Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Mountainman and Thunderhawk Early Tuesday PM 4-26-16


Mountainman:  .Well......WHAT this Means is The U S A Is READY......Now.....for The Next Phase of the DOLLARS Move Down In VALUE Before it {TRANSITIONS} to It's ASSET BACKED REALITY......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings......

Thunderhawk:   CRASH TIME FAMILY !!!!   IMO

Backdoc Alert:    El-Erian says this week's Fed meeting to set stage for June hike

Mohamed El-Erian, the chief economic adviser at Allianz SE (ALVG.DE), said on Monday he expects this week's Federal Reserve policy-setting meeting to set the stage for a June interest rate hike.
El-Erian told Reuters: "Fed officials may even be tempted to hike as early this week though this remains a lower probability event." The Federal Open Market Committee is due to meet Tuesday and Wednesday and then next on June 14-15.
"Notwithstanding the headwinds from abroad, the Fed is likely to hike this year at least once, and possibly twice," El-Erian said.
Earlier this month, Fed Chair Janet Yellen said the U.S. economy was on a solid course with some hints of inflation, so the Federal Reserve was on track for further interest rate hikes.
"The U.S. economy has continued to progress in a satisfactory way. We continue to see good job performance, some evidence of inflation moving up, so that was our expectation when we raised rates in December," Yellen said.


Mountainman:  Wow.....w/this ALLIANCE.....We can See the UK is Linking Itself w/IRAN.....w/the UK being A MAJOR Player w/the Chinese YUAN......It's No Wonder They are COOPERATING w/ Iran Here.......Remember ALLIANCES are STRATEGIC Moves for Countries to Have In this New Global Reality......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman (8)=New Beginnings......HAWKS PLATINUM TRIANGLE.....Has Begun......IMO

Thunderhawk:  UK promises to pay Iran's share in Rhum gas field

Deputy Miniser of Petroleum Amir-Hossein Zamaninia said on Monday that Britons have promised cooperation to pay Iran's share in Rhum gas field in Scotland.

Zamaninia said Shell and BP of Britain are willing to invest in Iran, promising cooperation to transfer to Tehran, Iran's share in Rhum gas field north of Scotland.

Speaking after a meeting with the UK's trade envoy to Iran Lord Lamont on Monday, Zamaninia said that in the meeting there were talks on Rhum, removal of banking problems and making necessary coordination to eliminate the problem.

The official said there were also talks on cooperation of UK Export Finance (UKEF) with Iran and minimizing risk of investment in the OECD.

He said the British party had announced that the UKEF is ready for cooperation with Iran and has set aside a budget for insurance coverage.


Mountainman:  Desperate TIMES Require {DESPERATE MEASURES}.......Even the Big Dogs Are Hungry and Current/ FUTURE LOSSES are On the BANKING PLATE as Well.....So SHORE UP What You can While You can is the Mantra......SHEESH

Blessings,Mountainman    (8)=New Beginnings.....WOW.....Banking Too....

Thunderhawk:  Backdoc Alert

Goldman Sachs is doing something that would have been unthinkable before 2008

Investment-banking powerhouse Goldman Sachs Inc. is doing something that would have been unthinkable before the financial crisis.

The banker to the biggest companies around the world is offering online savings accounts to ordinary Americans with as little as $1 to deposit, as it moves to diversify its funding base and satisfy regulators.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is scheduled to review new rules on the amount of liquidity lenders are obliged to have on hand at a meeting Tuesday. The net stable funding ratio will require all banks to reduce their reliance on short-term funding that can be volatile, in favor of more stable long-term funding that is more expensive. The new rules are part of a broader effort to prevent a repeat of the 2008 crisis.
In a sign that it is serious about attracting depositors, Goldman is offering a 1.05% annual interest rate on deposits, which is far higher than rates currently available at other big U.S. banks. It comes after its New York State–chartered bank, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, acquired about $16 billion of U.S. deposits from General Electric Co GE, -0.26% .

That deal gave Goldman GS, -1.00% about 145,000 retail depositors, and it will now work to expand that base, the Financial Times reported over the weekend. Stephen Scherr, Goldman’s chief strategy officer, reportedly told the FT that tapping regular retail clients gives it “a different avenue to use, with a different orientation and a different tenor.”

On the bank’s earnings conference call with analysts last week, Chief Financial Officer Harvey Schwartz said the move should be viewed as part of the bank’s liability-management strategy.

Goldman Sachs has traditionally funded GS Bank operations in the wholesale markets and by buying brokered deposits, large deposits that represent investment clients seeking strong returns.

