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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  4-26-16  Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  4-26-16  Part 2 of 3
rcookie says():Preliminary reading to see the Iraqi parties to the slogan out of the quota system
04/26/2016  Nizar al-Samarrai
Cabinet reshuffle and the formation of a new government away from sectarian quotas and Iraq has become a popular demand and a political year for the majority of the Iraqi people, if not all of them.
While everyone agrees on this differ in their approach to the subject as the go partisan ideologies and attitudes that are in the box for special interests away from public Ermsalehh which aims at, apparently from the logo.
Here we are trying to read the political blocs to see this slogan as we conclude and Naolh of the declared discourse through the media or actions on the ground, an attempt to get to see all of Freibq Almokhtsamh difference.
 First: the power of mass popular
Represents the mass mainstream popular majority of the people that can Nstalh the majority silent (or that were silent), a category of unrelated political parties and blocs, but at the same time are the most affected by the decisions and guidelines by the government or other authoritarian blocs.
This category looks at the reshuffle as a Anatkad power from the domination of the political parties that wanted possession of the ministries and state institutions to achieve their own interests as you make the citizen feel Bhoh between him and the institution of the state and therefore believes that the switch ministerial cabin, which was formed from the political parties representatives,
cabin Other of independent technocrats could contribute to neutralize the state institutions and thus build a strategy for the management of the government away from political agendas and achieve what is known as the state institutions and therefore any minister in the next government, whatever his affiliation and political orientation will find himself in front of the Ministry operated strategy is clear and the laws of the window for everyone and that any decision or action taken by the law will face away from the strongly within the institution itself.
But what's wrong on this category it is fragmented, inconsistent, Mnsaqh often media discourse which is often reproduce political discourse, and thus are often exploited by political parties, to impose their agendas in conflict with other power of the political blocs.
rcookie says():Second: the Sadrists
Sadr's movement is the primary interface to stream popular and widely Kan simple people and the poor of the general public, which it bears a great responsibility to represent this category, which are often the victim of political conflicts in the country.
It declared the Sadrist discourse is the same approach the mass popular trend, any switch ministerial cabin, which represents the political blocs new cabin this basis technocrats, independents who have to bear the responsibility for establishing a new basis for the management of government institutions and to prove the sincerity of his departure was the initiator of the payment of the ministers who represent them to offer their resignations to the prime minister , not the head of the block or the current leader as it was being earlier, a process that calculates a step.
But what is taken on the Sadrist movement he made cabins incomplete individually and called for adopting new as a government, this move away from the foundations of the political work in a multi-directions and alliances parliamentary country ...
and so this approach could Aool that he impose the agenda of the current parliament and other blocs, in addition to that the Sadrists did not go to develop a comprehensive agenda does not stop at the borders of cabinet reshuffle or other government institutions, but rather go to the basis for the analysis of the political process itself, and thus put radical solutions may go as far as to change the Constitution itself.
Third: The current state law
The current state of law is the most prominent among the political blocs, which operates under a fixed political agenda with the tactics change from time to time as circumstances require. What distinguishes this movement that he leads the power effectively as it accounts for the majority of state institutions, and therefore, its performance is heavily influential in the course of things.
Although this trend is driving, actually in front of the objectors of Representatives on quotas, and advocates a change to the state institution, but it is in fact stop at the borders without factional interest beyond it to a holistic change probably affects the foundations Aadioljath in the management of power in the country.
Valtiar accounts for the majority of senior positions in the government (prime minister, agents and ministers, independent bodies, general managers, special grades) and therefore is seen to call for the distribution of positions in accordance with the so-called (the balance between ingredients) and compatibility between the blocks,
the abandonment of many of the positions that captures them, so the number of its leaders or represent them to leave their posts where they are now, and this is the demolition of the long-term strategy that worked to achieve over the past eight years, which was the current head of Nuri al-Maliki in which leading authority in Iraq.
He also believes that the three presidencies (the Republic, the government, parliament) had conspired to the President the power to deprive him of a third term and continue to chair the government in collaboration with the leadership (of the Supreme Council and the Sadrists) and therefore destabilize the staff of these presidencies constitute a reprisal, or step may be able to Payment which his supporters to occupy the presidential office (government and parliament) for the remainder presidency is having an impact on the political situation, especially since the Kurds confine their attention to the interests of the region without the public interest of Iraq.
