Don't WAIT!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

News, Rumors, and Opinions Saturday Morning 4-30-16


BobiT: I talked with my WM yesterday from WF.... He does not give me secrets or RV intel as doing so would be a breach of conduct and would cost him his job... Not Good! What he does share is this Currency's are working to move in the right direction.

This week’s markets are indicators... metals up,  dow down and our dollar dropping are good indicators thing working in our direction

Payday:  Bob does your WM know about the RV

BobiT: Yes we went to lunch last year and discussed the RV and the where whats ,hows …yes finally in the window…. just keeping it real for the ones that want to know

Payday:  Bob one more question.... is it true about these rates being high???

BiT: the only indicator he has ever given me is i'll be surprised

Payday:  Wow!!!! thats good to hear... does he think or know is 800's are true or false and contract rates

BobiT: none of that…. 800's yes

Payday:  ok but no contract rates???
BobiT:  just markets and international


Lost:   it is a 3 day weekend in many parts of the world including Iraq so prayerfully it will happen

Striker:  Yup! Were still standing in line waiting to get on the ride! Lol…. I know this I will NEVER complain about standing & waiting in line for ANYTHING the rest of my days!!! Lol

Lutie:  Wow were actually going to drag this thing into May! Didn't think we would still be here.

Striker:  Dizzy said up to the 15th! I will start worrying after that!!!!

Iambigbob:  Paraphrase, my take on Dizzybear last night is -anytime with good possibility by May 3rd and window to May 15th

Wonderful2016:  Good Morning everyone I know Dizzybear said possibly the 15. He also said if you remember that he did not think it would be that long. He still has said the end of the month and stills says any day. Today has just started let's still believe that it can come at any moment


Marcelno:  Hundreds of supporters of influential Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada al-S​adr, who have been protesting corruption, have stormed Baghdad’s Gre​en Zone.

Striker:  The natives are getting extremely restless!!!!!!!!!


Note: Since this is released at many sites in Dinarland already ….Recaps will post….but will remove should anyone contact us to take it down~ thanks

WolfEyes:  Summary--Notes from DIZZYBEAR on Nancy's Call, Friday April 29, 2016

From Dinar Chronicles:  "Regarding DizzyBear" - Guest Post by G
4/29/2016 01:50:00 PM
Emailed to Dinar Chronicles:

RE: "Everything is Set" - DizzyBear Intel from Nancy's Call via WSOMN

I respect the person going by the handle of DizzyBear. He seems to be the most connected within Dinarland as well as being involved with elements of the GCR/RV process.

So I tend to not to take lightly any of his comments. When he says things like he believes there will be no structured payouts or NDA's, that is some pretty strong stuff on the matter that goes contrary to popular belief.

As we all know, popular belief has not been very accurate in these parts. So I do not discount what he says.

When he says that he believes that there will be no structured payouts only exchange from fiat to gold/asset... he is saying that the old system of leveraged transactions will no longer be allowed. Based upon that, it seems evident that the banks holding exchange funds under structured payouts will not be allowed under the new system.

Either the funds are being released our they are not being released. But partial release is not the intent of the architects. Of course, the banks would love to be holding billions in interest free funds over time which would be the biggest motive for such a ploy.

Regarding no NDA, if everything goes at the same time and there are no contact rates... only good market rates across the board, there is no real need for NDA's accept to help protect the individual from criminal exposure.

No one can make a person keep their mouth shut for their own safety. But to confiscate their funds because of loose lips, seems very counter initiative. Who would benefit from that?

See how easy it is to become brainwashed by the so called politically correct story line that we get fed every day. The good news is that Dinarland is very useful to the GCR/RV architects as a forum to see exactly how banking cabal disinformation is being disseminated and used.

This is helpful to the GCR/RV architects in order to anticipate and counter the banking cabal moves. The truth will come out and the greed will be exposed and dealt with.

Blessings, G

Ro which I add some of my own notes--

I also managed to stay awake for Bits n Pieces...

