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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 4-25-16  Part 2 of 2

Part 2:

Frank26:  I tell you what….oil is going up….up….yep it sure is….Brent was up to $45 I think and WTI was $43.73….told you didn’t I…..we told you….no boasting here….all honor and glory to our Heavenly Father….but everything we have told you it is a road map….if you were lost in the Iraqi dinar investment….that road map we gave you should have allowed you to reach to where we are at today.
Now I want you to read the Anvil article….study this article….they are telling you what they are about to do….IMO….in the near proximal future….study the anvil article….. LINK

Also there is an article that came out today that caused our teams to laugh…..”It is hard to raise the Central Bank’s sales of the dollar”…..WalkingStick put that article up….well of course it is….you know why….because oil revenues are going up aren’t they….post 187…..Iraq dinar caught between the hammer and anvil conflicts….post 225 by WalkingStick….and Mountainman even responded to it….post 227…..

By the way…..I noticed that the three muskateers are constantly talking to you….page after page….
I will admit…that of the three backdoc is the only one who makes comments on the articles….and also Mountainman…..then I see you saying…thank you….thank you for what….do you understand what they are trying to teach you….please keep highlighting your articles and what you put out.
Also….many phone calls, rumors….Frank is it true that backdoc is leaving you….he’s going to create his own forum…..his own website….heard this on the internet….no….backdoc, Pappa-J, and Thunderhawk are the three muskateers of KTFA….they get copied and pasted everywhere else….but no they are ours….rumors….don’t listen to them…..

Do you remember a while ago backdoc told you…..check this out….this is my url at a new website that I am going to invite you to…..not right now though, it would be in conflict with KTFA and Frank26 and what we do here as the three muskateers….but post-RV when the value goes up….I want to invite you to this website for then and only then I would like to guide you and advise you….well aren’t you generous….and you know something….he is…that is a Christian heart that wants to help you.
Again please read the anvil article because it will explain how they are about to use Article 61 and how this place is about to explode just as the price of oil is about to explode exactly when we told you…..raise the value of the IQD…that is all they talk about in Iraq.
By the way….the banks….the three that we’ve talked about tonight….can I tell you something….they are connected to the MR….IMO.
Now before I bring DELTA in I want to give you the cherry on top of the banana split….something powerful…that the internet has not obeyed and that our forum needs help on….how did we start our CC….four limes….in that video….three banks that became one….the limes were green….today I again wear white again for the fourth time….but this time white with green….

Ladies and gentlemen…..IMO…and our TEAMS….we are here to announce to you….that the three banks that are now being protected….so the conditions are now correct in Iraq….these three banks have announced to you….last night and shared on our forum as of this morning….”Rasheed Bank announces that they have completed 98% of bank restructuring”….

Do you understand what that means Family….the Rasheed Bank director, the Minister of Finance reveals that the completion of 98% of banks restructuring, stressing that this process brings more flexibility with the banks of Iraq…..

Family congratulations because you have now witnessed 98% of the RI….

I told you we were in the RI and I told you they had been working on it with Dr. Shabibi….may I now tell you….IMO….actually may I ask you before I tell you….what is the other 2%....IMO and my TEAMS….the other 2% is the RV.
DELTA comes in.
Frank:  The last two meetings we have had with TEAMS have been great haven’t they.
DELTA:  They have knocked the skin off my bones.
Frank:  I want you to talk….go ahead and say whatever you want to say and then when you are done let’s me and you talk and you know what I mean.
DELTA:  Actually let’s just go back and forth I think this will stimulate more questions for the Family this way.
Frank:  Ok, by the way I-TEAM wanted us to know the Oil Minister of ISIS has been killed in Mosul….in the center of Mosul….what is interesting is this….if they can kill the Oil Minister of ISIS in the center of Mosul….how did they do that when we haven’t yet liberated Mosul….well according to our TEAMS it was an air raid bombing….a precise bombing with our technology, with our weapons, our military is so advanced, the enemy does not know how to fight us….they do not know what is going on.
DELTA do you agree with this and if you do give me an idea of what you mean by that……the GOI and the CBI are not lying to us any more…they may seem a little confusing with the articles but they are not lying they are just simply not explaining what they are doing…is that a good way to state that.
DELTA:  Absolutely Frankie….it is no secret anymore….there was an article posted a couple of days ago by WalkingStick or someone…it was basically an opinion piece coming from Iraq and this guy was talking exactly like we talk here….he was saying that everyone inside of Iraq….the experts, the financial, the economic people are all expecting something to happen within the next two months….

So it looks like they cannot hide anything anymore Frankie….and don’t forget right from the horses mouth…..the IMF said that Iraq should by the first half of 2016 be internationally recognized….so many are looking for the currency reform, especially those who are invested in Iraq…..just as we have explained on the past conference calls… with the IMF requirements they expect Iraq to do….

