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Friday, April 29, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat  4-28-16  Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat  4-28-16  Part 1 of 2
BGG says():"After the completion of the ministries are going to change the grades, and private bodies, and positions by proxy,"... they are saying that once they deal with these Ministries on Saturday - they are going to look into the other Ministries - particularly those "by Proxy" - (THE CBI)...

BGG says():Sounds like the SLC better start playing nice or they are DONE...

BGG says():and the SJC has already notified Parliament the earlier proceedings were unconstitutionial... the Hasan appointment is over... and it would appear Medhat al-Mahmoud has had some serious change of heart... this is mostly going against Maliki and his crowd.

BGG says():over and over...

jtank says():whoohoo--kick em out-- meaning Maliki and cronies

BGG says to jtank():I don't know if that is in the immediate future, but they are getting hammered politically right now...

jtank says():Ms crowd causing deadlocks

larrykn says to BGG():you said they should go after the cbi govenor after sat? i thought Shabs was there now ? was that wrong
BGG says to larrykn():We were only commenting on the fact Shabibi was referred to as "The Gov..." - and not Alak as "The Proxy Gov"... etc, etc, etc...

larrykn says to BGG():that was because shabs was the last real cbi govenor they had ?
BGG says to larrykn():Don't know...

clay says to BGG():thanks :)
larrykn says():either way they do need a permanent govenor

jtank says():Alak is dirty - placed by Maliki which was placed also, the fox gaurding the hen house-lol

larrykn says to jtank():be interesting to see who the pick
da58 says():Iraq “one of the Biggest Investment Opportunities”
April 28, 2016 in Blog, Construction & Engineering In Iraq, Investment, Iraq Oil & Gas News
By Padraig O’Hannelly.
The United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Baghdad has said Iraq has the potential to become an economic force in the region, and encouraged British businesses to take advantage of the opportunities it presents.
Addressing senior executives at the Iraq Britain Business Council (IBBC)‘s Spring Conference in London on Wednesday, H.E. Frank Baker OBE said that to achieve this, Iraq needs to realise its vision to implement substantive economic reforms and to rebuild key infrastructure and institutions, adding:
“This economic reform cannot take place without developing the country’s private sector, because that in turn will help bring about stability and prosperity.
“Despite all the challenges, Iraq offers one of the greatest investment opportunities in the region.”
Referring to “stifling bureaucracy and corruption“, the Ambassador acknowledged that it is not a market for the faint hearted, but advised British enterprises with a “buccaneering spirit” take on the challenge.
“Iraq will offer one of the biggest investment opportunities to UK companies in the first half of this century, but to do so, British business has to be prepared to manage the risks and to take chances.”
clay says to da58():great article thanks
clay says to da58():need to see more of those :)
larrykn says to clay():I agree I think we are about to see a lot more of those type of articles
_firefly_ says():( Deposit RTGS ) due to the performance of the decrees visit of Imam Musa al - Kadhim (AS) .. will be a special window for the sale of foreign currency deposits days 11 , 10 , 9 , 8 May / 2016 on Wednesday and Thursday 5 , 4 May respectively.
VBI _firefly_ says():CBI announcement
larrykn says to _firefly_():that sounds interesting :)
_firefly_ says to larrykn():Hmmmmmm

larrykn says to _firefly_():something is up in denmark :D
puffdragon says to _firefly_():In country only , or do we know firefly
wmawhite says():"The United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Baghdad has said Iraq has the potential to become an economic force in the region, and encouraged British businesses to take advantage of the opportunities it presents." I must ask........
how can UK's businesses take advantage of the opportunities in Iraq UNLESS the GBP can move freely into and out of with the requirements of IMF Article 8?
Scotzgirl says to wmawhite():Excellent point
wmawhite says():Folks..........remember,.......we can not argue about the facts.........FACT: United Kingdom businesses are being encouraged to get into Iraq now!!!
NWBeauty says to wmawhite():Iraq has been signing contracts with the Germans for electricity and Italians for tile and bridge work and the US for oil .... this has been going on and on...
wmawhite says to NWBeauty():I saw the list of countries that Iraq has trafe agreements with and it was nearly two dozen countries and that was a year ago.
_firefly_ says():Biden visits Iraq and discuss with Abadi, political, security and economic developments

_firefly_ says():{Baghdad} Euphrates News visited by US Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday Baghdad and met with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, as discussed with him political developments and security, and economic.
A statement by the prime minister and the Euphrates News Agency {} received a copy of it, "Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi met in his office, Vice President Joe Biden, and discussed with him the political developments and security, and economic." Ended h
puffdragon says to wmawhite():As you reaserchers have been telling this room this process has been going on for years , as it is comming to the end here it has become more evident of that fact !
wmawhite says to puffdragon():......and, that is a fact,
_firefly_ says():What the heck is Biden doing back in Iraq ?
wmawhite says to _firefly_():WOW..................say what????
larrykn says to _firefly_():the timing is funny but interesting :)

