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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dinar Updates Wednesday AM Chat  4-27-16  Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates Wednesday AM Chat  4-27-16  Part 2 of 3

rcookie says():GCC MEETING TODAY IN RIYADH........


header Sadr warns of any delay or procrastination in completing the ministerial reforms header Daash clashes between security forces and the cupboard area west of Ramadi
header Krhot Alhmam demanding the presentation of evidence on those involved booby - trapped houses and gray refuses rivalries

header Massoud Barzani: the leaders of the Peshmerga forces to hold dialogues with the wise people in the ranks of the crowd
header Wounding three civilians fall of 10 mortar shells amid Taza
 header The army surrounded the village south of Mosul and detonate three bombs tanks with air strikes on the outskirts
header A significant decline in many foreign fighters entering Iraq and Syria
header Killing two people and wounding five others wounded by a roadside bomb in the district of Mahmudiya , south of Baghdad
header Washington sent former advisers to Baghdad in order to assess the situation in Iraq

header Karam: Protesters tried to disrupt the House of Representatives decision to change and reform
Forthcoming meeting internal GCC ministers in Riyadh today
Home < Policy < Forthcoming meeting internal Cooperation Council ( GCC ) ministers ...
Number of readings: 10 | 27-04-2016 02:24 PM 27-04-2016 02:24 PM
It scheduled to hold internal GCC ministers meeting today in the Saudi capital Riyadh to discuss a number of topics of interest to the Altai region.
Prominent among the files in question, to see the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on the conservation and the stability and security of the peoples and nations of the Council, as well as the support of the GCC countries and regional and international efforts in the fight against terrorism and extremism.
- See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.c....9pmVAQxi.dpuf
rcookie says():Kurdistan Alliance plans to send the names of ministerial candidates to Abadi
115 Wed, 27 Apr 2016 11:39:51  Observer news / Baghdad
He confirmed the Kurdistan Alliance MP Najiba Najib, Wednesday, that the Kurds minister is nominated by the Kurdistan Alliance and Abadi choose who wants his choice.
Najib said, "The Kurdistan Alliance will send the names of a group of technocrats Kurds choose them to represent the component in the new government cabin."
Najib added, "The Kurdistan Alliance has 20% of the cabin and there are 17 ministries has not been voted on."
Najib stressed on that "Abadi will provide the rest of the government cabin on Saturday for the vote by the House of Representatives."
Najib stressed that "the Kurds minister is nominated by the Kurdish alliance to al-Abadi, a group selected from the names we'll send him."
rcookie says():First Published: 2016-04-27
Pentagon uses a warning before any missile strike in Iraq
Pentagon used for the first time in its campaign against the Islamic state regulation means cautionary known B'amlah tapping on the surface. '
Middle East Online   Attempts to reduce civilian casualties
WASHINGTON - A Pentagon official said Tuesday that before the bombing cache funds for the organization of the Islamic state in the April 5 in Mosul, Iraq, blew up the US military, "Hellfire" missiles above the target to warn civilians in it and trying to prevent the raid the building.
It is the first time you use the US Defense Department in its air campaign against the organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, this means warning, known as "tapping on the surface process," according to said US Gen. Peter Gerstn stationed in Baghdad.
He explained that the bombing of the rocket on the roof of the building directly allows alerting residents, which the Pentagon has decided to do after it was discovered that the building housed a woman and children and Achksa other "non-combatants".
The general said "Hellfire missile blew up in the air so as not to destroy the building, to ascertaining that it came out with the kids."
He continued, "Although we have exactly what we wanted to reduce as far as possible civilian casualties. After the bomb blew up (for the destruction of the building) rushed the woman back into the home," and was killed in the bombing.
And he commented, "It was very difficult for us to see that."
"The men who were in that building, a number of men, women literally trampled in order to escape."
Gerstn said that the coalition carried out around 20 raids on hideouts money for the organization of the Islamic state led to the destruction of up to $ 800 million.
The Pentagon acknowledged Friday that nine separate US air strikes in Iraq and Syria have caused "most likely" the killing of 20 civilians and wounding 11 others between September 2015 and February 2, 2016 10.
According to non-governmental organizations that the number of civilian casualties as a result of a much larger approximately 12,000 air strike launched by the international coalition led by Washington in Iraq and Syria, during the 20 months.
larrykn says():thats a lot of money
rcookie says():Iraqi army frees village south of Mosul completely humiliated
News Code: 1060052 Category: Islamic Awakening
04/27/2016 - 15:29  Iraqi army
A source in the leadership of the Liberation of Nineveh operations said on Wednesday that the Iraqi army forces managed to free humiliated village of spend Qayyarah south of Mosul from the control of the organization "Daash" fully terror, and said,
 "The pieces of the band 15 on Wednesday launched a surprise attack on the village of humiliated east Qayyarah spend during which he managed to free the village in full control of the organization "Daash" criminal. "
The source added, "The operation resulted in the killing and wounding a large number of elements" Daash "and Tv explosive explosives and explosive materials."
And was operations joint has, in the earlier, the launch of operations (open) to edit Nineveh, with the participation of the security forces of the two opinions 15-16 subsidiaries of the Iraqi army, and the sons of the tribes, where managed during the first days of the edit many villages and killed dozens of "Daash" criminal in southern Mosul areas.
rcookie says():DESPERATION PERSONIFIED!!!!.........
rcookie says():Expectations for economic growth in Iraq rise to 2.9% by 2016
Economy Since 2016-04-27 at 10:47 (GMT)
Follow mawazine news  The International Monetary Fund predicted Wednesday, rising economic growth in Iraq to 2.9% in the year 2016, indicating that the war costs have led to higher inflation and worsening financial centers.
The IMF said in a report that "the expected high rate of overall growth in the region's oil-exporting countries to 2.9% in 2016, rising up to 3.1% in 2017 compared to 1.9% last year as a result of the non-oil economic activity in Yemen, Iraq and Iran and Libya".
The report said that "Although the growth it has deficit will rise as a result of Iraq limited oil revenue which would reduce the ability of the Government to spending," adding that "deficit of approximately 4.75% and 7.75% with the end of the year."
The report added that "the costs of the war in Iraq and Libya, Syria and Yemen are still high and the violence caused the scarcity of food and other necessities and damaged infrastructure and institutions and increased inflation and weakened the savings and financial centers of the State." finished 29/d 24  LINK 

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