From here, the current state of the law is seen to abolish the quota system as a continuation of its representatives in the occupy positions Atqldonha day, so we did not find any mention in the speech of this trend to the (independent bodies, and deputy ministers and directors general), not even the subject of independent technocrats only transiently ,
it is also clear platform for the management of the state did not provide means he still retains the approach to the work of the former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who is leading this trend in both states, which has held power in them.
rcookie says():Although the propositions expressed by the current leader Ammar al-Hakim with respect to the State Administration institution, carry a lot which can be the basis for the construction of the political process, particularly with regard to the formation of a transient block range and nationalism, but the practical actions of the stream does not stray from the fundamentals partisan,
so I could see a kind of contradiction in a speech this trend, while avoiding asking a clear vision of a well-defined with respect to the conflict, and the adoption of broad features of speech can go construed to more than doctrine, especially since he and the reality between two demands Dhagtin it,
the first Shiite rhetoric which finds that in confrontation with the other (the Sunnis and the Kurds) and that any position should distance for compatibility with these two components (in particular), and thus on this trend going away from quotas,
while the second trend relates to see the power that Iraq is a country components and that the political process was built from the ground up on compatibility and therefore abandon this can lead to a wide disagreement between the components may lead to Balnhi division, and the division could lead to fighting for power within the three components itself. Hence, the current find on the subject of quotas and compatibility (necessary evil) according to the nature of the conditions experienced by Iraq.
Fifth: the Kurdistan Alliance
Connects the Kurdistan Alliance, the position of the quota system, the more we can bring him gain, on the grounds that it is representative of the component Kurdish, so the quota system is a condition for its existence in the government on the basis of political participation and not popular, so he is a Kurdish citizen to be nominated for the position of the non-representative to the Kurdistan region as long as he is a candidate for the coalition, so it felt like the quota system is a national entitlement and electoral representation and the existence of a specific rate is the price that you pay to the state due to the survival of the region is part of Iraq.
And often includes the Kurdish speech that the region is not part of the conflict, which Ihsrunh as a conflict (Shiite - Sunni) or (Shiite -hiei) and they do so with the party that guarantee them (the rights of the province) in the Iraqi state, regardless of all the other dilemmas regarding the political process .
Sixth: The National Coalition
The loser national coalition, the largest of the entire political process, at a time who could this coalition to achieve long-sectarian alliance to reach a majority in the elections before the final and almost form a government without the Federal Court's controversial decision, was the victim of his alliance with the political entities (Sunni) oriented religious, to split apart and thus lose a lot of supporters, particularly since the image of the political process that the United States painted of Iraq, requires there to be formations represented entities sectarianism and nationalism, which agreed orientations of the regional countries that are trying to each application of certain agenda in Iraq through political blocs that supported .
With the leadership of the (historical) Actress hands that Allawi is a Shiite origins of this trend, not the other allied entities to get away for the formation of an entity is represented as a component so that it can negotiate on behalf of the component and get a place in the line-up, which has made the national coalition is disappointed Conveniently the biggest loser, the Shiite parties are no longer members of the coalition of Shiite representatives of the component, and the Sunni parties are not members of the coalition of representatives of the component of the year.
Therefore, get rid of the sectarian quota system may enable the coalition members from reaching the presidential positions or ministries.
And perhaps taken this coalition blurred public his views, he remains under the influence of floating slogans without an ideology specific expressive vision of the Coalition for the management of the state, is evident from his year that alliances Other hinder provide his vision of the events explicitly, making it part of the continuing criticism.
Seventh: Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi
rcookie says():Perhaps Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the owner of the biggest problem caused by the fragmentation of the reality in Iraq and the conflict of the political blocs on power.
The man who, before addressing the situation at the moment can be described as historic, he found himself prisoner different visions, each of which seeks to achieve the factional gains for the benefit of a particular block at the expense of the other blocs.