Yes it looks like they are not hiding anything now because it looks like they are very close to doing something…and we are getting closer to the middle of this year and they seem to be communicating to everyone what is going on.
Frank:  Well I also like that the world pricing on oil is starting to go up between $44-45 and this is exactly when I-TEAM told us it would start to happen….the Monetary Reform is going to be launched with some loans that are being given to Iraq…..but the revaluation of the currency entering Article 8 is to explode the reforms futuristically….they need a little grand opening money…..ok….these are good….yes give me the loans….but once they raise the value….goodness…they will be able to pay a lot of their debt….wipe out a lot of their debt.

 DELTA….Jack Lew came back and I know Jack allowed the Kuwait dinar to be revalued at a 3+ range, which was damaging….we don’t know the amount and we are not trying to give an amount, but in your opinion, I know you thought 40 cents might be the best way to start, but that was about 2 years ago….in your opinion what are we looking at right now….what are you thinking.
DELTA:  I’m thinking that based on the detail that Iraq is going through, they are trying to get rid of the dollars….logic says a dollar or slightly higher….we all remember a study that was published a while back, it had many good points and stated when they go international they should be around 1.13 and then after maybe three years they should get back to the 3.22 range…they know what is best for them….they know what they need to do….I’m thinking they should come up at no less than 1 to 1….remember they want to get rid of the dollar it is dominate in Iraq…from two years ago their plans have changed so many times…and it would appear they now see they must come up at or just above 1 to 1 if they intend to remove the dollar domination….remember back in 2013 when they thought they were ready to move forward…this report that went to the US Congress indicated something slightly less than a dollar at that time…around 85 cents….logic is saying that a dollar or slightly higher to make it look more attractive inside of Iraq.
Frank:  I agree…..I will admit that I came on the internet nine years ago calling myself Frank26 because the reciprocal of .26 is 3.86 and that was my opinion based on what happened with the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Planning back in 2007….when they looked at the GOI and said you guys are going to do your budget this year….and they said yeah….what do you want….what rate….and they said oh about a 1.16 or 1.17…these two men came back and said no……you need at least 3.201 and on top of that you got to add 20% to that because you have been delaying all these years so that would take it to around 3.86….and that was even before I called myself Frank26….so guessing another coincidence….

But years went by and we got kicked out and nothing ever came of this budget until this year….this is the first budget that we actually see….but I can’t see this country making the same mistake they made in Kuwait….I think they can support it with their assets that are phenomenal right now….not so much from their reserves but their assets….but those assets have to be sold internationally with a revalued currency in order to make a profit….they have to have those assets accountable in their budget… it’s a catch 22….

in some ways Iraq has to stop….but you can’t stop you have to go….and the cycle goes on….but once they raise the value of their currency I believe many things will happen after that…and I think the wise and prudent thing is to learn from Jack Lew….who is there and who we have made a big issue about…and who just recently cosigned for loans for Iraq…..I don’t want to have to pay Iraq’s loans to anyone else….let them pay their own loans because they are about to raise the value of their currency….and that is why Jack Lew and the US cosigned for these loans….

Because we know what they are about to do IOO… they can afford to pay their own bills….but by us cosigning it just makes us look good…we got a bite in the argument now…..I do think 1 to 1 is the logical way to start because universally if you are a mathematician or an accountant isn’t that the perfect place to start….so a dollar to about 1.17 is what DELTA is trying to say and I understand what he’s trying to say about that.  DELTA it turns out about five days ago they surrounded the Rasheed, Rafadain, and CBI banks….they being the military…

They got rid of all the people that were working, they told them to go home….they did not want them seeing or witnessing what has been occurring in these three powerful state banks which are basically the mother of all other banks in Iraq…..they said that their banking structure was 98% complete and I said that 98% is the RI….so the other 2% is the RV….how do you feel about these banks saying they are 98% complete for what….what do you think.
DELTA:  I do recall I think it was one or two months ago when they said we are 92% done and now they are saying remember a while back the World Bank actually funded and sponsored the restructuring….that was why I recently brought in that article from 2013 to show how close we are….we are really very close…..we got the World Bank, the IMF and who is working with these state banks…these two are….they had debts that had to be taken care of, books to be audited…

They know these major state owned banks have to be ready to go before they go international….they have to have the right structure in place….now when I brought that 2013 article….they are telling you as soon as you get these reforms and do your restructuring with these big state banks then we should see the revaluation of the IQD….this is the World Bank stating this….they have been working towards this and now they say they are 98%....they aren’t even afraid to openly talk about this…..