Notably, DB said he didn't make one call on Friday (in his garden). So presumably he just checked the Markets and Headlines.

He re-emphasized that he is watching ca. 12 "Triggers,"  any of which will cause a cascade / collapse of US/Cabal markets & companies..which will REQUIRE-- voluntarily or not-- a public admission of Gold/Asset-Backed to give a Value to 'phony' economy.. = GCR / RV. +   =  B A N K S !!!!

There is no escape since whole world adjusting to Foney Fiat and the only solution is to add Real Value = Asset Backing.
 Triggers:  Bank of Japan (doubly toxic with derivatives) >>> Ger/EURO >>> US. (yesterday i think he said B of Japan alone could take US down because 'joined at the hip').

UK: On point of exiting EURO>> EURO >> US lll Collapse

He repeated Apple  and Twitter  are sliding-- indicators of a bursting Us Malarkey *Market)  Balloon.

IMO: China's move yesterday, loosening Yuan trading controls puts increased and real-world pressure on all other markets... tightened Checkmate position..likely, any next move by anyone--or pent-up impatient & urgent desire to escape this hollow Madness--will mean Checkmate / GAME OVER.

This is why DBear says China’s chess game is a perfect trap, inescapable, that cabal greed made  and meant inevitable end of Fed/Fiat/Debt Slavery. IMO.
Dinar Updates:

Firefly   "Press release:  The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision today released a consultative document entitled Revisions to the Basel III leverage ratio framework..."  

This is HUGE... 

Q: [ the BIS has given them their blessing things should move forward rather quickly now...]

Firefly:   NOTHING can happen without the Bank Of International Settlement's approval...Not even the IMF.



Sockpuppet:  wow!! Protesters storm Iraqi parliament in Baghdad

 BAGHDAD — Protesters stormed Iraq’s parliament on Saturday, bursting into the capital’s fortified Green Zone, where other key buildings, including the U.S. Embassy, are located.

Live footage on Iraqi television showed swarms of protesters, who have been demanding government reform, inside the parliament building, waving flags and chanting. Lawmakers were berated and beaten with flags as they fled the building, while demonstrators smashed the windows of politicians' cars.

Baghdad Operations Command declared a state of emergency and said all roads into the capital had been closed. A U.S. Embassy official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that staff were not being evacuated from their compound, which is about a mile away from the parliament building.

Iraq is in the grip of a political crisis, with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi attempting to reshuffle his cabinet and meet the demands of the demonstrators, who have been spurred on by the powerful Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. But Abadi has been hampered by chaotic parliament sessions, where lawmakers have thrown water bottles and punches at one another. ​-in-baghdad/2016/04/30/0862fd3a-0ec1-11e6-8ab8-9ad050f76d7d_story.html​
Lorena1972:  Sadly, this is all about frustration. At this point I do not know if its a good thing or bad. From this video it seems once again they did not get what they were promised

Chuicy:  if the iraqi protesters storming the parliament , is true, well, to me it clearly says , that the people are fed up with corrupt , so called elite politicians , that line their pockets , with the citizens money, as the citizens are literally barely making day by day,

The so called politically elite are the same way in every country, so imagine the same chaos , that is going on in iraq, happening in every country that has similar corrupt so called politically elite politicians ijs

Pearle:  Well since they made promises and time is running out...what better way to let them know that they expect their promises fulfilled

Goodtimes1: The Iraq people have been put past their breaking point. I cant blame them they have delayed the reforms so many times. Now the people of Iraq are saying the delays have gone on long enough!


Elmerf123456:  For those concerned please reread my post of last night slowly and read between the lines don't be concerned by what was going on this morning because this had to happen to drive a point

Late Friday Night:  elmerf123456 :  Guess what Peeps...things have gotten really hot in Iraq. I'm told really hot in a great way. The US Boys who visited early this week achieved purpose. We will be hearing much more. Nuff said.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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