At a time when he wanted so-called government of the powerful partnership that have an impact on the decisions of the parliamentary blocs, the presence of the leaders, including within the government, it turned to the contrary, ie, that the political blocs are tried to impose its agenda on the government over the leaders they represent,
what a contradiction evident born in process State administration, which has tended to fragmentation and division more than what was in it, especially since Abadi inherited a treasury empty, occupied parts of the organization Daash, internal threats, and conflicts over oil between the province and the center and a lot of other problems left by the previous government to him.
Although the US and international support was able to achieve for Ebadi opportunity to overcome a number of problems, but the internal conflict, which is the most serious was a hotbed of tension going on, for several reasons,
perhaps the most important that some of the bloc to which he belongs Abadi leaders find the successes achieved, particularly with regard to liberalization Tikrit, Anbar and orientation for the Liberation of Mosul confirm the previous government administration fails, which it operates in two directions,
first blocking these routes by creating internal conflicts, and the second attempt to switch Abadi character other can be credited in the liberation of Mosul, which is controlled by regulating Daash terrorist by attributing the most prominent event in the Iraq over the last ten years.
Therefore, it managed Abadi to form a government of independent technocrats can get rid of the pressure posed by the presence of political leaders around the cabinet table, and thus enable him to obtain greater freedom in decision-making and management of the government as appropriate for his views,
and thus it can also get rid of the pressure posed belonging to the block divided about it, and liberates this may be compatible with the demands of the other, as he comes to make it closer to building institutions of government.
However, that at the same time might make him lose the support that he needs in difficult situations of great influence on the decision-blocks, either in the House or outside. It remains reluctance and inability to make the right decision at the right time, the most prominent problem Abadi, who finds some of the leader of Iraq, but from everywhere shackled handcuffs quotas and compatibility.
rcookie says():HERE YOU GO....CLICK INTO THIS VIDEO....WOW!!
rcookie says():Jubouri and members of the five blocks walk in the House of Representatives Hall
Tuesday 26-04-2016 | 1:14:16  Twilight News Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri and his two deputies Hamoudi and Aram Sheikh Mohammed to the Council Chamber / income.
According to a parliamentary source, both the Liberals and the Badr and the citizen and the Kurdistan Alliance and virtue, and the Union of Forces bloc had entered with the Presidency, and they are now waiting for a quorum for the meeting is complete.
rcookie says():Urgent .. Source: chest may lead to civil disobedience if parliament failed to achieve reform
Tuesday 26-04-2016 | 1:20:01  Twilight News / close to the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr officials said on Tuesday that the latter may be tempted to call for civil disobedience if the House of Representatives was unable to achieve reform vote on the cabinet reshuffle, the new government of the cabins.
And gathered thousands of followers Sadrists since Tuesday morning in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad in a demonstration is the "greatest" was called by the chest two days ago.
ol lar says():dont see a video link
larrykn says():gm everyone :)
jtank says():GO Sadr !


larrykn says to rcookie():wow , just read the news , SO Sadr, go Adibi lets get this done today :)

jtank says():what do they need 176
larrykn says to rcookie():gm sir ty for the news :)
ol lar says():saw a screen shot on Iraqia news from Parl at 173
ol lar says to jtank():I think 164
jtank says():Sadr has his peaceful army putting on the squeeze
jtank says():olar thx
clay says to jtank():ol lar hey guys see we're still here
larrykn says to clay():still waiting to see what they get done
rcookie says():TRY THIS..
ol lar says to jtank():
ol lar says to jtank():It was peaceful now something happened and not so peaceful
clay says to ol lar():thanks buddy
rcookie says():Shut down all entrances to the Green Zone
PM: 03: 05: 26/04/2016 Khandan  Khandan -ali Naji
Security forces sealed off, all entrances to the Green Zone and prevented the entry or exit of any person to and from the region, with the continuation of the parliamentary session attended by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi contract.
A source told the reporter, "Khandan" that "the security forces responsible for protecting the Green Zone, the closure of all entrances to the region, including gates Harithiyah and Suspension Bridge," adding, "as well as those forces decided to ban the entry or exit of any person for the area."