“We always ... look to have a diversified funding base,” Schwartz said on the call, according to a FactSet transcript. “This is just an extra tool kit for us in the financing, and so we’ll view it over time.”

The new funds are also expected to support Mosaic, the bank’s online lending arm, which is projected to start originating loans later this year, according to the FT


Mountainman: REALLY.....C'mon SWIFT.....How Long have You been Around.......It was Founded in 1973......So Are You Guys....Setting The STAGE for A CYBER FALL GUY.......So to Speak.....As The NEW GLOBAL REALITY goes Into {TRANSITION} Mode....??? ....IMO

Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings.....For SWIFT as Well......Somethings On the HORIZON......

Thunderhawk:  Backdoc Alert

Exclusive: SWIFT network says aware of multiple cyber fraud incidents

SWIFT, the global financial network that banks use to transfer billions of dollars every day, warned its customers on Monday that it was aware of "a number of recent cyber incidents" where attackers had sent fraudulent messages over its system.

The disclosure came as law enforcement authorities in Bangladesh and elsewhere investigated the February cyber theft of $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank account at the New York Federal Reserve Bank. SWIFT has acknowledged that the scheme involved altering SWIFT software on Bangladesh Bank's computers to hide evidence of fraudulent transfers.

Monday's statement from SWIFT marked the first acknowledgement that the Bangladesh Bank attack was not an isolated incident but one of several recent criminal schemes that aimed to take advantage of the global messaging platform used by some 11,000 financial institutions.

"SWIFT is aware of a number of recent cyber incidents in which malicious insiders or external attackers have managed to submit SWIFT messages from financial institutions' back-offices, PCs or workstations connected to their local interface to the SWIFT network," the group warned customers on Monday in a notice seen by Reuters.

The warning, which SWIFT issued in a confidential alert sent over its network, did not name any victims or disclose the value of any losses from the previously undisclosed attacks. SWIFT confirmed to Reuters the authenticity of the notice.

SWIFT, or the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial

Telecommunication, is a cooperative owned by 3,000 financial institutions.
Also on Monday, SWIFT released a security update to the software that banks use to access its network to thwart malware that security researchers with British defense contractor BAE Systems said was probably used by hackers in the Bangladesh Bank heist.[L2N17S0RG]

BAE's evidence suggested that hackers manipulated SWIFT's Alliance Access server software, which banks use to interface with SWIFT's messaging platform, to cover their tracks.

BAE said it could not explain how the fraudulent orders were created and pushed through the system.

But SWIFT provided some evidence about how that happened in its note to customers, saying that in most cases the modus operandi was similar.

It said the attackers obtained valid credentials for operators authorized to create and approve SWIFT messages, then submitted fraudulent messages by impersonating those people.

FireEye, the internet security company whose Mandiant unit was hired by Bangladesh Bank to help investigate the heist, said the same group behind that hack had probably attacked other financial targets.

"FireEye has observed activity in other financial services organizations that is likely by the same threat actor behind the cyber attack on the Bank of Bangladesh," Vivek Chudgar, Mandiant's senior director for the Asia Pacific said in a statement emailed to Reuters.
FireEye declined to go into detail.

Rakesh Asthana, the World Informatix Cyber Security CEO, who is overseeing Bangladesh Bank's probe into the hack, declined to discuss the other attacks that SWIFT referred to.
He did, though, urge banks to conduct independent security assessments to make sure their networks are secure and prevent future attacks.

“SWIFT builds on security practices established by the customer itself and therefore it is imperative that in the wake of this attack, customers using SWIFT Alliance Access must strengthen their cyber security posture,” Asthana said


Cyber security experts said more attacks could surface as SWIFT's banking clients look to see if their SWIFT access has been compromised.

Shane Shook, a banking security consultant who investigates large financial crime, said hackers were turning to SWIFT and other private financial messaging platforms because such attacks can generate more revenue than going after consumers or small businesses.
"These hacks specifically target financial institutions because smaller efforts result in much larger thefts," he said. "It's much more efficient than stealing from consumers."

Justin Harvey, chief security officer with Fidelis Cybersecurity, said hackers followed the money and would be drawn into such schemes in hopes of emulating a big heist like the one on Bangladesh Bank.

"After the Bangladesh Bank heist became public, every other attacker out there is looking to see if they can do the same," he said.

SWIFT spokeswoman Natasha Deteran told Reuters that the commonality in these cases was that internal or external attackers compromised the banks’ own environments to obtain valid operator credentials.

"Customers should do their utmost to protect against this," she said in an email to Reuters.
SWIFT told customers that the security update must be installed by May 12.
"We have made the Alliance interface software update mandatory as it is designed to help banks identify situations in which attackers have attempted to hide their traces - whether these actions have been executed manually or through malware," she said.