Now it becomes clear what they are doing…..we feel the rate will be good enough to make everyone happy, so the date is the most important part….we have to be really close…..5 days ago when they surrounded these banks….they removed everyone from the banks…but they aren’t telling them or anyone really what is going on….but we have a very good idea…..we saw in the article they said they were afraid for the security of those banks….but think about this….the demonstrations start every Friday morning….there were no demonstrations on Thursday morning……that is number 1….number 2 they protect only 3 banks…why just those three, they claim they protect the interest of the Iraqi citizen and the banking system…but they only surround those three banks…

Something here isn’t making sense…..why evacuate at 10 in the morning….why not tell the employees the night before tomorrow you don’t have to come to work…..the demonstrations haven’t been that bad to be concerned about….the worst was 3 or 4 weeks ago, but not now…so why the security concerns… keeps coming back to why only those three banks and we think we know why.
Frank:  I’m tired of using the same words….it’s obvious…but it may not be obvious to the common factory worker or a house wife…and that is why we are here Family to guide you and suggest by opinions that 98%....these three banks are telling that all the banks in Iraq are 98% compliant for the international world…..that part…haven’t I been telling you forever we are in the RI….

I know other gurus are going to say we are RV’ing….no…no…we are RI’ing…..we went from a point of bringing and printing currency…that was a monetary policy….we walked into a  reinstatement of this policy and 98% of it was the RI….it took a lot of foot work, meetings, arguments, slapping, screaming, fights in the GOI to get to 98%.....from removing the emotions, the corrupt people, to bringing the proper laws….involving the US….

All of this, 98% of that was the reinstatement of their currency….it was the hardest part of this Monetary Reform and what is left…2%...what the dickens is 2%.....citizens come on in and watch us push a button…..would you like LD’s because we have a new rate and those 000’s won’t do you any good….

Maybe they will put a limit on the 000’s…right now we don’t know what will happen….the reinstatement of a currency of a country does not have to tell you how long that part will last….the revaluation does….the moment they revalue the currency they will have to say….well we will go ahead and let the 000’s co-exist with the LD’s and other currency we have just like the US did in their industrial revolution in the ‘50’s…..

Family we still have 000’s in our currency that are legal and tender but we don’t use them…why….we don’t need them….we have a powerful dollar everyone pegs to it….other people are unpegging because they think they can become more powerful with deals they have been establishing….know something….they are probably going to be right….it is a distribution and equalization of world powers….the US is being stripped of much of its power…but they will still have a good chunk of it…..only 2% of it is left….and I promise you the revaluation is nothing more than…..

Dr. Shabibi would you like to do a press conference…..ok…..Dr. Shabibi after you do the press conference will you announce to the citizens what you are going to do…..ok….will you release the LD’s…….ok….will you stay…….DELTA do you think Dr. Shabibi will stay….or for that matter will he even come back….or will someone else make these announcements.
DELTA:  My opinion is that I doubt he is coming back….he might show up, but he is really sick as an old man….most everyone knows in Iraq that the Monetary Reform…the reduction of the inflation rate from 40% to 2% or wherever it is now has been the work of Dr. Shabibi….he is well known because of his Dad, and they might offer for him to come back….but I doubt he will…..don’t be surprised to see Allak staying for a while…..most of the decisions are being made by a special committee and he is not a part of that…they are independent and they will push the Monetary Reform through to completion…..again I don’t see Shabibi coming back mainly because of health issues….he currently lives in Switzerland where he has a dual citizenship…but he is helping with the reform….I may be wrong but I just don’t see Dr. Shabibi coming back.
Frank:  I agree I don’t see him coming back…..we have a member on our forum by the name of Firefly…..he is saying that on Forex it shows Dr. Shabibi as the governor of the CBI….I don’t want Firefly or anyone else to get to excited about that…..Forex never updated their information….but for the last nine years it has been our opinion that Dr. Shabibi has been behind the Monetary Reform and that he was never formally replaced and that is all there is to it…..we made a statement last Monday that not too many people paid attention and I would like to say it one more time…..IMO….the US from what we are doing right now from cosigning for bonds to helping them with their banking structure and the military, everything….basically the US is buying Iraq…..why do you think we cosign….you see when you do that…that person is in debt to you as much as they are in debt to someone else.
What days do we like DELTA.
DELTA:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and also the month of April is a prime time for them to make currency changes… is another thing too Frankie…the ISX is going to be closing for three days….but the article says nothing about why…they mention vaguely about a holiday…..but there is no official holiday…..go to the CBI website to see the official holidays….yes May 1 is a holiday….but not three days…this has never happened before….the ISX was supposed to go international in January but they keep putting this off… what is up…..just so you know they lose a lot of money any day they are closed….can they afford to close like this.
Frank:  let’s wind this down….thank you DELTA….the original DELTA is suffering health problems he needs our prayers.  I thank you DELTA….would you be willing to get in an airplane and come out here to help me a bit if something does happen.
Every Monday our conference calls get a bit more impactful…but we take no credit…all honor and glory to our Heavenly Father….and thank you to Iraq, to the US, thank you for getting together and working things out….no one knows the date….no one knows the rate….they do.
Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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