puffdragon says to wmawhite():Yo ma ma knows ! LOL OH by the way neme is Puffdragon :D
_firefly_ says to wmawhite():Biden visits Iraq and discuss with Abadi, political, security and economic developments
puffdragon says to _firefly_():He wants to make sure his dinar is safe !!
larrykn says():seems to me ,he is there to tell Maliki gang to stay away IMO
_firefly_ says to wmawhite():Euphrates News visited by US Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday Baghdad and met with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, as discussed with him political developments and security, and economic.
A statement by the prime minister and the Euphrates News Agency {} received a copy of it, "Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi met in his office, Vice President Joe Biden, and discussed with him the political developments and security, and economic."
_firefly_ says to larrykn():discussed with him the political developments and security, and economic.
wmawhite says():this is a fact............the leg work with putting together a "deal" whether political or financial is acccomplished by the worker bees....the deputies, staff members. You only bring out the big guns to seal the deal/agreement. IMO,.....this is significant. VP Biden is not just stopping by to take in the sights.
_firefly_ says to wmawhite():Many major players have been making visits there in recent weeks
Loop says to _firefly_():On a surprise visit at that. No one notified until his plane was on the ground in Iraq.
_firefly_ says():Direction Press / Baghdad
Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Thursday, with the ambassadors of the industrialized nations conference leading industrialized nations to be held in Japan the end of next May, while congratulated the ambassadors of those countries ministerial amendment voted by parliament.
The Prime Minister 's Office said in a statement received "direction Press" , a copy of " The prime minister Haider al - Abadi met in his office on Wednesday, ambassadors of the major industrialized nations ( G7 ) in thepresence of the ambassadors of the United Nations and the European Union ,
" noting that he "discussed thepolitical and security developments and victories achieved by our heroine on gangs Daash and edit zones inaddition to the progress of the reforms and the international community 's support for it. "
The office said, "was addressed to the Conference of the major industrialized countries to be held in Japan next month and will be presented to Iraq to cope with the financial and economic challenges."

For their part, the ambassadors of major industrialized nations expressed "their support for Iraq in the face of challenges that passes by and for the reforms carried out by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi," and congratulated "the reshuffle voted by Parliament on Tuesday."
The ambassadors of the major industrialized nations ( G7 ) expressed in February, the full support of their countries for Iraq in the financial crisis, also announced their support of their countries for Iraq in its war against "terrorism".
da58 says to Loop():And, per art this a.m... after these ministers are in place - BGG pointed out they said, going after the proxy's.. ALAK.. and just watch them knock these guys off one by one with prosecutions.. the evicted ministers.. there's going to be so many more corrupt 'files' - an Abadi field day.
_firefly_ says():" The prime minister Haider al - Abadi met in his office on Wednesday, ambassadors of the major industrialized nations ( G7 ) in thepresence of the ambassadors of the United Nations and the European Union , "
_firefly_ says():the major industrialized nations ( G7 )
_firefly_ says():and congratulated "the reshuffle voted by Parliament on Tuesday."
da58 says to _firefly_():wow
_firefly_ says():From the BIS
_firefly_ says():Promoting global monetary and financial stability through international cooperation
_firefly_ says():Revisions proposed to the Basel III leverage ratio framework and answers to frequently asked questions issued by the Basel Committee
6 April 2016   _firefly_ says():Press release
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision today released a consultative document entitled Revisions to the Basel III leverage ratio framework, and responses to a third set of frequently asked questions (FAQs).
The Basel III framework introduced a simple, transparent, non-risk-based leverage ratio to act as a supplementary measure to the risk-based capital ratio.
This consultative document proposes a set of changes to the standard released in January 2014. The proposed changes to the framework are an important element of the regulatory reform programme that the Basel Committee has committed to finalise by end-2016.
The proposals in the consultative document have been informed by the parallel run period since 2013, by feedback from market participants and stakeholders, and by the frequently asked questions process since the release of the standard in 2014.
The proposed revisions cover the following issues:
_firefly_ says():committed to finalise by end-2016. 
_firefly_ says():to measure derivative exposures, the Committee is proposing to use a modified version of the standardised approach for measuring counterparty credit risk exposures (SA-CCR) instead of the Current Exposure Method (CEM);
to ensure consistency across accounting standards, two options are proposed for the treatment of regular-way purchases and sales of financial assets;
clarification of the treatment of provisions and prudential valuation adjustments for less liquid positions, so as to avoid double-counting; and
alignment of the credit conversion factors for off-balance sheet items with those proposed for the standardised approach to credit risk under the risk-based framework.
_firefly_ says():WOW !!!!!!!!!
_firefly_ says():The Committee is also seeking comment on an additional leverage ratio requirement applicable to global systemically important banks.
The final design and calibration of the proposals will be informed by a forthcoming comprehensive quantitative impact study.
To promote consistent global implementation of the Basel standards, the Committee periodically reviews frequently asked questions (FAQs) and publishes answers along with any technical elaboration of the standards text and interpretative guidance that may be necessary. The Committee today also published responses to a third set of FAQs that relate to the Basel III leverage ratio framework.
_firefly_ says():Ok, I know that the BIS bores most here but this is HUGE if you have any knowledge whatsoever
larrykn says to _firefly_():this is huge (y)

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