Mountainman:  As This New GLOBAL PARADIGM SHIFT.....(Transitions) Over,it is VERY IMPORTANT that Countries are Up to SPEED in Monetary Technologies and the IMF's POLICIES.....In Order for them to Correct,Modify,and IMPLEMENT these Tools/Instruments of CHANGE.......So to Speak......A BIGGER PICTURE Perspective is WHAT and WHY the IMF is Bringing The South Asian Members

Up to Speed w/ the rest of the GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS that will be Used in TRADE Relations and their CREDIT RATINGS which will be IMPORTANT for FUTURE LOANS etc.......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings......for the South East Asian Members

Thunderhawk:  IMF Strengthens Capacity of South Asian Officials on Macro-Financial Linkages and Diagnostics

Press Release No. 16/185   April 25, 2016

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Asia and Pacific Department (APD), in cooperation with the IMF - Singapore Regional Training Institute (STI), organized a workshop on April 19-20 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, for officials from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka on macro-financial linkages and diagnostics
The workshop brought together officials from central banks and ministries of finance as well as IMF mission teams and resident representatives. Topics included operational aspects of macro-financial linkages, macro-financial vulnerability diagnostics, and macro-prudential policies. The aim is to build capacity in these areas.

IMF speakers included STI Director Julie Kozack, STI Deputy Director Mangal Goswami, APD Assistant Director Paul Cashin, and Asia and Pacific Division Chief Luis Breuer. IMF Alternate Executive Director, Mr. KwangHae Choi, also participated in the workshop and shared his experience.

Participants highlighted a number of key takeaways, including the importance of vigilant monitoring of credit growth and of close communication between relevant government agencies on macroeconomic and financial developments.

They agreed that collection and analysis of relevant data were essential to ensuring maintenance of macro-financial stability.

"This workshop focused on South Asian countries and their distinctive features in a unique format which brought together IMF country teams and their official counterparts in an informal setting to consider macro-financial challenges facing all involved countries and help build relations between the IMF and its South Asian member countries", said Paul Cashin at the end of the workshop.


Thunderhawk:  Zimbabwe returning to the international stage?

This year marks a turning point for Zimbabwe’s economy and its people. The country is on the brink of finalising an historic deal which will end a decade and half of sanctions and unlock substantial new funds for economic growth and development. At the heart of this are the negotiations between the Zimbabwe government and the IMF and World Bank launched last year at an international summit in Peru.

The arrangements, in which the African Development Bank (AfDB) will play a leading role, are designed to clear Zimbabwe’s $1.8 billion arrears to international financial institutions and enable the country to raise new funding for important development projects.

The target date for completion of the agreement is June and will involve some African states, notably Algeria, offering to lend Zimbabwe money to repay its arrears. Beyond the key officials in Zimbabwe and in the international financial Institutions, this financial initiative has won broad international backing from the African Union, China, Japan and the European Union.

Africa Confidential, the leading source of quality analysis about Africa is organising a high-level one-day conference to examine the implications and potential.
Mountainman:  Sound The ALARM of RED ALERT says this Precious Metals Evaluator.....w/the DOLLAR heading DOWN The Road that Leads to A Street of Potholes and BANKS ROOTED in Fiat Dollars......It's No wonder That Panic is Setting Into the Reality if the Status Quo....

Yes A REALITY CHECK is Hitting the US......and BANKS Know It Too.....Unfortunately in the Mean time We wait for A NEW VALUED DOLLAR....IMO

Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings......for a REALITY CHECK

Thunderhawk:  Madness in the Crimex Gold and Silver Trading Pits

Michael Ballanger Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses effects of the Bank of Japan's actions on the U.S. dollar, silver and gold

The "big story" circulating around the blogosphere yesterday and last evening was a paper authored by Pimco' s "strategist" Harley Bassman that essentially opined that "the Fed should unleash a massive Fed gold purchase program that could echo a Depression-era effort that effectively boosted the U.S. economy." Well, isn't that original?

Back in 2013 I reviewed Michael Lewis' follow-up to "The Big Short," a brilliant piece of work entitled "Boomerang—Travels in the New Third World" where Lewis interviews a Deputy Finance Minister at the German Bundesbank who told Lewis that because Germany had 3,390.6 tonnes of gold, its entire government debt was "covered."

At the time, I was listening to the audiobook while on a treadmill and I actually had a Eureka moment and immediately texted myself a reminder to make that the central theme of the weekend note to clients, which I did.

To read more:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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