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Monday, April 25, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-25-16  Part 2 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-25-16  Part 2 of 3

Securities confirms high indicators and experts are urging the savings in banks 
Baghdad / Muhannad Jawad Iraq Stock Exchange confirmed that the first three months of this year indicators were "positive" compared with those of last year , 2015, and suggested that contribute to dependence trading system after increasing the number of investors, with experts from falling stock prices and the activity of circulating revealed due to the repercussions of the economic situation and not to approve the law of the market, called on citizens to " to deposit their money in banks to activate it as well as the market they constitute half of the shareholders."
this came during a workshop set up by the stock market on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of electronic trading, under the title ( the role of electronic trading and the rules of the Iraqi market for securities Finance in the revitalization of the economy), the Baghdad Hotel downtown, and I attended (range Press).

the executive director of the market , Taha Ahmed Abdul Salam, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the workshop discussed how to support the joint - stock companies through investor - friendly legal procedures, and to encourage savers to contribute to the development of funds to contribute to companies ' capital and increase the gross domestic product , "noting that" the market will launch the trading system remotely for investors and to establish a new joint - stock companies. "
said Abdul Salam that" trading transfer of the Iraqi market for securities of paperwork that hinder the work of the mail shareholders and investors to the use of computer software and digital systems that would speed up the process of trading and investment facilitation process ,
"noting that" the available indicators during the first three months of the current 2016 were positive compared with their counterparts from the year 2015 the past, despite the obstacles and problems facing the market and companies contribute to producing stocks.
" in turn, said a member of the board of Governors at the Iraq stock Exchange RMR firm, said in an interview to the (long - Presse)," the highlight of the play the stock market at the moment is trading remotely , which aspires to be completed end of the year 2016 project this ", usually that" the project allowing investors to trade directly about the market contributes to the rapid spread inside and outside Iraq. "
firm and suggested that" trading over after a number of investors in the Iraq Stock Exchange , which exceeds 25 thousand people now, because it allows them to manage their shares themselves , "pointing out that" the main problems facing the stock market now is not to adopt its own law , despite raised since 2008, being that includes a lot of facilities that deal with red tape. "
for his part, director of electronic systems in Iraq stock Exchange Yunus issued, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the systems used in the market in line with international standards and certified in several countries in the world which is secured 100% , " returned to " the use of these systems has given the market 's credibility and earned foreign investor confidence , which led to increasing the number of investors. "
He issued that" the market is now focusing on increasing the market with confidence through the cemented material base for technology stock using and preparing the base keeping a sophisticated and flexible data allow the market management of the site from somewhere else in case of any malfunction or emergency modern global systems.
" in turn, economic adviser Samir Nasiri said in an interview, said to (long - Presse), " the Iraq stock Exchange (KSE) suffer from falling stock prices problems and circulation weekly and monthly , " attributing the cause to "economic conditions through which Iraq and the financial crisis that led to the recession and it affected the tourism sector and industrial companies contribute and the banking sector. "
for his part, called for economic and academic Abdul Karim Mahmoud, said in an interview to the (long - Presse), to the " restructuring of Iraqi banks and unify efforts to activate the Iraq Stock Exchange 's performance , "calling on citizens to" save money the banks to activate their work will reflect positively on the economic situation and increases the effectiveness of the Iraq stock Exchange. "
said Mahmoud said that there are " 98 contribution in Iraq , the company represents the structural work of the securities market , including 44 banks , "pointing out that" stopped the work of banks means stop 50 percent to contribute to the Iraq Stock Exchange companies. "
the Iraq Stock Exchange discussed with the Central Bank of Iraq, in the (fourth from this April 2016), government bonds put up in the Iraqi Stock Exchange mechanism, emphasizing the formation of committees to follow up the issue.
It is noteworthy that the Iraqi market for securities Finance announced, in ( the twentieth of this April 2016), its intention to work after the end of trading for the year 2016 system, usually it will contribute to "activate" trading and "attract" investment and "streamline" the work procedures.  LINK  
 [tlm724] ok I think I know what a remote trading system is, it basically removes the need for dealers to consummate deals on the stock exchange floor
[cstacy] tlm724 I need to know now lol
[tlm724]  ok lol 
[tlm724] the executive director of the market , Taha Ahmed Abdul Salam, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the workshop discussed how to support the joint - stock companies through investor - friendly legal procedures, and to encourage savers to contribute to the development of funds to contribute to companies ' capital and increase the gross domestic product , "noting that" the market will launch the trading system remotely for investors and to establish a new joint - stock companies. "
[tlm724] "noting that" the market will launch the trading system remotely for investors and to establish a new joint - stock companies. "
[tlm724] that !
[cstacy] nice
[tlm724] cstacy I think that will help tremendously with confidence in the market, eliminate the middle man and his sticky fingers
