Don't WAIT!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Mountainman & Thunderhawk Saturday PM 4-30-16


Mountainman:  In Order for Values to REACH to the TOP......Some Must Go Up and others will Go Down......The Us Dollar will Move Further DOWN as The {TRANSITION} Continues it's CONTROLLED Pace.....

The Dollar Must LOSE it's Current PLace as The PRIMARY RESERVE I said before this will be a CONTROLLED FALL as Many Countries Move Into their POSITONS In this NEW GLOBAL REALITY.......

This w/CHINA Not being Pegged to the Dollar Anymore will Further the Pace of the MARKETS and Other Currencies Emerging.....IMO

Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New SET the PACE.......



Thunderhawk:  Backdoc Alert

China’s yuan fixing by PBOC jumps most since 2005

China's central bank guided the yuan higher at the sharpest pace since 2005 on Friday in a move analysts attributed to the dollar's weakness against major currencies.

The central bank, the People's Bank of China (PBOC), set the midpoint of the yuan trading band against the dollar at 6.4589, down 0.56 percent compared with the previous fix at 6.4954.

That's the biggest change since 2005, when China removed its peg to the dollar.
The pair was trading at 6.4743 midday Friday, compared with Thursday's close 6.4779.
The PBOC allows the yuan spot rate to rise or fall a maximum of 2 percent against the official fixing rate, which is set daily.

The cause of the jump in the yuan's level may be driven by forces outside China. The dollar index, which measures the dollar against a basket of currencies, has fallen 1.7 percent this week. The Japanese yen, in particular, has risen sharply against the greenback.

"Blame the Bank of Japan (BOJ)," said Patrick Bennett, a foreign-exchange strategist at CIBC. He noted that China now manages the renminbi against a trade-weighted basket of currencies. The BOJ's surprise decision Thursday to sit pat on policy caused the yen, one of the basket's components, to surge. The yen composes nearly 15 percent of the currency basket.

The euro, which makes up more than 20 percent of the basket, has also climbed this week, tacking on as much as 1.56 percent against the dollar.

Others pointed to recent U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) data and the U.S. Federal Reserve's post-meeting statement earlier this week.

"Today's strong fixing is triggered by the less upbeat U.S. GDP data after the Fed did not signal a rate hike in June," Iris Pang, senior economist for Greater China at Natixis, said in a note Friday. "We believe that the central bank is doing this intentionally as if the yuan is just one of the major currencies in the world, [it's move] should align with those currencies."

Advance figures for GDP in the first quarter showed the economy grew by a less-than-expected 0.5 percent, compared with expectations for 0.7 percent. The Fed's statement opted for caution, holding rates steady amid the apparent economic slowdown.
Many market participants had expected the BOJ would ease further after its surprise decision at the end of January to shift to a negative interest rate policy largely failed to spur bank lending, weaken the yen or boost economic activity.

Since the end of January, the yen has climbed, with the dollar fetching 107.30 yen midday Friday, down from levels over 120 yen before the BOJ's policy change.

The rise in the mainland's currency marks a sharp reversal from expectations near the beginning of the year, when traders were betting on further declines in the currency. The yuan has strengthened to trade near levels it touched in December of last year.

In August of last year, China shifted the market mechanism for setting its daily fixing, saying it would set the spot rate based on the previous day's closing, theoretically allowing market forces to play a greater role in its direction. That resulted in an effective 2 percent devaluation in the currency, a move which sparked fears of a "currency war" to make Chinese exports more competitive.


Mountainman:  The LAUNCH PROCESS is in FULL MOTION.......and The US and J.LEW are WATCHING.....{ALL}......Like A HAWK.....And THUNDER will Rain Down on those Who TRY to Prop Up Their Economies as We {SHIFT} Over to A New Reality.....

Thus WHY.....JAPAN is Letting their Market......Go w/ the FLOW of A NEW REALITY......and the U S A says....

If One "Tries" to Play Monetary Games.....One Will Pay A HEAVY Price in TRADE and by Other Means w/ Us......Yikes.....IMO
Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings.......for Those who THINK......w/OLD TOOLS of Trickery......

Thunderhawk:  Backdoc Alert

U.S. Puts China, Japan on New Watch List for FX Practices

The U.S. put economies including China, Japan and Germany on a new currency watch list, saying their foreign-exchange practices bear close monitoring to gauge whether they provide an unfair trade advantage over America.
The inaugural list also includes South Korea and Taiwan, the Treasury Department said Friday in a revamped version of its semi-annual report on the foreign-exchange policies of major U.S. trading partners. The five economies met two of the three criteria used to judge unfair practices under a February law that seeks to enforce U.S. trade interests. Meeting all three would trigger action by the president to enter discussions with the country and seek potential penalties.  Read More At:


Mountainman:  Well this ANALYSIS just {MAY} be A Test of New REALITY thinking for those in the (KNOW).......

