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Thursday, April 28, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-28-16  

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-28-16  
Economist: There are speculators are trying to exploit the scarcity of the dollar in the country
28/04/2016 10:19 |  Press direction - Special  He said economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine that there are speculators are trying to exploit the scarcity of the dollar in the country through the monopoly of the currency, while noting the need not to sell Ata in bulk by the central bank.[/rtl]
Antoine in an interview for "direction Press" He explained that the dollar price depends on supply and demand and the more decreases supply and increases demand rising dollar, noting that in the last period of the Central Bank of Iraq size of the sales of the dollar in half and got scarce in this currency.
He added: There are speculators are trying to exploit this process through the monopoly of the dollar, and must Aaba to the dollar in bulk, but is sold in a particular Import Alert program, pointing out that the method of selling by the central bank limits the purchase of limited practical people.[/rtl]
Antoine said that in light of the high prices of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar and the need for Iraq to foreign goods to pay higher prices in the domestic market, which adversely affects the poor and generates inflation in the country.[/rtl]
He warned a number of experts and specialists in the financial and economic of the continuing decline of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the US dollar and its impact on the economic situation in the country's affairs, calling on the central bank to take quick action and effective solutions for the sake of the stability of the dinar exchange to save the national economy price.]
 [tlm724] heres one for the banker man lol
[SHREDD] loved that article...scarcity of dollar good to see
[SHREDD] thanks, I hope this continues, as the need for the dinar will grow
[tlm724] *hallelujah*
[tlm724] must Aaba to the dollar in bulk, but is sold in a particular Import Alert program
[SHREDD] also, if the CBI doesn't balance the supply with the dollar, that could be very telling regarding timing of moving to float
[tlm724] we said that the other they need a different way of paying for imports, no more auctions
[tlm724] SHREDD can you expand on that (float) please
[SHREDD] opposite of sink lol 
[tlm724] lmao rootbeer float baby
[SHREDD] moving to a market economy
[tlm724] oh wait I may have something about that hang on, that commerce bill in parl today !
The Board did read the report and discuss the draft second amendment to the Law of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce Law No. (43) for the year 1989 submitted by the committees of economy and investment, financial and civil society institutions.
In the interventions of the ladies and gentlemen of Representatives MP said Abbas al - Bayati , the need for some amendments to the law , calling for acceptance of the trader is based Iraqi Federation of Chambers after determining the duration of his stay.
She drew MP Nora Albjara that the law contributes to devote Central, despite ongoing efforts to reform the economic reality. She MP Najiba Najib said the bill needs amendments fit with the free market economy and work to promote trade within Iraq between the provinces and territories.
[tlm724] Najib said the bill needs amendments fit with the free market economy
[tlm724] MP and Secretary Baker that the draft law contains clauses are not currently in line with the economic policy
[SHREDD] interesting wording
[tlm724] In its reply to the interventions relevant committee emphasized taking into account the views and proposals on the table to mature the bill.
[tlm724] yes ! we'll have to watch this one closely, just needs some tweaking to match their aspirations for a free market,  amendments  Wink
[SHREDD] the bill needs to be amended to fit with the free market economy....sounds like the free market economy piece is the settled piece
[cstacy] thanks
[SHREDD] amend to fit
[tlm724] exactly !
[SHREDD] cool, thanks timmy
[tlm724] my pleasure
Parliamentary Economy: The international community supports Iraq economically under the "strategies"

Economy  Since 04.28.2016 at 09:21 (Baghdad time) Special - balances News
Confirmed member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Najiba Najib, said Thursday that ending the presence of the terrorist Daash economy will achieve a great leap Iraq, while showed that the worsening of the political process will develop difficulties and challenges of the financial and economic movement of the country.
She said Najib's / balances News /, that "Iraq is going through a financial crisis reflected on the country's economy, but in contrast, there are indications of the trend for the better through higher oil prices and the international community's support for Iraq within the United Nations strategy and the World Bank as well as loans that will give it some nations for Iraq to rebuild the devastated areas, "indicating that" the end Daash means automatically leap quick movement to the economy of Iraq. "
She added, "The prime minister Haider al
She continued, "The local procedures established by Abadi, with the rise of oil prices and the liberalization of areas of Daash indicate the direction of Iraq for the better," pointing out that "whenever there is a political crisis whenever there is obstruction and difficulties facing the country's economy."
The International Monetary Fund's economic growth surge in Iraq expected to 2.9% during the current year 2016, indicating that the costs of the war led to high inflation and deteriorating financial centers. is over   From: Nur al-Din Wahba    LINK

[tlm724] that ending the presence of the terrorist Daash economy will achieve a great leap Iraq, while showed that the worsening of the political process will develop difficulties and challenges of the financial and economic movement of the country
[tlm724] stabilization on all fronts will boost their economy just the way we want it  
[tlm724] everyone calm down and keep your fingers outta the cookie jar while your at it *slap*
[SHREDD] well that's for sure
[tlm724] they have the international community's support !
[tlm724] they couldn't ask for much more
[tlm724] they have support and money (loans) and and and
[tlm724] come on Iraq get your sh.. together ! *whip*
[SHREDD] a sinking economy wouldn't have as much support imo emergency relief, sure but not loans
[tlm724] right Shredd they aren't gonna loan money to a failing economy with no economic plan in place !
[SHREDD] so the continued expectation of Iraq's wealth remains
[SHREDD] exactly
[tlm724] The International Monetary Fund's economic growth surge in Iraq expected to 2.9% during the current year 2016, indicating that the costs of the war led to high inflation and deteriorating financial centers.
Ebadi receives Biden and looking with developments in the political and security situation in Iraq 

​April 28, 2016  Ebadi receives Biden and looking with developments in the political and security situation in Iraq

Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Thursday, with US Vice President Joe Biden developments in the political and security situation in Iraq and the region.

Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Thursday, with US Vice President Joe Biden developments in the political and security situation in Iraq and the region.
A source told (Journal News) that "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, received this afternoon, US Vice President Joe Biden, who arrived in the capital, Baghdad."
The source added that "the meeting discussed the developments in the political and security situation in Iraq and the region."
It was Biden on Thursday made an unannounced visit to Iraq before, where he will meet with Iraqi officials to show support and to discuss the file of Mosul, according to officials in the American administration.  LINK
Biden in Baghdad made an unannounced visit

BAGHDAD - A Journal   Senior administration officials said on Thursday that US Vice President Joe Biden made an unannounced visit to Iraq before, while noting that Biden will meet with Iraqi officials to show support and discuss Mosul file.  LINK 
Abadi and Biden discuss political and military developments
Thursday 28-04-2016 | 4:58:02  Twilight News / Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Thursday afternoon, with US Vice President Joe Biden, political and military developments.
Thursday 28-04-2016 | 4:58:02  Twilight News / Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Thursday afternoon, with US Vice President Joe Biden, political and military developments.
Joe Biden, the US vice-president made an unannounced visit by Iraq on Thursday in a sign of support for the Iraqi government as it tries to build on the gains achieved in the battle against al-Islamic state in light of distractions caused by the political crisis.
A source said the Office of the Prime Minister of the Twilight News, Biden met with al - Abadi immediately after his arrival and discussed political and military developments in Iraq.
Tlm724:  This is the first time that he visited Biden Iraq since the United States withdrew its forces in 2011. It is the third highest - ranking US official to visit Iraq this month

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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