He pointed out that "these actions taken by a few, with the breadth of the preparation of the demonstrators in Tahrir Square and in front of one of the gates of the region," adding that "the situation in the House of Representatives, is also one of the reasons for closing all the doors of the Green Zone."
ol lar says():Jubouri is getting mad
futuremoney says():I believe its time for Albahdi to dissolve parliment...
ol lar says():those people are nuts
futuremoney says():yep
clay says to ol lar():thats why we're still here
clay says to futuremoney():GM
futuremoney says():and I thought OUR congressmen were self serving..
rcookie says():Urgent .. parliament starts voting on the cabinet reshuffle and suites Maliki is trying obstruction
Tuesday 26-04-2016 | 3:04:57 Twilight News / Iraqi parliament began voting on the cabinet reshuffle made by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
A source said a representative of the Twilight News, he was to begin a paragraph reshuffle by the deputies present.
He pointed out that state law-Maliki wing is trying to block the vote and not to go out the new cab without sacking the Presidency
Hutch says():WOW This is crazy !
larrykn says():how long before Adabi has had enough is the big question
futuremoney says to rcookie():LOL
Hutch says to larrykn():Great question'
larrykn says to Hutch():going to be a very interesting day
futuremoney says to rcookie():Abadi has to pull the pin soon...
jtank says():sadr will push this or trash the place
rcookie says():HERES ONE THAT SAYS 173...
rcookie says():. Urgent parliamentary session held in the presence of Salim al - Jubouri and 173 deputies
rcookie says to Hutch():GM HUTCH....GOT YOUR HELMET ON....
jtank says():tinfoil
rcookie says to Hutch(:  COME ON IN THE WATERS WARM......
Hutch says():And snorkel
larrykn says to rcookie():what I'm watching is this live or pre recorded
Baxter says():IRaq tv now... it takes a couple seconds to load..
angus says():WOW! those women are going to have huge arms.... lol
rcookie says():GMT 10:46 2016 Althelaia April 26 GMT 12:03 2016 Althelaia April 26:Last Updated
Gilmore warned the international community to deal with Baghdad
The Iraqi government rejects the characterization of the UN have a failure
Dr. Osama Mahdi
Hutch says to rcookie():CL with hand on forehead 
rcookie says():The Iraqi government rejected the UN official described it as a failure, and considered it a blatant interference in Iraqi affairs, the United Nations and called for the non - aligned positions seeking to hit the national unity.
BAGHDAD: The Iraqi government noted that "the task of the Human Rights Commissioner confined in coordination with the government on humanitarian and relief work on the displaced and human rights," adding that "what made by Kate Gilmore of talk about state institutions work and the political process is Takttiya of the task assigned to them and blatant interference in the internal affairs of Iraq. "
Gilmore accused of bias
The government said in a press statement seen the text "Elaf" that "the word of Gilmore for the situation in Iraq was biased and influenced by the positions of political parties struggling to obstruct the work of the Iraqi state, not only in dealing with the humanitarian crisis resulting from the war waged by Iraq to liberate its territories from the impurity of" terrorism " Daash and the gang, but beyond it into the political process as a whole. "
The Gilmore after a visit to Iraq made a very bleak picture of the situation in Iraq, pointing out that this country is run by a failed government, and called on the international community not to get involved with the failed leadership, and called on Iraqi politicians to agree on concrete steps to plan for after the fall of Daash and agree on see national League based on equality and the rule of law.
Relief to the displaced and reconstruction Whitman transparency and accuracy
The Iraqi government continued to say that "plans reconstruction relief operations are in full transparency and accuracy through joint work between the central government and local authorities in the provinces experiencing battles with a gang of terrorist Daash" .. pointing out that "all the plans laid down by the government for the liberated areas to provide dignified return for the displaced to their homes. "
She stressed that "the relief effort and secure the return of displaced persons to the liberated areas is an essential part of the Iraqi government's effort in the war on terrorism and complement the military battle against the terrorist gang Daash, and hold simultaneously."
And demanded the Iraqi government and the United Nations and its institutions to exercise precision and focus on the process of improving the assistance provided by the United Nations to displaced Iraqis and where a great reluctance from the internationalist side before launching any position the work of the Iraqi state institutions ..
It also has been invited to the non-aligned to the positions of known targets sought to the national unity and internal cohesion which hit Rschth battle against "terrorism."
- See more at: LINK

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