm724] shoulda been done years ago ! *slap*
[RCS1947] yes
[tlm724] hey banker Shredd what say you
[SHREDD] good opinion article by this guy...he gets it. Deposit your money in the bank and trust it is protected. behind the scenes, he also gets it in regards to the CBI having a better understanding of the money supply on the streets which affects the price the culture of hoarding money must move to adopting the banking culture but they have to trust the banking system
[tlm724] SHREDD if they can get the people to deposit their money it also increases liquidity and brings in the notes as well
[SHREDD] exactly

Sriagliat !!
Author: Hassan al – Ani , 25/04/2016 0:00  .In A country with the fourth largest oil reserves in the world, and his land is full of three - quarters of the world 's known minerals, being the Alravedan two great and dozens of water outfall, increase the possession of more than 20 million trees and more than 30,000 Crataegus tree, however, be forced to borrow to pay staff salaries. In such a country everything becomes surreal and implausible is not subject to the logic of reason !!
Perhaps at the forefront of the Iraqi Aseraagliat, if everyone agrees that financial corruption is the problem of the country, which is the reason for the crisis, not only for being swallowed billions of dollars, but because he also did not stand at the end, and never stops,
and still absorbs the wealth of Iraq and overburdens the state treasury, has manifested itself Srialith a way that is unusual, but not unprecedented, because of corruption, according mental logic rather surreal,
I mean the existence of mischief has been described by the great whales, are stolen from Iraq 's money covers legal visits, and covers fraud and force most of the times and political influence, and because spoilers are not microorganisms, but (whales) can be seen with the naked eye just 20 kilometers, they are (known) .. I repeat .. (well - known).
but the problem is that if you asked Prime Republic , for example: who is behind  the corruption?
To respond by saying: large whales !! But I will not tell you who she is these whales, and will not stop you if you hit a wall in your head .. If I asked him if he knew, back to you, of course .. .. whales known you and I and others ... We all know them !!
And ask him again by virtue of the press curiosity: if allowed Excellency .. We want to know their names and addresses .. Vered you: I assure you they  are known .. Everyone knows !!
such a dialogue and such answers, we hear the literal text of the prime ministers and the parliament, the judiciary and Public Prosecution Authority integrity, ministers, MPs and officials ... everyone divides the head of the Constitution, that spoilers  are known,
but everyone has reservations complete a reservation to be named or identify them for some mysterious reason , and reason to distrust, every one of them knows but wants to take over others, he revealed the names and expose, but it is still people calling guardians and screaming: Save us from corruption !!
The parties to the political process , in turn , screaming: Save us from corruption !! The view from the rescue and no one wants to  reveal or expose? 
What is the solution? Yes .. what is the solution? Question does not answer it , but a surreal manner and it being put to the public as a prize contest five thousand dollars donated by graciously Knits plant
 ready for manufacture of container Almsttrqh .. Congratulations to the winners if they did not beg me myself inclined towards evil that ... !!]
[RCS1947] this is a good read!
[tlm724] RCS1947 indeed !
[tlm724] who is behind the corruption? To respond by saying: large whales !! But I will not tell you who she is these whales, and will not stop you if you hit a wall in your head .. If I asked him if he knew, back to you, of course .. .. whales known you and I and others ... We all know them !!
And ask him again by virtue of the press curiosity: if allowed Excellency .. We want to know their names and addresses .. Vered you: I assure you they are known .. Everyone knows !!
[tlm724] Suspect    go get em !
[tlm724] wish it was that easy
[cat] hang em
[tlm724] that spoilers are known, but everyone has reservations complete a reservation to be named or identify them for some mysterious reason , and reason to distrust, every one of them knows but wants to take over others
[tlm724] Bondlady has been sayin that for years !! no trust
[tlm724] What is the solution? Yes .. what is the solution? Question does not answer it , but a surreal manner and it being put to the public as a prize contest five thousand dollars donated by graciously Knits plant ready for manufacture of container Almsttrqh .. Congratulations to the winners if they did not beg me myself inclined towards evil that ... !!
[tlm724] corruption, bribery, death threats etc... got a grip on Iraq right now, will they overcome ? I don't know BUT they better get it together if they want to remain a nation in the free world, internal discord creates war !
[tlm724] opens the door for more terrorism too  the terrorists are like snakes sneaking into the cracks of a weak foundation !
[tlm724] someone in charge MUST grow some and correct this once and for all ! There will always be corruption but the people are demanding a change

Rasheed Bank: We completed 98% of the banks restructuring 
04/25/2016   BAGHDAD / Karim Jassim al-Tai / .. Rasheed Bank director general of the Ministry of Finance Mohamed Abdel Wahab revealed the completion of 98% of the banks restructuring Stressing that this process Stnmah powers and greater flexibility to the work of banks in Iraq.[/rtl]
Said Abdul Wahab, in a statement singled out by the agency / KD / economic: that all banks in Iraq are included structuring Indicating that the bank completed 98% of the re-structure was approved by the Board of Directors and sent his family and the Ministry of Finance.[/rtl]
He said Abdul Wahab said the bank waiting for the approval and ratification by the House of Representatives on the current Banking Act for the purpose of approving restructuring of the Rasheed Bank and other banks Alaovernmah.[/rtl]
He noted that the law presented to the members of the House of Representatives and has read the first reading, and there is a second reading of the law restructuring the banks Aovernmah.mnoha that this law regaining financial and legal follow-up Committee in the House of Representatives.[/rtl]
He pointed Abdul Wahab that the adoption of this law will be given the powers and flexibility and movement of a larger work of banks in Iraq, according to the new law Stressing that the bank will begin to open new branches if the passage of the new law to be added to its branches throughout Iraq and the (151) branch. / End / 22 /   


Shredd:    This moved along faster than I had anticipated and we see the Banking Act is needing to be passed to complete which is the leverage needed to regain "financial and legal follow-up Committee in the House of Representatives".   Nice to see this.
 [tlm724] revealed the completion of 98% of the banks restructuring Stressing that this process Stnmah powers and greater flexibility to the work of banks in Iraq *hallelujah* progress !!!!!!!!!!!
[tlm724] He noted that the law presented to the members of the House of Representatives and has read the first reading, and there is a second reading of the law restructuring the banks Aovernmah.mnoha that this law regaining financial and legal follow-up Committee in the House of Representatives.
He pointed Abdul Wahab that the adoption of this law will be given the powers and flexibility and movement of a larger work of banks in Iraq, according to the new law Stressing that the bank will begin to open new branches if the passage of the new law to be added to its branches throughout Iraq and the (151) branch.
[tlm724] remember scooter said to look for this ??
[tlm724] there is a second reading of the law restructuring the banks
[tlm724] that the adoption of this law will be given the powers and flexibility and movement of a larger work of banks in Iraq,
[tlm724] isn't that pretty Wink 
[tlm724] now if parliament will gets it's act together we will see this law done !

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