WHY.....???......Because The MARKETS are About to TURN Over Like A Lake does Once the FROZEN ICE of WINTER Comes Off...from Rising Temperatures
In the Water......
As this {TRANSITION} Unfolds I believe between Now and The Coming Fall......No Pun  Intended.....LOL......The Market of "MAY" is About to be A Friend More than a Foe.....IMO......And a {SELL} is NOT a BAD WORD......

This has Much Wisdom on Both Sides of the {COIN}.......Time will Tell the Story......bit IMO Only.....TIME is NOT on Ones Side in this NEW GLOBAL REALITY.....
For it is APPROACHING Like A {HAWK} On It's PREY......IMO......CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL.....Not Meant for Investment ADVICE.......

Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings.......for a MAY DAY {STRATEGY}.....

Thunderhawk:  Backdoc Alert

It sounds crazy, but 'sell in May and go away' is good advice

Rhyming couplets can rarely be expected to serve as sound investment advice. But "sell in May and go away" may be a prominent exception.

"This old saying was proposed in the past … and it actually wasn't looked at until probably the late '90s. We looked at it, and indeed, it is persistent and it's economically just as strong as it was then," University of Miami associate professor Michael Fuerst told CNBC's "Trading Nation" this week.
Fuerst, along with fellow University of Miami professors Sandro Andrade and Vidhi Chhaochharia, reported in a 2012 paper that stock returns were 10 percent higher in the November-to-April half of the year than in the May-to-October period.

Importantly, this result isn't solely based on historical American stock returns. In that case, the academics could be making the all-too-common mistake of "proving" an adage by using the same evidence that was used to bring about that line of thinking.

Rather, they examined returns across 37 markets within a 14-year time period that was not tested in a prior paper that also found support for the sell in May effect.
In each of those 37 markets, returns in the May-to-October period were found to be smaller than those in the November-to-April period. The sample size here is relatively small, but by pooling the data, the authors were able to show statistical significance.
"This out-of-sample persistence indicates that the effect is enduring and not a statistical fluke," the authors conclude.
So what's the best way to capitalize on this effect?
Well, the problem with actually selling in May is that one is well-served by maintaining exposure to a full year's worth of equity returns. The approach Fuerst would suggest, then, is to double one's market exposure in the November-to-April period, and then simply hold Treasury bonds in the other period of time. By doing this, an investor could expect to outperform the market by a significant measure, Fuerst says.
Incidentally, the question of why this effect actually exists remains an open one.


Mountainman:  WOW....The UST BONDS are No Where NEAR this Kind Of Rate.....and VIETNAM {Knows}......What's Coming for their Currency.....

Duh......These Are BONDS......that will Be Something to Watch.......IMO.......INDEED
Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings.....for VIETNAM'S......B O N D S.........

Thunderhawk: VND6.7 trillion mobilised from Government bonds

The State Treasury mobilised VND6.745 trillion (US$293 million) worth of Government bonds through bids organised by the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) on April 27, reported Lao Dong newspaper.

VND5 trillion (US$217 million) was mobilised from 5-year bonds with an annual interest rate of 6.39%.

A additional VND1.5 trillion (US$65 million) in 5-year bonds was raised through a secondary auction.

The remaining VND245 billion (more than US$10 million) was made up of 30-year bonds with an annual interest rate of 8%.

The State Treasury has mobilised more than VND103.67 trillion (US$4.47 billion) worth of Government bonds since the beginning of this year.


Mountainman:  It doesn't Benefit ANYONE to Not Work together.....In Fact it Makes it Much EASIER.......therefore {COOPERATION} is Not A (NEW Word ), it's Been in the TRADE AGREEMENT/GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS Conversations for Many Months Now.....but as we Get CLOSER to The TRANSITION of The OLD REALITY to the {NEW}.....It's IMPERATIVE for COOPERATION to Be Paramount In {ALL} TRADE TALKS.......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings.......

Islandg1211:  Keyword: "Cooperation" among nations

Thunderhawk:  Banking cooperation biggest challenge in Iran-Indonesia ties: Envoy

Iran's Ambassador to Indonesia Valliollah Mohammadi-Nasrabadi described implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as a suitable opportunity for promoting mutual cooperation, saying that banking cooperation is the biggest challenge to bilateral ties.

While touring the Indonesian daily 'Republica', Mohammadi-Nasrabadi added that removal of international sanctions against Iran prompted Iran to follow up economic cooperation with other countries seriously.

He further noted that the Iranian and Indonesian nations have positive attitude towards each other.

Pointing to exemplary capacities of the two countries for boosting mutual ties in different fields, Iranian ambassador said that lifting anti-Iran sanctions has provided a suitable chance for bolstering cooperation and Tehran is ready for expanding economic relations with Indonesia.

Iranians are interested in Indonesian goods, he said, noting that paper, palm oil, textiles, coffee and cacao are among Indonesian exports to Iran.

Iran is also ready to have cooperation with Indonesia in electricity industry, oil and gas, renewable energies, highway construction and infrastructure projects, Mohammdi said.
Describing lack of banking relations between the two countries as the major challenge in the face of boosting bilateral ties, he said that Iran has so far dispatched several banking delegations to the country to help establish bilateral banking ties.