[tlm724] for his part, director of electronic systems in Iraq stock Exchange Yunus issued, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the systems used in the market in line with international standards and certified in several countries in the world which is secured 100% , " returned to " the use of these systems has given the market 's credibility and earned foreign investor confidence , which led to increasing the number of investors. "
He issued that" the market is now focusing on increasing the market with confidence through the cemented material base for technology stock using and preparing the base keeping a sophisticated and flexible data allow the market management of the site from somewhere else in case of any malfunction or emergency modern global systems.
[tlm724] the systems used in the market in line with international standards and certified in several countries in the world which is secured 100%
[tlm724] thats good !
[tlm724] " the use of these systems has given the market 's credibility and earned foreign investor confidence , which led to increasing the number of investors.
[tlm724] now take it one step further
[tlm724] the market is now focusing on increasing the market with confidence through the cemented material base for technology stock using and preparing the base keeping a sophisticated and flexible data
[tlm724] I dig it   
[cstacy] tlm724 great
[tomsrunners] tlm724 Sounds Good
[tlm724] tomsrunners yes sir it does, the ISX is growing up, thats a long way from their chalk boards   
[tomsrunners] tlm724 That's for sure.....THX
[tlm724] yqw
Iraq signed a memorandum of strategic framework with the US General Electric Company
History of edits:: 24.04.2016 23:30   {Baghdad: Euphrates News} signed the Oil Ministry with the General Electric Company {GE} US memorandum as part of a strategic long-term cooperation includes the implementation of a number of projects for the benefit of the oil ministry,
including cooperation in the field of reducing the extracted gas flaring from oil fields for use in electric power generation, as well as for the maintenance and perpetuation of special equipment and generators Aldhagatat, along with providing more than 400 MW power as energy oil installations before next summer.
He said Undersecretary older Fayyad good grace in a statement the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of the signing of the memorandum came after negotiations that lasted for two consecutive years was a success and to achieve the interests of both sides as it aims to develop a strategic program to reduce gas flaring and investment in the industry and energy operations,
and the development of plans necessary to create the first observation and diagnosis center in the country to enable the maintenance operations quick pre - emptive saving time came during the signing ceremony , which was held today at the headquarters of the Ministry of oil.
"the contract also includes improving the operational efficiency and performance of oil and gas facilities of the Ministry of oil would contribute to boost growth sustainable for the country.
for his part, Undersecretary for gas Hamid Younis that " the signing of the memorandum was the result of efforts by oil projects and companies Basra and gas refineries , the South and the South oil Company, which will provide a memorandum relationship with the US company to secure the qualification necessary for the production of oil and escalate potential export of crude oil equipment operations the company also provides spare parts for equipment used in the production and export of crude oil within a record timeframe.
for its part , confirmed the Director General of oil projects Company Nihad Ahmed Musa in the same statement that " the signing of the memorandum with the US company was the result of a long effort by the ministry to develop programs and plans to support oil and gas installations up to 800 units as well as direct communication to support the production units and field to prevent access junctions affect the pace of work as well as the safe operation of the provision of the units production in Iraq.
in turn praised the representative of the General Electric company in Iraq , the cooperation of the Ministry of oil in the completion of this agreement , stressing commitment his company in the implementation of its provisions and to achieve the interests of both sides to develop Iraqi cadres through the implementation of training and training programs as well as provide backup equipment for all the oil ministry institutions.

He added that the note provides the latest technologies and solutions needed to update facilities ministry would contribute to enhancing the efficiency of the oil and energy sector in Iraq. 
For his part, the spokesman of the oil Ministry , Asim Jihad said the memorandum will draw new plans in support of oil and gas production operations in Iraq.
He added that the memorandum is a framework agreement is the first of its kind in the oil ministry in order to enhance the performance of the oil and energy sector.
He said the memorandum will provide more than 400 MW power as energy extra before next summer , where he will provide this energy continuity of operation of oil and gas facilities without interruption as well as to keep abreast of developments in performance and the adoption of modern technology through the use of modern equipment and services in the optimal investment of oil and gas wealth operations.
This comes in the ministry has sought to hold companies and similar agreements contribute to the advancement of the oil and gas industry in Iraq .anthy
tlm724:   the signing of the memorandum came after negotiations that lasted for two consecutive years was a success and to achieve the interests of both sides as it aims to develop a strategic program to reduce gas flaring and investment in the industry and energy operations, and the development of plans necessary to create the first observation and diagnosis center in the country to enable the maintenance operations quick pre - emptive saving time came during the signing ceremony , which was held today at the headquarters of the Ministry of oil.
Tlm724:  GE has some confidence in Iraq, money to be made

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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