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Friday, April 29, 2016

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Friday Afternoon 4-29-16


Islandg1211:   Tomorrow is going to Big with Blessings!! ...

Because last Fall the PTB became committed to Iraq. IMO

US military was sent back to deal with ISIS and liberate Mosul, Fallujah, Ramadi, Tikrit, Anbar region. God Bless our Troops! God be with the citizens as they fight for their own freedom, and all the coalition forces, Kurds and Iraqi forces. Liberation is Here! It is Now. 

IMF and the CBI made a plan for Iraq's Monetary Reform in November. It's Done.

IMO it was targeted for yesterday, and coordinated with Jack Lew last week. It was picked up by Biden, signed off by the BIS (according to Frank), yesterday, given to the IMF, waiting for the CBI's big reveal, and the UST release of the rate. 

Tomorrow, we will see Abadi's remaining Ministers voted in.

Tomorrow, we very well could see more arrests including Maliki. Good Bye Allak and Maliki and Hello Shabibi's RV. 

Gold and Oil have been loosened from the USD and PTB to allow their respective prices to increase  to a targeted range (IMO.) 

Yes, Virginia, there really was a Date and a Rate. It's called a plan. 
KTFA Cont……

SupremeDalek:  That sounds good to me. 

Ramadan begins on June 6th, if I'm not mistaken, so it makes sense to get this done now and to get the citizens used to the idea of using their own currency once again.  That should go far in settling down that region and bringing tourism back to a country that has much to offer in that regard.  Let's hope Saturday goes well.

Redstarr:  Found this a little curious.....they are basically saying fees are being imposed
to pay for the new LD's.....which will be out soon.....IMO......thoughts?

Rasheed and purchase of dollars

Where the currency on the basis of buying and selling of currencies (the dollar) from the customers bank and official departments and companies reliant on the basis of market prices to the nearest Stock Exchange and by a committee formed in section consisting of 3 authorized employees and the bank will benefit from the profits realized from the sale operations and purchase and commissions.

Where it is imposing a commission of 4% on the purchase of bank operations for small coins (less than $ 50).


Aggiedad77:  Interesting find indeed thoughts are this should get Frank a bit excited......why......the source of the information.....the Rasheed of the three....the big they do appear to be mentioned LD' me....

IMO....the 4% commission is a non-issue....just the fact that they are talking in this direction is a GREAT indicator....IMO.   Aloha    Randy

ReddStarr: "Termination of proxy positions".......

We will complete the cabinet reshuffle on Saturday within  professional contexts!

"Parliament will complete the cabinet reshuffle on Saturday within professional contexts."

He said al - Bayati told {Euphrates News} on Friday, "The House of Representatives
awaiting the second meal of the reshuffle, and we hope to be on Saturday to vote on a
ministerial cabin, as long as the Council stressed the overall change must be Parliament
sticking his decision and expect to be Saturday complement Day Tuesday ", stressing that
" the parliament prepared to vote on the aspirations of the ministerial changes. "

he added that" the second phase of the cabinet reshuffle will include the termination of positions managed by proxy, changing general managers, and would go reforms forward inclusion all the sites that should be within professional contexts. "

the voice of the House of Representatives in its regular, on Tuesday, led by Salim al - Jubouri , head of the Council, and attended by 183 MPs on the decision not to constitutional and legal actions taken in the absence of legal majority, in addition to the approval of the five new ministers technocrats within the cabinet reshuffle by hosting Haider al - Abadi Prime Minister


Aggiedad77:  Ok, I see several "Frank IMO's here it would seem (see article below)  .......first the proxy positions being mentioned.....then....we have the second phase of the cabinet reshuffle...where is that deck of cards when you need them......third the changing of the general managers....

IMO....they are speaking of those that Frank mentioned who are being arrested.....why else change them unless they were corrupt and needing to be herded before the Federal Courts........and finally.....look the REFORMS.....where are they going....FORWARD.....
Bring those wayward MP's back into Parliament tomorrow....let's push this whole effort forward for the good of Iraq and their people....

For once think of something besides your wallet....or that wad of money you keep under your robe.   Aloha   Randy
​Walkingstick:  Panama Papers Part 2: The world's dirty laundry becomes searchable

The first round of leaked documents brought the murky financial practices of the world's elite to light. Now the "largest ever" release of secret corporate information will be searchable.
April 27, 2016
It might be too early for the world's rich and powerful to put their lawyers back in storage, with news that the world is about to see round two of the Panama Papers. And this time, they'll be searchable.
The Panama Papers label refers to more than 11 million legal and financial records of the world's power elite taken from Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca.
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a German newspaper and other news groups spent more than a year sifting through these records, and earlier this month published documents exposing the tax shelters of 140 politicians and public figures, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, Icelandic government officials and beleaguered soccer organization FIFA.
Now the ICIJ has announced that it will be dumping a second batch of documents regarding hundreds of thousands of offshore entities as part of its ongoing Panama Papers investigation.
The new raft of documents will be released on May 9, with basic corporate information on more than 200,000 offshore entities made available in a searchable database.
While the ICIJ says round two won't include a "data dump" of the original documents or the large-scale release of personal data, it has said the next phase "will likely be the largest ever release of secret offshore companies and the people behind them."
"Panama" is the millions of documents to be published early next month

Date: 28/04/2016
It announced that the organization was behind the publication of "Panama papers", on Thursday, that the millions of documents that revealed a large tax evasion scandal centered in the world will be published as of May 9.
"The consortium" international journalism investigation, said in a statement that "the database will include information on more than 200 thousand Foundation and fund company registered in the tax haven of the 21 Hong Kong through Nevada in the United States."
Since the beginning of April, "Panama papers" have led to investigations in the world and to the resignation of the Prime Minister of Iceland and the Minister of Spanish.
Documents showed Al11.5 million from the law firm "Musak Fonseca" Panama, published by about 100 media outlets which, widely used in large-scale companies "offshore" status allows balances in countries where taxes are limited.
In a statement "consortium" stressed that the studies on these documents, "ongoing" and that new articles will be published "in the coming weeks and months."
And "consortium" the Washington-based, posted on the Internet in the 2013 database of information about the precedent known as the "Offshore Lex" .anthy / 25

THE WINGITCALL FOR APRIL 29th, 2016 ~ 3:30pm EST~

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Dinar Updates: 



wmawhite   "The United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Baghdad has said Iraq has the potential to become an economic force in the region, and encouraged British businesses to take advantage of the opportunities it presents." 

Now I must can UK's businesses take advantage of the opportunities in Iraq UNLESS the GBP can move freely into and out of with the requirements of IMF Article 8?  

Folks... remember...we can not argue about the facts...FACT: United Kingdom businesses are being encouraged to get into Iraq now!


Harambe:  Emerging Currencies Gain Third Month Led by Real as Oil Climbs

Harambe:  Oil prices hit fresh 2016 highs on weak dollar, US output fall

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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