In 2011, volume of trade between the two countries exceeded to two billion dollars which fell to lower levels due to the sanctions, Mohammadi said, hoping that the exchanges will soon be raised to the previous levels.  Red More At:


Mountainman:  With IRAQ,VIETNAM, and So Many Countries On the THRESHOLD of A New Beginning in their Economies The {PACE} has to Move Ahead and w/Different Cultures/Languages and Manner of Life in General.......There is No TIME Left to Bicker and Barter.....So Get Going We Have MONEY to Make and New Deals to Make......IMO
Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings.....for CONVERGENCE......


Mountainman:   In LIFE we Can Either KEEP Chopping an Old DEAD ROTTED TREE......Or We can Bury the HATCHET "Forgive" and Move On to "NEW BEGINNINGS"......Well The US/VIETNAM ALLIANCE is One That Will MARK NEW HISTORY on Many Fronts.....FRAME IT.....
for TIME w/Show this as A FUTURE MILESTONE......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings.....says VIETNAM

Thunderhawk:  Ambassador highlights new beginning in Vietnam-US relations

Ambassador Pham Quang Vinh delivered a speech themed “Vietnam and the US in the 21st century: A new beginning” while attending the Vietnam War Summit at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas, on April 28 (local time).

Currently, Vietnam is the ASEAN nation with the biggest number of students (19,000) in the US. More than 500,000 US tourists came to the Southeast Asian country last year.

In his speech, the Ambassador also asked the US to recognise Vietnam’s market economy status and fully lift the ban on weapon sales to his country, which will be a favourable background for the upcoming visit to Vietnam by President Barack Obama.

The Vietnam War Summit from April 26 – 28 is to shed light on the war, its lessons and legacy. It was attended by some 5,000 people, including politicians, war veterans, researchers, and representatives of anti-war organisations and movements. US State Secretary John Kerry also gave a keynote address at the event.

Read entire post at :


Mountainman:  FAST TRACK TRADE......MADE to Just depends Where Your Country Will CONNECT w/this TRAIN of TRADE......China Knows this GOLDEN TRIANGLE is Going to BOOST their Respective ECONOMIES and to do So It take MONEY and the Will to Get it DONE......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings.......This TRAIN is Leaving......It's
STATION Soon.....

Thunderhawk:  China to Lend Over $6Bln for Russia's Moscow-Kazan High Speed Rail

China has agreed to provide a 400 billion-ruble ($6.2 billion) loan for Russia's Moscow–Kazan High-Speed Rail Project, the Russian Railways company said Friday.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, a Russian-Chinese working group on high-speed railway cooperation met in Beijing. Russian and Chinese delegations were led by Russian Railways First Vice-President Alexander Misharin and China Railway Vice General Manager Huang Min respectively, according to Russian Railways.

"The Chinese side will provide a financial loan equivalent to 250 billion rubles for the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod section and an amount equivalent to 150 billion rubles for the Nizhny Novgorod-Kazan section. The sides discussed possibilities of financing the project in US dollars and in yuan," the company said in a statement.

In late March, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich attended the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), where he invited Chinese business to take part in the implementation of high-speed rail projects in Russia, including the Moscow–Kazan railway and a high-speed railway between Samara and Tolyatti.

The project will be implemented as a public-private partnership through a concession, while the key points of the concession agreement are set to be agreed on by the end of the year.
As part of the agreement, China will also provide 53 billion rubles in equity financing, the statement added.

Moscow–Kazan High-Speed Rail Project was first proposed by Misharin in 2009, arguing that the project will spur innovation and increase population mobility. In 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the decision to go ahead with the project. China expressed initial interest in 2014, proposing for the project to become the initial stage of connecting Moscow and Beijing, with a view of extending it further into Europe, eventually reaching London

Mountainman:  "IT'S JUST the TIMING of INVESTMENT"........Well that says it {ALL}......There are MANY Factors to TIMING and TRANSITION....

This is No Different here.....and {ALL} Areas of INVESTING are Adjusting to the Winds of Change on a GLOBAL Even BIG NAME OIL Corps are NOT Immune to Loss in this Market......(Companies) like this are Well Worth the HISTORICAL Review of their GENESIS......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman    (8)=New Beginnings......Even for BIG OIL

Thunderhawk:  Big Oil still in turmoil even as rally relieves pressure

Oil giants report further losses even as prices start to head up

Crude prices are on the rise again, but even the biggest U.S. oil companies remain in turmoil, losing money on key operations, cutting jobs, and adding to the carnage of an oil bust that is pushing smaller companies into bankruptcy.


Mountainman:  ???.......Is there ANY DOUBT that What we See {NOW} Happening in Our Economy and The DOLLAR Slide is by Chance.....???......

Or Does it Measure A TEMPERATURE of the SEASONS of CHANGE for a CROSS OVER to NEW REALITIES Economically......IMO

Blessings,Mountainma  (8)=New Beginnings......for the U S A .........

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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