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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tlar & Member Maliki Discussion

Post From Currency Chatter 4-30-16
Tlar & Member Maliki Discussion

hi-five:   Blue, after reading your link,  I thought this info deserved a thread of it's own.   
Go to this link and take a look at this complaint by the National Center for Legal and Judicial Research and Studies against Maliki.  They list every corrupt, dispicable, and horrific thing Maliki has ever commiitted against the people of Iraq.  I hope this gets some traction in Iraq. 
Charges have been levied against Maliki before and there didn't seem to be an appropriate back lash.    With the exception of Maliki's mafia members, no Iraqi citizen should show any support for Maliki whatsoever!   In fact, the citizens should rise up against him demanding Maliki's arrest and trial - - not stopping until Maliki is in chains!
vision:     Unbelivable .... but sadly true... thanks blue , hi5

Brule:    When Abadi stated two days ago that he would prosecute Maliki after the new ministers were seated, Rcookie posted this document (16 pages) immediately, reminding us of the depth and severity of the charges, and relieving fears that Maliki would not be prosecuted or could slip through charges. 
Also reminding people that the judicial changes need to be completed so Maliki does not slip through a judge's robe and out the back door.  Now this factual document is surfacing all over Dinarland.  What a pumper Rcookie is.
Father of Thunder:     Yep......the real deal!
Revenuerog:      Wow I just read that whole thing.... Maliki is screwed
rissas dad:           Love this document, read it to a friend joyously over the phone last year. Unfortunately this document surfaced jan 2015. Maliki is screwed, when i dont know. Should have been already, but sadly has not. Maybe this time he will. Dont understand why someone hasnt given him a dirt nap already.
HandOverFist:   I remember seeing this document last year also. I don't understand why nothing has ever been done about Maliki, considering that they have 16 pages of charges. I have not heard that Abadi said he would prosecute after ministers were seated.

Wouldn't such an announcement by Abadi be "asking for trouble" from Maliki. Better not to make an announcement and just do it.
 DreamWeaver:   Abadi patiently waiting until 3 VP positions dissolved--after technocrat shuffle complete--before going after Maliki.  So ... no immunity.  No where to run. 
No doubt, Abadi's intention ever since announcing reforms last year was to dissolve VPs, arrest Maliki, and continue reforms; but reforms got stalled.  That's why arrest warrant and no arrest.  Needed to get everyone on board for reforms to oust Maliki.  Clever. 
Danny's thoughts about Maliki "necktie" party may be just around the corner.  LOL.  Good one, Danny.
JD Blue:   First, it;s not my link... it is all over, and when I get anything of interest....
I share it here. None of us own the news... and the analysis is often helpful..even if sometimes mistakes are made.  Yes.. it is all about timing.

They getting a lot of the detail work  done...more to folllow.. and one day.. they will spring the trap.  Until then.. we wait.

That said.. I truly think Maliki has crossed a line now...and this last week... using LEGAL TACTICS... and CONSTITUTIONAL MEANS...I truly think they broke Maliki's Iron Grip..and Nouri may be sliding downhill, unable to get any more traction.   We shall see!
Schízz:     complaint filed against maliki, whaaat?!the guy literally done a coup de etat couple of years ago and the cock knobber is still in government.
you know, they reckon life began in iraq, possibly true apart from the ones that migrated.... evolved.
everything isn't bs made up m news, the tool still is causing havoc in iraq, until they remove him from any kind of power and remove his head this country is a joke.
hope the imf can do something for these clowns. they don't deserve anything, if i wasnt invested i would not want them to succeed.  pathetic undeserving morons.!
really tired of the ole guru stuff where if the news doesnt suit us it must be all aint folks. we're waiting on a bunch of clowns!... and yes it is as pathetic as it seems. trsut me, i have friends over there and they tell me the same!
Mike:    lol, ditto, Schiz.  This document has been out for over a year, it's a stretch to think that prosecuting Maliki is going to happen any time soon, which prompted my comment about pumping.  Why am I sure that a full effort for prosectuing Maliki is going to take some time? 
Because you need one specific branch of the government to cooperate and do what's right.  The Judiciary branch. The reforms the Iraqi's are working on are all part of the Legislative branch, they have nothing to do with the Judiciary.  Until Mahmood is successfully removed, I don't see any meaningful and successful prosecution of Maliki happening anytime soon.
That's not negative either, that would intimate that my comments are emotional and that's not accurate. 
The experience of watching these guys closely for five years is what's shaping my comments, not my feelings. I'm not going to "pump" sunshine to anyone and tell you Maliki's prosecution is imminent until something relevant changes.  In the end, it's just an opinion though, right?
JD Blue:    I respectfully disagree. With everything we are seeing today. there is DEFINITE change happening.... one way or another. Things are NO LONGER STATIC. Protestors storming the Green Zone. invading the parliament building... standing out side Maliki's Palace screaming you cant live here anymore... Maliki himself issueing a statment denying he is trying to get back into a seat in Parliament.   I mean.. seriously... things are changing.
hi-five:     Mike, I wonder if you could explain this statement you made.  I'm not sure that anyone posting was saying that Maliki was going to be prosecuted "soon".  I've read through this thread and am wondering where this statement belongs.
Mike:     "This document has been out for over a year, it's a stretch to think that prosecuting Maliki is going to happen any time soon, which prompted my comment about pumping."
Tlar:    Mike I agree totally with what you are saying.  The corrupt must be removed from government first before we will see any action against Maliki.  All the while Maliki will be fighting to stop the change. 
The process is gaining momentum though and I hope the new government of technocrats will be seated next week.  Once that is done it will be easier to pick of the corrupt one at a time. 
The Judicial would be my next target and as long as the 180 ish mp's hang together, Maliki's protective brick wall should start to unravel  one brick at a time.  I still expect to see a mass exit at some point of the leaders of the SOL as they see the writing on the wall. 
This freight train is at full speed and change is almost there.  What is the flipping point is anybody’s guess but I am sure we are close.  Sadr needs to pick up the pace but his position is also tenuous.
 He has to make sure that the demonstrators remain passive and at the same time threatening because if the demonstrators get out of hand and actually do something stupid it could cause a civil war. 

