Don't WAIT!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Frank26 and KTFA Members Saturday Morning 4-30-16


RE: Frank26 Videos and Quote:  Frank26:  We decided to bring all of our KTFA FAMILY the following until MONDAY'S CC....... Please Enjoy and Realize :

Yes there are Proxy Positons ............ BUT IMO the only PROXY that is HOT with A is .......... THE PROXY POSITION OF ALLACK!!! .......... And A is about to REPLACE all PROXY POSITIONS ........... Because the STABLE CONDITIONS are back............ Amen x 3.

Cinderella1906:  Ok I will have a go ...Ths gives way to  Dr S making his speech and  Maliki is gone…

Frank26:  IMO .............. Yes.

Cinderella1906:  LET THE-FIREWORKS BEGIN!!!!!!!!

Frank26:  IMO ......... IOO ..................... Soon.  KTFA  Frank
Alragrossman:  : "........... Because the STABLE CONDITIONS are back............ Amen x 3."
this is is what stands out to me.   We were waiting for certain conditions.   The ironing out of issues In recent private meetings.   I would say that the conditions are met that all parties involved are finally satisfied. "MAY" I please try a fresh date from that huge tree?  It's the (First) thing that caught my eye

Frank26:   You may offer me an opinion or time frame ............. Not a date.  Lol  Yet ................. Well done Friend.........   KTFA   Frank

Blinkster:  Looks like the rocket is about to, or HAS, lifted off; and the trapdoor is about to open under the feet of many miscreants. It also seems that value is about to increase, perhaps in a year or less. Seems like Abadi has sprayed a BIG can of RAID on the cockroaches...I'm not sure of the sequence, but I believe these are key points...AND LASTLY, FIREWORKS!!! IN HAWAII. YES LORD!!  How was that for a try?  Cookie?

Bless you sir!


Regarding Franks Videos: 

Aggiedad77:  What you are about to read is my interpretation and opinion of 5 things and other news related issues we’ve seen before us dates or rates....but some interesting points of they take you to the same places they take me….enjoy.

Amazing things can be seen and heard but yet not realized…..videos have an affect when watched and replayed and analyzed so the value is finally refined like a pure oil of essence…….eleven is never a lonely number….eleven on this side….eleven on that side….ok….let’s have a game and the focus of that game is a goal….move towards the goal always.
Ever notice just how large the word BIG can be portrayed…more on that in just a bit….but first let’s focus on what is at hand…..those proxy dudes……out on their ears…..those managers…..if they were corrupt…..not only out but arrested…..

Proxy…..proxy…..Allak….who’s your proxy baby…..pack your bag…..for the true Gov is moving back…..or a specially groomed protégé of his stepping up ready to carry on as the great Dr. has so wonderfully orchestrated things for the past 10+ years….thank you Dr. S for a job well done.
Again things can grow BIG almost right before your eyes…..inside of a year it might seem…..and also some things can be so well hidden, camouflaged if you will…..what you might be LED to believe as one thing turns out upon careful study is something else entirely….but stay strong as a Family and you are protected….and the coins….they too are protected.
Speaking of BIG things…..did you see the size of those things…..5….times yes….5….times as BIG….HUGE and even 3….yes 3 times as BIG as a human head…..ponder those numbers for a while… .they are of importance I believe…..don’t forget that things grow quickly in some ways… some areas….everything starts with ONE….but it grows….oh how fast things grow……then as it is prepared for the launching…..what you ask…..well you know to make that rocket tree head to the stars 3….2….1….Houston we have liftoff…..soon……sooner…..soonest.
Then something amazing…..Hawaiian Fireworks…..and that number 11 again showing up…..exciting times we face….right before us…..yes tomorrow is May Day….May 1 a day of celebration…..will you be celebrating…..I hope you are at least smiling…..I am excited…..I think we are excited…..something’s in the air tonight…..hold on….hold on.
For those that think Abadi is weakening….that the people are angry with him……think again…..the people are angriest at the ones who have corrupted themselves to the greed they feed from a frenzy……those bad guys are worried….and they should be…..very worried….starting with M at the top….time grows shorter for some….just as excitement grows BIG and BIGGER for others…..we are in control…..don’t forget that…….credit is being given…..maybe not where we think it is due….but credit is being given as papers are being delivered……and last but never least….THE BEST IS YET TO COME…..shortly.
All of course in my opinion and interpretation.   Aloha  Randy
Frank26:  Video #1

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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