Many of the leaders of the militia are corrupt and they might be looking for a way to cause anarchy in which case everything up to now will be negated with shootings and killing in the street. 
I would not be surprised if this wasn't already on Maliki's play list as a last resort.  In other words he would send some of his 6000 personal army to infiltrate the demonstrators and do something stupid like shoot or hang a minister to start a riot.  If the demonstrations get out of hand, Katy bar the door.  tlar 
Mike:    Again, thanks, hi-five. You asked a question without insulting anyone and I respect that, I only wish more could follow your civil example.  Here's where I got the idea from RC's post that a prosecution of Maliki was "soon"
lots shaping up for the next few days - whether or not they finalize the New Abadi Cabinet...there have been an amazing number of judicial and political defeats handed to Maliki.
Were those charges against Maliki published this week not STUNNING??   and this:
There's a slew of exclamation marks and it's clear that RC believes Maliki's demise is imminent or soon. Or at least that's the way he's stated it. He's intimiating that once Abadi get's the cabinet done, he's going after Maliki.  My thoughts are that even after they get the cabinet reset Abadi is still going to have to reform the Judiciary. My thoughts are that's not happening "soon."
 This report wasn't created by anyone in the Iraqi government, these guys aren't part of the prosecuting team that would go after Maliki, this is they're opening statement in the document;
"Request to Process Complaint: The National Center for Legal and Judicial Research and Studies, an Iraqi non-governmental organization registered according to the law, and as represented herein by its Secretary-General, the former Judge Raheem Hassan Al Igeeli, and by its Deputy-Secretary-General, the Attorney Kamel El Hassani"
These folks have no standing in the Iraqi government or it's legal process, they've filed a formal complaint with the GOI and have stuffed it with facts about Maliki's atrocities, but that's all it is, a formal, legal complaint. If I had a nickel for every complaint lodged against Maliki, I wouldn't be watching the dinar, I'd be rich already. Going after Maliki is going to require the cooperation of the judiciary, in my opinion. 
Mike:     Tlar, Yep, Katy bar the door, or better yet, get out of the Green Zone.  I would agree, this could be part of Maliki's playbook, destabilize the government and step in with his own militia to restore order and "save" the people of Iraq. The Green Zone has always been a buffer between the people of Iraq and their elite leadership, but that buffer is gone now. 
JD Blue:     And yep, Tlar. I loved what you wrote. I also pray that the 180 quorum can move forward and they do it ASAP... legaly and within constitutional means... because Sadr seems to be losing his control of the citizens... they are fed up. Either way... CHANGE has arrived... even though some just keep posting "same old, same old"
They either change soon... or the arab spring will do it for them. And none of us knows what that will look like
JD Blue:    G-lin posted this in the other shows that Sadr seems to be attempting to slow the roll... it goes to the point I was just making...the change is happening...maybe even faster than they hope or expect.
Chest: to stop any political action of the Sadrist movement and announce i'tikaaf two months
 Ali Mohsen Radi   Section: News  April 30, 2016 14:30
Announced the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, to suspend any political action of the Sadrist movement, noting that any minister in the government is not a candidate, but does not represent his government
Sadr i'tikaaf also announced two months rejection of the return of corruption and corrupt

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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